Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 5

#101 | Lopen | Posted 8/13/2013 5:33:32 PM | message detail
I think the best argument for Cecil getting hurt by Pit here isn't some sorta disproportionate overlap but that Mass Effect might not have the exposure FFIV does here so Pit being here takes away a lot of the "default" votes Cecil would get against Wrex straight up.

I kinda buy that Cecil wins if the third wheel is like the dishonored guy from yesterday but it's not because of some sorta Nintendo/Old Square overlap.

I wouldn't take Pit to win in Pit/Wrex/Corvo though. I think even the effects of that would be fairly minor and not enough to make up 7%. 3% though, maybe.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#102 | ZFS | Posted 8/13/2013 6:06:52 PM | message detail
Hmm. Yeah, I could see that.
tune in tokyo 142.94
#103 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/13/2013 6:11:59 PM | message detail
Well, if that's true, then Wrex is in a prime position to do well next round as well. We could have a contest where Wrex gets farther than Shepard.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#104 | Safer_777 | Posted 8/13/2013 6:16:41 PM | message detail
Crew Curse because of Wrex?Now that is something truly amazing.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#105 | LOZLTTP | Posted 8/13/2013 7:54:07 PM | message detail
get wrex'd
Many people, of course, use 'sentimentalism' as a term of abuse for other people's decent feelings, and realism as a disguise for their own brutality. G H Hardy
#106 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/13/2013 8:38:49 PM | message detail

Crew Predictions - 64/70

What Happened: Missingno beats Tidus thanks to a last minute rally (it's like 2010 all over again!), and Wario has no problem beating his opponents

What will Happen: If Tidus can come that close to winning, Squall should take it. Never know with jokes though.

Crew Prediction Challenge - woo glitch

KP - 64
Kleenex - 63
Moltar - 62
Leon - 61
Tran - 59
Guest - 59
Lopen - 52

Crew Expert Challenge - woo glitch

KP - 52
Kleenex - 51
Tran - 50
Leon - 48
Moltar - 48
Guest - 45
Lopen - 37

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Tran gets Missingno, Moltar gets Tidus, Kleenex gets Banjo, Wario, and Creeper, and Lopen gets King

Moltar - 47
Lopen - 38
Leon - 36
Tran - 34
Kleenex - 29
KP - 28
Guest - 24 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (2), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris, lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon)
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#107 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/13/2013 9:45:08 PM | message detail
Division 9: Round 1 - Match 73 – (1) Mega Man vs. (18) Geno vs. (27) Magikarp

Moltar’s Analysis

Mega Man
Now infused with the power of Smash Bros

Dead on arrival

PokeFEAR and JokeFEAR sure do come hand-in-hand lately

If Seph were here instead of MM, I'd be worried (and excited I'd believe in the upset). I'm not going to link the pre-contest poll where Magikarp got 40%+ on the other 27 seeds because spoilers other crew members did but yeah that happened.

I think MM will be fine though. Unlike Capcom, his GameFAQs fans aren't going to abandon him and he should put this away relatively early so Magikarp can't ride on rally momentum. Plus he has Smash trailer hype boost or something.

lmao geno is going to get killed here

Moltar’s Prediction: Mega Man: 60% - Geno: 15% - Magikarp: 25%

Lopen’s Analysis

So, I see this match here in the bracket... and I'm like... rofllmao magikarp... like, legitimately, I laughed when I saw it. I dunno if I was rolling on the floor, but you know what I mean. So I think to myself... okay, it's a joke entrant that I actually don't think is awful. And it's from Pokemon, and I still don't think it's awful.

If I appreciate a joke entrant. That either means that magikarp is going to make a big splash or he's going to flail around and do nothing.

Then... I saw this.

Okay, now, you sayin to yourself... "sure, Magikarp got 41% against a bunch of fodder. Impressive, to be sure, but not actually enough to do anything but come in a strong second place, right?" Well, first of all, I think 41% against those guys is enough to put fear into this match alone, but also consider the wording of the question... this isn't "which do you like more" this is "which of these would you like to see pull an upset." The way I see this, given the wording of the question if you vote for the guy on this list you want them to win. If none of them appeal to you, you abstain. Given 34k votes, there weren't many abstentions.

So you take Magikarp's 41%, take away Geno's 14%, add some rally/stuffing percents... and suddenly, Magikarp is looking like he's geared to take this.

The unholy union of pokefear and jokefear is going to be truly terrifying. We've seen it once with MissingNo, but this one here is a fresh catch and in a format that favors jokes more than MissingNo's. Be sure you're on the right side. I'm just... sorry it had to be Mega Man... first WCC now this... poor guy.

Lopen's prediction:
Magikarp - 43.88%
Mega Man - 42.10%
Geno - 14.02%

Leonhart’s Analysis

This seems like a pretty straightforward match to me. I don’t really trust that 27 seed poll that Magikarp dominated to be indicative of any sort of strength, or at least not Noble Nine tier strength. It should be strong enough to beat Geno, but that’s not saying much (Seriously guys, nominate Mallow instead). Mega Man should win this one pretty safely, especially with the SSB4 announcement behind him.

Leonhart’s Vote: Geno

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Mega Man – 59.00%
Magikarp – 27.00%
Geno – 14.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#108 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/13/2013 9:45:11 PM | message detail
Kleenex’s Analysis

Literally an phone analysis so this will be short. To me magikarp is the scariest "joke" in the contest. Luckily he should be up against a brick wall with mega man here. Thank goodness.

Kleenex's Prediction
Mega with 57
Geno with 18
Karp with 25

Transience’s Analysis

Our first chance to see post-trailer Mega Man and it won't mean anything because who the hell knows what a Magikarp is worth. It seems like it should be at least at Missingno's level, but with a muuuch better opponent than Tidus and a dead weight that can't draw votes away. Magikarp probably pulls its 30% while Mega Man looks awesome as the only Noble Nine guy that actually has a reason to be stronger than previous years.

transience's prediction: Mega Man with 57%, Magikarp with 32%, Geno with 11%

KP's Analysis

Magikarp, huh. He could end up anywhere so I'll just put him squarely between Mega Man and Geno and call it a day.

Mega Man - 55%
Magikarp - 30%
Geno - 15%

Guest’s Analysis - Luster Soldier

This match seems oddly familiar to a similar match back in 2010. You've got 2 Pokemon joke characters that faced a Noble Niner in round 1, in 2 separate contests. Magikarp is unlikely to be stronger than Missingno in his first contest apparance and then you have to add in the fact Magikarp has to face a stronger Noble Niner than Missingno had to face. Missingno's vote-in poll before the start of the 2010 contest projected him to be a potential Noble Nine breaker after we saw Lightning's performance against Sonic. For Magikarp, we got this pre-contest poll:

That poll has proven to be very inaccurate. At least Missingno's vote-in poll listed the game or series each character was from, but Magikarp's poll had no pictures and the results were largely determined by name recognition. Magikarp overperformed as the voters will know who Magikarp is without any pictures, while other characters underperformed. Missile in particular finished below 10% against Magikarp, but went out and broke 20% on Crono.

Magikarp should look better than Missingno in this contest because jokes perform best during their first contest before losing strength in future contests. The strength difference between Magikarp and Mega Man makes it unlikely an upset occurs, unless Magikarp is stronger than expected and gets rallied hard. The night match makes Magikarp look better here because Mega Man is weak in Europe while Geno is from a game that wasn't originally released over there.

Luster Soldier's Bracket: Mega Man
Luster Soldier's Prediction:
Mega Man - 51.47%
Geno - 14.33%
Magikarp - 34.20%

Crew Consensus: Mega Man ain't afraid of no Pokemon
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#109 | Lopen | Posted 8/13/2013 10:01:20 PM | message detail
Ah yes the upset of all upsets is all mine. Tremble and despair the pokejokemachine cannot be stopped.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#110 | Bane_Of_Despair | Posted 8/13/2013 10:03:13 PM | message detail
I would actually love it if Magikarp won. This whole contest would implode on itself.
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
3DS FC- 5472-6201-0498
#111 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/13/2013 10:06:41 PM | message detail
I actually like Magikarp so normally I'd be down for a little pokejokefear but you keep that stuff away from my Mega Man. He's had it rough recently.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#112 | Kibago | Posted 8/13/2013 10:08:10 PM | message detail
MM fans should be completely on board for a Zero/Charizard/Magikarp division final
Leafs / Raptors / Blue Jays / TFC / Argos / Tottenham
We'll get 'em next year.
#113 | Xuxon | Posted 8/13/2013 10:08:59 PM | message detail
From: Kibago | Posted: 8/13/2013 11:08:10 PM | #112
MM fans should be completely on board for a Zero/Charizard/Magikarp division final

indeed. it helps that i'm also a big Magikarp fan and not a Charizard fan.
#114 | th3l3fty | Posted 8/13/2013 10:28:25 PM | message detail
Magikarp winning would be the best upset
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
#115 | 1337gamerpr0 | Posted 8/13/2013 10:30:38 PM | message detail
Kibago posted...
MM fans should be completely on board for a Zero/Charizard/Magikarp division final

that actually gives Zero a really good shot at making the semis!
(inb4 he gets last in that match anyway because PokeFEAR)
#116 | LOZLTTP | Posted 8/13/2013 10:59:57 PM | message detail
preemptive lol lopen
Many people, of course, use 'sentimentalism' as a term of abuse for other people's decent feelings, and realism as a disguise for their own brutality. G H Hardy
#117 | transience | Posted 8/13/2013 11:04:39 PM | message detail
that was a fun four minutes
#118 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/13/2013 11:11:19 PM | message detail
First 5 minutes: Mega Man leads by 21
First 10 minutes: Mega Man leads by 169

I will never cease to be surprised by some of these early votes.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#119 | Lopen | Posted 8/13/2013 11:18:27 PM | message detail
Oh well Magikarp. You gave my bracket hope for about 4 divisions longer than it had any right to have hope, so good job.

C'mon Mega Man take down the whole bracket.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#120 | Xuxon | Posted 8/13/2013 11:19:23 PM | message detail
Mega Man gets all the joke votes now due to stealing Magikarps power, beats Link
#121 | -LusterSoldier- | Posted 8/13/2013 11:27:03 PM | message detail
My prediction looks really good right now. And given that SMRPG never came out in Europe and Mega Man is weak in the UK, it's going to be difficult for Mega Man to gain percentage in the dead zone and morning vote.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as SuperNiceDog, Guru Champ!
#122 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/14/2013 12:26:48 AM | message detail

Crew Predictions - 65/72

What Happened: Red crushed fodder, Wrex surprised and beat the debated favorites, Pit and Cecil.

What will Happen: Wrex really stands out among Red and Wario, he's got a good shot there

Crew Prediction Challenge - ya go my wrex

KP - 65
Kleenex - 64
Moltar - 63
Leon - 62
Tran - 60
Guest - 60
Lopen - 53

Crew Expert Challenge - expert picks got wrex'd

KP - 53
Kleenex - 52
Tran - 50
Leon - 49
Moltar - 49
Guest - 45
Lopen - 37

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets Red, Lopen gets Corvo and Pit, KP gets Sissel, Kleenex gets Wrex, Tran gets Cecil

Moltar - 48
Lopen - 40
Leon - 36
Tran - 35
Kleenex - 30
KP - 29
Guest - 24 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (2), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris, lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon)
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#123 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/14/2013 7:24:13 AM | message detail
Division 9: Round 1 - Match 74 – (6) Kratos vs. (13) Travis Touchdown vs. (22) Recette Lemongrass

Moltar’s Analysis

god of qtes

great game

great game (lower the price)

This is as by the books as it's going to get. Kratos is strong, Travis is weak, Recette is weaker. Travis got 30% on Zelda a few years back, so Kratos probably gets something around that since Travis hasn't had any reason to maintain his strength and Kratos is weaker than Zelda.

Cute anime girl ends up in the low teens like most of the other cute anime girls.

Moltar’s Prediction: Kratos: 61% - Travis: 26% - Recette: 13%

Lopen’s Analysis


Considered Recette for 2nd but I think 4chan with their stuffing tools blocked isn't actually that dangerous. Legitimate votes they probably only have 1000 votes in their tank, tops. It's probably more like a few hundred. Travis isn't that strong though and Recettear actually has some people that have played it and Recette is the more standout poll option so this should still be fairly close.

Lopen's prediction:
Kratos - 66.66%
Travis - 17.22%
Recette - 16.12%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Kratos wins this one easily. That much is obvious. Not sure what to make of the battle for second place though since both characters ought to be pretty weak. We already know Travis is weak from his previous contest appearances, although 30% on Zelda isn’t TOO terrible. Recette has a pretty high chance of being really bad though, I think. Hard to say and hard to care! First round’s almost over!

Leonhart’s Vote: Kratos

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Kratos – 62.00%
Travis Touchdown – 23.00%
Recette Lemongrass – 15.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

theres two kratoses and I don't know which one this is. Shockingly, I'm not going to bother looking it up because I'm just going to assume it's the God of War one. But honestly, even if it was the Symphonia guy he'd still probably win because holy crap. Travis's two contest performances have been failing to break 70% on Zelda and losing to an SFF'd Ness. And while this may still be more impressive than Guybrush, it's nothing to make me want to put you over either Kratos. Recette, well, I think Recettear is a great game and Recette is okay I suppose but lets be realistic here, it's not very popular. She is the kind of character who could pull the support of one of those 4chan and/or Reddit rallies that seem to be all the rage these days, though, so watch out for that.

Kleenex's Prediction
Kratos with 60.00%
Travis with 23.00%
Recette with 17.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#124 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/14/2013 7:24:17 AM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

TRAVIS TOUCHDOWN. Remember when people talked about this guy and his game because there was only like three Wii games worth owning and they felt obligated to champion something on the Nintendo console? I haven't heard a peep about No More Heroes in years now, especially with Suda making a new ridiculous game every other year on the current gen platforms. Despite his complete fall from relevance, he probably does alright here since he's up against the Recettear chick and some american modern action hero. Kratos obviously dominates the poll but I'm not sure he can blow it out like Dante would. Actually, now that I try to make percentages it seems impossible for Kratos not to blow it out, so ignore that.

transience's prediction: Kratos with 63%, Travis Touchdown with 26%, Recette with 11%

KP's Analysis

Kratos wins despite being currently irrelevant and a bad character. Travis is less bad than little anime girl. He's always been slightly better than he should be given how obscure and divisive No More Heroes was, but he is, so whatever.

Kratos - 53%
Travis - 30%
Recette - 17%

Guest’s Analysis - tnote

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has played a God of War game that Kratos should significantly over-perform in a three way. I am currently playing through Ascension (with the recent birth of our first child, extremely slowly), and have gotten through all of the prior iterations from the series. I always struggle with wanting more games in a series. On one hand, if you really love the series, of course you want new material to immerse yourself into. On the other hand, there is really only so many relevant story-lines you can develop before you just run out of good material. I thought they could have called it a series after GoW III and that would have been fine with me. Kratos has fantastic character development, a compelling back story, and has been around for almost ten years. I am expecting a fairly solid performance here, and possibly even an over-performance next round before bowing out to Megakarpman (written before the prior match began).

I tried diving into No More Heroes a few years back, and never real got emotionally involved. Story seemed pretty decent, I thought the gameplay was solid, but just overall was not enough to keep my attention. Travis got the PS3 port a few years back, which helped get him some additional exposure as well. Probably will not benefit from having Kratos in the match, since the match picture clearly leans towards Kratos pulling in the casual "both of these guys are awesome, but look how much more freakin' awesome the God of War is" votes.

Admittedly, had to look up who Recette was. Apparently she runs a thrift shop? She's going to need a lot more than $20 in her pocket to buy enough votes to avoid being a decent third. Her fans think just getting her into the contest is freaking... awesome.

Tnote's Summary: Kratos is the God War, and Travis finishes a Touchdown (and field goal) ahead of Recette, who probably would not fit in my granddad's clothes.

Kratos with 57.46%
Travis with 26.27%
Recette with 16.27%

Crew Consensus: Kratos does not approve of capitalism
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#125 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/14/2013 7:28:02 AM | message detail
Master Moltar posted...
Travis's two contest performances have been failing to break 70% on Zelda

what a loser
#126 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/14/2013 7:29:59 AM | message detail
damnit people aren't actually supposed to read these
i'll do rydia -Dante
#127 | transcience | Posted 8/14/2013 7:59:50 AM | message detail
tnote had a kid! another old man
add the c and back away
#128 | hylianknight3 | Posted 8/14/2013 11:19:01 AM | message detail
Master Moltar posted...
Transience’s Analysis

Remember when people talked about this guy and his game because there was only like three Wii games worth owning and they felt obligated to champion something on the Nintendo console?

Yes. I used to read Nintendo Power, and they talked about No More Heroes all the freaking time.
#129 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/14/2013 11:28:15 AM | message detail
whoops guess I had the wrong Kratos
i'll do rydia -Dante
#130 | ZFS | Posted 8/14/2013 11:29:03 AM | message detail
Kratos sux.
tune in tokyo 142.94
#131 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/14/2013 11:50:21 AM | message detail
Another bad performance for someone connected to Charizard...!
#132 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/14/2013 12:27:02 PM | message detail
You guys are crazy. Kratos is a total zeitgeist character that no one actually likes, no way was he keeping his strength from before.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#133 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/14/2013 12:27:50 PM | message detail
It's not so much that I have any respect for Kratos's strength (I don't). It's just we already knew Travis was worthless and I expected Recette to be even worse.
"Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!"
"Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!"
#134 | transcience | Posted 8/14/2013 12:53:33 PM | message detail
stuffing or not, this makes me want to finally break down and buy recettear

I do find it odd that the lolicon characters get stuffed to hell every time though. recette's design is exactly why I've avoided the game.
add the c and back away
#135 | LeonhartFour | Posted 8/14/2013 12:54:10 PM | message detail
Considering who's probably doing the stuffing, it's not too surprising...!
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
#136 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/14/2013 12:54:35 PM | message detail
recettear is pretty great
i'll do rydia -Dante
#137 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/14/2013 12:59:04 PM | message detail
I get this weird vibe from some people who really praise Recettear. That's turned me off almost as much as the art style/character design.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#138 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/14/2013 1:00:03 PM | message detail
i'll do rydia -Dante
#139 | KamikazePotato | Posted 8/14/2013 1:03:49 PM | message detail
Well it's mostly just Albion and places like 4chan

But that's a pretty bad combination
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#140 | Crimson Dragoon | Posted 8/14/2013 1:07:58 PM | message detail
Well they can corrupt anything.
~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism.
#141 | Lopen | Posted 8/14/2013 4:38:39 PM | message detail
I was going to say "lol Kratos" but then I realized I based my prediction for him in this match off of the match Travis had with Zelda and basically ignored the fact that there were 3 guys and Recette's percentage shouldn't actually come 100% from Travis


Anyway Recettear is an enjoyable game. Even though I haven't played much it definitely seems like it'll be worth the $5 I spent on it when I actually get around to it. Don't let the weirdoes scare you away from it there's no real reason it deserves that rep.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#142 | FFDragon | Posted 8/14/2013 5:21:24 PM | message detail
writeup sent
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
#143 | Heroic Viktor | Posted 8/14/2013 9:50:38 PM | message detail | (edited)
transcience posted...
tnote had a kid! another old man

Yep, little guy is almost four months old, and he's awesome. Except of course for the whole "no more uninterrupted sleep" thing. Major life adjustment, but really not much more than getting married.

Any chance I can call guest dibs on the Vincent/Phoenix/Mewtwo match?
243 character battle royale? My head hurts.
RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/05
#144 | transcience | Posted 8/14/2013 9:56:31 PM | message detail
my youngest is two months. I hear ya!
add the c and back away
#145 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/14/2013 10:03:18 PM | message detail
Division 9: Round 1 - Match 75 – (9) Red Bird vs. (10) Mike Haggar vs. (19) Jill Valentine

Moltar’s Analysis

Red Bird
I'm angry this even made it in the contest

The Mayor of Earf

will kill (this match)

Red Bird vs. Haggar was actually getting some talk before Jill was revealed as the low seed. That pretty much locked this match up as Jill is a proven midcarder. Bird and Haggar are unknowns, but we do know from what we've seen so far that they won't be too strong.

Bird is casual bait, and we've seen casual bait characters get around 20%-30%. Bird probably ends up on the lower or middle end of that as this site does not care for it much (

Haggar really only has MvC3 going for him, and he's not even all that much of a popular pick in it. Still, if he can keep it close, I could see him getting rallied over the bird for second at least. I think the animal will be just out of reach though.

Moltar’s Prediction: Red Bird: 25% - Haggar: 20% - Jill: 55%

Lopen’s Analysis

I have Haggar here, and while the Final Fight fan in me wants to say Poison did as well as she did because of Final Fight I know now that this was folly. Jill Valentine is... well, stronger than I recalled, to say the least.

Should still beat Angry Bird though. Jill should take away any Pac-Man advantage it'll have and I don't really think mobile games are GameFAQs's thing. Don't really see it getting any sort of joke rally either. Probably cause it has a face.


Lopen's prediction:
Jill Valentine - 42.00%
Mayor of Earth - 35.88%
Red Bird - 22.12%

Leonhart’s Analysis

I don’t think anyone here really expects much from Red Bird because there’s a big difference between being known and being liked. Plus, Red Bird is the lamest of all the Angry Birds anyway. Why not get one of the ones that’s actually got special powers and stuff? I still think he gets second though because Haggar’s going to be really bad. Don’t let Poison’s performance fool you into thinking Final Fight guys are going to be decent. She had reasons to do well that Haggar doesn’t. Haggar’s only appearance of note is Marvel vs. Capcom 3. He’s never been in a Street Fighter game, which hurts him, I think. MvC3 might be enough to make him half decent, but I kinda doubt it. Let’s get Guy or Cody next time instead! Oh right, Jill wins easily.

Leonhart’s Vote: Mike Haggar

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Jill Valentine – 60.00%
Red Bird – 23.00%
Mike Haggar – 17.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

So for whatever reason, the Red Bird was my pet character this year. I don't really know why, he probably won't be very strong just because he's from a game that GameFAQs doesn't care about (probably hates even, because the people who play it are DIRTY CASUALS). I think that as the most recognizable character to come into existence since the last contest he's worth a shot and you know what, I bet he can even beat Haggar because Haggar. Jill's probably too much out of his reach, and doing so would probably risk FFD's sanity (Bird by 27 votes imho). But I kinda hope he does well in the face of everyone who has called him turbofodder over the past couple of months. And if not, oh well, no big loss.

Kleenex's Prediction
Red Bird with 30.00%
Haggar with 24.00%
Jill with 46.00%
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#146 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 8/14/2013 10:03:25 PM | message detail
Transience’s Analysis

RED BIRD. This stupid goddamn thing is the antithesis of what GameFAQs likes. RED BIRD. It's a casual phone game character that was released in the last few years. Talk about things that GameFAQs hates! RED BIRD. Jill is going to godstomp this stupid mascot into oblivion. Haggar probably does too. Screw you, RED BIRD. Want to know what your defining characteristic is? You're red. You're a bird. Red Bird! **** you, Red Bird.

transience's prediction: Jill with 54%, Haggar with 28%, RED BIRD with 18%

KP's Analysis

Jill is going to stomp this poll. She's less relevant than she used to be, but she's still always been pretty good, and her opponents are Haggar and Red Bird.

Speaking of them, I find it hard to believe that Red Bird is going to amount to anything on this site. GameFAQs is the exact sort of site to get offended over such a 'casual' character, and Haggar is a great kind of character to take advantage of that. Haggar is sort of the anti-Red Bird - no one's played his games, but everyone likes him. MVC3 helps him out a lot here.

Jill - 50%
Haggar - 27%
Red Bird - 23%

Guest’s Analysis - FFDragon

This is a match that absolutely terrifies me. There have been matches where I've been disappointed with the results, but whatever, it's a thing that happens. A lot of the characters I like, especially those from survival horror series, tend to do things like this:

If you've caught the trend there, you'll see that that they usually have a nice cozy home in last place. And then when we look at Jilly V herself:

She likes to do things like make things stupidly close and then lose by 27 votes. Or in more recent times, just absolutely collapse under pressure. (Yes, that's he losing to Kratos, who was struggling with Recette for a while)

So the real question is, what do you think of Red Bird? Angry Birds has sold something like 85 trillion copies and is played on the moon and etc etc but does that really matter? Does anyone care about the damn thing? And I mean in any fashion -- Do they care about it as a character? Do they care about it as a joke? I don't think anyone does. And it being the top seed probably hurts its joke factor if anything. I'm calling (and praying for) the bird tanking and we never hear about it again. If it was only worth a Chester and a half I would be ecstatic. And then there is Mike Haggar, who will certainly be hurt by Anti-Badass FAQs and will undoubtedly be MVC3 SFFed by Our The Valentine.

I am using no STATS to make this pick, I am going off of straight gut of what should be right in the world. Jill Valentine is a video game legend, even if Capcom has brushed her to the side as of late. There were 3 RE games released last year, and it's no shocker that the only one starring Jill was the best of the bunch last year, and was so well received that they ported it off handhelds so it could reach a wider audience on consoles. Jill has this -- and if she doesn't, I may have a serious meltdown.

Jill Valentine, Leader of The Crimson Flames: 57.13%
Mike Haggar, Mayor of Earth: 26.88%
Red Bird, Bird that is Red: 15.99%

Crew Consensus: Jill goes level 3 and leaves the competition in the dust
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#147 | transcience | Posted 8/14/2013 10:08:29 PM | message detail
bird that is red

red goddamn bird

feel bad about yourself, kleenex
add the c and back away
#148 | LOZLTTP | Posted 8/14/2013 10:10:05 PM | message detail | (edited)
Foolish as it is I simply could not resist putting the mayor of earth in my bracket.

No regrets!
Many people, of course, use 'sentimentalism' as a term of abuse for other people's decent feelings, and realism as a disguise for their own brutality. G H Hardy
#149 | 1337gamerpr0 | Posted 8/14/2013 10:12:30 PM | message detail
bonus match nomination: Red Bird vs Draven vs ???
#150 | The Mana Sword | Posted 8/14/2013 10:14:45 PM | message detail
1.7 billion votes brace yourselves
i'll do rydia -Dante