chrono cross has 44 playable characters and somehow no black people
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 65.45% 25770
Final Fantasy IV 34.55% 13602

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 44.6% 16633
Dark Souls 55.4% 20662

Super Metroid 59.59% 23256
Super Mario Galaxy 40.41% 15773

Final Fantasy XII 31.13% 12302
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 68.87% 27214

Crew Predictions: 82/88

What Happened: Expected results, except maybe for Super Metroid blowing up Galaxy.

What Will Happen: Super Metroid/Majora showdown could be exciting if Super Metroid doesn't flop

Crew Prediction Challenge: tran and Leon miss Galaxy

Leonhart: 81
Moltar: 81
Guest: 79
Kleenex: 77
transience: 76

Crew Accuracy Challenge: Moltar gets LTTP, tran gets Dark Souls, Guest gets Super Metroid, Leon gets Majora

Leonhart: 20
Kleenex: 17
Moltar: 17
transience: 15.5
Guest: 14.5
not in last place finally!

I will savor this one day
I like to give away points with joke picks like mario > pokemon

gonna get it back today though!
good thing Moltar also somehow took Witcher 3 so I will still be in first

it's gonna suck leading both of these things for more than half the contest and then lose in the end ('cause you know it's coming)
transience posted...
chrono cross has 44 playable characters and somehow no black people

Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
whatisurnameplz posted...
transience posted...
chrono cross has 44 playable characters and somehow no black people


I think he's supposed to be Hispanic, considering the Mexican wrestler thing and the Spanish words he throws into conversation.

There's still Macha, though!
(edited 11/27/2015 6:43:32 PM)report
Hey man you have no idea Skelly wasn't black
My prediction for MGS2 lookin spot on here

Just the right amount of doubt, but I never doubted it
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I gave MGS2 waaaaaaaay too much credit here. I know I said that it 'underpeforming' should be attributed to Witcher 3 being better then some expected, but holy shit. I wouldn't have ever taken Witcher 3 > Resident Evil.
Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
11/27/2015 7:11:46 PM#211
Division 8: Round 2 - Match 93 – (1) Metal Gear Solid vs. (8) EarthBound

Moltar’s Analysis

Metal Gear Solid
Round 1 - 79.07% vs Splatoon

Round 1 - 58.62% vs Borderlands 2

The next stop in the MGS series unimpressive tournament run is the original MGS vs Earthbound. EB looked pretty good in Round 1, piling on to what we already know, which is how well SNES games have performed so far.

MGS is still going to win this match, as the strength gap is too much for oldboost to make up. However, I can see Earthbound looking good in defeat.

Moltar’s Bracket: Metal Gear Solid

Moltar’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid - 59%

Transience’s Analysis

SNESfear, man. Undertale too. What are my expectations for Earthbound? They're pretty high. Not high enough to beat MGS or anything, but why can't Earthbound be on MMX's level? This format is ideal for upstart games with strong fanbases here and low vote totals. If MGS is on FFX's level - and everything suggests that it is - then this could be one of those 54/46 embarrassments.

I won't pick it to go THAT high, but I don't see any harm in expecting Earthbound to go for 40%. I mean, Mother 3 got 30% on MGS3 and it didn't even come out here!

transience's prediction: Metal Gear Solid with 59.59%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Whew, finally the last day of 4 writeups a day! Anyway, this might give us a decent idea about MGS1 vs. MGS3 (if that’s what we get) in a couple of rounds. EarthBound will almost certainly be stronger than Mother 3 by a good bit. If MGS1 can get anywhere close to what MGS3 got on Mother 3, then MGS1 wins the division without breaking a sweat. However, these contests have hated me ever since Majora’s Mask got rallied past FFX in GOTD, so that won’t happen. EarthBound will make MGS1 look bad and make people wonder if it can win the division or beat RE4.

Leonhart’s Vote: Metal Gear Solid

Leonhart’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid with 59.99%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Last day of round 2! Not gonna lie I’m pretty excited to be able to go down to writing only two analyses a day. Anywho, for the match at hand, Metal Gear has been disappointing and SNES games have looked great, but there’s way too much of a power difference between these two to make a difference. I think there’s a distinct possibility that Metal Gear once again looks disappointing, but there absolutely no way Earthbound has any shot here. Metal Gear marches (limps?) on.

Metal Gear Solid with 66%

Guest’s Analysis - Evillordexdeath

Mother 3 held up alright on MGS3. I think Earthbound will outdo its percentage well enough, Having been released in North America and having beaten The Borderlands soundly last round. MGS is probably stronger than 3, but I imagine the gap between the two Mother games will be larger.

I'm not delusional enough to think Earthbound can win, or even come close. Metal Gear Solid looked good last round itself, and regardless of whether it has boosted Earthbound isn't in the same league. The best it can hope for is scaring people in the stats topic into thinking Shadow of the Colossus will beat MGS next round.

Metal Gear Solid wins with 63%

Crew Consensus: Metal Gear's first victory of the day
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
11/27/2015 8:15:39 PM#212
Division 8: Round 2 - Match 94 – (5) Shadow of the Colossus vs. (4) Red Dead Redemption

Moltar’s Analysis

Shadow of the Colossus
Round 1 - 72.69% vs Team Fortress 2

Red Dead Redemption
Round 1 - 63.99% vs Bayonetta 2

Yeah, give me 73% on TF2 over 63% on a non-Smash Wii U exclusive. SotC isn't going to blow RDR out of the water, but I'd be surprised if this match was all that close. The highly-regarded western games aren't getting blown out, but they also aren't winning either.

Moltar’s Bracket: Shadow of the Colossus

Moltar’s Prediction: Shadow of the Colossus - 61%

Transience’s Analysis

Red Dead got 60% on Bayonetta 2. That game suuuuucks. It's not as bad as TF2 is at this point but bad enough.

Red Dead feels like it should have some strength to it, moreso than the GTA games, but I think there's a brand name thing that hurts it. Red Dead isn't old enough to be a classic yet. That hurts it. It probably gets about a doubling here.

transience's prediction: Shadow of the Colossus with 65.57%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Shadow of the Colossus put up one of the more impressive round 1 blowouts against Team Fortress 2. PC games have looked like crap across the board though, so I think that diminishes the SOTC > MGS talk a bit. That being said, it’s still a lot better than what Red Dead Redemption did, struggling to get much above 60% against a Wii U exclusive action game in Bayonetta 2. RDR might do a bit better than I originally expected as a gut reaction looking at those round 1 results, but SotC should still win this one pretty handily.

Leonhart’s Vote: Shadow of the Colossus

Leonhart’s Prediction: Shadow of the Colossus with 62.50%

Kleenex’s Analysis

After both GTA games dropped out yesterday, there’s little doubt in my mind as to how this match goes. Red Dead didn’t exactly have a stellar performance against Bayonetta 2, especially when you consider all signs pointing to B2 being extremely weak. I probably wouldn’t even take it over Team Fortress 2, which makes this a pretty open and shut case. I actually hope SotC knocks this match out of the park so it can put the scare into MGS. That would make the next two rounds a lot of fun.

Shadow of the Colossus with 63%

Guest’s Analysis - haloiscoolisbak

Two awesome games and I'm sure a lot of people love both. Both have a lot of horse-riding in them. I would guess RDR would probably have a higher overall playrate, but SOTC did look more impressive in round 1, though RDR might actually be stronger than all of the GTA games, it would certainly draw less anti-votes.

But here I'm backing SOTC, just like in my bracket. A comfortable victory but a good showing from RDR.

SOTC to win 57-43

Crew Consensus: SotC slays another foe
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
11/27/2015 9:07:29 PM#213
Division 8: Round 2 - Match 95 – (3) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater vs. (6) BioShock

Moltar’s Analysis

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Round 1 - 69.50% vs Mother 3

Round 1 - 61.43% vs Silent Hill 2

The Bioshock series still looks solid if Infinite/New Vegas/RE4 have anything to say about it. Meanwhile, MGS doesn't solid these days. Like with MGS/EB, the gap between it and its opponent is too large even if MGS overall has dropped in strength by a little. Bioshock should look respectable in defeat.

Moltar’s Bracket: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Moltar’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - 57%

Transience’s Analysis

The RE4/Fallout: New Vegas match is giving me weird feelings here. RE4 and MGS3 have been about equal for a while while Bioshock 1 should be a good bit stronger than Infinite. Well, RE4's only projected to get like 63% on Infinite and MGS3 struggled to get 70% on Mother 3. MGS also hasn't looked that great this year. To add to it, Bio1 only got 60% on Silent Hill 2.

I guess my working theory is the one that is easiest: that Infinite and Bio1 are about equal. I'll pick MGS3 to get in the mid 50s. That seems like the easiest, most logical conclusion.

transience's prediction: Metal Gear Solid 3 with 56.75%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Both games undershot their round 1 expectations. MGS3’s first attempt to prove it can hang with big brother was unsuccessful, so here’s its second shot against a big game from the last generation. As I said earlier, these contests hate me, so it will naturally look bad yet again and make people wonder about its chances next round against ME2 (or Starcraft, whatever). DKC2 really is the only bright spot for me this year. I mean, I guess it could be worse. MGS3 could lose to BioShock or something, but c’mon. There’s no way that happens, right?


Leonhart’s Vote: Metal Gear Solid 3

Leonhart’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid 3 with 58.52%

Kleenex’s Analysis

I guess yesterday’s matches kind of vindicated Bioshock Infinite to an extent, and Bioshock one is definitely the stronger game, so it’ll probably do fine here. DEBOOST or no, MGS3 is too tough of an opponent for Bioshock to win out here, but it should get through today without looking completely embarrassed. Depending on how things go down here, you might be able to make a case for next round being in question, so there’s that to look out for as well.

Metal Gear Solid 3 with 60%

Guest’s Analysis - spooky

Bioshock is probably the only FPS which hasn't fallen off a cliff in terms of strength like other FPS's have. Even though Snake Eater didn't particularly impress me in the last round, it should still win this match fairly easily. There really isn't a lot to say about this match, as there's about zero chances of a rally happening and neither there will be a spillover effect for these matches.

spooky's prediction: Metal Gear Solid 3 with 61%

Crew Consensus: You're pretty good
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
Looks like whatisurnameplz has successfully kept Guest accuracy down

Let it be known I tried to help!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
where's Starcraft and Me2!!!
11/27/2015 10:11:30 PM#216
Division 8: Round 2 - Match 96 – (7) Starcraft vs. (2) Mass Effect 2

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 74.49% vs Destiny

Mass Effect 2
Round 1 - 79.08% vs Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

Starcraft made this match very interesting last round by blowout out Destiny, which no one thought would be as weak as it actually was.

Yeah, I'll give Starcraft some props for its performance, but outside of 2004, we've seen Starcraft stink it up in more recent years, so I don't buy it's some strong game these days. ME2 should expose it here (or end up getting exposed itself).

Moltar’s Bracket: Mass Effect 2

Moltar’s Prediction: Mass Effect 2 - 57%

Transience’s Analysis

Starcraft had a killer performance last round due to Destiny's hilarious weakness. Still, this is a PC exclusive we're talking about here - isn't it impressive that it went so big? Starcraft certainly wins the 'classic' vote here and it's got that 90s sex appeal that these newer games really lack.

How big is Mass Effect 2? We've seen that it's clearly weaker than Skyrim at least. Mass Effect 1 is unclear and ME3 is even moreso thanks to Undertale -- but I haven't been blown away by either. You can make the argument that Mass Effect had a really good contest but it's really sketchy thanks to how bad the Wii/Wii U is. I mean, Super Metroid put up 59% on Galaxy 1 while Mass Effect needed all day to unseat Galaxy 2. Mass Effect 2 is assumed to be around SM's level. That's a big jump.

I'm skeptical on Mass Effect 2. I just don't think it has the same outreach that a JRPG has, or even a Skyrim. I think it's more Oblivion than Skyrim strengthwise. I've got it beating Starcraft here but a hilarious bomb wouldn't surprise me. I'll go low.

transience's prediction: Mass Effect 2 with 54.79%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Starcraft pulled its own version of Vincent/Kerrigan against Destiny, netting a tripling and overshooting what most of us expected from it. However, I think most of us believe that speaks of Destiny’s weakness more than Starcraft’s strength. It could still win this, but I think Mass Effect 2 still has the edge. Even though its round 1 match told us nothing, Mass Effect 1 did decently well for itself against Galaxy 2 and Smash 4, and there’s no way ME2 is weaker than that. Starcraft is still a PC game, and those have underwhelmed for the most part. I suppose its one advantage is that it’s “old,” but I don’t think that’s enough.

Leonhart’s Vote: Mass Effect 2

Leonhart’s Prediction: Mass Effect 2 with 59.01%

Kleenex’s Analysis

For some reason this match has been called into question. 11 years last, people are still fearful of Starcraft. This is despite it looking completely average back in 2009. Blizzard games have been looking mediocre this year, no one cares enough of Starcraft 2 anymore for Legacy of the Void to help here and everyone loves Mass Effect 2. I think a lot of people underestimate just how bitter people are over Destiny. The game really is that weak, and Mass Effect 2 should get a clean victory over an aging ghost of contests past.

Mass Effect 2 with 58%
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
11/27/2015 10:11:35 PM#217
Guest’s Analysis - whatisurnameplz

I only played StarCraft 64 back when I was like 6 years old. My dad rented it for me so I only played ten hours tops. I completed the first few missions of the campaign but I barely remember the game, outside of three quotes: “Not enough minerals”, “Need a light?”, and “Insufficient Vespine Gas”. For some reason my dad thought it was Command & Conquer, which is pretty funny.

I’ve played the original Mass Effect. Didn’t get far though because after you get to visit all the planets it becomes too much for me. Also the save feature needs to be better. I bet it has a good story though!

So why did I pick this match to write-up, even though I never played either game?

I have Mass Effect 2 going all the way to the semi-finals.

It’s a big gamble, but given how Divisions 7-8 aren’t particularly strong (not a single game managed to break 80 in the first round), it’s possible. But it has to jump the first hurdle: StarCraft.

At the beginning of the its Round 1 match, Mass Effect 2 barely tripled VLR, but it managed to overcome those joke trends by getting to 79% by the end of the match. Meanwhile, StarCraft tripled Destiny early, then fell below 75% in the morning, failing to get the tripling come match’s end.

Let’s look at some other 90s/early 2000s PC game performances:

Diablo II gets 44.07% on GoldenEye, which gets 40.95% on Skyrim. Thus, Diablo II gets 36.09% on Skyrim (Skyrim r2 had tumblr spill-over but I don’t think it affected the final percentages too much)
Half-Life gets 35.58% on Final Fantasy X
Baldur’s Gate II gets 37.68% on Banjo-Kazooie, which gets 39.39% on Symphony of the Night. Thus, BG2 gets 29.68% on SotN
Planescape: Torment gets 20.95% on Smash Wii U, which gets 54.89% on Mass Effect. So Planescape gets 23.22% on Mass Effect
Age of Empires II (great game!) gets 15.83% on Super Mario 3, which gets about 45% on Pokemon RBYG before factoring in tumblr. So AoEII gets about 14.25% on Pokemon
Deus Ex gets 30.23% on FFIV, which is getting around 35% on A Link to the Past right now. So Deus Ex gets about 21.61% on LttP.

So, it’s pretty clear that StarCraft might be the only PC game from that era that has any strength at all.

With that said, I think Mass Effect 2 will win. I think that Skyrim and Mass Effect 2 are around the same strength, despite the results of that one Game of the Generation poll ( Based off of that, Starcraft would have to get 63.91% on Diablo II before SFF to beat Mass Effect 2. The Mass Effect series as a whole has done well this contest, with Mass Effect 3 beating Fallout 3’s percentage against Undertale before the rally, Mass Effect 1 beating Super Mario Galaxy 2 in a close match, and breaking 45% on Super Smash Bros Wii U. It’s also pre-2000s PC game versus one of the best games of the last generation, and PC games as a whole don’t benefit from the “older > newer” trends we’ve been seeing lately.

Mass Effect 2 – 51.59%

Here goes bracket!

Crew Consensus: ME2 takes us to Round 3
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
eh, Diablo 2 is probably stronger, or at least as strong, as Starcraft. I think this match comes down to asking if Mass Effect 2 can beat Goldeneye.
Wow, didn't realize I'd be the lowest one on ME2.

I also wrote that up on thanksgiving and for some reason thought that match was going to happen today, so I handed it in super early.
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
Better early than not at all!
whoa there earthbound
Oh yes Starcraft

C'mon Crew Curse I believe
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Lopen posted...
Oh yes Starcraft

C'mon Crew Curse I believe

Is there a Zerg Rush for the crew?
Why do we exist?What happens when we stop existing?
mass effect just sucks I guess
11/28/2015 8:05:28 AM#226
Hm my Starcraft > mgs3 next round doesn't seem as crazy as it once did
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
Thanks for not a single person picking Starcraft crew.
"I do because I can."
This match has actual trends over the course of the match depending on the time

Glorious. I thought those were dead (I also kinda like Mass Effect to win here, though counting Starcraft out in a close match would be foolish)
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
You can thank Nick for rallying for Starcraft.
Leonhart posting from his phone
The more I hear about this Nick guy the less I seem to like hearing about him
satoru iwata
yay guest points
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
Yay still #1 in both challenges.

Need updated leaderboard.
Leonhart posting from his phone
Grand Theft Auto V 42.8% 17470
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 57.2% 23347

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 45.18% 18166
Chrono Cross 54.82% 22046

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 45.79% 18083
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 54.21% 21406

Fallout: New Vegas 41.89% 16801
Resident Evil 4 58.11% 23308

Crew Predictions: 85/92

What Happened: Four matches in the 50s. No one actually impresses here. We miss a match because the Crew unexpectedly picks Witcher 3, maybe out of rallyfear.

What Will Happen: RE4/Mario RPG still looking good

Crew Prediction Challenge: Moltar/Kleenex/Leon miss Witcher 3, Guest misses San Andreas

Leonhart: 84
Moltar: 84
Guest: 82
Kleenex: 80
transience: 80

Crew Accuracy Challenge: Kleenex gets Mario RPG and Chrono Cross, tran gets MGS2 and Guest (using Lopen's pick) gets RE4

Leonhart: 20
Kleenex: 19
Moltar: 17
transience: 16.5
Guest: 15.5
also I picked witcher out of mgssuckfear

which was correct but witcher was weaker than I anticipated
I can't even predict how we go with MGS3/ME2

I guess we'll base it on RE4/MGS2
Eh, even if RE4 rocks MGS2, it wouldn't deter me from taking MGS3 if that's how I was leaning.
RE4 weighs on MGS3 though
Oh right, it works both ways.

But if MGS2 got close to RE4, it'd make me confident in MGS3 as well since I still firmly believe MGS3 > MGS2, even after this match.
you can shame MGS either way, heh
Yeah, either result can lead to confirmation bias, so whatever RE4 does is a wash.
maybe kh2 tomorrow can guide us! save us xstats from the unknown
add the c and back away
KH2 surprises us by becoming the strongest non-Nintendo game of the 2000s!
11/28/2015 8:05:04 PM#244
Division 1: Round 3 - Match 97 – (1) Chrono Trigger vs. (4) Final Fantasy X

Moltar’s Analysis

Chrono Trigger
Round 1 - 85.85% vs Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Round 2 - 81.93% vs Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Final Fantasy X
Round 1 - 64.42% vs Half-Life
Round 2 - 55.48% vs Mega Man X

Alright, one of the first matches in the contest with that #BigFightFeel, and we should be seeing a lot more of them in the coming days.

Pre-contest, FFX was a sexy upset pick for a lot of people. I mean, Chrono and friends were looking weaker and weaker as time went on, and FFX was one of the strongest post-2000 games. Then day 1 of the contest, nearly everyone who took that upset started to have some major doubts.

CT is 2/2 in impressive performances so far, and it really does seem like easily one of the strongest games in the bracket. FFX has looked okay, especially when you consider it's one of the few games to beat a powered-up SNES game. Still, only looking okay is not enough to get the job done here.

CT should win this by a larger margin than the stats indicate. It's been putting up killer performances so far, so I wouldn't be surprised if it makes FFX look bad here.

Moltar’s Bracket: Chrono Trigger

Moltar’s Prediction: Chrono Trigger - 59%

Transience’s Analysis

Dear Final Fantasy X,

You are a contest fraud and have been for a decade. Let's run down your list of transgressions: letting FFTA get 33% on you, losing to Melee before Melee had much strength at all (56% on MGS2 is not impressive and that is Square's best year - you still dropped it), struggling to advance in both OOT/RBY/Melee/FFX and OOT/MGS4/FFX/Brawl, putting up pretty pedestrian numbers on games like Golden Sun and Viewtiful Joe.. you look good when you're in big multiway polls like best FF or Game of the Decade against 4 other Nintendo games, but otherwise, I'm not impressed. 64% on a PC-deboosted Half-Life and 55% on Mega Man X is more your style. You've had built in reasons for underperforming for forever - SSBM's match picture, Kingdom Hearts dragging you down in 2009, Majora's Mask boosts in the semifinals - but really, they're just excuses.

Your one good match was against Resident Evil 4, a nice 56/44 match that is proving to be less impressive than we thought as both MGS3 and RE4 have been underwhelming by a pretty large degree this year. I'll be curious to see if TP and KH2 follow the same trend. I don't think that you've deboosted so much as we're finally getting the matches to show the truth. Division by era and fourways really did you a world of good.

Chrono Trigger is on a different plane than you are. It's widely considered to be an all-time game even outside of GameFAQs. Most Square fans will go FF7 > CT > FF6 > FF10 and there's a chance of some weird SFF here. You've never put up a performance on the level of Chrono Trigger's first two rounds. You're a nice upper tier Square game but you're closer to FF8 or FF9 than you are to FF6 or Chrono Trigger.

Please apologize to Leonhart for getting his hopes up for the better part of a decade.


transience's prediction: Chrono Trigger with 60.14%
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
11/28/2015 8:05:08 PM#245
Leonhart’s Analysis

I have Final Fantasy X winning this division. Admittedly, the pick was about 75% fanboyism and 25% logic (and that might be a generous ratio). I’m kind of surprised FFX ended up being the Guru favorite, so I apologize in advance for all the people who followed me off the fanboy cliff for some reason! The logic for FFX > CT was solely based on Chrono Trigger getting weaker over the years (as its characters appear to have done) due to it being so old. Unfortunately, I got things backward and failed to realize that being old was good!

Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid are the only games to have beaten SNES games thus far, so I guess I can spin that in a positive way to affirm FFX’s strength! Sadly, the game it beat was Mega Man X, and only with 55%. I’m not sure all the mental gymnastics in the world I could muster would let me believe FFX can win this. All I can hope is that it doesn’t embarrass itself at this point.

Leonhart’s Vote: Final Fantasy X

Leonhart’s Prediction: Chrono Trigger with 55.55%

Kleenex’s Analysis

What was once a very debatable match now seems like a foregone conclusion to start off the third round of this contest. FFX is the guru favorite today and a lot of gurus are going to be disappointed. The performance that Mega Man X managed to put up against FFX last rounds seems a bit more clear now that we know that the dreaded SNES BOOST is a real thing. It makes FFX’s numbers look not quite as anemic as they might have once seemed. Unfortunately, this round it’s against the granddaddy of all SNES games. Chrono Trigger started this contest off with a huge performance as if to let us know that it was back and ready to tear up brackets again, and last round it really hammered that notion home with another monster beatdown of DQ8. There’s no doubt in my mind that CT is going to dominate this match, but I’m not totally sure by how much. There’s a very real chance that CT goes real big here again and makes next round’s probably fight against Melee another easy call. I kinda hope it does. Go Chrono Trigger!

Chrono Trigger with 60%

Guest’s Analysis - paulg235

Crew Consensus: Chrono Trigger slashes onward
Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
can't wait for this match
*shines the Emergency Guest Writeup signal*
guests were doing so well too
Lopen's emergency guest analysis:

This one is looking pretty bleak after last round. Hard to take Final Fantasy X here with much confidence after Mega Man X got close to 45%. However, I believe that this pick isn't quite dead in the water here. The Batman games looked pretty legit last contest, and Zero has always been a powerhouse in these things. It's possible that Mega Man X is just a really legitimate game. Chrono Trigger beating Mega Man X with much more than 55% doesn't seem like something that'd happen to be honest, so I'm still thinking this is close.

And hey, I'm stubborn. (FFX SFFs CT !!!)

Lopen's emergency guest prediction:
Final Fantasy X with 52.04%
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
(edited 11/28/2015 8:16:11 PM)report
thanks for sabotaging the Guest if nothing else Lopen

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