GameFAQs Contests

Rivalry Rumble Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3

#251 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Applekidjosh’s Analysis

**** this ****ing ****fest of a ****y match. Seriously **** Link fans, **** Alucard fans, **** everyone ****ing involved. ****!

This is it, this is the ****iest ****fest of a **** in the entire ****ing ****-****tastic contest. This is twenty-****ing-four god**** ****ty ****ing hours of **** and none of it ****ing matters. Go take a ****ing nap.

AKJ predix Link with 75.09%

Dante’s Analysis

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boom headshot

Winner - Link/Ganondorf - 75.01%

Guest’s Analysis - Luis

And the godstomp goes ooooon, and ooooon, and on. God, Link matches are boring. Annihilate 90% of the field every contest, then have the annual, increasingly one-sided dust up with Cloud. At least Samus is putting a few haters in their place today. I scoff at the people who continue to say they'd lose to Ryu/Ken! SCOFF AT THEM.

But yeah, Link SFF'd Mega Man last round, and the vampires aren't total scrubs like the Warcraft/Okami duo's, so I figure they get a similar percentage to the former. I think some people are expecting them to do noticeably better than MM due to no SFF, but I don't think I quite rate Alucard as being worth a whole 10% than Link's previous victims.

Link/Ganondorf win with 74.8%

Super Special Guest Analysis - Lord “Lady Ashe” Embok

writeup - its link

go to xstat calculator and put the most recent alucard against the most recent link

(link with 71.79%)

Crew Consensus: In a shocker, Zelda wins again
#252 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
What the...?!
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
#253 | red sox 777 | message detail | filter | quote
This match is important because we finally get to see Link/Ganon in action against a non-fodder opponent in a non-SFF match. Will be great for gauging Cloud's chances for next round.
2002 Link, 2003 Cloud, 2004 Link, 2005 Link, 2006 Link, 2008 Link, 2010 Link, 2011 Cloud.
Link 6, Cloud 2
#254 | Neosadus | message detail | filter | quote
When the analysis is more entertaining than the contest itself.... time for a change. Just sayin.
#255 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter | quote
oh no the email messed up the ascii
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
#256 | Gr8CyberMonkey | message detail | filter | quote

From: X_Dante_X | Posted: 12/15/2011 12:04:47 AM | #255
oh no the email messed up the ascii

I like freckled Link.
Please don't go. The Drones need you.
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
#257 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter | quote
lmao embok
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#258 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter | quote
75.01 75.01 75.09 suck it dante and kleenex
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#259 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter | quote
(1) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth vs. (1) Squall Leonhart/Seifer Almasy

(R1) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth: 76.64% vs. Lloyd Irving/Kratos Aurion
(R2) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth: 76.78% vs. Kratos/Zeus
(R3) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth: 62.12% vs. Solid Snake/Liquid Snake

(R1) Squall Leonhart/Seifer Almasy: 73.65% vs. Laharl/Mid-Boss
(R2) Squall Leonhart/Seifer Almasy: 66.76% vs. Siegfried/Nightmare
(R3) Squall Leonhart/Seifer Almasy: 50.69% vs. Sora/Riku

A 'great' end to a 'great' set of quarter-finals. Only question to be resolved from this match is how well Squall/Seifer resist SFF and rivalry factor lying against them. Squall got 40% on Snake in CBVIII, who in turn got 48% on Cloud, so you'd expect Cloud to reach 62% on Squall before SFF. But taking that 40% through the Snakes in this contest projects Cloud/Seph to reach 69.5% - and that assumes that Seifer brings as much rivalry factor as Liquid, which I'm not sure about, especially since Squall/Seifer almost lost to Sora/Riku.

In terms of actual matches between Cloud/Seph and Squall, there's been a Cloud/Squall 1v1 in 2004, and a Cloud/Squall 4-way with Sora and Mewtwo in 2008. In the 1v1 Squall held onto 23.79%, and in the 4-way 26.8%. Sephiroth didn't seem to be able to SFF Vincent or Tifa much in 2010, but I doubt that will matter much here - there's too much going for the FFVII pairing for them not to. Considering they should at least be reaching the high 60s before SFF, this should be quite ugly, and there's a chance it challenges Link/Ganon's new record for a final rounds blowout.

One thing's for sure: if Cloud/Seph are to have any chance of pulling off a miracle against Link/Ganon, they have to show absolutely no mercy here.

Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth with 75.5%
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#260 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Crew Predictions - 57/58

What Happened: Predicted results, no upsets, more blowouts, etc

Why it Happened: Because this contest sucks

What will Happen: Exactly what is expected to happen

Crew Prediction Challenge - easy points

Moltar - 58
Leon - 56
Guest - 55
AKJ - 54
Kleenex - 53
Dante - 53
Lopen - 51

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Leon gets the point for Cloud/Seph, Moltar gets the point for Squall/Seifer, Kotetsu gets the point for Mario/Bowser, Leon gets the point for Red/Blue

Leon - 14
Lopen - 9
Moltar - 9
Guest - 8 (Luster: 2, Menji: 1, pjbasis: 1, Korayashi: 1, GfK: 1, Kotetsu: 2)
Kleenex - 7.5
AKJ - 6.5
Dante - 4
Moltar Status:
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#261 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
Moltar, are we doing Crew writeups for the third place match? Bacon confirmed there would be a third place match during that off day before the finals.
"Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!"
"Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!"
#262 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
#263 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter | quote
must pull ahead of kleenex in both challenges...
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#264 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter | quote
Cloud vs Squall

Yuck, what an awful setup. Link's blown up for 75/78 the last two rounds, Cloud wants to match with a godlike performance of his own, but he'll never have a chance at impressing us since any percentage he scores will just be dismissed as SFF.

But let's see here, last year's stats say Cloud scores only 61% directly (wow, thought that'd be higher). Factor in Sephiroth > What's His Face, the better rivalry, how much the site apparently loooooves seeing blowouts this year, and some Square SFF (I don't think this will be quite as brutal as people are thinking), and you're left with, uhhhhhh

Cloud - 74.43%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#265 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote

From: Ngamer64 | #264
But let's see here, last year's stats say Cloud scores only 61% directly (wow, thought that'd be higher)

40% on Snake + 48% on Cloud will do that!
#266 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote |
Quarterfinals: Round 4 - Match 60 – (1) Cloud/Sephiroth vs. (1) Squall/Seifer

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 76.64% vs. Lloyd/Kratos
Round 2 - 76.78% vs. Kratos/Zeus
Round 3 - 62.12% vs. Snake/Liquid

Snake can’t compete with Cloud/Seph in this format

Round 1 - 73.65% vs. Laharl/Mid-Boss
Round 2 - 66.76% vs. Siegfried/Nightmare
Round 3 - 50.69% vs. Sora/Riku

Squall beats Sora again in their closest match yet.

So Squall just had a close match with Sora, and now he has to fight Cloud. This sounds like a certain 2008 match where Squall narrowly beat Sora in a four-way poll, while Cloud nearly tripled him in that same poll.

Then you put Seph on top of that, while Seifer is dead weight and...

Moltar’s Bracket: Cloud/Sephiroth

Moltar’s Prediction: Cloud/Sephiroth - 78%

Lopen’s Analysis

This is not time for foreplay. Sephiroth and Squall cannot contain themselves. They immediately whip them out to start the match. Sephiroth's massive length dwarfs Squall's from the outset, and Squall uncharacteristically experiences some shrinkage, being in awe of Sephiroth's heaving... blue bar. Sephiroth on the other hand is going to start close to full length right as he whips it out... one can only assume that he was incredibly eager for his match with Squall. Also uh... I guess at some point Cloud whips out his... weapon... with its unwieldy girth... and Seifer blushes and giggles like a Japanese schoolgirl and runs away. Now Squall is doubly humiliated.

People like me can't help but be disappointed, though. Sephiroth rising is the only joy to be had in any of his matches this contest. But you know, whatever, at least this only happened once.

(Diet contest gets diet fanfiction. Sorry. Bring back four ways. I could do so much with a four way here...)

Lopen's prediction:
Cloud vs Sephiroth with 80.03%

Leon’s Analysis

This match sucks. Why are we seeing Cloud/Squall for the third time?

That is all.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth with 76.21%
#267 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Kleenex’s Analysis

Oh jeeze, late writing this, I hope Moltar hasn't posted analyses yet. Good thing I don't have to write much for this. Cloud and Squall have met a couple times before (I think?). Maybe it was just one. Regardless, it was a pretty bad SFF beatdown in favor of Cloud and there's no reason to think that won't happen today. This will probably be Cloud/Seph's most impressive performance all contest unless they actually beat Link.

Kleenex's Prediction: Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 75.02%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

Time for Cloud to blow out Squall with 80% and fire dem warning salvos against Link. I CAN FEEL THE COMING UPSET IN THE AIR!

AKJ predix Cloud vs Sephiroth with 67.76%

Dante’s Analysis

Final Fantasy 7 versus Final Fantasy 8. You know, if we didn't have 10 years of contest history to look at, this would be a pretty sweet match. I remember back in the day, people I knew either liked 7 or 8 to death (typically whichever they played first).

Instead of focus on squalls upcoming humiliating defeat to a guy from a game released before him with hilariously bad graphics, lets focus on the good times: like when he beat Sora! Or when he beat... whoever he beat to get to sora! I'm sure Leon is very proud, and will be giving squall a heroes welcome when this is all over. I hope I'm invited to the party he'll surely throw squall I wonder if there will be any alcohol!

Winner - Cloud/Seph - 73.01% - Yeah I have absolutely no idea for percentage and I'm just throwing something down

Guest’s Analysis - GrapefruitKing

Cloud has faced Squall one on one and it certainly wasn’t pretty. Amd after Squall/Seifer almost lost to frickin’ Sora last round, I’d be very surprised to see them exceeding expectations here. Seems like people couldn’t care less about Seifer; too bad, it’s a pretty good rivalry. It’s annoying to see them being fed to Cloud, a match-up like Squall/Seifer vs. Samus/Ridley or Sub-Zero/Scorpion might’ve ended up being pretty interesting.
This SFF fest will tell us nothing about Link/Cloud, but we already know that Link wins this one quite easily. Cloud’s % should end up being between 72 and 77... tt’s all about picking where exactly. So uuuuhh

GrapefruitKing’s surprisingly accurate prediction: Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth - 74.86%

Crew Consensus: yay more FF7 blowouts
#268 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote

From: Master Moltar | #266
(Diet contest gets diet fanfiction. Sorry. Bring back four ways. I could do so much with a four way here...)

You already have the same number of characters!
#269 | Lopen | message detail | filter | quote
Totally different context, Leon! 4 heaving massive throbbing bars > 2 bars
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#270 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
oh right

Guest Sign-ups

Mario/Bowser vs. Red/Blue -

Link/Ganondorf vs. Cloud/Sephiroth -
Moltar Status:
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#271 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter | quote
Mario/Bowser vs. Red/Blue -

Link/Ganondorf vs. Cloud/Sephiroth - Kotetsu534
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#272 | INCEPTlON | message detail | filter | quote
I want mario
I think I found a way home. And this last job, that's how I get there. Stripey
1978 9653 0281. Black/White Friend Code
#273 | INCEPTlON | message detail | filter | quote
Mario/Bowser vs. Red/Blue - inception

Link/Ganondorf vs. Cloud/Sephiroth - Kotetsu534
I think I found a way home. And this last job, that's how I get there. Stripey
1978 9653 0281. Black/White Friend Code
#274 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter | quote
(1) Mario/Bowser vs. (1) Pokemon Trainer Red/Pokemon Trainer Blue

(R1) Mario/Bowser: 85.38% vs. Earthworm Jim/Queen Slug-for-a-Butt
(R2) Mario/Bowser: 80.47% vs. Ike/Black Knight
(R3) Mario/Bowser: 70.58% vs. Sonic/Dr. Robotnik
(R4) Mario/Bowser: 66.66% vs. Mega Man X/Zero

(R1) Pokemon Trainer Red/Pokemon Trainer Blue: 76.92% vs. Jim Raynor/Sarah Kerrigan
(R2) Pokemon Trainer Red/Pokemon Trainer Blue: 77.96% vs. Luigi/Waluigi
(R3) Pokemon Trainer Red/Pokemon Trainer Blue: 60.04% vs. Ryu/Ken
(R4) Pokemon Trainer Red/Pokemon Trainer Blue: 60.57% vs. Samus Aran/Ridley

The Pokemon Trainers have looked excellent getting here, but this is a step up. Charizard found it too much to handle in CBVIII, despite resisting SFF extremely well, and I expect this match will play out similarly. If you assume Ryu/Ken were equal to the MK ninjas', and that there was no SFF in Mario/X, Mario/Bowser are projected to win with 60.7% of the vote. Now, I doubt both of those things - Ryu/Ken's 65/35 over Fox/Wolf struck me as noticeably more impressive than the ninjas' 65/35 over DK/K. Rool, and with Mario and Link so clearly SFFing Sonic and Mega Man in round three I expect he'd have benefited from it at least a little - but I also don't think they're going to be wrong enough to turn a 60/40 projection into a win for the Trainers. That means they're relying on huge rallying and momentum to propel them onward, which I don't see lasting for 24 hours against such a strong opponent.

I'd love to pick the upset, but Mario/Bowser have, despite the strength of the Trainers, looked significantly better than them. I give the Trainers half an hour of keeping it competitive before falling away and bleeding percentage for the rest of the poll.

Mario vs. Bowser with 55.55% of the vote.
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#275 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Semifinals: Round 5 - Match 61 – (1) Mario/Bowser vs. (1) Red/Blue

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 85.36% vs. Jim/Butt
Round 2 - 80.47% vs. Ike/BK
Round 3 - 70.58% vs. Sonic/Robotnik
Round 4 - 66.66% vs. X/Zero

At least MMX held up better than Sonic

Round 1 - 76.92% vs. Raynor/Kerrigan
Round 2 - 77.96% vs. Luigi/Waluigi
Round 3 - 60.04% vs. Ryu/Ken
Round 4 - 60.57% vs. Samus/Ridley

Samus/Ridley vs. Ryu/Ken, who ya got?

Once again, Pokemon goes on a rampage through the bracket, and once again, it’s up to Mario to put it down. In 2010, even a rallied-up, hyped-up, and powered-up Charizard couldn’t beat Mario. Now, we’ve got the rivalry matters of Mario/Bowser against Red/Blue, who really don’t look to be benefitting from any sort of poke-rally power this time.

This should be an easy win for Mario. Red/Blue looked good, and while their performance against Samus/Ridley was good overall, they needed to do much better to look like they wanted to challenge a team that doubled MMX and got 70% on Sonic.

At best, Pokemon will probably avoid getting SFFed here, so they should do respectably.

Moltar’s Bracket: Mario/Bowser

Moltar’s Prediction: Mario/Bowser - 56%

Lopen’s Analysis

This contest is finally over, thank gawd, but it's possible it ends with a bang. Unlike the last round I could see any one of the remaining matches going the other way. Some are less likely than others, but I could actually see any one of these last four winning the whole thing with a probability of uh... more than 5%?

Anyway, most people will tell you this about. It's pretty clear Mario and Bowser are stronger from previous rounds, and they should be higher on the pecking order. I don't personally see momentum playing a part because not enough people give a damn about this contest.

The one concern I have about this match, other than the off the wall shot of momentum being a factor, is that a lot of casuals have been coming on the board and saying that Mario/Bowser isn't a rivalry... which amusingly, is one of the worst pairings in the bracket to make this claim for, but yeah. I think your typical voter is too dense to even consider what the difference between a rival and an adversary is, and among those that do I would assume most get that Mario/Bowser is a rivalry. But if Mario/Bowser are say only going to win by Mario/Charizard levels, and this is a widespread problem I could see it turning the match. Basically if the average voter is not completely oblivious to what a rival is, but still stupid, this could turn.

Anyway knowing this contest, if any upset happens it'll be this one, cause it's the one I don't want to happen, and the one I see as being least likely. I see this being a series contest like split in which gaps are exaggerated and Pokemon will actually do worse than Charizard did vs Mario. What does this mean? You know it.

Lopen's prediction:
Mario vs Bowser with 60.44% (Dante and/or Kleenex want to cage me with 60.41, thinks I'll go 60.42 expecting it, he goes 60.43, so I go 60.44. Game set match... or maybe I'm paranoid)
#276 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Leon’s Analysis

While Red/Blue have looked good throughout this contest, I think their run ends here. Mario/Bowser are a tad out of their league. This is basically this contest’s version of Super Mario Bros./Super Smash Bros. from the Series Contest, although I don’t think Mario/Bowser put up 60% here or anything. I don’t really think Red/Blue have any sort of bandwagon going on at this point, and that’s what they’ll need to win. They haven’t pulled any major upsets, and 1/3 of bracketmakers have them getting here. For as good as Red/Blue have looked, Mario/Bowser have looked terrific themselves. I honestly don’t even think X/Zero had very much SFF. They’re just that strong here. 60% on Samus and 60% on the Fighters doesn’t match that.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Mario vs. Bowser with 57.15%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Don't care about this match, let's get to tomorrow already. I actually do have a somewhat uneasy feeling about this match, but I hope it's just a false alarm. Mario has looked too good all contest to drop this. Not to say that Pokemon hasn't looked good thus far either, because it has. But this feels like the first time the trainers don't run into some kinda gimped rivalry dragged down by a weak second half. Ryu and Ken aside, of course, but they just might not have been that strong in the first place. ANYWAY. It's Mario Time.

Kleenex's Prediction: Mario vs. Bowser with 54.67%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

I really, really wish Trainers had a shot here. I even considered going with the Trainers upset against all sense but I'd blow the chance to finish a point ahead of Kleenex, so that's no good. Unfortunately we know exactly what happens when a hot Pokemon upset-special comes face to face with Mario at the end of the contest, and just like Charizard, Charizard with people next to him will crumble today.

So instead of talking about the match, let's talk about these new Oreo "Triple Doubles." I had to buy it because I'm a huge Girl Talk fan. It's like a regular Oreo, then on top of it there's a layer of chocolate creme and another oreo cookie on top of that. It's absolute madness. I know there are like 15 different types of Oreos now (I was actually trying to buy the traditionals and literally couldn't find them amidst the peanut butter, mint, double stuf, triple stuf, and others) but these are definitely worth checking out if you're in the prepacked cookie mood. I didn't get to try them with Milk, since I'm all out at the moment, but I assume they're every bit as good as a normal Oreo in milk!

AKJ predix Mario vs Bowser with 56.08%
#277 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Dante’s? Analysis

I loooooove Pokemon!!! I see Charizard and I just go *^___^*!!! He breathes fire and looks so cute and I just want to snuggle him! Yeah, Bowser did the whole fire-breathing thing first, but Bowser's all scaly with spikes on his back for no reason other than to try and look intimidating. Too bad he opened his mouth in Super Mario RPG and proved he was a moron.

But Charizard? The only thing coming out of his mouth is god damned fire. Bowser was like that once before he teamed up with Mario because he was sick of losing. What a punk. At least try and not be incompetent for once. Charizard can solo teams faster than you can say "your princess is in another castle." Speaking of which, how did Bowser get eight castles? Again, he's a punk.

Anyway, Charizard isn't in this match. He doesn't need to be. There are 150 other Pokemon ready to show up and torture Mario. Mario's probably weak against fighting types because all he can do is jump. Mario jumps and Bowser spits some non-threatening fire. This is supposed to beat Red vs. Blue? Two characters defined by the word rival? In a rivalry contest?

Nah, Pokemon's got this. 'cause they're cute, yo.

Dante's prediction: Pokemon Trainer Red / Pokemon Trainer Blue with 57.77%

Guest’s Analysis - Inceptlon

X-Stats, trainers lose. Contest Performance stats,trainers lose. That Clutch Feeling.... Trainers Win. Momentum and a dire need for a upset this contest will push the trainers through!

Inceptlon's prediction: Pokemon Trainers Red Vs Blue- 52.80%

Crew Consensus: Dante? and Guest are going with the upset, but everyone else is sticking with Mario.
#278 | th3l3fty | message detail | filter | quote |
argh Guest sabotage

I blame pjbasis
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
#279 | Lopen | message detail | filter | quote
Dante, knowing I'd one up his one up, had other agents do his analysis...? Tch. The joke's on him that pick will never work!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#280 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter | quote |
changed my mind LOL
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
#281 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter | quote
Mario vs Red

SB's taken a ton of crap this season, mostly for good reason (Rivals wasn't a good idea from the start, outlawing Mario/Sonic was unforgivable, not tweaking the draw to give us Mario vs FF7 was dumb, etc etc)... but we ought to also note that he's gotten pretty "unlucky." As in, if Mario does better last round we could drum up at least a little interest in the Final (Zero puts Team X above Team Original, Bowser's the better rival, he'll have some anti-favorite advantages blah blah blah), and if he does a little worse suddenly there's massive hype for tonight's match. Or even if Pokemon could have snagged a few extra percentage points on Samus. Instead the results fell into the precise range called "nothing interesting can happen" and "there's no reason to watch this match"... and we've been stumbling into that same range every day for the past six weeks! I mean we obviously knew this Contest was going to be dull, but no one could have predicted it would end up THIS boring, so in that respect I do feel a little bad for SB.

Alright, backhanded compliments aside, let's dig into why tonight's result won't be Mario > Charizard w/ 54% all over again!

* a new Pokemon game wasn't released last week

* the Pokemon bandwagon has never formed- as in the Charizard who managed 54% on Kratos was a whole different beast versus the guy who nailed Bowser with 55%. whereas setting the Red who creamed Luigi equal to the Red who topped Ryu and Samus sounds about right

* 2010 Mario doesn't smash Sonic with 70 or Mega Man with 67; I still say this team has a pure "rivalry matters" advantage over everyone else in the bracket, Link included, and I think we'll see further indication of that tonight

* these match pics! Pokemon looks fine in them for the most part, but there's once again overwhelming nostalgia/iconicness emanating from the top half of these images. should prove hard to resist!

If the last three years have taught us anything, it's that Pokemon holds up remarkably well to Nintendo SFF from both Mario and Zelda, so I think the Trainers still come out of this one looking respectable. They should get off to a hot start and might make some decent percentage cuts in the afternoon, but Mario should win all the other periods comfortably enough to take this without a sweat. Let's go with something like

Mario - 56.27%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#282 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
#283 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter | quote
yeah well just wait for the day vote
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
#284 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
Oh is that another Accuracy Point for me

I think that seals the win for me!
"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
#285 | transience | message detail | filter | quote
darn you charizard
#286 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Link vs. Ganondorf 77.6% 41970
Alucard vs. Dracula 22.4% 12118

Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth 76.15% 38441
Squall Leonhart vs. Seifer Almasy 23.85% 12038

Crew Predictions - 59/60

What Happened: Beatdowns and SFF blowouts

Why it Happened: Alucard barely won a weak division, and FF7 SFFed FF8

What will Happen: Zelda > FF7

Crew Prediction Challenge - easy points

Moltar - 60
Leon - 58
Guest - 57
AKJ - 56
Kleenex - 55
Dante - 55
Lopen - 53

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets the point for Link/Ganon, Leon gets the point for Cloud/Seph.

Leon - 15
Moltar - 10
Lopen - 9
Guest - 8 (Luster: 2, Menji: 1, pjbasis: 1, Korayashi: 1, GfK: 1, Kotetsu: 2)
Kleenex - 7.5
AKJ - 6.5
Dante - 4
Moltar Status:
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#287 | Safer Sephiroth 777 | message detail | filter | quote
Zelda>FF7?I am not so sure.But it is the favorite that is for sure.Man it would be so awesome if FF 7 won...Imagine the outcry here!And that would cause Mario to win!
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#288 | pjbasis | message detail | filter | quote
Why am I still being mentioned in this topic
#289 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Semifinals: Round 5 - Match 62 – (1) Link/Ganondorf vs. (1) Cloud/Sephiroth

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 85.30% vs. Arthas/Illidan
Round 2 - 83.69% vs. Amaterasu/Orochi
Round 3 - 75.26% vs. Mega Man/Wily
Round 4 - 77.60% vs. Alucard/Dracula

Yeah these guys are pretty strong

Round 1 - 76.64% vs. Lloyd/Kratos
Round 2 - 76.78% vs. Kratos/Zeus
Round 3 - 62.12% vs. Snake/Liquid
Round 4 - 76.15% vs. Squall/Seifer

SFF is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?

Link/Cloud is usually a pretty hyped up match because Cloud is one of two regular characters strong enough to keep Link under 60%. The other guy is also in this match and his name is Sephiroth. Together, the two of them should be able to use their combined rivalry power to win, right?

Wrong, because Ganondorf is here. Ganondorf will allow for Link to pull out a guaranteed win against Cloudiroth. Zelda looks pretty untouchable at this point, especially right off the heels of Skyward Sword. This is going to go the same way Link/Cloud did 2 years ago, maybe even worse because of the new game.

Don’t doubt the drones!

Moltar’s Bracket: Link/Ganondorf

Moltar’s Prediction: Link/Ganondorf - 55%

Lopen’s Analysis

There are lots of ways to try and justify this upset, to try and make this contest cool. You can measure both teams through fodder and I'm sure some combination of stats will get you a Cloud/Sephiroth victory. Well, you know what? This contest is not cool, and there ain't gonna be any upset special from me here, because they just don't happen in this format. I mean, you'd think that since people actually care about Seph enough for him to get 45% (that's 33% more than 12% for those keeping score at home) on Cloud, and that he's stronger in the first place, that he'd add more to his team than Ganondorf and this would be an easy win due to RIVALRY FACTOR because Cloud and Seph you know, have a story. But it's not happening. Why? Because as much as I want to say people are paying attention to the format, I don't really think they are. Not really. Well, at least, not in the way we want-- rivalries don't matter for the most part. Franchises matter. Age matters. And Zelda series beats Final Fantasy series (and even more easily beats FF7), so thusly Cloud and Sephiroth won't be gaining any ground here. Link wins his easiest bout with Cloud yet.

I'd love to be wrong, though. I certainly don't think that past results for the two teams are as damning for Cloud and Seph as some do-- and just looking at their matches my confidence would not waver. But... looking at the results of the contest as a whole, instead of Clinkeroth in a vacuum, it gets really hard to justify taking them here.

(Well, love might be strong-- even Link losing can't really save this contest, but it'd be a token gesture at least!)

Lopen's prediction:
Link vs Ganondorf with 60.40% (I am of course safe, since the cage suspects will be taking Cloud)

Leon’s Analysis

As much as red sox will try to claim otherwise, I haven’t seen anything that tells me Link/Ganondorf doesn’t win this. Sephiroth hasn’t added as much to Cloud as we would have expected/hoped for them to win, while Ganondorf actually seems to have added a decent bit of strength to Link. This team is drastically outdoing Link’s projections on these characters from the 2010 stats. It hasn’t even been close. I doubt this one’s all that close either.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Link vs. Ganondorf with 54.45%
#290 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote |
Kleenex’s Analysis

I'm more excited for this match than I should probably be. Link vs. Cloud has happened more times in these contests than any other matchup, at least once a year since 2003, and only once has Cloud been able to actually win. Could that change this today? Well, maybe. Logic would dictate that Cloud and Sephiroth combined would be stronger than Link and Ganondorf combined. And Cloud has his best performance against Link last year since he actually won in 2003. Certainly, this is the best chance anyone has ever had at beating Link shy of being a Tetromino.

What does Link have on his side? Well, for one, he's Link. Link, who triples other Noble Niners, wins six out of eight GameFAQs character battles, and is backed by an army of DROOOOOOOOOONES. Also a Zelda game came out a month ago. That last bit is probably particularly damning, though it might be worth noting that Skyward Sword wasn't able to break the stranglehold Skyrim has on the site currently. Probably not though.

Cloud and Sephiroth have a slim chance here. It's not a good one, but it's there. And if they do win, it'll make for a much more interesting final than watching Link skewer Mario for the fourth or fifth time. Plus it would be boring for the crew to have a clean Link sweep.

Kleenex's Prediction: Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 51.67%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

I was going to make a "And here we are at the final match" joke but I realized that'd be totally stale. So with that in mind I bet at least 2 Crew members will make the joke, and one of them will be Dante.

But really, remember when this would've been a match? In another time when Link and Cloud were "about even" the idea of having Cloud AND Sephiroth teamed up would definitely have made people think of the upset. I mean what does Ganondorf bring anyway? Have this match in 2005 or so and things would be so different, so much more exciting...

Instead we know so much about contest strength and trends we already know before seeing it that Cloud has absolutely no chance here. Link is so strong he'd win without Ganondorf in the poll. Link would win a poll that was just him against every other person in the contest. Anyway I'm graduating today so I won't be around, but it's kind of neat to think the entire time I've been in college (and let me tell you my "4 year" degree took a whole lot longer than that, woo Class of 2008!) "Link vs Cloud" has been the Gamefaqs Contest rivalry, and here we see it tested on my last day. Except it's not a real test and it's boring and this contest is awful. As The Show so nicely pointed out, this is definitely the worst contest we've ever had.

AKJ predix Link vs Ganondorf with 59.99%

Dante’s Analysis

Man, why isn't this the final again? I mean, it's about as debated as the final, but still!

Link wins I'd say yawn next but it'll be just as boring. so uh Yawn next contest

Winner - Link - 57.38%
#291 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote
Guest’s Analysis - Kotetsu534

As is the custom, no matter how dominant Link and The Legend of Zelda have been in recent contest history, FFVII is still hyped by some to pull off a miracle. This time around there was actually a reasonable argument to be made that Cloud vs. Sephiroth had every chance of pulling it off - if Cloud could pull 46.5% of the vote against Link, surely with Sephiroth and Ganondorf thrown in as rivals, there'd be every chance of Link losing?

To be fair, the FFVII duo have played their part. In 2010 Cloud got 52% against Solid Snake, but with rivals added Cloud/Seph easily broke 60%. If Ganondorf was helping Link as much as Liquid was helping Solid, then there'd be good reason for thinking this might be the year Zelda's dominance would be punctured. Indeed, Cloud/Sephiroth have looked to be in a whole different tier to their usual through the first four rounds - rather than struggling to break 70% against Captain Falcon, Marth, Chris Redfield and Ridley, they've broken 75% three times.

Unfortunately for them, Link hasn't read the script. Even writing off the tripling of Mega Man/Wily, and ignoring the brutal quintupling of Amaterasu/Orochi as SFF, they've been imperious. 77.6% against Alucard/Dracula, who won their division and seemingly have a decent rivalry boost, is not only higher than any number Cloud/Sephiroth have managed, it's 5 points better than Link managed on Alucard on his own.

Link/Ganondorf shouldn't have any problems winning here, and I think there's a chance this might be the biggest beating there's been in a Link/Cloud match yet, just because Link/Ganon has looked so strong. Still, there is an element of the unknown about this - projections and comparisons all come with big pinches of salt since there's so little known about these rivalries. Maybe we'll get one unforgettable match out of this contest after all... nah.

Link vs. Ganondorf with 53.55% of the vote.

Crew Consensus: Zelda unstoppable
#292 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
Good luck, Kleenex
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
#293 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter | quote
I'm going to have that question mark forever now aren't I
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
#294 | The Mana Sword | message detail | filter | quote
Fightin' the good fight.
I wish I could wear skirts and dresses :( -GMUN
#295 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter | quote

From: X_Dante_X | #293
I'm going to have that question mark forever now aren't I

Moltar Status:
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#296 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter | quote
Link vs Cloud

The big day has finally arrived! Seph > Ganon, plus Cloud's got the better rivalry, so this team's going to have a chance at overturning last year's 53% win by Link, right? Well... no, I'm afraid not. Firstly because every single result in 2011 has indicated that Link's about a mile ahead of everyone else in this bracket (well, except Mario/Cloud, but he's still a good quarter mile above them!), and secondly because last year's Final was MESSED UP.

Cloud had very clearly lost a step in 2010; even ignoring the massive anti-voting that limited him to 70% on Ridley/Chris/Falcon, he didn't look anything like his "old self" in barely getting past 52% on Snake and Samus. Link, on the other hand, came in looking more unbeatable than ever. Now granted he had an SFF-lined path to the Finals (MM/Luigi/Sonic/Mario), but even in the early rounds he looked fantastic in putting up 80/72 on Thrall/Alucard in night matches. Every indication was that he'd slam Cloud with 56%+ in that Championship for his most dominating win so far. Yet for some reason, he couldn't get it done.

Which means Cloud could turn the tables on him again tonight, right?! Sorry, still no- the "some reason" above was the "anti-favoriteFAQs" or "anti-boringFAQs" or "please why won't something interesting happen FAQs" that we saw become a major force at the end of every bracket from 2007 to 2010. After the way he'd executed Mario and Sonic, everyone was so sure that Link would cruise to victory that it actually held him back a bit, giving Cloud a sliver of hope. The sad news is, for whatever reason we've seen nothing like that in this bracket! Alucard was a perfect candidate to benefit from the "give us something new" vibe, and we'd already seen Snake ride it to success many times, but instead the favorites obliterated them more easily than ever before. Seems as though all those something new voters have decided to just NOT VOTE this season instead (and I can't blame them!); the end result will be Link's worst beatdown yet!

Link - 54.71%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#297 | The Mana Sword | message detail | filter | quote
you people sicken me
I wish I could wear skirts and dresses :( -GMUN
#298 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter | quote
"you people"? Looks like B8 was the only thing keeping Cloud over 40%!

Oh man, can't wait to see what Pokemon does during this first half hour or so...
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#299 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter | quote
#300 | Dr_Football | message detail | filter | quote
| |


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