Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 6

#301 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/30/2013 6:51:23 AM | message detail
missingno is the worst joke character of all time

way to blow it FF fans
i'll do rydia -Dante
#302 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/30/2013 7:28:26 AM | message detail
Division 8: Round 2 - Match 105 – (16) Wario vs. (4) Pokemon Trainer Red vs. (12) Wrex Urdnot

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 49.66% vs. Creeper and KoaC

Wario takes out fodder

Round 1 – 70.78% vs. Corvo and Sissel

Red destroys his opposition

Round 1 – 37.37% vs. Cecil and Pit

Wrex pulled off an upset

Wrex did well to get out of Round 1, but now he comes up against the force known as Pokemon. Red looks strong enough to win this even with Wario in the match, who isn't going to hurt him too much.

Moltar’s Prediction: Wario: 21% - Red: 44% - Wrex: 35%

Lopen’s Analysis

Now to me the logical conclusion here is that Wrex takes advantage of the Nintendo split and walks easy. It also helps that I kinda think he's at least in the league of Red/Wario after last round, so it should be pretty easy for him.

On the other hand, PokeFAQs.

Lopen's prediction:
Red - 45.58%
Wrex - 37.20%
Wario - 17.22%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Trying to decide whether I’d rather root for Wrex to win because he’s awesome or to root for Red to win so I can pointlessly get my hopes up for a Squall > Mario upset next round, only to have them dashed. Those are the only two things I have left in this contest worth rooting for that I’d get legitimately excited about, and they’re mutually exclusive to one another. Kinda sucks! What sucks even more is that probably neither one will happen! Oh well, we’re almost done.

Leonhart’s Vote: Urdnot Wrex

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Pokemon Trainer Red – 47.00%
Urdnot Wrex – 37.00%
Wario – 16.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis


Kleenex's Prediction
Wario with 1%
Red with 94.00%
Wrex with 5%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#303 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/30/2013 7:28:53 AM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

So, Wrex is about equal to Cecil. Red is about equal to Fox. Red probably beats Wrex straight up.

Let's add a Wario. Wario shouldn't overlap with Red too hard, but we've seen a few cases of overlap where the stronger character just gets flattened. Say what you will about rallying, but Vivi would have been way closer than he should have been without any rally. Not sure what to say about Crono/Pikachu, but Magus certainly didn't help. Going off of that, Red and Wrex are probably about equal.

And then there's the utter Pokefear that I have, despite how this match is going. I'll fall in line with everyone else and pick Red.

transience's prediction:

Red with 40%

Wrex with 37%
Wario with 23%

KP's Analysis

Could see Wrex or Red winning this. I'll side with Red because Pokefear, but Nintendo LFF can be brutal and Wario isn't as awful as I'd like him to be. Wrex's strength seems up in the air, though, especially after Knuckles crapped the bed and made Cecil look bad by proxy.

Red - 42%
Wrex - 33%
Wario - 25%

Guest’s Analysis - PaulG

Pretty much a tossup between Red and Wrex. Wario will get third place because lolrio. I'm thinking Pokemon alone will propel Red to victory, but Wrex will be standing out between two nintendo characters.

NORMALLY, I'd go for Red, but considering how day matches have been going lately, I'm going to choose Wrex here in what might be yet another barnburner.

Wario - 26.28%
Red - 36.73%
Wrex - 36.99%

Crew Consensus: Red captures Wrex
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#304 | Safer_777 | Posted 8/30/2013 7:31:53 AM | message detail
1 guy picked Wrex...That is good.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#305 | AppIekidjosh | Posted 8/30/2013 7:43:55 AM | message detail
Oh god I missed the whole thing yesterday and did a spit take when I saw the results
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#306 | Safer_777 | Posted 8/30/2013 8:29:26 AM | message detail
I was here for around 7 hours.And that match was so intense.And Vivi did it!I still can't believe that.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#307 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/30/2013 11:03:49 AM | message detail
I think I got this one.
i'll do rydia -Dante
#308 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/30/2013 12:26:14 PM | message detail
The Mana Sword posted...
missingno is the worst joke character of all time

way to blow it FF fans

Squall has no tolerance for jokes.
#309 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/30/2013 10:04:16 PM | message detail
Crew Predictions - 88/103

What Happened: Just when you think things can't get any more upside-down, Vivi beats Mario

What will Happen: who even knows anymore

Crew Prediction Challenge

KP - 89
Moltar - 88
Kleenex - 86
Leon - 85
Tran - 85
Guest - 82
Lopen - 76

Crew Expert Challenge

KP - 74
Tran - 71
Moltar - 68
Leon - 66
Kleenex - 62
Guest - 59
Lopen - 53

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar and betrayed get Tifa, Kleenex gets DB, KP gets Yuna, Tran gets Mario, Lopen gets Vivi and Ganon

Moltar - 66
KP - 55
Leon - 54
Tran - 52
Lopen - 49
Kleenex - 43
Guest - 36 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (3), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris (2), lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon, FFD, Luis (3), meche, nameplz, pjbasis, FF999 (2), betrayed)
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#310 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/30/2013 10:07:13 PM | message detail
Division 9: Round 2 - Match 106 – (1) Mega Man vs. (6) Kratos vs. (19) Jill Valentine

Moltar’s Analysis

Mega Man
Round 1 – 55.28% vs. Magikarp and Geno

Mega Man ain't afraid of no pokemon

Round 1 – 50.29% vs. Recette and Travis

Kratos underwhelms in his match

Round 1 – 59.54% vs. Haggar and Red Bird

Jill looks good here

So yeah, Kratos looks really bad going into this match with Jill for second. Looks like this PokeFAQs, FF7-hating voter pool doesn't care for Kratos, so I'll take Jill over him for second.

Mega Man obviously takes first.

Moltar’s Prediction: Mega Man: 50% - Kratos: 22% - Jill: 28%

Lopen’s Analysis

This match will be a good test to see whether Mega Man has some sorta Smash/Pity/whatever boost or whether Magikarp just didn't splash hard enough. Based on how well Pokemon's been doing, I'm going to bet on it being the former. This means Mega Man wins with a lot. How much are we talking? Oh... I dunno, 50%ish?

Yeah, this means Magikarp is stronger than Jill and Kratos. This actually seems completely natural given this site.

Kratos vs Jill is kinda interesting-- I think the argument could be made for Jill to take second given the trend of casual characters this contest and saying that Haggar > Recette or Travis. I'm not going to make it, but you know, when the guest does, don't laugh at him He could very well be right!

Lopen's prediction:
Mega Man - 50.06%
Kratos - 27.44%
Jill Valentine - 22.50%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Mega Man: Voted Best Copycat

Kratos: Voted Most Likely to Require Intense Therapy

Jill Valentine: Voted Favorite Sandwich

Mega Man wins, and he’d better hope he wins big so he can look good going into next round. He’s got a decent chance of it here because Kratos looks like he’s lost a couple steps since last time, and while Jill is a solid midcarder, she’s nothing more than that. Here’s a pretty good opportunity to gauge what the SSB4 announcement has done for Mega Man. Either Kratos or Jill could finish second here, and it wouldn’t surprise me. Going with Jill because she had a clearly better performance in round 1, at least to me, but Kratos has traditionally been the stronger of the two in the past, so he’s got a good shot, too.

Leonhart’s Vote: Mega Man

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Mega Man – 48.00%
Jill Valentine – 28.00%
Kratos – 24.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Hmm, there's no funny business going on in this match. No Pokemon either! I don't know what to do. I guess that means the Noble Nine member will probably win the match. Been a while since that's happened !! Between Kratos and Jill I think I'll take Jill because really, who actually likes Kratos.

Kleenex's Prediction
Mega Man with 48.00%
Kratos with 23.00%
Jill with 29.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#311 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/30/2013 10:07:18 PM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

I never look at stats anymore so I can't say for sure, but I bet if you did, Kratos would be above Jill. Jill was never as strong as Kratos was at his peak. But I'm pretty sure in this new world that new blood is looked down on and guys like Kratos are dismissed as being dumb and casual.

Jill is such an easy pick here that I bet it's unanimous across the board. Kratos has a knack for choking while Jill just rocked a stupid bird and a Final Fight character. Not the most impressive of competition but I trust this website to back the 90s character over the 2000s one.

Oh, and Mega Man. I was really excited to see him shine with his newfound Nintendo strength, but with everything else going on about him, it's hard to even pay attention anymore!

transience's prediction:

Mega Man with 51%

Jill with 28%
Kratos with 21%

KP's Analysis

Kratos sucks.

Mega Man - 49%
Jill - 27%
Kratos - 24%

Guest’s Analysis - pjbasis

Mega Man - 55.58%
Kratos - 50.29%
Jill - 59.54%

Looks like an easy Jill > Mega Man > Kratos to me!

She also passes the Eye Candy test.

I guess Red Bird and Haggar are just really that bad, so I'll jot her down as a close second.

Mega Man - 38.37%
Jill Valentine - 33. 49%
Kratos - 28.14%

Crew Consensus: Mega Man jumps into Round 3
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#312 | th3l3fty | Posted 8/30/2013 10:09:52 PM | message detail
good job Lopen
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
#313 | Janus5000 | Posted 8/30/2013 10:10:19 PM | message detail
Lopen saying an upset makes sense and then being the only one not to take it, now I know this contest isn't real
Fight like dragons, have no fear, swords are made of STEEEEEEEEL~
#314 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/30/2013 11:05:15 PM | message detail
kratos is such a turd
i'll do rydia -Dante
#315 | pjbasis | Posted 8/30/2013 11:49:07 PM | message detail
lol magikarp and geno are powerhouses
SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
#316 | Lopen | Posted 8/31/2013 12:29:16 AM | message detail
Jill fanboyz on this crew
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#317 | ZFS | Posted 8/31/2013 12:32:21 AM | message detail

the new Nintendo champion
tune in tokyo 142.94
#318 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/31/2013 5:18:50 AM | message detail
don't blame me I voted for Mega Man
#319 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/31/2013 10:05:54 AM | message detail
Division 9: Round 2 - Match 107 – (2) Zero (MMX) vs. (23) Weighted Companion Cube vs. (20) Rikku

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 58.58% vs. Kratos A and Boko

Zero looks good in R1

Round 1 – 38.18% vs. Claptrap and Lenneth

Cube struggles in its match

Round 1 – 41.57% vs. ? Block and Lyndis

Rikku actually beat a joke character, lolauron

Cube is no L-Block and has never been an L-Block. It's decent enough to beat fodder, but once it faces legit competition, it doesn't get that crazy strong support from rallies. I think it'll start off well and hang around in second for a while, but eventually fall behind.

Since we've seen all these characters before, we know that Zero > Rikku > Cube, so baring any surprises, that's how this match should go.

Moltar’s Prediction: Zero: 43% - Cube: 26% - Rikku: 31%

Lopen’s Analysis

So I like to think of this match as like, orchestrated by GLaDOS, right. She's all like... "destroy the Companion Cube to advance" Well, she says it in a more GLaDOS way by saying something about experiments and progress and motivators and cakes and whatnot but you know, work with me here.

Anyway so Rikku is like "awww no I can't do it the cube is soooo cuttteeee look at the adorbs heart on it! I gotta take it home to Yunie!"

And then Zero... Zero's all like... "confirmed, completing objective" and he just blows that box the hell up, you know? So GLaDOS lets Zero move onto the next testing chamber and Rikku is stranded in testing Chamber 20XX crying... the cube is of course blown up, so it gets last.

Or I dunno maybe I just felt like rambling about nonsense because this match is boring.

Lopen's analysis:
Zero - 38.20%
Rikku - 33.03%
Cube - 28.77%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Zero: Voted Most Likely to Come Back

Weighted Companion Cube: Voted Most Likely to Die in a Fire

Rikku: Voted Best Eyes

This one could have the potential to be interesting. Zero struggled to beat Vivi back in 2008, and 2010 showed that Rikku is close to Vivi’s level. However, I think the Mega Man series is stronger now than it was back then. 2008 was the low point for the series in terms of contest strength. I think Rikku will keep it respectable in defeat as she usually does, but Zero probably wins without too much trouble here. At least Rikku’s going to have a sterling record against joke characters after this contest!

Leonhart’s Vote: Zero

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Zero – 45.00%
Rikku – 35.00%
Weighted Companion Cube – 20.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

This match probably decides Mega Man's fate next round. If Zero wins, Charizard almost assuredly makes the semifinals (save_us.ZELDA), if Rikku wins, he's got a good shot at it. So naturally, that means that Zero will win. There's a good chance this match is really close all three ways, though. I'm definitely giving the Cube an outside shot of messing everything up and winning here, but I don't think it's super high.

Kleenex's Prediction
Zero with 37.00%
Cube with 30.00%
Rikku with 33.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#320 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/31/2013 10:05:59 AM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

The Cube has never seemed like a joke character, despite that the fact that it is very cube-like and that his entire point is more or less a joke. But it's not ubiquitous like other jokes are and is instead more like a legit Portal vote than anything. In other words, he doesn't beat Zero. And Rikku doesn't beat Zero either.

Second place is a lot tougher to call. Rikku beat a Block already but that was before the contest went bonkers. Cube is very rally-able which could push it to first, and Auron and Tidus have already lost to blocks and blobs. I'll stick with though, I guess. Not super impressed by how it almost lost to a Claptrap.

transience's prediction:

Zero with 42%

Rikku with 32%
Cube with 26%

KP's Analysis

I'd like to see Rikku take this simply because Mega Man would actually stand a chance next round, but I doubt it. If Vivi couldn't do it in a year when Mega Man in general was at its weakest, than I doubt Rikku has it in her. Cube...Cube might do something, although I don't think Portal meme jokes are 'in' anymore.

Zero - 37%
Rikku - 33%
Cube - 30%

Guest’s Analysis - Bane

I wonder how Zero is feeling after one of his brethren was surprisingly slain early by the almighty Draven…..does he think he will be able to carry on through the contest? Will he succumb to a similar upset? How is he doing all of this if he’s a fictional character? I don’t know, it’s entertaining me though.

This match can go a number of ways. Zero would seem to be the obvious winner…..if this wasn’t DravenFAQS! Both Rikku and Weighted Companion Cube are out to prove themselves, WCC being no stranger to upsetting and dethroning seemingly obvious winners. Rikku is coming off of a fairly solid win from ? Block, which was an upset in it of itself. The problem with this, however, is that ? Block is a joke character and even winning against the strongest joke characters does not prove true, lasting strength. Call me boring, but I think Zero has 1st place. Between WCC and Rikku, it honestly can go either way. However, as much as I love Rikku, I’m gonna give 2nd place to WCC. Sorry Rikku, if you can over-perform again I wouldn’t mind it! Can WCC being its “A” game to take 1st? It’s possible, but Zero has my trust.

Zero- 41.45%
WCC- 35.68%
Rikku- 22.87%

Crew Consensus: Zero slashes his way into R3
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#321 | TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 8/31/2013 10:08:05 AM | message detail
Whoa, Kleenex and KP with those identical predictions!
RIP GrapefruitKing and Emporer_Kazbar. You will be missed.
#322 | LinkMarioSamus | Posted 8/31/2013 11:18:54 AM | message detail
Was 2008 really the worst year for Mega Man characters? Sounds odd seeing how Mega Man 9 - aka the series' (short-lived, but still!) revival - was released that year.
Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC
#323 | AxemRedRanger | Posted 8/31/2013 2:40:18 PM | message detail | (edited)
Guest’s Analysis - Bane

I wonder how Zero is feeling after one of his brethren was surprisingly slain early by the almighty Draven…..does he think he will be able to carry on through the contest? Will he succumb to a similar upset? How is he doing all of this if he’s a fictional character? WHAT IS HE FIGHTING FORRRRRRRRRR? I don’t know, it’s entertaining me though.

#324 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 8/31/2013 2:41:49 PM | message detail
Ya go my Rikku even though I was horribly off with your percentage.

Also, thanks for that edit XD
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#325 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/31/2013 6:54:40 PM | message detail
Crew Predictions - 89/105

What Happened: Squall isn't a fan of jokes, and Red continues to look strong

What will Happen: Red taking advantage of 2 FF characters

Crew Prediction Challenge

KP - 91
Moltar - 89
Kleenex - 87
Leon - 87
Tran - 86
Guest - 83
Lopen - 77

Crew Expert Challenge

KP - 76
Tran - 72
Moltar - 69
Leon - 68
Kleenex - 63
Guest - 60
Lopen - 54

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Tran gets Squall, Leon and TRT get Ammy, KP gets Missingno, Leon gets Red, KP gets Wrex, Moltar gets Wario

Moltar - 67
KP - 57
Leon - 56
Tran - 53
Lopen - 49
Kleenex - 43
Guest - 37 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (3), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris (2), lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon, FFD, Luis (3), meche, nameplz, pjbasis, FF999 (2), betrayed, TRT)
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#326 | The Real Truth | Posted 8/31/2013 9:45:05 PM | message detail
Damn, thought I was close enough to get 2 points. Oh well.
tornadoman and tornadogirl like to kick box each other in my tornaolayzers and she dosent even mind getting hit
#327 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/31/2013 9:48:03 PM | message detail
Division 9: Round 2 - Match 108 – (16) Zelda vs. (15) Donkey Kong vs. (7) Charizard

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 61.63% vs. John and Sackboy

Zelda looking strong

Donkey Kong
Round 1 – 45.76% vs. Lightning and Falco

LMAO Lightning

Round 1 – 59.16% vs. Riku and Nier

Charizard doing what Pokemon does

Poor DK, won a match few thought he would, looking the best he has in years, and he gets reward by being on the tail-end of double SFF. He's getting killed here.

Zelda vs. Charizard is a match I thought 5 seconds about before succumbing to PokeFEAR. Zelda's good, but people care and nostalgia over Charizard, so I see the voters siding with it here. Plus, Gen 1 Pokemon have consistently been putting up like 40% these dudes are crazy.

Moltar’s Prediction: Zelda: 35% - Donkey Kong: 15% - Charizard: 50%

Lopen’s Analysis

So I think there's a pretty good argument to be made for Zelda here. Zelda games have shown to be tough to punt on the Nintendo pecking order, so she might just be at the top of the hierarchy. She's also the odd woman out, being vs two creatures. Throwing out the Mario match Charizard had I'd argue she's looked more impressive on the whole, too.

On the other hand, PokeFAQs

Lopen's analysis:
Charizard - 46.10%
Zelda - 30.24%
Donkey Kong - 23.66%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Zelda: Voted Best Alter Ego

Donkey Kong: Voted Best Tie

Charizard: Voted Dragon You’d Most Like to Train

And with this, we bid farewell to round 2 and 12 hour matches! Bring on 24 hours! This match had the potential to be interesting until DK upset Lightning. Now we get a 3-way Nintendo LFF fest. DK’s inclusion probably hurts Zelda more than Charizard since Pokemon has shown that it holds up to LFF better than just about any Nintendo franchise. This is a real test of DroneFAQs right here! If Zelda can somehow win this match, Zelda fans will be the best drones of all! And poor DK has no drones of his own, so he’ll be off counting his bananas.

Leonhart’s Vote: Donkey Kong

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Charizard – 50.00%
Zelda – 35.00%
Donkey Kong – 15.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

I actually don't give Zelda much of a chance here. I know some people do but despite some of this year's results throwing Charizard's actual strength into question Pokefear still runs rampant through my blood. DK is probably more likely to hurt Zelda (though this should be very minimal) than Charizard as well. Zelda winning would be a nice surprise to be sure, but I'm not seeing it happening.

Kleenex's Prediction
Zelda with 37.00%
DK with 22.00%
Charizard with 41.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#328 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/31/2013 9:48:08 PM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

Pre-contest, this is debatable. But with baby Zelda, Pokemon going wild and DK crowding the match, it seems completely obvious and boring. I almost wonder if Zelda somehow loses to DK since she's pretty much a leech to her series. Fortunately nobody really cares about DK, which means Charizard goes big here.

bring on draven

transience's prediction:

Charizard with 49%

Zelda with 33%
DK with 18%

KP's Analysis

Pokefear. DK overlaps with Zelda more than Charizard, too - like he needed the help!

Zard - 45%
Zelda - 33%
DK - 22%

Guest’s Analysis - Tnote

Admittedly, the second round has been awful for me. First it began with the Draven fiasco, which rolled extremely quickly into my favorite character, Vincent, being saddled with a headshot more suitable for a linkedin profile than a character contest (I took special pleasure in eliminating paulg from the Guru for that one), and most recently the L-Block and Vivi rallies to turn away Auron (top 5 character for me) and Mario, who is literally all over the walls in my son's nursery. It's been a strange round, and I for one believe that 24 hours matches cannot come soon enough.

Not much to say about this one for me. Despite the questionable Zelda picture, the fanbase overlap with DK should keep her safe from being in a close match with him, and after the round Pokemon have had, Charizard might make a run at half of the votes. I will stay shy of that, as the name Zelda alone should allow her to keep it respectable, even if noone can actually tell it is her from the picture.

Charizard - 44.27%
Zelda - 34.27%
Donkey Kong - 21.46%

Crew Consensus: Charizard closes out R2 with a win
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#329 | foxhead84 | Posted 8/31/2013 10:37:16 PM | message detail
Master Moltar posted...
Transience’s Analysis

Vincent, being saddled with a headshot more suitable for a linkedin profile than a character contest (I took special pleasure in eliminating paulg from the Guru for that one),

hahaha PaulG got eliminated on the Vincent match.... Karma IS a Bi***
Congratulation to SuperNiceDog. Guru Champ and Rivalry Rumble Master
#330 | -LusterSoldier- | Posted 8/31/2013 10:42:13 PM | message detail
If anyone on the Crew even cares, tomorrow's day match will be a bonus match between Mario/Crono/MMX. For those that are interested in preparing a write-up for that match. Of course, we need a guest for that match as well.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as SuperNiceDog, Guru Champ!
#331 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/31/2013 10:51:04 PM | message detail
paulg got eliminated by Squall, actually.

Squall showing no hard feelings for his loss to Vincent.
#332 | ZFS | Posted 8/31/2013 10:53:33 PM | message detail
Go Zelda
tune in tokyo 142.94
#333 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 8/31/2013 11:02:56 PM | message detail
I think I won the point for Zero by .01%

That's pretty intense.
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#334 | transcience | Posted 8/31/2013 11:04:02 PM | message detail
add the c and back away
#335 | xp1337 | Posted 8/31/2013 11:05:00 PM | message detail
zeldafaqs not going down without a fight
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#336 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 8/31/2013 11:05:38 PM | message detail
Chen Kenichi's #1 Fan (is also Yoblazer)
#337 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 8/31/2013 11:06:20 PM | message detail
I voted for Zelda rooting for the underdog......=O
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#338 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/31/2013 11:09:55 PM | message detail
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#339 | Articuno2001 | Posted 8/31/2013 11:10:28 PM | message detail
#340 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/31/2013 11:12:06 PM | message detail
Link fans using this match as a warmup for Draven.
"Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?"
"I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!"
#341 | transcience | Posted 8/31/2013 11:12:33 PM | message detail
this contest just keeps surprising
add the c and back away
#342 | ZFS | Posted 8/31/2013 11:13:23 PM | message detail
LeonhartFour posted...
Link fans using this match as a warmup for Draven.

tune in tokyo 142.94
#343 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 8/31/2013 11:15:48 PM | message detail
Literally losing to Celda
Chen Kenichi's #1 Fan (is also Yoblazer)
#344 | transcience | Posted 8/31/2013 11:18:31 PM | message detail
maybe DK hurts Charizard more then celda

I've got nothin'
add the c and back away
#345 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 8/31/2013 11:19:20 PM | message detail
the dreaded animal LFF, just as we all feared
Chen Kenichi's #1 Fan (is also Yoblazer)
#346 | LeonhartFour | Posted 9/1/2013 1:13:33 AM | message detail
Master Moltar posted...
This is a real test of DroneFAQs right here! If Zelda can somehow win this match, Zelda fans will be the best drones of all!

just want to point out that I called this...!
"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
#347 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 9/1/2013 1:16:59 AM | message detail
You would have really called if you went with the risk and put Zelda ahead in your percentages =P
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#348 | LeonhartFour | Posted 9/1/2013 1:18:03 AM | message detail
I have Zelda in my bracket!
#349 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 9/1/2013 1:18:57 AM | message detail
Huh, fair enough then.
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#350 | LinkMarioSamus | Posted 9/1/2013 1:21:06 AM | message detail
-LusterSoldier- posted...
If anyone on the Crew even cares, tomorrow's day match will be a bonus match between Mario/Crono/MMX. For those that are interested in preparing a write-up for that match. Of course, we need a guest for that match as well.

I'll do it!

Regardless of Mario's (joke) demise, I'll pretend like there will be no rallying for this match. For all you know Mario could 60-40 Crono, and I don't think Mega Man X hurts either of them particularly more than the other. For all you know, X hurts Crono more - both are SNES/PS1 characters while Mario draws from all of Nintendo. So I'll assume that Mario 55-45's X, who 55-45's Crono.

Mario - 40.18%
X - 32.89%
Crono - 26.93%
Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC