GameFAQs Contests
Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3
Kleenex’s Analysis Eight years later, Yuri finally makes his triumphant return to GameFAQs contests! Shadow Hearts might be collectively the weakest franchise in contest history. Its been 7 years with no games since we last saw the series get rocked by Resident Evil. There's a chance Yuri might not look quite as bad just because his competition isn't all that great, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Lara should take this one down pretty easily. People seem to like the new Tomb Raider and her character design is so much better than it used to me. She kinda blends into the background in the pic, but that's because there's a giant goddamn slime all up in your face. Everyone fades into the background next to that. Kleenex's Prediction Lara with 57.00% Yuri with 15.00% Slime with 28.00% Transience’s Analysis How the hell am I supposed to write a serious analysis of Lara Croft vs. a slime, with special guest Yuri Hyuga? I can't even write a joke one because there's nothing funny there. It's like.. Lara Croft should win, unless the slime is as ubiquitous as it should be. Hold this match in Japan and slime probably gets 80%, but it's not as universal here. Although I don't think people care about Lara that much. Although her new game came out. Although Yuri Hyuga should win this god damn match. Maybe I should just post lots of Yuri Hyuga youtube videos and tell people to play his games. let's uh transience's prediction: Lara Croft with 55%, Slime with 34%, Yuri Hyuga with 11% KP's Analysis Maybe Slime could win this after seeing what Hero did, but...I kind of doubt it. Lara has never been terrible and the new Tomb Raider game should've boosted her a good amount. Slime is a decent mascot but I'm not sure how many people would vote for him. There's nothing about Slime that makes me particularly want to vote for him, and I love the DQ series. Yuri's gonna get destroyed, but his hardcore fanbase should keep him from being completely bottom of the barrel. Lara - 42% Slime - 39% Yuri - 19% Guest’s Analysis - Luis To be blunt, I have no particular investment in the characters in this match; nor will it probably be interesting in any way. The guests have been pretty terrible this year though, so I better pick up a match and try and salvage things! Lara Croft will win this. She does this by virtue of not being totally awful. Now, in her previous contest appearances she was fairly awful, but her recent reboot game was well received, which seems reason enough to take her to a comfortable victory. I predict Slime will beat out Yuri for second. To be honest, you don't have to be worth a lot to beat out Yuri frigging Hyuga, and Slime has a few factors going in his favour, such as an appealing design, being a joke vote magnet, and his status as Dragon Quest's mascot. This wouldn't have meant much pre-contest, but since DQ5 Hero actually wasn't an embarrassment, it stands to reason it's at least more relevant on GameFAQs than Shadow Hearts is (or ever was). This write-up was probably less interesting than numbers inevitably picking Yuri to win, but since he's busy going out, I guess sanity prevails tonight! Lara Croft - 45.0% Yuri Hyuga - 16.7% Slime - 38.3% Crew Consensus: New and improved (?) Lara wins --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Y'all are about to get defeated by Slime this'll be the ultimate brand of shame. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! | Crew Predictions - 32/34 What Happened: We saw the power of a Horse and an old assassin What will Happen: Epona and Ike split to let GlaDOS win incoming? Crew Prediction Challenge - people falling behind Kleenex - 32 Moltar - 32 KP - 32 Tran - 30 Leon - 29 Guest - 28 Lopen - 27 Crew Expert Challenge - tie for first once again Tran - 27 Kleenex - 27 KP - 26 Moltar - 25 Leon - 24 Guest - 21 Lopen - 20 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets Epona, KP gets Mordin and Shulk, Leon gets Niko, Moltar and KP get Ratchet, Kotetsu gets Altair Lopen - 20 Moltar - 19 Kleenex - 18 Leon - 18 Tran - 13 KP - 13 Guest - 8 (Kuza, Kotetsu (2), Tsunami, Suor, Turtle, LMS, Nintendoboy) --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
I f***ing wanted Yuri to win, but that doesn't mean I picked him.... I
mean I had a joek Yuri write-up but i was going to post a real one that
maybe woudl've beenr ight. in my defense, all of my yuri predictions
were based off of incredibly skewed numbers. --- I keep coming back here where everything... slipped Ahhahhahaa |
that? The profile pic makes Armstrong look black, but the match pic
looks white. Um...yeah, ignore what I said above, or if you haven't seen
it yet, I'll just delete it. --- RIP GrapefruitKing and Emporer_Kazbar. You will be missed. |
Malboro please Cactuar or Tonberry --- SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0 |
Cactuar is a better example, but I was just making it up as I went
along and didn't really take time to think "which generic FF enemy would
be the best rep" Although we do have a Chocobo in this contest. Don't think Boko will do as well as just "Chocobo" would though just for being a specific Chocobo. People tell me that's silly rationale, but I certainly hope they wouldn't claim "Goombario" or "Goombella" would do as well as just "Goomba." --- |
Bah. --- "Eet's game time..." |
Look at Slime, it's obvious Chocobo would do better. Also Moogle for being in the Kingdom Hearts series too --- SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0 |
Oh yeah, just "Moogle" would do better than Mog from FFVI, for sure. --- |
Division 4: Round 1 - Match 36 – (7) Kefka vs. (12) Zack Fair vs. (21) Ryu Hayabusa Moltar’s Analysis Kefka dat laugh Zack ZackFAQs is back! Ryu H Hardcore Ryu Wow, a rare R1 match with no fodder. Enjoy it while it lasts. Kefka and Terra have looked solid in recent years thanks to Dissidia. That spells trouble for Zack, another Square character in this match. Zack is pretty strong on his own right, getting almost 40% on Mega Man, but another Square character of decent strength like Kefka taking some votes does him no favors. It also doesn't help that Old Square (Kefka and FF6) and New Square (Crisis Core and Zack) don't SFF each other too much, so it doesn't seem like Zack will pound Kefka into the ground. It also doesn't help that Old Square has looked much better than New Square in this contest, especially FF7, which has not impressed yet. If Zack and Kefka do split, the big question is if Ryu can take advantage of it despite being the weakest character in this match. If this was like 5 years ago, I'd definitely say yes. However, it looks like he's gotten a lot weaker over the years with the voter pool shrinking. He faced Mega Man right after Zack did in 2010 and nearly got tripled. If that's the Ryu H we see here, then he's looking at 3rd place split or not. If it's the Ryu of old that can take advantage of fanbase splits in the past, like against Riku and Roxas, then he's got this I still believe that Zack's the strongest character here, so I'll stick with him and predict that he gets the job done despite Kefka's presence. Moltar’s Prediction: Kefka: 31% - Zack: 35% - Ryu H: 34% Lopen’s Analysis I can see almost any permutation of this match workin out. I went with the "Ryu Hayabusa capitalizes on fanbase split" variant since we've seen him do it with a vengeance in the past with Roxas and Riku. So I'm saying history repeats itself and Hayabusa gets an absurd percentage here that defies logic. Day match should help, too. Zack comes in second because he's just pretty clearly the stronger of the two. Kefka's one of the most inconsistent guys in the field though so I wouldn't be surprised to see him get second... hell I wouldn't be that surprised to see him get first. Hayabusa getting third would surprise me more that that, actually. Lopen's prediction: Ryu Hayabusa - 43.45% Zack - 31.07% Kefka - 25.52% Leonhart’s Analysis I’ve thought about this match a lot, and I still don’t know what to make of it. Kefka’s matches never make sense. Ryu Hayabusa’s matches never make sense. Both guys are totally dependent on getting a good pic. Kefka at least has those in his repertoire now. Zack by himself is probably the strongest character here, but of course, you have to worry about overlap with Kefka. I think overlap between Old Square and New Square isn’t as strong, despite VI and VII only being a few years apart. There’s still a generational gap of sorts here. I think Zack has a good shot at winning here. In 2008, he wrecked his first round match despite having Cecil in the match with him. Of course, Kefka’s stronger than Cecil, and Hayabusa is stronger than Wario, but it can be done. However, we’ve seen FFVII characters really struggle so far, but I feel like Zack would probably suffer from anti-voting the least because he’s not a relevant character in the original game. --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
biggest advantage here is being the only non-Final Fantasy option. If
you don’t want to vote for FF, you only have one option. We saw that
helped out Hero quite a bit despite also being an RPG dude, and
Hayabusa’s stronger than that. I’m sticking with Zack for now, but
anything could happen here. Heck, Kefka could win here and I wouldn’t be
completely surprised because his matches never make sense. Leonhart’s Vote: Zack Fair Leonhart’s Prediction: Zack Fair – 36.00% Ryu Hayabusa – 34.00% Kefka Palazzo – 30.00% Kleenex’s Analysis This match is giving me fits. I've never been able to get a good read on Ryu, I think I pick against him almost every single time. One-on-one I'd be pretty comfortable taking Zack to beat Ryu fairly handily, but Kefka's here to mess things up. Kefka always messes things up. My gut feeling is that Kefka's going to split votes with Zack enough to let Ryu pick up a win here. This would be most unfortunate because I have Zack going two rounds in my bracket. I could be way off-base and Zack could crush Kefka into the ground, but I think they're different enough that we won't see that happen. This would be a lot easier if Ryu's strength didn't seem so erratic to me! Kleenex's Prediction Kefka with 26.00% Zack with 35.00% Ryu with 39.00% Transience’s Analysis I've always been sketchy on Black-Haired Cloud. His sudden rise to prominence made next to no sense to me: a couple of scenes in FF7 and then a random PSP game. This was apparently enough to push him to top 20ish status in our contests. I, like most others, like Zack a lot, but I also like Yuri Hyuga a lot and yeah. Apparently being from FF7 will be enough. I feel like his train has passed. Crisis Core is very much a thing of the past and I don't feel like just being in FF7 is enough anymore. He's not weak or anything but he is going to have slid since his last appearance. Oh, and Kefka is in the poll. Oh, and it's a day match. Oh, and I would have taken Ryu Hayabusa to beat him straight up. This has never been a debated match in my head. I wouldn't mind seeing BHC win the match but I think he'll struggle here. transience's prediction: Ryu Hayabusa with 44%, Zack with 33%, Kefka with 23% KP's Analysis I'm scared of Kefka in this match. Old FF has been doing great, FF7 has not, and there's always something about Zack that's seemed off. He's strong but is such a tertiary character - he could implode at any point and I wouldn't be at all surprised, especially against a character like Kefka who is pretty loved. At the same time, Zack could also SFF Kefka into the dirt because FF7 trumps all. Hard call to make. Meanwhile, Hayabusa is looking to make use of a fanbase split AGAIN. Dude has the luckiest bracket placement. This match is too weird to think about much longer, so I'll just assume that's what happens. Hayabusa hasn't looked that much weaker than Zack or Kefka. Hayabusa - 36% Zack - 34% Kefka - 30% --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Guest’s Analysis - Ctes This match seems to be quite debated, well, at least a fine bunch of people are taking Ryu H to win, and some Kefka too, but most people side with Zack. So the idea is that Kefka can hold Zack back enough for Ryu H to sneak through. The theory is good, I mean, Zack probably isn't capable of SFFing Kefka that much, but there's definitely overlap here. And yet I can't see it being enough. The gap between Zack and Ryu H is just too big. Sure, Ninja Gaiden 3 is out now, but even with that added to the bunch I can't see the gap being closed, though it will probably be fairly close. Their contest histories makes the gap between them clear as the day. Zack managed to get almost 40% against Mega Man, while Ryu H let himself get below 30% against Mega Man the next round in the same contest. We're looking at a +10% difference here. That's serious. Just for the record, even with the LFF cake the match had, Zack almost beat Freakin' Mario while beating MMX. Ryu would've finished last there for sure. So it all comes down to how much Kefka can hold Zack back. I suppose I can't blame people for taking Ryu H, because Kefka's matches never make any sense and he's impossible to predict in any match that isn't completely over before it began. Kefka is apparently weaker then Marth, Duke and Niko Belic though, and that sas a lot. Sure, he crushed Arthas, but I honestly still don't get how people could've thought otherwise. Warcraft characters should obviously benefit from 4-ways and SFF. Kefka apparently doesn't from what we've seen so far. In the end of the day, LFF just wont work everywhere. Black haired Cloud with the buster sword on ZackFAQs can't be stopped here. Not by the likes of Ryu H. It'll be close, but not close enough for the match to be in any doubt barring the first minutes perhaps, since the initial votes should support Zack least of all. Zack – 43% Ryu Hayabusa – 38% Kefka – 19% Crew Consensus: Ryu H is the slight favorite over Zack --- Moltar Status: Crew Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
I believe in Zack. --- It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us! |
Go Ninja Go Ninja Go |
seems incongruous for FFVII to be called 'New Square' these days. That
said I do agree with those who said that overlap between FFVII and 'old
Square' isn't too significant. --- Fine! I'll go to the store and get your Goddamn drain cleaner! Character Battle IX Tingle Victory Parade - the journey is over.... |
Kefka would trash Niko now. I think if that poll was re-run he'd get first. At the very least, I thought we all agreed that Kefka was stronger in 2010 compared to 2008 because of Dissidia. Also Terra did well in her match so it seems weird that we're all counting Kefka out, but then again I thought the same about Wander due to his game beasting in GOTD and we saw how that worked out. Then again, Kefka and Wander really shouldn't be comparable. --- Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC |
The most important part of the FFVI/FFVII split will be Ryu getting all the "URGH FF ALWAYS WINS" votes. Which apparently alone are more than enough to make Hero look better than Slime. |
I have Zack winning 2 rounds but I think Ruy will win 2 rounds now. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
Zack gettin the KH: Birth by Sleep votes! --- <Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!! |
that's because it's a slime of course, it's also a horse --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
If Zack wins we get to see...a Zack vs. Altair rematch. Fun. --- Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC |
kefka is going to win --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
weird to see literally nobody discussed the elephant in the room: What
happens when Kefka comes up against someone whose power base is the same
one that made him a legitimate threat? Lettuce Kefka was never scary to
anybody, but Dissidia Kefka was the real deal and that's 100% owed to
New Square exposure. There's no reason to think Zack's fanbase and
Kefka's OLD fanbase touch...but what about Kefka's new strength? Isn't
that going to crumble in the face of a more popular New Square entrant? |
I believe in the ninja. |
weird to see literally nobody discussed the elephant in the room: What
happens when Kefka comes up against someone whose power base is the same
one that made him a legitimate threat? Lettuce Kefka was never scary to
anybody, but Dissidia Kefka was the real deal and that's 100% owed to
New Square exposure. There's no reason to think Zack's fanbase and
Kefka's OLD fanbase touch...but what about Kefka's new strength? Isn't
that going to crumble in the face of a more popular New Square entrant? Terra held up quite well against Squall --- BOP Results: Points: 29/34 Today's Picks: Lara Croft and Ryu H. |
dat ff6 early vote --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
dat FF7 board vote --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Armstrong > Cloud, thank me later could've went pro if I hadn't joined the Navy --- F*** BT |
Well, glad I can continue my streak of never getting a Hayabusa match right. --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
is it too early to not completely regret taking kefka to win --- Many people, of course, use 'sentimentalism' as a term of abuse for other people's decent feelings, and realism as a disguise for their own brutality. G H Hardy |
I considered taking Kefka for so, so long and chickened out because stats There goes my leaderboard spot! --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
leaderboard is overrated --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
It's the only time I'm gonna be there. I picked Vincent>Sonic. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
welcome to the club --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
Kefka's not dying. this would be a great result that's 10 years overdue if it holds. --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
really wonder what's at play here. Maybe Bowser in 2010 was secretly
really great and just got Charizarded? Zack still did great on Mega Man,
though. Maybe it's rSFF. Or maybe Kefka's just weird. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
We should get a petition going to never let Kefka into another contest. --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
Guys Guys Kefka is going to be facing Solid Snake in the sprite round. |
Hey, I picked Kefka in CBVIII over Arthas. The only reason I didn't here was because Zack was in the match. --- Character Battle IX: 31/35 points, Next matches: Ryu Hayabusa, Cloud Strife |
FranzyvonKarma posted... Guys Kefka > Epona > Snake --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
But not only is he a contest mainstay, he always gets high seeds. Remind me why we always horribly underestimate Kefka? --- Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC |
The Mana Sword posted... FranzyvonKarma posted...Guys A Piece of Crap vs. A HORSE vs. A CLOWN this is a match that is going to happen |
disappointing result from Hayabusa, too. What he's getting on Zack now
is what isn't much lower than what I figured he would get on Zack
normally, and there's a Kefka in the room. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
So this means that Gilgamesh is going to destroy Booker, right. --- i'll do rydia -Dante |
If Zidane and Cecil (and Gilgamesh sure why not) don't win after this, I'm gonna be pissed --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Crew curse to the face! --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
KamikazePotato posted... I really wonder what's at play here. Maybe Bowser in 2010 was secretly really great and just got Charizarded? Zack still did great on Mega Man, though. Maybe it's rSFF. Two words: Low votals. Take all the people who voted for Kefka in 4ways and considering how many of those are likely to have left GameFAQS with the shrunk votals. That's probably close to his base pre-dissidia strength. That crew can be counted on to show up and vote, same as the Chrono Trigger fanbase. The lack of casual votes is what is killing Zack and Ryu here. |