Welcome, Master_Moltar

GameFAQs Contests

Character Battle IX Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2

#201 | transience | Posted 7/18/2013 10:02:56 PM | message detail | quote
holy crap I just read a random 5 lines of that LMS writeup

#202 | The Mana Sword | Posted 7/18/2013 10:04:12 PM | message detail | quote
I saw how long it was, scrolled up to see who wrote it, said NOPE and left the page
i'll do rydia -Dante
#203 | LeonhartFone | Posted 7/18/2013 10:17:11 PM | message detail | quote
Should someone feel obligated to let LMS know that nobody reads anything he posts that you can't take in with a quick glance?
Leonhart posting from his phone
#204 | FFDragon | Posted 7/18/2013 10:21:42 PM | message detail | quote
Is LMS a caricature of himself at this point, I mean what in the night of the living f*** was that?
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
#205 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 10:21:44 PM | message detail | quote
Must be nice to know who these jobbers are. I see some sorta passion in Reyn/Clementine picks and I'm like "yeah whatever purple dragon thing go"
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#206 | Big Bob | Posted 7/18/2013 10:22:23 PM | message detail | quote
When people say "When was the last time Spyro had a game?" I find it weird that they didn't know he was in Skylanders, which has sold a crapton. Not enough to make him strong on this site, but it's decent exposure.
Currently reading: The Kite Runner
Currently playing: Poker Night 2
#207 | LeonhartFone | Posted 7/18/2013 10:23:42 PM | message detail | quote
I am only passionate about Spyro not winning because I've argued too hard for it at this point to back down.

This match is a mess and the sooner we forget about it the better.
Leonhart posting from his phone
#208 | LeonhartFone | Posted 7/18/2013 10:24:56 PM | message detail | quote
Big Bob posted...
When people say "When was the last time Spyro had a game?" I find it weird that they didn't know he was in Skylanders, which has sold a crapton. Not enough to make him strong on this site, but it's decent exposure.

Because Skylanders is marketed toward little kids and most of us aren't little kids. Plus most Spyro fans hated his redesign.
Leonhart posting from his phone
#209 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 10:25:49 PM | message detail | quote
Thing of note I apparently do have Reyn in my bracket

Pretty much think those points are lost now though. Spyro probably wins.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#210 | AppIekidjosh | Posted 7/18/2013 10:33:37 PM | message detail | quote
transience posted...
I'm the only person who picked Clementine?

you monsters

Clem noticed you picked her.
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#211 | transience | Posted 7/18/2013 11:02:01 PM | message detail | quote
whoa jesus

#212 | KamikazePotato | Posted 7/18/2013 11:02:10 PM | message detail | quote
Spyro should not have over 50% on anyone, let alone 2 people

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#213 | xp1337 | Posted 7/18/2013 11:02:56 PM | message detail | quote
Is LMS going to get the accuracy point on Spyro?

how was this allowed to happen?
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
GotD (219/384) Melee v FFX
#214 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 11:03:01 PM | message detail | quote
I'm seriously laughing at loud at this


My god what a pair of jobbers
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#215 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 7/18/2013 11:03:17 PM | message detail | quote

You know who's sexy? Black Turtle, the 2010 Games Contest Guru Winner, that's who!
#216 | KamikazePotato | Posted 7/18/2013 11:03:57 PM | message detail | quote
Game and Watch is going to obliterate Lee
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#217 | Dr_Football | Posted 7/18/2013 11:04:47 PM | message detail | quote
awww yeah G&W
Dr voltchball - best in the world.
#218 | ZeldaTPLink | Posted 7/18/2013 11:05:13 PM | message detail | quote
LOL Xenoblade
#219 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 11:06:17 PM | message detail | quote
xp1337 posted...
Is LMS going to get the accuracy point on Spyro?

how was this allowed to happen?


Now I wish I'd just given Spyro the 9% like I was going to when I first realized I was 9% short. Letting someone else win for the sake of a "these guys suck" joke, fine... letting LMS win...? I DON'T KNOW.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#220 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 7/18/2013 11:06:22 PM | message detail | quote
we still on that Wheatley > Crash train?
You know who's sexy? Black Turtle, the 2010 Games Contest Guru Winner, that's who!
#221 | transience | Posted 7/18/2013 11:10:43 PM | message detail | quote
let's just extrapolate every result off of Spyro vs. Clementine
#222 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 11:11:54 PM | message detail | quote
So is Reyn the main character or was it the other guy

Cause I'd argue this is even worse than what the other guy did, and I thought Reyn was the MC?
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#223 | KommunistKoala | Posted 7/18/2013 11:12:27 PM | message detail | quote
#224 | KommunistKoala | Posted 7/18/2013 11:12:50 PM | message detail | quote
#225 | Lopen | Posted 7/18/2013 11:13:09 PM | message detail | quote
Oh, okay. Let's get hype for that one, then...!!!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#226 | KamikazePotato | Posted 7/18/2013 11:14:01 PM | message detail | quote
Reyn is not the MC.

Definition of a disappointing match. 50-30-15 split and the worst character won, bleh.

Hey, Moltar, take 3% off of Luigi in my analysis and give it to Balthier. Apparently he's not as bad as I thought he was. Now watch as I regret this!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
#227 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 7/19/2013 12:10:44 AM | message detail | quote

Crew Predictions - 21/22

What Happened: Seph doesn't impress, Morrigan does

What will Happen: But Seph will still easily beat her

Crew Prediction Challenge - easy

Kleenex - 19
Moltar - 19
Lopen - 19
KP - 19
Guest - 18
Leon - 18
Tran - 18

Crew Expert Challenge - poor leon and zen

Kleenex - 15
Tran - 15
KP - 15
Moltar - 14
Guest - 13
Leon - 13
Lopen - 13

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets Seph, Leon gets Midna, Leon and KP get Mac, Leon gets Morrigan, Tran gets Edgeworth, and Moltar and Leon get 47

Lopen - 12
Moltar - 12
Kleenex - 10
Leon - 10
Tran - 9
Guest - 5 (Kuza, Kotetsu, Tsunami, Suor, Turtle)
KP - 5
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives: http://thecrew.speedrunwiki.com/
#228 | pjbasis | Posted 7/19/2013 12:42:05 AM | message detail | quote
#229 | LeonhartFour | Posted 7/19/2013 5:57:22 AM | message detail | quote | (edited)
Aw yeah another day of getting a point for a character despite having him finishing in the wrong position. Think I'm getting the point for Clementine, too, despite having her finishing last! Whoo!

That being said, I knew Spyro was the right choice after Barret and Dunban, but I had to go down with the ship on this one. Oh well.

TheKoolAidShoto posted...
we still on that Wheatley > Crash train?

I was never on it! If there's one bright spot to take from this horrible match, it's that picking Crash to win looks a little better!
"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
#230 | The Mana Sword | Posted 7/19/2013 5:35:45 AM | message detail | quote
my goodness xenoblade is trash
i'll do rydia -Dante
#231 | DpObliVion | Posted 7/19/2013 6:54:58 AM | message detail | quote
Well, so much for the drama of close results. I'll gladly take my +6 though. Whoo Spyro.
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#232 | Safer_777 | Posted 7/19/2013 6:56:24 AM | message detail | quote
Who cares about this Xeno games?Seriously.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#233 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 7/19/2013 7:19:01 AM | message detail | quote
Division 3: Round 1 - Match 22 – (2) Luigi vs. (17) Balthier Bunansa vs. (26) Jade

Moltar’s Analysis

This year is his year

literally lost to ada wong

literally got tripled by ada wong

At first I thought we had seen most of this match already in http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/2884, but that was the wrong Jade. Anyway, it's close enough and you can put together that a character that got 46% on Ada Wong is stronger than one that got 24% on her.

Of course, Luigi wins and wins big here.

Moltar’s Bracket: Luigi > Balthier > Jade

Moltar’s Prediction: Luigi: 62% - Balthier: 26% - Jade: 12%

Lopen’s Analysis

Made a point to look up which Jade it was, now realize it really didn't matter since I'm pretty sure they're about as strong as one another. Maybe we'll see the elusive green lips LFF !!!!

Luigi goes big here. I think Balthier + Jade are about equal to slightly SFFed Meta-Knight + Archer. Maybe X-Stats say otherwise here... but... man has Meta-Knight ever been in a match where there wasn't SFF involved? I don't think he has a stat value that isn't hidden behind SFF. I swear Bacon hates him... why am I talking about Meta-Knight? Oh right because this match kinda sucks. Maybe LMS doing an analysis yesterday infected me, too.

Ironically, Jade probably gets a boost from Metroid, Other M, as the raging feminists will be voting her in full force.

Lopen's prediction:
Luigi - 57.62%
Balthier - 30.08%
Jade needs Adam's authorization to get more than 12.30%

Leonhart’s Analysis

Luigi really gets a chance to flex his muscles here against two characters who you might be surprised to learn have something in common. Yes, that’s right. They both lost to Ada friggin’ Wong. To this day, I’m still baffled as to how Balthier managed to pull that off not once, but twice, particularly in that second match where it was him against three Capcom characters. So yeah, despite being from Final Fantasy, Balthier is pretty weak, unfortunately. Ryu put up nearly 69% on him in 2010, and Luigi’s stronger than that, in all likelihood. Should be fun to see how high he rises here in preparation for that showdown with Big Boss next round.

Leonhart’s Vote: Balthier Bunansa

Leonhart’s Prediction:

Luigi – 60.00%
Balthier Bunansa – 25.00%
Jade – 15.00%

Kleenex’s Analysis

I'm honestly not sure which Jade is in the match at the point I'm doing this writeup and you know what? I'm not going to look it up. Regardless of which one it is, they're getting last place here. Balthier is also a perrenial loser, but he's not pathetic enough to be in danger of losing to Jade or Jade. Luigi is a step and a half above the other two and it is the YEAR OF LUIGI #L365 or something, so he should crush this match. Moving on.

Kleenex's Prediction

Luigi with 52.16%
Balthier with 31.53%
Jade with 15.31%

Transience’s Analysis


Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives: http://thecrew.speedrunwiki.com/
#234 | Master Moltar (Topic Creator) | Posted 7/19/2013 7:19:19 AM | message detail | quote
KP's Analysis

Luigi should do well. Year of Luigi and all that. People care about Balthier/FF12 even less than they did a few years ago, and Jade is reeeeeeally irrelevant. Luigi could go pretty big here.

Luigi - 63%
Balthier -26%
Jade - 11%

Guest’s Analysis - t_kizzle

For my first ever analysis, I chose a pretty easy match to call. We have:

-The best character from one of the most popular franchises in history who’s had several new games this year. Also, NINTENDO.

-a popular dude from the least-beloved Final Fantasy

-the main character from a weak, niche game from 10 years ago

Even without any prior contest knowledge the finishing order is pretty obvious, but we need percentages, so let’s compare this to a match we’ve already had which also featured a beloved Nintendo upper-midcarder against two far weaker opponents: Yoshi/Solarie/Demi-Fiend.

I’m assuming Big Green and Yoshi are approximately equal in strength with Luigi probably a bit stronger; 2010 stats have Yoshi a little higher but that’s based off Missingno- plus Luigi has performed better than Yoshi in the past and this is his year after all, no reason he shouldn’t continue to. Balthier may be weak for Final Fantasy but he IS still Final Fantasy, and could easily beat either of the two pieces of fodder in Yoshi’s match, and Jade… well, I think I’d take her over Demi-Fiend but not by much. 2 stronger opponents means Luigi will not quite reach Yoshi’s percentage. Balthier will soak up those extra percentage points over Jade, so let’s just take a couple from Yoshi’s total and slap it Solaire’s, to get:

(YEAR OF) Luigi- 58%
Balthier- 27%
Jade- 15%

Crew Consensus: Just another day in the Year of Luigi
Moltar Status: Crew
Contest Analysis Crew Archives: http://thecrew.speedrunwiki.com/
#235 | DpObliVion | Posted 7/19/2013 7:24:07 AM | message detail | quote
There is seriously too much green in this match.
It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu has come to destroy us!
#236 | The Mana Sword | Posted 7/19/2013 8:27:14 AM | message detail | quote
looking back on it, not having luigi double balthier is kind of insulting

oh well!
i'll do rydia -Dante
#237 | FranzyvonKarma | Posted 7/19/2013 8:46:05 AM | message detail | quote
Someday we will get Jade from Mortal Kombat in this.

Jade vs. Jade vs. Jade
#238 | LinkMarioSamus | Posted 7/19/2013 9:26:57 AM | message detail | quote
Safer_777 posted...
Who cares about this Xeno games?Seriously.

Vlado will kill you.
Currently Playing - Super Metroid, MGS4, Brawl, FFVII, Wind Waker, RE4, SOTC
#239 | TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 7/19/2013 9:53:40 AM | message detail | quote
Lopen’s Analysis

I think I might've been fooled into taking Reyn in my bracket here, just because man it don't feel right to bet on Spyro.

It still don't feel right to bet on Spyro but I somehow think he all but has to win here given that Caim or Dunban or whatever's performance... I know someone shares a franchise with this guy and I know they sucked. I mean I think just a little generic purple dragon midget could take these other two... which is probably more or less what Spyro is at this point, actually. When was his last game, anyway? 2004? Who even nominates this?

Oh and there's an orange that I apparently nominated. I have no faith in the orange to take anything but third. I mean just look at it.

Lopen's prediction:
Spyro - 40.02%
Reyn - 28.83%
Clementine - 22.15%

Did not carry 1... ... I have to assign 10 more percent for this?

... you know what, I don't care, leave em. Doesn't feel right to have anyone in this match higher than those numbers.

I felt the same way. Eventually assigned it all to Spyro.
RIP GrapefruitKing and Emporer_Kazbar. You will be missed.
#240 | TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 7/19/2013 10:07:00 AM | message detail | quote | (edited)
Lopen posted...
So is Reyn the main character or was it the other guy

Cause I'd argue this is even worse than what the other guy did, and I thought Reyn was the MC?

Neither of the two who have gone yet are the MC. Shulk's the MC; his match is next Thursday against Ratchet and Altair.

Reyn is the sidekick and Dunban's kind of the mentor character who later takes the field himself (and also, far less relevantly, the older brother of the main love interest.)
RIP GrapefruitKing and Emporer_Kazbar. You will be missed.
#241 | Safer_777 | Posted 7/19/2013 10:29:26 AM | message detail | quote
Okay tell me 1 Xeno character that did good.Rein and Dunban sucked.Only Kosmos did good and that because of big boobs and she is the most recognizable.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#242 | t_kizzle | Posted 7/19/2013 11:15:36 AM | message detail | quote
Damn, I seriously underestimated one of my favorite characters for my analysis debut... But on the other hand, let's go Luigi>Big Boss!
#243 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 7/19/2013 11:21:36 AM | message detail | quote
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team comes out the day of Big Boss/Luigi? It's over
You know who's sexy? Black Turtle, the 2010 Games Contest Guru Winner, that's who!
#244 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 7/19/2013 11:21:55 AM | message detail | quote
Ok no it doesn't but that would've been fun if it did
You know who's sexy? Black Turtle, the 2010 Games Contest Guru Winner, that's who!
#245 | transcience | Posted 7/19/2013 11:33:32 AM | message detail | quote
that match probably depends on Ness more than anything
add the c and back away
#246 | The Mana Sword | Posted 7/19/2013 11:59:38 AM | message detail | quote
year of luigi indeed
i'll do rydia -Dante
#247 | LeonhartFour | Posted 7/19/2013 12:57:49 PM | message detail | quote
Ness ruins everything.
#248 | TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 7/19/2013 12:59:31 PM | message detail | quote
Him beating CJ was the fastest I ever lost my perfect bracket

This website...
You know who's sexy? Black Turtle, the 2010 Games Contest Guru Winner, that's who!
#249 | Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 7/19/2013 1:08:56 PM | message detail | quote
Stupid Ness
Oh SuperNiceDog's doing it again dude.
SuperNiceDog, you ain't no pimp dude
#250 | FranzyvonKarma | Posted 7/19/2013 1:10:05 PM | message detail | quote
It's ok, Ness and Locke will split evenly allowing CATS and his 34% of the vote to reign supreme!

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