GameFAQs Contests
Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 4
can we specifically request NOT GUYBRUSH instead of actually nominating someone |
FantasyFreak999 posted... Hey, where can we find character stats? My match is coming up, and I'm not too sure about percentages. Right here, pal! --- | | Oh gosh, you really should listen to The Show! |
Thanks! Already had the order of the Ammy/Vyse/Adol match picked out. Now I think I have a good shot with the percentages. :) --- 3DS FC: 3265-5634-7751 | Crew Predictions - 58/64 What Happened: Tifa finally puts up a good showing for FF7, and Mario obviously wins What will Happen: Tifa looks safe in R2 even with Yuna around Crew Prediction Challenge - lopen... Kleenex - 58 KP - 58 Moltar - 56 Leon - 55 Tran - 54 Guest - 53 Lopen - 47 Crew Expert Challenge - lopen... Kleenex - 48 Tran - 47 KP - 47 Leon - 44 Moltar - 44 Guest - 41 Lopen - 34 Crew Accuracy Challenge - AKJ gets Tifa and Chun, Lopen gets Cirno, Kotetsu gets Mario, Moltar gets Duke, KP gets Fawful Moltar - 43 Leon - 35 Lopen - 34 Tran - 31 KP - 26 Kleenex - 25 Guest - 23 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (2), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris, lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2)) --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Division 8: Round 1 - Match 67 – (2) Squall Leonhart vs. (17) Rayman vs. (26) Commander Video Moltar’s Analysis Squall Keep smilin', Squall Rayman Death by Rabbids Video Shep > Keen > Video in the Commander Wars A by the books match if I've ever seen one. Squall's a near elite, Rayman's fodder, Video is super fodder. This is kind of light so I guess I'll just go into pointless ramble about numbers. Squall tripled Geno years ago, so I wonder how would Rayman vs. Geno would go... ...I'm not even going to think about that one maybe a short write-up is fine too. Moltar’s Prediction: Squall: 66% - Rayman: 22% - Video: 12% Lopen’s Analysis Man I really want to take Commander Video at second place here because his name is freakin Commander Video and who the hell gives a damn about Rayman. He also has that VVVVVV charm, and who can resist that? Well... nah he probably won't win because people at least know who Rayman is, even if it is just "hey it's that washed up never was"... pity votes, maybe? Like a precious old man asking for change. Probably a better sponge for those zany Squall anti-votes, too. It'll probably be closer than you'd think in any case. Lopen's prediction: Squall - 73.20% Rayman - 14.18% Commander Video - 12.62% Leonhart’s Analysis I’m not really sure what would qualify as a “good” performance for Squall here. Not that it matters, because I’m picking him next round, no matter what happens. I think he can go pretty high here because Rayman has always been pretty weak, and Commander Video was the only character in the bracket I was completely unfamiliar with, including the game he came from. From what I’ve been told by others, I’d guess he’s probably somewhere between Meat Boy or Captain Viridian, which is not very good either way you slice it. So this is a match designed for Squall to go high, but it’s possible he might “underperform” relative to expectations because FF characters don’t seem to be as capable of super big blowouts as they used to be. But like I said, nothing’s going to stop me from supporting him next round, so… …Whatever. Leonhart’s Vote: Squall Leonhart Leonhart’s Prediction: Squall Leonhart – 67.50% Rayman – 20.00% Commander Video – 12.50% Kleenex’s Analysis So when I was sending my analysis to Moltar earlier, my eyes glazed over and I completely skipped over this match in the bracket. You know why? Because it's BORING. Squall wins. Rayman gets second. Probably. Commander Video isn't worth anything, RIght? Right?! People like Rayman now because he had a good game or something! I don't know! Who cares! Come on Round 2! Kleenex's Prediction Squall with 62.00% Rayman with 24.00% Commander Video with 14.00% --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Transience’s Analysis RAYMAN MIGHT BE MY LEAST FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME CHARACTER IN THE WORLD. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIS LIMBS? EVERY TIME I SEE HIM I BLINK TO SEE IF MAYBE MY EYES ARE SCREWED UP. NOPE! HE'S JUST NATURALLY IDIOTIC. NICE JOB, ANCEL. STILL BEATS COMMANDER VIDEO TRANSIENCE'S PREDICTION: SQUALL WITH 63%, RAYMAN WITH 28%, VIDEO WITH 9% KP's Analysis I had heard of Commander Video before the bracket, but only as a guest character in Super Meat Boy. Him and Captain Viridian made me scratch my head when I saw them here. Rayman has never been good, but with his recent resurgence + some people actually knowing who he is, he should take 2nd without a lot of trouble here. Squall kills because he might be facing the weakest competition in the bracket. Squall - 67% Rayman - 21% Commander Video - 12% Guest’s Analysis - pjbasis Aw yeah one of my favorite type of matches, the ones where I get to vote Squall. I heard a lot less about bit.trip beat than VVVVVV so Video should be even weaker than Viridian. Rayman is bad but I guess he's been in the spotlight lately so he shouldn't be too bad and will take an easy second. Unfortunately Squall should suffer a bit of whatever's been knocking FFVII so I shouldn't expect him to go into the 70s. But then again I took Seifer to beat Knuckles so....WHY NOT Squall - 70.12% Rayman - 20.39% Video - 9.49% You know that doesn't really look unreasonable. Viridian only got 13% against weaker competition. Video go even farther down, and if Rayman turns out to be a little weaker....could we see Big Boss' numbers!? Let's cross our fingers! Crew Consensus: Whatever --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Dammit I knew Lopen might go higher, should have went for 75 --- SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0 |
spoilers it's not a highest guess contest --- |
Whatever you're just jealous cause I love Squall more --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
You can't measure love with numbers...! --- |
=( --- I keep coming back here where everything... slipped Ahhahhahaa |
At least I'll get the point for Vi- godammit --- SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0 |
LinkMarioSamus posted... To be fair Jensen probably looks considerably more appealing to the average voter compared to most "Generic McDudes". That explains so much. I had no choice but to mark your message in "Why Did They Lose?" for moderation for unmarked spoilers. --- RIP GrapefruitKing and Emporer_Kazbar. You will be missed. |
Division 8: Round 1 - Match 68 – (5) Amaterasu vs. (14) Vyse vs. (23) Adol Christin Moltar’s Analysis Amaterasu Dog! Vyse Our former good ol' fodder line Adol Ys? More like No 1 almost non-FF rpg and 2 non-FF jrpg characters in one match, don't break out the popcorn for this one. Ammy > Vyse is certain based on past matches, and it'll be interesting to see if she's capable of blowing out decent fodder. Adol is going to be weaker than both because I'm pretty sure even Ys is too obscure and old for GameFAQs. You know you're something weak when you're going to get blown out by Vyse. Moltar’s Prediction: Amaterasu: 58% - Vyse : 32% - Adol: 10% Lopen’s Analysis Hey look it's the Mercs 3 special match. Amaterasu had the strongest abilities but Vyse had versatility and Adol was on the strongest team... so man, this is gonna be a toughi-- okay no one wants to read about that crap, especially me. I think Adol is a nice dark horse pick to contend for the Tanner award of this contest. Super obscure game and probably gets a split with Vyse... you know, the obscure RPG thing... YS is an rpg series right. Only saving grace is he looks kinda cool I guess so that should probably be enough. Whatever Dog destroys. I'd go with dog to win if it was only in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Vyse has gone nowhere but down since his fodder line days and Adol is somehow going to fall below Vyse's new adjusted fodder line. Or he might not. Maybe "cool looking sword guy" is enough to beat Vyse these days... or maybe Vyse will KO himself. Lopen's prediction: Amaterasu - 66.80% Vyse - 19.11% Adol - 14.09% Leonhart’s Analysis This is the first time we’ve seen Amaterasu in a match where she’s by far the strongest character in the match. So we’ve never had an opportunity to see how high she can go. Okami’s always had a solid support base here, and Ammy’s had Marvel vs. Capcom 3 since the last contest, to boot. She should do pretty well here. And while Vyse has fallen a long way since the days of being our official fodder line, he should still be able to beat some dude from Ys, especially now that he’s got Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed under his belt! Maybe it can even bring him back up to the fodder line! A man can dream. A man can dream. Leonhart’s Vote: Vyse the Legend Leonhart’s Prediction: Amaterasu – 57.00% Vyse the Legend – 28.00% Adol Christin – 15.00% Kleenex’s Analysis It's kind of weird to think that Amaterasu is not only the favorite in this match, but probably going to annihilate the other two. I don't think most people really know who Adol is and he's got a pretty generic character design so there's nothing enticing the unfamiliar to give him their vote. Especially not with DogFAQs in full force. And Vyse, well, we used to refer to the fodder line as the "Vyse Fodder Line" for a reason. And that was like 8 years ago. What has Vyse had since then? Sonic & All-Stars Racing? Yikes! Kleenex's Prediction Amaterasuasadhau (this is still funny right???) with 56.00% Vyse with 28.00% Adol with 16.00% --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Transience’s Analysis THIS IS ONE OF THOSE POLLS WHERE 100% SEEMS LIKE WAY TOO MUCH TO GIVE TO ANYONE. VYSE HAS SUCKED LATELY BUT THERE'S NO WAY THAT SKIES IS GOING TO DO WORSE THAN A FREAKING YS CHARACTER. AMATERASU WINS BUT I COULD SEE VYSE OVERPERFORMING DUE TO PEOPLE NOT REALLY CARING/KNOWING THE OTHER TWO AT ALL AND JUST VOTING FOR THE RPG GUY THEY HAVE FOND MEMORIES OF. TRANSIENCE'S PREDICTION: AMATERASU WITH 55%, VYSE WITH 34%, YS GUY WITH 11% KP's Analysis Ammy wins for actually being pretty good in these things. Breaking 40% on Luigi is no joke. Vyse is pretty weak these days, but Ys is the definition of obscure so I doubt he loses to Adol Christin here. I guess it could happen, but there's no real reason to pick it. Amaterasu - 57% Vyse - 25% Adol - 18% Guest’s Analysis - FantasyFreakVI Hey. This is fantasyfreak999 with my Ammy/Vyse/Adol anaylsis. Let me get this out of the way: I have NO CLUE who Adol is, and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people voting in this match don't know either. That is going to guarantee that he's going to come in last by a large margin. So now the match really comes down to Ammy vs. Vyse... which shouldn't really be debatable either. Vyse hasn't been seen in the contests in forever. His only win, however, was against Laharl, and he made Laharl look decent. Let e say this again. He made LAHARL look decent. Amaterasu, on the other hand, has managed to defeat Shadow. That right there should tell you who's gonna win, plus, Ammy has the whole badass wolf thing going on. Amaterasu - 52.8% Vyse - 36.93% Adol - 10.27% Crew Consensus: Arf Arf Arf --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Ammy > Squall --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
Squall for third place in round 2 --- F*** BT |
I might get the point for Adol! :D --- 3DS FC: 3265-5634-7751 |
SWEEP still on the table. Always bet on dogs --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
So we can assume Rayman has boosted since his 2007 loss to Vyse right RIGHT --- "Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!" "Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!" |
Adol's LFFing Vyse obviously Only half joking there. "Obscure RPG LFF" go --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
DogFAQs woofs on for another day if Tidus wins tomorrow, oh god --- xyzzy |
It's Fox/Blue/Wolf part 2, except I think Squall's far enough ahead of Ammy that he'd win anyway. --- |
What are you guys talking about It's clearly MarvelFAQs. Nominate Captain America. --- RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :( |
Quick question: how popular is minecraft on reddit? I hear it isn't popular on 4chan. --- |
Division 8: Round 1 - Match 69 – (8) Missingno vs. (11) Tidus vs. (20) Banjo Moltar’s Analysis Missingno This is actually a level 128 Kangaskhan in disguise Tidus Wouldn't be a contest without Tidus having bad bracket luck Banjo If he had Kazooie, he'd might be low midcard. A few years ago, a glitch beat Crono and challenged Sephiroth. That glitch shouldn't have any problem winning against midcard and fodder opponents, right? Right, unless no one finds Missingno amusing anymore. Still, with L-Block putting up 60% the other day, I don't think Missingno will do poorly here, especially against someone that's decent, but not all that strong like Tidus, and fodder like Banjo. So sorry Tidus, first you lose to a Pokemon back in 2007, then a joke (Cube) back in 2008, and now a joke Pokemon beats you. Better luck next time. Moltar’s Prediction: Missingno: 43% - Tidus : 40% - Banjo: 17% Lopen’s Analysis Weird match. On paper MissingNo stomps given he beat Crono in the past. In practice there's actually a pretty good argument to be made for Tidus. First off is the natural dropoff that joke characters tend to have-- if you buy that happens to MissingNo he's not really out of Tidus's league in the first place. If you've got him losing to Squall, you should actually humor him just losing to Tidus here. The second factor, and I'm not sure people really buy this, but I think what scraps Banjo gets hurts MissingNo more than Tidus. Could be enough to tip a match that would otherwise be close. Also with vote stuff monitoring at a higher level less likely MissingNo can be cheated through this-- he definitely seems the character to benefit from that and while I'm a bit hesitant to say he scraped through Crono of all characters due to that it's certainly possible. But all this being said I could see Tidus getting crushed, too. *shrug That's just the nature of the joke character! Lopen's analysis: Tidus - 43.10% MissingNo - 42.50% Banjo - 14.40% Leonhart’s Analysis I’m not sure what to make of this match. Even if Tidus does well, it won’t make me feel any better about Squall’s chances next round because 2010 showed that Missingno can do just enough to get by, regardless of opponent, because Sephiroth, Crono, and Yoshi are each on different tiers, and it put up similar performances on each of them. Now I’d love it if Tidus could just beat this thing outright, and I could rest easy. But the odds of that happening are pretty low, so after this match is over, I’ll have to spend the next round fretting and worrying about Pokemon’s continuing quest to destroy everything I’ve ever known and loved as Missingno attempts to take out my two favorite characters back to back. Leonhart’s Vote: Tidus Leonhart’s Prediction: Missingno – 45.00% Tidus – 38.00% Banjo – 17.00% Kleenex’s Analysis F*** MissingNo. Kleenex's Prediction Stupid Glitch with 38.00% Tidus with 43.00% Banjo with 19.00% --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Transience’s Analysis So, I have Tidus in my bracket. It isn't because I think he's going to win -- Tidus is a well-known underachiever and the only reason I don't mock him openly is because he beat Donkey Kong. Yeah. But when it comes to the Jokes, I simply don't want to try to gauge them. How popular is a glitch or a question block? Don't know, don't care! If there's bad competition like what L had then yeah, I'm picking 'em. A random gen 1 Pokemon is probably around Tidus level even without the ha ha factor. Missingno might put up like 60% in this match. But I'm gonna go with Tidus, a guy who isn't totally awful in a three-way where he should be able to beat Banjo pretty good and the rest of the votes are for a big blob of nothing. Big Blob of Nothing probably wins in the first seconds, but whatever! transience's prediction: Tidus with 42%, Missingno with 41%, Banjo with 17% KP's Analysis I'm voting for Tidus. I'm rooting for Tidus. But Tidus is the most screwed character in contest history, and Tidus is going to lose in Round 1 yet again. Missingno - 49% Tidus - 34% Banjo - 17% Guest’s Analysis - PaulG After the carnage Missingno caused in 2010 upsetting both Crono and Yoshi before Sephiroth "saved" the contest from the mighty glitch, Missingno is set to show the world that he can wow the GameFAQs audience again. This time around, the votals are lower and the opponents are doubled! Its path will be a tough one, but if Missingno actually manages to pull off the miracle against Mario in Round 3, we could very well see Missingno as the next GameFAQs Character Battle champion (or at least second to Link in the final). But in order to get to Mario, it must make it out of Round 2! Its opponents are no slouches, though. Missingno should be able to take down Ammy with ease, but Squall will be its first true test. HOWEVER, in order to get to Squallaterasu, Missingno must first win its first round match of course! There has been a few people tossing around a potential Tidus > Missingno upset special here believing that Missingno has taken a drop in strength between contests, but even if there is a drop, I'm not expecting Missingno to drop the ball here. I have a hard time believing L-Block would lose to Tidus in Missingno's position. Tidus will probably not get completely killed here by Missingno, but he ain't sniffing that glitch, either. As for Banjo, he's been pathetic in every contest he's been in, and oh, look, the tradition of Banjo sharing the poll with a Nintendo character rolls on! Missingno - 44.03% Tidus - 35.62% Banjo - 20.35% Crew Consensus: PokeFEAR the glitch, but Tidus has support too --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Lopen actually has a decent point! Allen suddenly going vigilante justice on vote removal is bad news for things like Missingno. --- |
POKEJOKEFEAR --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
I can't believe it took the Guest for the crew to take the Noble Nine breaker over Tidus. --- RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :( |
Crew has always been anti-joke! --- Guess who I am! |
Based on those predictions the only joke here is the Crew! --- RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :( |
yeah we're dumb I'm cool with jokes, just don't care for these ones! --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour posted... Lopen actually has a decent point! Allen suddenly going vigilante justice on vote removal is bad news for things like Missingno. On Touhou and Guybrush! Those hardly even count! He still hasn't actually flipped a result in any of these cases! Although, I suppose in his defense, he sort of did it mid-match for Marisa and he couldn't have known that Marisa would have lost anyway. --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX |
eh, he should have known it was highly unlikely for Marisa to win. and most of the votes weren't removed until after the match. --- |
He removed enough votes from Marisa to essentially kill the match. I'm not saying it's a certainty Allen will do anything, but at the very least, it's something to consider. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
issue with taking Tidus here is that I don't think Missingno is really a
joke. Some of my strongest RBY-nostalgia memories are related to
Missingno, and I think a lot of the fanbase is similar. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Missingno is a joke that's not a joke --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
yeah I kinda agree. then again, I feel the same way about the L. --- xyzzy |
also, if it was "just a Pokemon" then it wouldn't come close to beating Crono --- xyzzy |
Pokemon fans are pretty wild. --- tune in tokyo 142.94 |
Joke Drop Factor confirmed --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
Crew Predictions - 62/68 What Happened: no surprises What will Happen: mario wins squall maybe wins Crew Prediction Challenge Kleenex - 62 KP - 62 Moltar - 60 Leon - 59 Tran - 58 Guest - 57 Lopen - 51 Crew Expert Challenge Kleenex - 50 KP - 50 Tran - 49 Leon - 46 Moltar - 46 Guest - 43 Lopen - 36 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets Vivi, KP gets Jensen and Marisa, DarkFalcon gets Ganon, Moltar and Leon get Guybrush, Kleenex gets Max, Moltar gets Squall, Tran gets Rayman, Adol, and Video, Lopen gets Ammy and Vyse Moltar - 46 Leon - 36 Lopen - 36 Tran - 34 KP - 28 Kleenex - 26 Guest - 24 (Kuza, Kotetsu (3), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS (2), Nintendoboy, PaulG (4), Bane (3), Chris, lefty (2), tennisboy, AKJ (2), DarkFalcon) --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Hey give me my Adol point I totally nailed that SWEEP Tryin to deny my accuracy point again you fiend --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
UGH --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
Kefka and Tidus both decide they want to start winning when I finally wise up and make sure not to pick them this year -_- --- |
WarThaNemesis2 posted... Based on those predictions the only joke here is the Crew! More like prophets! --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX |
Why some of the crew had Tidus when 90% of Gurus had Missigno? --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
if let us say 4 of the crews have 1 guy winning and 1 crew member has
another guy wins and the guy number 2 wins,it counts as a loss for the
crew but not crew curse right? --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
crew curse is only for unanimous choices, yes --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
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