transience 11/26/2018 6:56:41 PM#51
I have faith
Pikachu would stomp (in relative terms) Ganondorf. I don't think it would be close.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
i can't wait for the link/ganondorf rematch
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
drooling while eating
Mac Arrowny 11/26/2018 10:45:52 PM#55
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
LeonhartFour 11/26/2018 11:12:17 PM#56
Finally, might be seeing a crew curse
Caltenburn 11/27/2018 2:57:09 AM#58
WarThaNemesis2 posted...
i can't wait for the link/ganondorf rematch

I don't think Ganondorf will ever win. Why would anyone vote for a villian?
ZeldaTPLink 11/27/2018 4:19:42 AM#59
handsomeboy2012 posted...
Finally, might be seeing a crew curse

Fox vs Aeris never forget
hombad46 11/27/2018 4:23:07 AM#60
ZeldaTPLink posted...
handsomeboy2012 posted...
Finally, might be seeing a crew curse

Fox vs Aeris never forget

"That's Engarde hairflip metal detector tier btw"
ZenOfThunder posted...

If I only consulted the Gossip Stones like BKSheikah, instead of listening to Tingle, maybe I could have been the 2017 Guru Champ!
ZenOfThunder posted...

This could be made as early as when the bracket was revealed
hombad46 posted...
ZeldaTPLink posted...
handsomeboy2012 posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Finally, might be seeing a crew curse

Fox vs Aeris never forget


None of you have mentioned the most underrated crew curse of them all, Joker vs. Claire.
transcience 11/27/2018 7:18:31 AM#65
this looks eerily similar to X/Tifa
add the c and back away
look out for Pikachu hentai rallies
ZeldaTPLink 11/27/2018 8:01:11 AM#68
LeonhartFour posted...
I think I like Mega Man

barring hentai rallies of course

Now that's a statement that aged like mayionaise in the summer.
ZeldaTPLink 11/27/2018 8:02:55 AM#70
Where is Nick when we need him.
transience 11/27/2018 9:11:31 AM#71
the fate of the noble nine rests on a rat, eh
Imagine both MM and MMX getting screwed by hentai
Big Bob 11/27/2018 9:26:54 AM#73
Well, Pikachu HAS beaten a former contest winner before.
Come watch me on Twitch:
I think I still kinda favor Mega Man here?
Safer_777 11/27/2018 10:06:53 AM#75
Eh he wins. He wins in USA with a lot. And you may say that other characters were winning in USA and they lost eventually but here he wins in most countries. Only in UK he loses badly.
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
transience 11/27/2018 10:28:15 AM#76
UK is always the problem with these contests

I wouldn't count a Pokemon character out with the day vote.
ZenOfThunder 11/27/2018 10:32:15 AM#77
Someone go on Fortnite and rally the 12 year olds for Pikachu
drooling while eating
STElNER 11/27/2018 10:33:06 AM#78
transience posted...
UK is always the problem with these contests

I wouldn't count a Pokemon character out with the day vote.

nah, US has always been the problem, with your weird love for mega man
Safer_777 11/27/2018 10:33:16 AM#79
Maybe they like the cool looking robot though more?
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
STElNER posted...
transience posted...
UK is always the problem with these contests

I wouldn't count a Pokemon character out with the day vote.

nah, US has always been the problem, with your weird love for mega man

I figured you'd be all over anything blue
STElNER 11/27/2018 10:38:57 AM#81
dude we had a hedgehog
Lopen 11/27/2018 10:45:50 AM#82
Asia/Japan/Oceania > Mexico/South America > US > Europe > Canada > UK in terms of overall contest results imo. So yeah UK is definitely the problem.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
STElNER 11/27/2018 10:54:10 AM#83
um no, UK is the only place FF7 and Sonic are respected and we all know that the only problem with these contests is ff7 and sonic haven't won enough.
Lopen 11/27/2018 10:59:24 AM#84
FF7 would win even harder in Asia so we can just give your votes to Asia if it makes you feel better
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I'm from the uk and don't really know anyone who gives a fuck about megaman or the games.

Not saying no one does, but yeah. Are games even still made for megaman?
ZeldaTPLink 11/27/2018 11:45:10 AM#86
nokillingmoths posted...
Are games even still made for megaman?
Leonhart4 11/27/2018 1:13:54 PM#87
transience posted...
UK is always the problem with these contests

I wouldn't count a Pokemon character out with the day vote.

Pokemon hasn't been good with the day vote this year. Red lost it outright to Big Boss, and MGS has an awful day vote.
transcience 11/27/2018 1:48:12 PM#88
still better than mega man apparently!
add the c and back away
STElNER 11/27/2018 1:49:51 PM#89
Lopen posted...
FF7 would win even harder in Asia so we can just give your votes to Asia if it makes you feel better

man, you say that but ff7 is practically grand theft auto in japan. gamefaqs japan probably anti votes the hell out of it.
The 'day' vote in this contest is a mix of Europe and NA. It's not the kind of day vote we remember.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
Feeling less good about Mega Man after the past hour!
Legends Bracket: Round 1 – Cloud Strife vs. Alucard

Monika’s Analysis

Alucard has been stomping Nintendo and Square all contest, so what is his reward for doing that? Getting the honor of facing the strongest Square character in a 2002 throwback match.

And since then, he now appears in a super popular Nintendo game. Yay!

This is too much of a hurdle for Alucard to overcome. After watching Seph hold up for the most part in his division, I don’t think Alucard is going to get all that close to Cloud here. 40% would be pretty amazing for him. Cloud isn’t as strong as he was in 2002, and Alucard’s resurgance maybe has put him about that 2002 level, so I expect this to be a bit closer now.

Monika’s Voting Tip of the Day: Give it to Alucard! I love a good underdog story.

Monika’s Prediction of the Day: Cloud – 64%

...That's my advice for today! Thanks for listening~
no space
all business
transience’s Analysis

Lopen has a theory about 'Playstation SFF', and I think this match will be a good test. There are only about 7 or so notable PS1 games and we've got two of them here. PS1 had a huge library but from this site's perspective, it's the Square RPGs, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil and Symphony of the Night. That's about it.

Alucard's been pretty good this year but Cloud should be well out of his league. I can't decide if he's had an amazing year or if his entire division just sucked relative to expectations. It's basically Square characters, human Pokemon dudes and Metal Gear Solid. All of those guys kinda suck. Anyway, I believe in Alucard, but not enough to get him to break 60 on Cloud. This probably goes the way of Sephiroth/Ryu. If we get some 'Playstation SFF', maybe Cloud pushes into the high 60s. That'd be an interesting result but I don't think it affects his upcoming showdown with Link.

transience's prediction: Cloud with 62.23%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Alucard’s had a great run thus far, but I feel like Cloud’s a pretty bad matchup for him. In terms of ‘90s PS1 games, Symphony of the Night is no match for Final Fantasy VII. While Cloud has fallen off quite a bit over the years, it’s hard to imagine that he’d ever only put up 55% on Sora. I’m not really sure what a good target percentage is for him to shoot for in order to look good down the line against some of the other Noble Niners (and Pikachu, apparently). I’d guess probably at least 60% or so, although with what we’re seeing out of the gate, I won’t be stunned if Cloud doesn’t hit it.

Leonhart’s Vote: Cloud Strife

Leonhart’s Prediction: Cloud Strife with 62.44%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Mega Man is currently embroiled in a tough battle with Pikachu as I’m writing this, so the Noble Nine may not be as infallible as I thought yesterday. Luckily for Cloud, he got the easiest match of the Quarterfinals. Alucard was maybe the most impressive of the eight who made it out of the main bracket, but he’s also definitely the weakest. FF7 ended up looking mostly okay this year by the end of things, so there’s a good chance Cloud looks pretty respectable here. Alucard may be able to surprise, but not to the extent that Cloud is in any danger whatsoever (this round, anyway…!)

Kleenex’s Prediction: Cloud with 60%

Crew Consensus: Alucard’s future outlook is Cloudy
no space
all business
Barring Playstation SFF, my super secret KP Stats projections I just ran have Cloud winning with about 57%

Let's see if that holds up!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
transcience 11/27/2018 2:43:22 PM#96
so this is how the noble nine dies

with thunder

edit: zen, get to it
add the c and back away
(edited 11/27/2018 2:45:21 PM)report
Noble Nine's been dead for 11 years
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
KamikazePotato posted...
Noble Nine's been dead for 11 years

sorry can't hear you over all these moving goalposts
transcience posted...
with thunder

edit: zen, get to it

I tried looking up clips of Mega Man being shocked by thunder and all I found was this really awful looking CGI cartoon that aired semi-recently (and happened to have Elec Man in it).

No wonder MM never gains any traction with new voters if this is the best side content they can put out!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
transcience 11/27/2018 2:59:38 PM#100
Smash 4 certainly has something!
add the c and back away

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