Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 6

#351 | Lopen | Posted 9/1/2013 1:39:09 AM | message detail
Hell yes Zelda destroy the Pokefear
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#352 | paulg235 | Posted 9/1/2013 3:24:47 AM | message detail
foxhead84 posted...
Master Moltar posted...
Transience’s Analysis

Vincent, being saddled with a headshot more suitable for a linkedin profile than a character contest (I took special pleasure in eliminating paulg from the Guru for that one),

hahaha PaulG got eliminated on the Vincent match.... Karma IS a Bi***

I got eliminated on the Squall match. Look up the topic of eliminations before posting.
The Gamer In Me
His dark secret is he's really Spark Brushel in disguise. If people knew, he'd be ruined. - Spiral on the black psyche locks
#353 | The Mana Sword | Posted 9/1/2013 6:37:35 AM | message detail
i'll do rydia -Dante
#354 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 9:33:47 AM | message detail
-LusterSoldier- posted...
If anyone on the Crew even cares, tomorrow's day match will be a bonus match between Mario/Crono/MMX. For those that are interested in preparing a write-up for that match. Of course, we need a guest for that match as well.

since it's not going to count for anything, anyone can do a write-up on it for fun and post it here
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#355 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 9:34:29 AM | message detail
Lopen's analysis:

I think this match will be pretty interesting because it's going to show without a shadow of a doubt that Mega Man as a whole is on roids this year due to some combination of Smash hype and pity over Capcom being an ass to him. I think Mega Man classic will be stronger but Mega Man X will... still be strong enough to win this. Strange to think, I know, but I'm going for the upset on this one.

Crono and Mario having pretty embarrassing defeats doesn't help. And while Draven was around MMX also putting up a Cloud like performance against Ryu certainly helps too.

Could actually see any of the above winning this, though.

Lopen's prediction:
Mega Man X - 36.37%
Mario - 34.29%
Crono - 29.34%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#356 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 9/1/2013 9:51:48 AM | message detail | (edited)
paulg235 posted...
foxhead84 posted...
Master Moltar posted...
Transience’s Analysis

Vincent, being saddled with a headshot more suitable for a linkedin profile than a character contest (I took special pleasure in eliminating paulg from the Guru for that one),

hahaha PaulG got eliminated on the Vincent match.... Karma IS a Bi***

I got eliminated on the Squall match. Look up the topic of eliminations before posting.

"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#357 | transience | Posted 9/1/2013 10:08:55 AM | message detail
I didn't even write that quote

anyway, bonus match. can't see MMX coming in anything but third. if this was OG Mega Man then yeah, but this inferior version can't hang with legit icons. though Inafune did just drop the bomb 12 hours ago so who knows.

Crono vs. Mario comes down to how much Mega Man X hurts him. I'll back Mario because it's Crono, but I don't feel super good about it.

Crono - 39.95%
Mario - 40.05%
MMX - 20%
#358 | The Mana Sword | Posted 9/1/2013 10:13:58 AM | message detail
Crono with 100%
Other losers with 0%
i'll do rydia -Dante
#359 | The Mana Sword | Posted 9/1/2013 11:17:02 AM | message detail
even the bonus matches in this contest suck
i'll do rydia -Dante
#360 | LeonhartFour | Posted 9/1/2013 12:43:07 PM | message detail
Leonhart's Analysis

Mario wins, result proves Squall is now a top 5 character on the site

"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
#361 | Safer_777 | Posted 9/1/2013 2:24:18 PM | message detail | (edited)
So what this says us for these 3 characters?All these seem pretty far ahead of each other.Mario>Crono>X of course I mean.

Also we have 24 hour matches from now on right?And in the next match I assume it will be
Draven 50%
Link 40%
Shepard 10% right?
Is there a change for Draven to lose?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#362 | Lopen | Posted 9/1/2013 2:56:52 PM | message detail
So uhhh Vivi's match makes even less sense now, since Mario doesn't seem to have lost a step at all relative to these two guys.

Vivi legit NN breaker this year tbqh watch out Squall watch out Red
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#363 | LinkMarioSamus | Posted 9/1/2013 3:32:29 PM | message detail
I used to think that way, but the more I think about it, this is Mario struggling to 55-45 someone on Pikachu's level. Yikes.
Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC
#364 | transcience | Posted 9/1/2013 4:07:45 PM | message detail
did you think Mario suddenly fell off the map for no reason or something?
add the c and back away
#365 | KamikazePotato | Posted 9/1/2013 4:09:38 PM | message detail
After he lost to Vivi? It was certainly a possibility.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#366 | transcience | Posted 9/1/2013 4:14:42 PM | message detail
I never saw any reason for that to be the case. a Mario drop would probably include every Nintendo character. that's just how he is.
add the c and back away
#367 | Lopen | Posted 9/1/2013 7:59:27 PM | message detail
Not "off the map" but I did think maybe he'd dropped a significant amount. Like maybe he'd legit struggle with the elites now.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#368 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 10:13:32 PM | message detail
Crew Predictions - 89/108

What Happened: the robot men look strong, lol charizard

What will Happen: Charizard taking advantage of 2 MM characters?

Crew Prediction Challenge

KP - 94
Moltar - 92
Kleenex - 90
Leon - 90
Tran - 89
Guest - 86
Lopen - 80

Crew Expert Challenge

KP - 79
Tran - 75
Moltar - 72
Leon - 71
Kleenex - 66
Guest - 62
Lopen - 57

Crew Accuracy Challenge - tran gets MM, DK and Kratos, KP gets Jill, Bane gets Zero, Moltar gets Rikku, Lopen gets Cube, Kleenex gets Zard and Zelda

Moltar - 68
KP - 58
Leon - 56
Tran - 56
Lopen - 50
Kleenex - 45
Guest - 38 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (3), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (4), Chris (2), lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon, FFD, Luis (3), meche, nameplz, pjbasis, FF999 (2), betrayed, TRT)
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#369 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 10:17:46 PM | message detail | (edited)
Division Final: Round 3 - Match 109 – (1) Link vs. (2) Commander Shepard vs. (3) Draven

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 72.67% vs. Isaac and Tingle
Round 2 - 60.05% vs. Raiden and Yoshi

Link looking good

Round 1 - 54.01% vs. Olimar and Kain
Round 2 - 41.60% vs. Aerith and Tharja

Just another nail in the FF7 coffin

Round 1 - 40.47% vs. Jak and Chie
Round 2 - 66.52% vs. MMX and Ryu

this guy barely beat jak and chie surely he won't get past-'oh'

Link got ~21000 votes in his round 1 match. Draven got 56397 votes in his round 2 match. As you can see, GameFAQs alone won't be able to vote Link over a rally-powered Draven.

There has been one other occasion where the internet rallied a character over Link, and it was, so it is definitely not impossible.

LoL fans seem to be more concentrated on Draven too, so unless Link gets a huge counter-rally (and with Zelda standing up to Charizard, that's not too farfetched), this match won't even be as close.

lol shepard

Moltar’s Prediction: Link: 32% - Shepard: 10% - Draven: 58%

Lopen’s Analysis

Well, all you need to know here is the following:

1. Draven on his own outscored every match in the contest last round.
2. Despite Bacon's claims to the contrary, there are mounds of evidence here that the majority of Draven's votes were cheated, not rallied. I'm pretty sure no one actually wants me to go into detail on that but I would be happy to explain all the evidence on request!

Point is, you can rally your heart out and it just won't matter. You can downvote the rally topic and it won't matter. Draven's going to get in the neightborhood of 80k votes unless his votestuffer(s?) forget to show up, Link will get like 90% of GameFAQs votes here as the site bands together to attempt to stop Draven but it won't much matter because that's only going to get him 30k votes tops. I'll give counter rally attempts + the small portion of Draven's legit rallied votes backfiring to some degree some credit and say Link might be able to break 40k total.

Unless Link's counter-rallies luck into a vote stuffer or Bacon was waiting for a match where it actually matters to expose Draven's cheating (I actually give this a very small chance) then Link is screwed.

On the plus side we may see a return to well over 100k vote totals. It'll be nostalgic, even if like 50k of them are fake. I also feel like if Link gets rallied hard enough we may actually see some persistent vote totals. We'll see on that.

Lopen's prediction:
Draven - 62.90%
Link - 30.70%
Commander Shepard - 6.40%

Leonhart’s Analysis

At midnight on a rainy night, they say if you stare at a blank computer screen when it’s turned off, you’ll see a poll. Little does Yu Narukami realize that he’s about to get thrown into a battle for the GameFAQs World. He sits in front of his computer and waits to see if the rumors are true. The clock hits midnight, and Yu’s computer screen starts to flicker. It’s a blurry image, but he can see a poll featuring Link/Commander Shepard/Draven. He tries to move the mouse to vote, but it’s not responding. Of course it isn’t. The computer’s turned off, after all. Yu isn’t sure how to cast his vote, so he reaches to tap the screen, but instead of feeling the resistance of hitting the screen, his hand goes straight into the monitor! Yu is shocked, but at the same time, he’s curious about what might happen if he tries to go all the way in.
#370 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 10:18:14 PM | message detail | (edited)
After a rough landing, Yu looks up to see two men struggling against a giant who is threatening to tear the very fabric of the world apart. Though valiant, these two are fighting a losing battle. When they hear him land in the GameFAQs World behind them, they run to his side. Yu recognizes the two as Link and Commander Shepard. If these two can’t stop the Draven from destroying this place, what hope is there? Yet as Yu looks into Link’s eyes, he sees fierce determination. Though he says nothing, Link hands him a beautiful sword. It’s the Master Sword. Why is Link giving this to him?

Shepard speaks for the both of them as he hands Yu a piece of his legendary N7 armor. “You have to listen to me. We’re doing everything we can, but this is a fight we can’t win, not without help. You have the power of the Wild Card. I understand the importance of forming bonds with others. Your bonds are your true strength. Take these symbols of our power and add our strength to yours. Now go. Form every bond you can. We’ll need the power of all of the strongest characters in the GameFAQs World to even stand a chance against the Draven.”

As Shepard finishes his speech, a voice rings in Yu’s mind. “I am thou, and thou art I. Thou hast established a new bond. It brings thee closer to the truth. Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Justice Arcana and the Star Arcana.” He feels a surge of power like he’s never felt before. Today begins the battle to




Leonhart’s Vote: Commander Shepard

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Draven – 60.00%
Link – 35.00%
Commander Shepard – 5.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Some people still think that Link has a shot here, but I'm not really seeing it. Just looking at the numbers from the past two rounds, it doesn't seem feasible. Link was able to pull in 17,000-21,000 votes in his night matches. This match is, of course, 24 hours, so based on the ratio of votes that day matches get to night matches, Link probably would have gotten somewhere in the range of 40,000-45,000 votes if those were were full day matches, and this was against fairly weak competition. Meanwhile, Draven got 50,000 or so rallied (and/or stuffed) votes in a 12-hour match. I know this isn't necessarily the best way to determine the outcome of a match, but I don't think there's any way you can twist these numbers and end up with a positive outcome for Link. The only way he stands a shot is if the LoL rallied votes just don't show up, or somehow he manages to out-rally/stuff Draven 2-to-1 (and not get caught)!

An through all this, Shepard is going to get destroyed and we won't be able to get an actual read on him. Which really is a shame.

Kleenex's Prediction
Link with 32.00%
Shepard with 11.00%
Draven with 47.00%

Transience’s Analysis

Here it is! The most anticipated match since the 2007 final, at the very least, and most likely the biggest disruption in 11 years of GameFAQs contest history. If this goes as everyone expects then it will turn this contest into the biggest joke. It'll also be very overdue.

Here are my assumptions on how this match will go:
Link fans (???) -- or more likely, GameFAQs contest fans -- are trying to fight back by counter-rallying. This is likely to go horribly, horribly wrong as most people will just laugh at someone trying to rally Link vs. a random League character. Plus it's just going to make the swarm even stronger. Someone needs to take the 'what now, Link?' picture and photoshop Draven's head on top of the carriers.

A few board 8ers probably lose their crap and start lashing out at our poor contest that has been left in shambles. ExTha is an easy prediction, but probably 2-3 others will do the same while at the same time try to claim that they're not mad. Meanwhile, there's going to be a swarm of morons trying to troll people. Should be fun to watch.
#371 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 9/1/2013 10:18:54 PM | message detail
A 24 hour match. Here's the only real analysis I've got. This match pulls 20-30000 more 'legit' votes, and those votes are all going to favor Link. Does that matter? Probably not. Draven doubled and almost tripled the standard amount of votes in a 12 hour match, so what stops him from doing that for even longer? But if Draven's rally isn't as strong because of Labor Day or something, then who knows.

This should be good.

transience's prediction:

Draven with 53%

Link with 33%
Shepard with 14%

KP's Analysis

It's time.

Draven - 99%
Link - 1%
Shepard - 0%

Crew Consensus: Welcome to the Contest of Draven
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#372 | xp1337 | Posted 9/1/2013 10:19:53 PM | message detail
Someone needs to take the 'what now, Link?' picture and photoshop Draven's head on top of the carriers.

Oh my god, I forgot about that picture until just now.

That was the greatest.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#373 | MirandaShepard | Posted 9/1/2013 10:20:01 PM | message detail
I think KP's probably got the Shepard point.
#374 | DpObliVion | Posted 9/1/2013 10:21:44 PM | message detail
Haha, KP. Quality guest analysis right there.
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#375 | MirandaShepard | Posted 9/1/2013 10:22:09 PM | message detail
KP's not the Guest!
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
#376 | DpObliVion | Posted 9/1/2013 10:24:22 PM | message detail
Quality Crew analysis right there.

Why is there no guest today?
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#377 | The Real Truth | Posted 9/1/2013 10:25:36 PM | message detail
Emergency guest write-up

Link - 27%
Draven - 68%
Shepard - 5%
tornadoman and tornadogirl like to kick box each other in my tornaolayzers and she dosent even mind getting hit
#378 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 9/1/2013 10:26:50 PM | message detail
I think KP might be getting the accuracy point today
Chen Kenichi's #1 Fan (is also Yoblazer)
#379 | xp1337 | Posted 9/1/2013 10:26:57 PM | message detail
crew curse is link's best intangible right now imo
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#380 | DpObliVion | Posted 9/1/2013 10:27:33 PM | message detail
OMG, he's gonna do it! Long live the Crew curse!
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#381 | MirandaShepard | Posted 9/1/2013 10:27:58 PM | message detail
TheKoolAidShoto posted...
I think KP might be getting the accuracy point today

KP for the sweep
#382 | Greyfeld | Posted 9/1/2013 10:31:56 PM | message detail
LOL so much for Luster's big plan to downvote brigate /r/leagueoflegends' Draven topics. There's a 3-hour old topic that already has over 700 upvotes :P
PSN - Aevio
"I'm on a Goomba." - BlackMageJawa
#383 | ZFS | Posted 9/1/2013 10:33:30 PM | message detail
Link for champion
tune in tokyo 142.94
#384 | AxemRedRanger | Posted 9/1/2013 10:38:23 PM | message detail
Poor ExTha.
#385 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 9/1/2013 10:39:45 PM | message detail
Even Ulti shut him down
Chen Kenichi's #1 Fan (is also Yoblazer)
#386 | ZFS | Posted 9/1/2013 10:43:38 PM | message detail
Guest Writeup

So I told Moltar I would do the Guest writeup, but I kinda forgot about it! Sorry!

Anyway, I think Link has a better than decent shot here. For one, Link's a much bigger force overall than MMX or Ryu combined, he's also easier to rally for or steal rallied votes. For another, he'll have most of GameFAQs at his back, and certainly the majority of Board 8. Most of us aren't really invested enough to rally or do other things here, but there are probably a number of them who are. Yeah, sure, you can't compete against those Draven votes, but now everyone is kind of aware of Draven and Reddit and that whole deal. Allen is probably even watching the poll more closely than before. It's not gonna be a surprise or shock.

Yeah, Link probably does lose here, but I don't think he gets blown out quite like people think. And I don't think it's a completely lost cause. If anyone is gonna pull this out here, it'll be Link. He'll probably be stringer here than he has ever been, with more support than he's ever gotten. It's also a 24 hour match, so you get the full match to make something work.


Link - 46%
Draven 45%
Shepard - 9%
tune in tokyo 142.94
#387 | LeonhartFour | Posted 9/1/2013 10:44:25 PM | message detail
Crew Curse avoided

#388 | xp1337 | Posted 9/1/2013 10:45:37 PM | message detail
emergency ruling: can the guest break the crew curse

the fate of contests is on the line
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#389 | DpObliVion | Posted 9/1/2013 10:48:22 PM | message detail
God damn it, HM, you ruined everything! You just single-handedly altered the course of contest history forever.
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#390 | ZFS | Posted 9/1/2013 10:49:21 PM | message detail
Whatever gentlemen

The Crew Curse was a tradition that needed to go anyway I have liberated the crew
tune in tokyo 142.94
#391 | DpObliVion | Posted 9/1/2013 10:50:49 PM | message detail
Outside forces rallying against the Crew Curse. The Contest Analysis Crew has lost all credibility.
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#392 | The Mana Sword | Posted 9/1/2013 10:57:15 PM | message detail
zfs so young so naive
i'll do rydia -Dante
#393 | wedgeskywalker9 | Posted 9/1/2013 10:58:00 PM | message detail
ZFS posted...
Whatever gentlemen

The Crew Curse was a tradition that needed to go anyway I have liberated the crew

Bravest post
Official Iron Man of C&GN
#394 | The Mana Sword | Posted 9/1/2013 11:31:33 PM | message detail
pretty good show by Link, all things considered
i'll do rydia -Dante
#395 | LeonhartFour | Posted 9/1/2013 11:32:24 PM | message detail
This'll get ugly when most of the site goes to sleep though.
#396 | Safer_777 | Posted 9/2/2013 3:28:18 AM | message detail
I posted in an earlier post that it would be like this

And now it is almost like that.Nice.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#397 | AppIekidjosh | Posted 9/2/2013 5:44:00 AM | message detail
was away for 24 hours or so

WOW CHARIZARD I can't believe he came back, he was down quite a bit when I voted for him

where do I see the results for the bonus match?

and today was probably the first time I've ever voted Link. Not out of bein mad, but out of wanting a good match lol
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#398 | xp1337 | Posted 9/2/2013 5:44:38 AM | message detail
Bonus match:
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#399 | Lopen | Posted 9/2/2013 5:45:49 AM | message detail | (edited)
Just manually edit the poll url for to one lower than today's so 5252 OR THE ABOVE LINK I GUESS
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#400 | -LusterSoldier- | Posted 9/2/2013 5:46:43 AM | message detail | (edited)
It's not easy getting to the bonus match page because the poll results page for the contest matches completely skips over the bonus matches when you use the "Previous Battle" and "Next Battle" links. Also, the poll results page for the contest matches does not have a direct link to go back to the full list of polls.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as SuperNiceDog, Guru Champ!