Lopen's unofficial analyses:

No idea how this first one goes. Okami was never super strong, and Warcraft III has shown it's not crap either. I feel like this is a match that could easily flip despite Okami looking stronger indirectly cause I think Warcraft has a stronger brand name and Okami isn't quite mainstream enough to flip it.


Lopen's unofficial prediction:
Warcraft 3 with 64.90%

Second match here... well... I'm really on the fence. I feel like Kingdom Hearts is less relevant than ever but I also feel like it's always been the stronger game of the two by a decent margin. Kingdom Hearts did pretty well previously so I guess I'll say it can hold. Feeling this one is not obvious and will be a swingy one decided by the bracket vote though.

Lopen's prediction:
Kingdom Hearts with 51.09%
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!

I should have proofread my writeup, holy crap it's bad
also I told you all that FFVIII > VC would be an Ulti-style destruction and you all said no Leonhart what are you saying

and now FFVIII does exactly what I said it would and you're all like "FFVIII why you so bad"
but we've always said that you've underestimated ff8! and if your underestimation is true then ff8 is uh
I properly estimate FFVIII!

I mean if you were expecting FFVIII = RE4 or something I guess you'd be disappointed!
FF8's score was a bit of a disappointment even by measured expectations. Before tumblr propped it up it looked flat-out weaker than Final Fantasy IX. I think people here went WAY too high on it but yeah.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
I'm not sure I would've been calling for 60%+ for FFIX so I'm not sure where "flat out" is coming from!

Vice City isn't as bad as you guys seem to think it is! This isn't San Andreas!
San Andreas ended up higher in the 2010 stats than Vice City did.

FF9 is projected to 60-40 Vice City in those stats. Your best bet of hoping that FF8 wins is that FF9 wasn't SFFd by FFX and that Vice City was SFFd by RE4. Possible, but yeah.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
KamikazePotato posted...
San Andreas ended up higher in the 2010 stats than Vice City did.

Would you pick San Andreas to beat Vice City head to head? I don't think I would.

I mean the GOTD stats have GTA3 way ahead of them both and that game's nowhere to be found!
also just because TP/Skies and DQ8/P3 came close on the percentages doesn't mean every match does!

FFIX can be projected to 60/40 Vice City based on X-Stats and still fall a couple percent short, but you don't need me to tell you that.
I think SA/Vice City would pretty much be a tossup. Those games are basically at the same strength, it's just that Vice City wins close matches while San Andreas loses close matches so Vice City ends up being remembered as better.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
11/12/2015 10:11:55 PM#312
Glad I didn't actually steal tran's suikoden writeup cause who outside of Japan has even heard of monster hunter? geez suikoden with 85% let's move on

(also WHOOPS didn't realize okami had strength, thought it was a cult game like a katamari or something)
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
Vice City would beat San Andreas because of one very important factor:


(edited 11/12/2015 10:14:54 PM)report
1v1 San Andreas probably beats Vice City pretty soundly

Refuse to believe amongst fans of the franchise that any appreciable amount prefer Vice City there. San Andreas is better at like everything there <_<

Speaks nothing for their indirect strength though (which I'd probably take Vice City as a hair stronger cause RACISTFAQS)
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
(edited 11/12/2015 10:18:18 PM)report
Guys, it's fine.

KH will beat the curse

it's all fine!
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
time to start playing KH music
Both Monster Hunter and Suikoden II got a huge boost in popularity due to ProJared. Kinda funny how both are paired up like this.
Suikoden II pulling away...!
Zelda is going to town, yeesh
11/12/2015 11:14:29 PM#321
ZoZolad posted...
Both Monster Hunter and Suikoden II got a huge boost in popularity due to ProJared. Kinda funny how both are paired up like this.

There was a #ProJared rally last month? I don't know man, that seems hard to believe...
Have you listened to this week's episode of The Show yet, buddy?
board8.wikia.com | thengamer.com/xstats
ocarina is a monster

Ngamer64 posted...
ZoZolad posted...
Both Monster Hunter and Suikoden II got a huge boost in popularity due to ProJared. Kinda funny how both are paired up like this.

There was a #ProJared rally last month? I don't know man, that seems hard to believe...

It's due to his MH videos of 3U and 4U and his top RPGs not from Square Enix list (of which Suikoden II was number 1).
C R E W C U R S E is back
to be the man you gotta beat the man

KH can't beat the man yet

(edited 11/12/2015 11:24:24 PM)report
Or...Crew prevails...?
I just hope you all appreciate the sacrifice I've made

In calling Hearthstone to be rallied I have prevented the rally. If only I had thought to do so with that other random game I have legit forgotten the name of.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
KP you motherfucker, you made me switch from Suikoden to MH !!
the surprise was vampires!
KH keeping that lead I see. Save my bracket best FF ever.
"I do because I can."
should've listened to me instead!

I had Suikoden II from the start!

That's 100% the reason I picked it! Has the 8 ever lost in a debated fodder vs fodder 8 vs 9 or 4 vs 5 or whatever? I feel like this has happened more than for Vyse/Laharl
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!

there was no "logic" for picking this match

just go with what's proven to work in matches with things nobody cares about!
LeonhartFour posted...

This plus Suikoden being more this site's kind of game.

It was in the top 50 on...ah, forget it.
"Nothing I could do!"
Super Mario 64 80.04% 31065
Mario Kart 8 19.96% 7745

Final Fantasy Tactics 57.58% 21878
Resident Evil 2 42.42% 16117

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 72.34% 27684
Skies of Arcadia 27.66% 10584

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 77.8% 27682
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors 22.2% 7897

Crew Predictions: 29/32

What Happened: Pretty expected results. Persona 4 goes high on 999 but, like, it's 999.

What Will Happen: TP and Mario 64 crash course

Crew Prediction Challenge: Points

Guest: 30
Moltar: 29
Leonhart: 29
transience: 27
Kleenex: 26

Crew Accuracy Challenge: Leon gets Mario 64, Kleenex gets FFT, tran 0.01's Moltar on TP and Moltar goes highest on P4

Leonhart: 9
Kleenex: 7.5
transience: 5.5
Moltar: 4.5
Guest: 3.5
also, I'm going to be out of town this weekend. I'll still be around with my phone but I won't be compiling results until I get back on Sunday or Monday. you guys can either do it in my absence or I'll do it when I get back.
In college
Dr voltchball - best in the world.
11/13/2015 6:54:50 AM#339
Go my suikoden
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
man, how bad does this make MGS4 look
I've been wondering for a little bit now if maybe KH2 > KH1 by a not-insignificant margin. all of the good performances that we've seen have been 2 and not 1.

even given that though, this is still not great. there are a lot of ways to explain it off but nothing definitive. I want to see GTA and (hopefully) Chrono Cross to validate some things.
add the c and back away
The Mana Sword posted...
man, how bad does this make MGS4 look


MGS4 vs. Persona 4, place your bets!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
oh hey I have FF9 in my bracket today. I thought I took KH. nice!
my early bracket is demolishing my real one. it might be on the leaderboard after this.
add the c and back away
the old games all win here
satoru iwata
okami is newer than warcraft
oh that's right I was thinking it was newer

who likes Warcraft anyway what ev
satoru iwata
I have FF9 in my bracket and KH in the oracle. The board convinced me to give up on FF9, specially after the MGS4 match.

Rip my oracle.
ZFS posted...
oh that's right I was thinking it was newer

who likes Warcraft anyway what ev

More like who cares about old PC games.

StarCraft in trouble?
"Nothing I could do!"
LeonhartFour posted...
to be the man you gotta beat the man

KH can't beat the man yet


darn you contest trends i knew i should have trusted the me of 2 weeks ago and my bracket

no space
all business

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