Character Battle X Contest Analysis Crew - Part 10 GameFAQs Contests
if I never have to read the words hentai rally after this contest ever again it’ll be too soon |
topic is a tough read because it's filled with people who made some
lucky picks trying to act smart while misapplying buzzwords like SFF and
bandwagons and whatnot to justify why their picks-- not trying to act
elitist or anything I mean they did way better than me this contest (and probably most contests!) but yeah just saying hentai rallies aren't really the problem at all. No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
did specifically mean hentai rallies, TJF - all that stupid shit that
delegitimizes every time a female character has won a match and boils it
down to “oh well she just won because people just like jerking off to
her”. Drives me up the wall. |
The Mana Sword posted... I did specifically mean hentai rallies, TJF - all that stupid shit that delegitimizes every time a female character has won a match and boils it down to “oh well she just won because people just like jerking off to her”. Can you proof TJF isn’t real? I rest my case Communists |
The Mana Sword posted... I did specifically mean hentai rallies, TJF - all that stupid shit that delegitimizes every time a female character has won a match and boils it down to “oh well she just won because people just like jerking off to her”. I don't see the problem. Didn't you know that you're only allowed to legitimately vote for a character if they're a mute Nintendo mascot? Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Well he did lose to Vivi... Come watch me on Twitch: |
I feel like Mario still being in this should be all the sign you need
to think he's got this. The trends from the first match didn't suggest
this one would be at all close coming into this point comparing how the
two matches started, so he's probably "being clutch" if you know what I
mean. No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
be honest. I can sort of see "generic but well-executed love interest
with a cool martial artist theme in FREAKING FINAL FANTASY VII" as
justifying how strong Tifa is but if you don't like the character (I'm
pretty apathetic) it's really hard not to credit TJF as also being a
significant factor there - and it's pretty easy to scoff at that. [NO BARKLEY NO PEACE] [NO BKSheikah NO PEACE] |
AxemRedRanger posted... Gonna be honest. I can sort of see "generic but well-executed love interest with a cool martial artist theme in FREAKING FINAL FANTASY VII" as justifying how strong Tifa is but if you don't like the character (I'm pretty apathetic) it's really hard not to credit TJF as also being a significant factor there - and it's pretty easy to scoff at that. Justify voting for all the strong Nintendo characters in these contests outside of "they have good designs and are in games I like" Because if you're willing to write a dissertation on Yoshi's compelling character arc, I'm willing to read it Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
anyway I’m ready for the poll to accidentally run an extra 5 minutes after samus is ahead in the final update |
meant "justify" as "provide a plausible reason for," if that wasn't
clear. If Tifa appealed to you enough for her to get your vote (whether
because of TJF or not) more power to you Nintendo characters are in games people like, yeah, but it's more than that; they're generally, to play as.They're in an interactive medium so privileging characterization above all else seems like kind of a pretty weird approach. Suppose it depends whether you've viewing them as characters in general or video game characters. Haven't seen many people try to argue that most popular Nintendo characters or other barely talkative mascots have "compelling character arcs," though whereas apparently whether Tifa gets strength from TJF is in question here? [NO BARKLEY NO PEACE] [NO BKSheikah NO PEACE] |
Lopen posted... If fun to play as was the defining feature of contest success Dante vs Kirby would be the final every year imo I don't know about others but fun to play is 90% of why I like Link. It's not because he's a cool... huh... elf dressed in green. |
KamikazePotato posted... Semi-Finals of "Character that are fun to play as" contest: in order to get credit for being fun to play as people do, you know, generally have to have actually played the game! I figured that went without saying! [NO BARKLEY NO PEACE] [NO BKSheikah NO PEACE] |
I turned Berseria's difficulty up to max and it was super fun. AxemRedRanger posted... in order to get credit for being fun to play as people do, you know, generally have to have actually played the game! I figured that went without saying! Well yeah - and most of this site has played FF7. This conversation has been significantly derailed. Original point was that Kleenex was right in that people hold female characters to very weird voting standards in GameFAQs Contests. The only one allowed to be strong is Samus, apparently - anyone else only does well because of TJF. It's a bad mindset to have. Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
It's not even "your taste is bad." It feels more like your tastes are limited. It's like, there's just not a lot of depth to the gameplay in Zelda games. Most people I'd imagine are playing it because they like exploring the worlds or the puzzles. Is that gameplay? I mean, I guess, but it's not Link feeling good to control as much as the world feeling good to explore. On the gameplay front it's dumbed down Kingdom Hearts at best. And Kingdom Hearts is like, a dumbed down version of games with actual selling point caliber gameplay. That's not to say Kingdom Hearts is necessarily worse than those games but Sora should lose to those characters on purely gameplay criteria. And Link should lose to Sora on those same criteria. It'd be like someone saying Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is their favorite strategy game gameplay. Like yeah I mean, I guess if you have only played Tactics Ogre games and didn't care for their flavor I could buy it, but when FFT original and hell FFTA2 exist I'm like "ehhh" No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
speaking seriously, you're allowed to like whatever characters for
whatever reasons you want - I don't think Link is that fun to play as
but if you do, more power to you (still play the games I recommended
though, because my taste is objectively the best) This discussion has been significantly derailed. The original point of it was that female characters are held to a weird voting standard in contests - unless you're Samus, you're not allowed to be popular without it being entirely because of your boobs. Kleenex posted that opinion, and AxemRedRanger basically came in and confirmed that people think the way Kleenex was complaining about, soooo Not just limited to this topic either. As funny as some of the meltdowns in MMX/Tifa were, there were a lot of legitimately weird sexist comments I saw that were disconcerting even through the "this is literally a fictional character popularity contest poll" filter. Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Lopen posted... Side note well played Zelda. Even ignoring the clearly bogus opening minutes it's looking like she'd probably be idling around 35-40% or so. Holding up better than Pikachu is pretty impressive I think. This is what happened the last time they met, so yeah, good show Zelda. Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Bro. I live in a country where videogames are 10 times more expensive than in yours. And that is not hyperbole. I couldn't own a playstation and a nintendo console, like you all did. I had to choose one or the other. Most people I know abandoned Nintendo forever when the N64 came out. I chose to stick to Nintendo. I have 5 nintendo consoles, and none from other companies. All my non-nintendo gaming is due to a couple Steam games I played in recent years, because Steam, thank God, is cheap. So you can make fun of my tastes all you want. I don't care if there are amazing things that I missed. I know that. All I care is that I have amazing memories with my N64 and Gamecube and everything related those is insta-vote for me because it's nostalgia. Sometimes I will venture myself and pick something different, but I am not catching up in all of non-nintendo gaming culture anytime soon, if ever. I am too busy dreaming of maybe getting a Switch before nintendo releases its successor. |
Lopen posted... It's not even "your taste is bad." It feels more like your tastes are limited. Pft. People are playing Zelda games so they can bask in the glory of the King. September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013 Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest! |
I say "If you're someone who votes Link over most of the field because
he's fun to play play more video games imo" and you get defensive and
then I elaborate and then you say "well I haven't played many video
games because they're expensive" What are you even getting defensive about? It sounds like I claimed it reads like you don't play many games and that was accurate. If you haven't played many games that's okay but on a website like this I imagine that's not the case for most voters. Anyway point is I doubt many people are voting Link on strength of him being fun to play unless they really like Soul Calibur 2. They're voting him because they like the games-- which I mean, it's a similar kind of thing but a mindset that applies equally to an RPG even if you're arguing RPG gameplay can't be fun (which I think was the argument?). No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
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