Kotetsu534 12/13/2018 6:10:11 PM#401
I missed the whole of this contest (and the whole of the last contest, though it seems there wasn't much to miss) up to the Legends Bracket commencing, but as soon as I started reading you guys' write ups I was right back into it. Thanks.

Especially to Moltar - love your writing.
We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
ZeldaTPLink 12/13/2018 6:15:08 PM#402
Thanks for doing this, guys! Really fun, as always.
squexa 12/13/2018 6:39:15 PM#403
Yeah, great job to the crew, the guest and Lopen for their great write-ups every match!
congrats to BKSheikah the BYIG guru
Cloud please, I need this accuracy point
snake_5036 12/13/2018 7:27:36 PM#405
congrats on lasting an hour and 25 minutes before surrendering 60% to link
You felt your sins weighing down on your neck.
Fou Lu 12/13/2018 7:38:13 PM#406
This contest needs to end forever. It's always Link vs Cloud.
I smolder with generic rage.
ZeldaTPLink 12/13/2018 7:39:47 PM#407
Fou Lu posted...
This contest needs to end forever. It's always Link vs Cloud.

Fou Lu posted...
I smolder with generic rage.
The largest bracket ever was not a problem for Advokaiser. Congratulations!
LeonhartFour 12/13/2018 10:03:30 PM#408
Good contest, Cloud. Glad to see you've still got something left in the tank.
spooky96 12/14/2018 12:48:28 AM#409
Good contest, it's always fun to see tons of 50-50 matches this late in a contest. Great work by the crew and guests, this was the first time when I followed the crew topic more than the stats topic.

We absolutely need to see Samus vs Cloud next contest though.
red sox 777 12/14/2018 12:50:40 AM#410
Cloud looked doomed when he barely broke 60% on Alucard and Sephiroth got smoked almost as badly by Mario. In the end, he comes away with the silver, once again.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
I love how after all the crazy results this contests we somehow end up with Link vs Cloud in the finals again.
A huge part of why this contest season has been so fun for me is the Analysis Crew. Not just because of the opportunity to contribute for myself, but because of the Crew members (and Lopen) who really know their stuff. Having to do four write ups per day (before the break) is no mean feat, and yet all of you pulled it off with aplomb! So thank you to the Crew for making this contest what it's been, and I want to apologize on behalf of all the guests who didn't submit the write-ups they signed up for in time.
Hail the reigning Guru champ, Advokaiser!
You proved yourself more statistically metal-minded than I ever have been - well done!
(edited 12/14/2018 12:58:57 AM)reportquote
Lopen 12/14/2018 10:56:44 AM#413
To be fair to the guests the format with 4 matches per day made it kinda hard to see matches coming if you didn't do your write-up immediately. I almost missed a match as a guest slot, and I was willingly inflicting this suffering of doing write-ups (low effort as they were) for every match so I mean, yeah.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
transcience 12/14/2018 11:04:02 AM#414
I bet seeing that a match was 7 matches away, but is actually in 1-2 days, is a little weird. the format can be tough to keep up with. i’ve written up the wrong match before and then had to double check to see I did the right ones. I wrote up Cloud/Mario instead of Link/Zelda and ended up throwing that writeup out.

I’m glad this contest is over — that last week was tedious with the rematches and trying to stay tuned in.
add the c and back away
Safer_777 12/14/2018 1:55:02 PM#415
So all topics of the crew and of the stats are saved somewhere?
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
transience 12/14/2018 2:34:44 PM#416
wow I forgot BYIG was only one topic lol
Lopen 12/14/2018 4:08:39 PM#418
I recommend the 06 and 07 stuff most. I feel like those years were the best mix of crew quality and contest enthusiasm
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
The Mana Sword posted...
wow I forgot BYIG was only one topic lol

which tells you everything you need to know about that contest
Safer_777 12/14/2018 4:37:25 PM#420
Yeah it was stupid. Still it was something different at least.
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
Lopen 12/14/2018 4:47:43 PM#421
Man I'm thumbing through these a bit and past the nostalgia rush I can't believe I was an official crew member from 2006 to 2013. I thought my tenure was much shorter. Appears I did the unofficial gimmick in 2015 too though I didn't get through them all unlike this year.

I mean, in spirit it kinda wasn't that long because I really felt I lost a lot of enthusiasm sometime between 2010 and 2013 and my write-ups weren't as wacky and fun.

But I did enjoy the callback this year. Fun contest, though the loser's bracket was a slog and the further Nintendo Skew was disappointing. With proper motivation to actually do proper write-ups this whole year I think I could've had fun with it. I mean I did have fun with it but the write-ups were, as said time and time again (and for good reason) half-assed. Did try to put a bit more effort for guest slots I actually signed up for though.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
transience 12/14/2018 4:54:30 PM#422
you analyzed every match. I don't think being an official part of it would have changed anything except for some recap numbers!
transience 12/14/2018 5:03:21 PM#423
oh, and if you actually want to get a sense of what the contests were like, nothing's better than reading old crew writeups. right or wrong, we always represent the conventional wisdom of the contest.
Lopen 12/14/2018 5:06:26 PM#424
Well with an actual spot I would've put a bit more effort into write-ups rather than hitting so many of em with like two sentences. We'd get closer to the write-up quality provided from the official guest write-ups I did.

So what I mean is it would've taken me like 4x the time for marginal benefit. Maybe it's better that I didn't
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
LeonhartFour 12/14/2018 11:06:47 PM#425
Had to go back and see which year was my first full year with the Crew. Turns out it was the 2009 Games Contest. I randomly was part of the Crew for the 2006 Series Contest and then got dropped for a few years...!
I don’t even remember what year(s) I was in the crew. I am terrified to look at my old writing.
I'm Rose Coldsteel, from Legend of Coldsteel
transcience 12/15/2018 12:05:43 AM#427
I’m considering doing a contest project. should i:

1. rank contests with writeups
2. rank the top xx most important matches in contest history (not best - that’s boring)
add the c and back away
(edited 12/15/2018 12:06:00 AM)reportquote
LeonhartFour 12/15/2018 12:14:49 AM#428
Eh, I feel like best contests has been done a bunch of times already. Most important matches would be more interesting, I think.
Kotetsu534 12/15/2018 3:46:29 AM#429
Most important matches - quite a lot to debate about why/why not a match could be seen as important. Was Draven beating Jak and Chie more "important" than most of his later wins in the sense that it proved he could rally his way from way behind to a win? Some early round matchups that led to or prevented SFF-fests in 4-ways could also be seen as important (think 2009 Games had a lot of this).
We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
(edited 12/15/2018 3:47:01 AM)reportquote
It was really fun contributing write ups this year! I owned Lightning vs chloe
transcience 12/15/2018 7:24:59 AM#431
i’m sure it would generate debate. based on your comment, I feel like my list might be totally different than yours.
add the c and back away
Safer_777 12/15/2018 7:26:14 AM#432
I suggest the ranking of matches.
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
I feel like I know off the top of my head what the most important match ever was, but I don't know how I'd rank a list of them myself.
transience 12/15/2018 7:32:47 AM#434
Leon and I will probably a lot more in line. I get the feeling I know what your #1 is.
transience 12/15/2018 10:11:47 AM#435
well, I went through 2002-2010 and have 88 notable matches so far. gonna need to cut some stuff cause I'm not doing 100+ matches! maybe 25 or 30 or so, depending on where the cutoff feels appropriate.
boy, the starts topic went from zero to all fictional character battle in record time this year
transcience 12/15/2018 11:10:00 AM#437
thanks for bringing that drivel here! (i almost offered my thoughts but then someone might respond to it)
add the c and back away
The Mana Sword posted...
boy, the starts topic went from zero to all fictional character battle in record time this year

transcience posted...
thanks for bringing that drivel here! (i almost offered my thoughts but then someone might respond to it)

What exactly is wrong with this given Geralt got in?
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
http://www.twitch.tv/ultimaterializerx ; https://imgur.com/dsnL40n
Safer_777 12/15/2018 2:45:40 PM#440
Oh yeah.
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
Lmao at summoning ulti
I'm Rose Coldsteel, from Legend of Coldsteel
The Mana Sword posted...
boy, the starts topic went from zero to all fictional character battle in record time this year

well the most dominant Link ever will do that
Big Bob 12/15/2018 6:45:44 PM#443
Most controversial matches?
Come watch me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gameryogi
Lopen 12/15/2018 8:03:52 PM#444
Talking straight X-Stats Link was in about the same place he always was it's just his #1 and #2 competitors fell off to the levels of the rest of the chaff. Mario and Crono and Mega Man and the rest were in about the 38-41 range like they always are. Like Cloud couldn't challenge him but that's only because he was struggling to beat Mario

Not that that makes much of a difference but yeah
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
transience 12/15/2018 8:20:14 PM#445
ranking important matches is hard. I'll probably fill up a topic just arguing which Starcraft match was the biggest.
Lopen posted...
Talking straight X-Stats Link was in about the same place he always was it's just his #1 and #2 competitors fell off to the levels of the rest of the chaff. Mario and Crono and Mega Man and the rest were in about the 38-41 range like they always are. Like Cloud couldn't challenge him but that's only because he was struggling to beat Mario

Not that that makes much of a difference but yeah

Yeah, there's a reason why I said most dominant instead of strongest.
Master Moltar 12/15/2018 9:31:06 PM#447
Crew Predictions: 128/150

Crew Prediction Challenge:

Monika: 126
transience: 125
Kleenex: 122
Leonhart: 120
Guest: 116

Crew Accuracy Challenge: transience gets the point for Cloud and Leonhart gets the point for Link.

transience: 38
Guest: 34 (BetrayedTangy, SuperNiceDog (4), pjbasis, garetha200 (4), ZenOfThunder, Ranticoot (2), Hbthebattle (2), NowItsAngeTime, spooky96 (4), RoseChevalier, Lopen (2), paulg235 (3), DoctorJimmy133, Janus5k, BT, TsunamiXXVIII, ctesjbuvf (2), MetalmindStats (2))
Kleenex: 33
Monika: 24
Leonhart: 23

final wrap-up post coming soon, ahaha~
Moltar Status: contest hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives: http://thecrew.speedrunwiki.com/
Just Monika
I'm Rose Coldsteel, from Legend of Coldsteel

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