GameFAQs Contests

Rivalry Rumble Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2

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#451 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter |
(1) Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. (4) Alucard/Dracula

(R1) Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth: 56.56% on Gordon Freeman/Dr. Breen

(R1) Alucard vs. Dracula: 63.23% on Commander Shepard/Saren Arterius

Both of these pairs did well in their first round matches, but Phoenix is outmatched here. I doubt that Freeman/Breen and Shepard/Saren are too far apart, being that they're both rivalries being carried by midcards of similar strength, and setting them equal to each other projects Alucard/Dracula with 57.7% of the vote. It looks even worse for Phoenix when you factor in both that his match was at night - he would have continued to fall through the day - and that the vampires' suffered a time disadvantage in their own match against Mass Effect.

All the vampires need to do here to remain favourites for the division is get into the high 50s, and they should do that with ease.

Alucard vs. Dracula with 60.5% of the vote.
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#452 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
Oh ho ho, looks like the Accuracy Challenge lead is solely mine once again...!
#453 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
Southwest Division: Round 2 - Match 43 – (1) Phoenix/Edgeworth vs. (4) Alucard/Dracula

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 56.56% vs. Gordon/Breen

Phoenix finally got revenge

Round 1 - 63.23% vs. Shepard/Saren

These vampires aren’t afraid of the day

Well both these rivalries did what they needed to do in Round 1. Rivalry matters allowed for Phoenix and Edgey to get their way past Gordon and dead weight. Their performance was good, but Phoenix was lucky it was only 12 hours because the morning vote was hurting him. Alucard/Dracula also did what they needed to do and win with a bigger margin, since Gordon/Breen...might be around Shepard/Saren in strength.

So Alucard/Dracula has room to spare in this match. I don’t think Phoenix/Edgey will roll over and die, and if this does end up close, I’ll be very concerned about rallying. Still, back when I made my bracket though, I figured this would be a mid-to-high-50’s win for the vampires, and neither R1 performance really changed my mind about that.

Moltar’s Bracket: Alucard/Dracula

Moltar’s Prediction: Alucard/Dracula - 56%

Lopen’s Analysis

This match might've been kinda debatable before the contest started, but I don't think anyone's going for Phoenix/Edgeworth now. Only interesting parts of this match for me are 1. PW board vote. 2. Seeing if the miserable pile of lawsuits can outdo Shepard/Saren. Given the bad vote totals we've been getting and what I perceive to be a dropping of the casual vote, I think they can. Not by much, though.

Lopen's prediction:
Alucardracula with 63.22%
#454 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter |
Leon’s Analysis

Phoenix was able to reverse the nearly universe-breaking effects of violating GFNW last round, but his luck runs out here, I think. He loses nearly every advantage he had from the first round in this match. This is a full 24-hour match instead of a 12-hour night match. He’s not facing a character with a total deadweight partner this time. He’s probably not going to be the bracket favorite for this match either. He won’t have a huge picture advantage, thanks to yoblazer’s amazing Alucard/Dracula picture.

Not to mention, I think Alucard is a decent bit stronger than Freeman to begin with, so that makes winning a little bit tougher. I’d probably take Shepard/Saren over Gordon/Breen, too, and Alucard easily did better on Shepard than Phoenix did on Gordon. That being said, I’d love to be wrong and see Phoenix/Edgeworth pull a turnabout in a contest in desperate need of one. Maybe we’re totally wrong about Shepard/Saren’s strength, and it’s actually a very weak pairing. I hope so. That being said, Phoenix/Edgey probably make it interesting for a little while, but I don’t think they can hold on over the long haul.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Alucard vs. Dracula with 57.70%

Kleenex’s Analysis

I kinda have an uneasy feeling about this match. Alucard and Dracula should win this with easy. About 60/40, I imagine. Shocking, I know. But I dunno. Phoenix beating the two of them isn't an insurmountable task like taking down Link or something. I'm probably just overthinking this, but if it does happen, remember that I considered it for a minute and Ngamer probably didn't.

Kleenex's Prediction: Alucard vs. Dracula with 61.34%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

I've been waiting for this day. I've got Phoenix > Shepard in my bracket and I still feel okay about this pick. On the one hand I do think it's fair to think of Alucard as a favorite here. But I'm desperate for something interesting to happen, and what better man than Wright? I guess I'm hoping Gordon is a fair deal stronger than Shepard? And that MvC3factor is a real thing? And for Capcom > Konami?

Don't let me down, Phoenix.

AKJ predix Phoenix vs Edgeworth with 52.00%

Dante’s Analysis

I'm actually torn about this match. Sure, Phoenix barely beat Gordon and Alucard beat Shepard effortlessly, but come on - don't even try to tell me Shepard is strong. I'm still going with Dracula/Alucard, but I see this as a tossup in my head. And Lopen has taught you all what tossups mean, right?

Winner - Dracula/Alucard - 60.43%

Crew Consensus: AKJ has PW, everyone else is going with the vampires.
#455 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
AKJ finding new and unique ways to avoid the cage
#456 | XIII_rocks | message detail | filter
finished mine

check your pms
#457 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter
Phoenix vs Alucard

As we've been over before, I've got a huge amount of respect for Mass Effect these days, so all Alucard would have needed was 60% last round to maintain his favorite status IMO. Doing 63, and in a time frame where he was seriously disadvantaged for that matter, has removed all doubt from my mind. Plus what an awesome match pic! (Though Phoenix looks great as well, and I love that iconic font.)

All that being said, I don't think this will be as much of a runaway as people are now thinking. We're going to get the lawyers off to a great start, they've got a solid rivalry for themselves which as we've already seen lifts this team well above what Phoenix is capable of on his own, the team didn't hemorrhage up percentage past the first hour quite as badly as PW used to back in the day, and that looks even better considering how Half-Life is strong overnight... Basically I don't think this result will ever be in doubt past the very start, but I still see Phoenix hanging in there close enough to leave a little bit of doubt as to what Frog will be capable of next round.

*crosses fingers*

Alucard - 56.91%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#458 | XIII_rocks | message detail | filter
Oh I'll just post it.

Phoenix/Edgeworth vs. Alucard/Dracula

Phoenix/Edgeworth vs. Gordon/Breen actually ended up being one of the closer matches in Round 1, but it was hardly that competitive; Phoenix easily broke 56%. Impressive, since Phoenix is the one who broke GFNW.

Anyway, Alucard and Dracula looked pretty good, but not amazing, against Shephard and Saren. Couple that with Phoenix winning what many thought would be a close match easily and you have something of a small debate breaking out over this one.

However, for me Phoenix has run into something of a brick wall here. Alucard is traditionally strong, the Dracula name itself carries a lot of weight, and it's a 24-hour match. Phoenix pulling the upset would no doubt be entertaining in a contest sorely lacking entertainment thus far, but there seem to be too many factors in Alucard's favour here for Phoenix/Edgey to overcome.

XIII is cool's prediction: Alucard/Dracula with 58.71%
#459 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter |
#460 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
#461 | -LusterSoldier- | message detail | filter
Master Moltar | Posted 11/28/2011 11:45:44 PM | message detail | (edited)

Yes Moltar, you should be prepared to check your PMs just incase. If the write-up is short enough, you could expect PMs to be sent to you rather than an email.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ!
#462 | Lopen | message detail | filter
Tch I see what you did, Dante. Trying to counter my preemptive one up of your one up.

Only works if I actually think the match was a toss up!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#463 | XIII_rocks | message detail | filter
Oh yeah, email, sorry.

It takes me forever to sign into my email account. Hotmail so slow.
#464 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter
-LusterSoldier- posted...
Master Moltar | Posted 11/28/2011 11:45:44 PM | message detail | (edited)

Yes Moltar, you should be prepared to check your PMs just incase. If the write-up is short enough, you could expect PMs to be sent to you rather than an email.

Yeah, you tell 'em Luster!

Kleenex’s Analysis
I'm probably just overthinking this, but if it does happen, remember that I considered it for a minute and Ngamer probably didn't.

Will happily concede those 60 seconds for this upset to happen!
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#465 | -LusterSoldier- | message detail | filter
XIII_rocks | Posted 11/28/2011 11:53:23 PM | message detail
Oh yeah, email, sorry.

It takes me forever to sign into my email account. Hotmail so slow.

Hotmail? You're seriously stuck on using Hotmail in this day and age?

Gmail has been literally pwning Hotmail ever since Gmail finally removed the "Beta" status and went public. Gmail absolutely destroys Hotmail in terms of storage space.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ!
#466 | The Mana Sword | message detail | filter
lmao xiii what a loser
I wish I could wear skirts and dresses :( -GMUN
#467 | FFDragon | message detail | filter
'literally pwning'
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
#468 | XIII_rocks | message detail | filter
I made that hotmail account when I was 14! All my stuff gets sent there, I'm not redirecting it all to some fancypants GMail

"The great fallacy is that the game is first and foremost about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory." - Danny Blanchflower
#469 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
man I've still got this
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#470 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter |
(2) Frog/Magus vs. (3) Chell/GlaDOS

(R1) Frog/Magus: 56.13% on Raiden/Vamp

(R1) Chell/GlaDOS: 59.07% on Ness/Giygas

This division is wide open at this point - not one of the three pairs left standing has much strength, and they're all likely close to each other. A lot of people were writing off Frog/Magus after R1 and hyping Chell/GlaDOS to upset the CT duo here, but I'm not so sure. Crono/Lavos looked fine against the Snakes, and Raiden/Vamp did win their vote in after all, so they must have some strength. Projecting through Yuna/Seymour puts them close enough to Fox/Wolf that you could call Frog/Magus vs. Fox/Wolf a toss-up.

On the other hand, I doubt Chell/GlaDOS's strength. Heavily Brawl-based entrants have all looked below par in this contest, probably due to being stuck with a rivalry from their original series (Falcon/Shadow, Ike/Black Knight, Kirby/MK). I'd suggest this doesn't apply to Fox/Wolf so much because Star Fox 64 has a lot more respect and nostalgia going for it on GameFAQs than any of F-Zero, Fire Emblem or Kirby, as well as a much better rivalry factor. The point is that I doubt Ness/Giygas are worth much, so Chell/Giygas being held to 59% in a night match doesn't lead me to think they're strong either.

I'd love to see this match be exciting, but I think Frog/Magus are simply a step above their opposition. And, if they do get into trouble and this runs close, I'd much rather be backing CT!

Frog vs. Magus with 55.35% of the vote.
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#471 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
Link vs. Ganondorf 83.69% 46897
Amaterasu vs. Orochi 16.31% 9139

Zidane Tribal vs. Kuja 33.89% 17638
Mega Man vs. Dr. Wily 66.11% 34405

Crew Predictions - 42/42

What Happened: Zelda came to town, brought in the votes and dominated Okami. FF9 bowed out gracefully to MM

Why it Happened: Either Ammy has gotten really weak or Link/Ganon is beasting thanks to Skyward Sword. MM didn't look that great in his match, but Zidane showed last year that he has gotten stronger.

What will Happen: Link/Ganon blowout MM, enjoy the Nintendo SFF

Crew Prediction Challenge - points

Moltar - 42
Leon - 42
AKJ - 40
Kleenex - 40
Guest - 39
Dante - 39
Lopen - 37

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kotetsu gets the point for Link/Ganon, Leon gets the point for MM/Wily

Leon - 8
Lopen - 7
Guest - 7 (Luster: 2, Menji: 1, pjbasis: 1, Korayashi: 1, GfK: 1, Kotetsu: 1)
Kleenex - 6.5
Moltar - 6
AKJ - 4.5
Dante - 3
Moltar Status:
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
#472 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
time to take a few more hopeless upsets then
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#473 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
Southwest Division: Round 2 - Match 44 – (3) Chell/GlaDOS vs. (2) Frog/Magus

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 59.07% vs. Ness/Giygas

Not impressed

Round 1 - 56.13% vs. Raiden/Vamp

Also not impressed

Neither side looked great last round, but both can’t lose this match (I think). The more I think about it, failing to break 60% on Ness/Giygas sounds really bad. At least Raiden/Vamp won a vote in poll and MGS rivalries have been doing well, so I could kind of justify them performing well against Frog/Magus. Ness/Giygas? I’ve got nothing (and that was a night match).

Pre-contest, I struggled a bit over this match, and while Frog/Magus failed to meet expectations as expected, Portal’s mediocre performance didn’t inspire enough confidence to take this upset. This probably ends up as the closest match of the contest so far, which also works in CT’s favor.

Moltar’s Bracket: Frog/Magus

Moltar’s Prediction: Frog/Magus - 52%

Lopen’s Analysis

This match has some people shouting upset. I think people are just upset starved. Me, personally, I don't see why Chell/GLaDOS do any better than Raiden/Vamp. Like, you gotta be disappointed in Frog/Magus from last round, but there's really no reason to assume they drop here. 59% on Ness and a Fetus isn't really that good, and something I think Raiden vs Vamp could manage. I sure hope there is an upset, though!

Lopen's prediction:
Frog vs Magus with 58.09%

Leon’s Analysis

Pre-contest, Chell/GlaDOS was a niche upset pick, but Frog/Magus were the overall favorites to win this highly debated division. After one round, things seem to be a bit more up in the air for this match. While Chell/GlaDOS didn’t blow the doors off against Ness/Giygas, Frog/Magus looked pretty underwhelming against Raiden/Vamp, barely getting 56% of the vote.

After having some time to reflect on it, I’m still feeling pretty confident in the CT duo. I mentioned a lot of this on The Show (</shameless plug), but I don’t think Raiden/Vamp are THAT weak. MGS rivalries have looked pretty solid in this contest so far (No pun intended). They’re a dedicated fanbase who will support their series. Raiden/Vamp did win their vote-in, and while you can’t take a vote-in at face value, it suggests that they’re not total pushovers. I’d take them to beat Ness/Giygas pretty easily. I think they’d get closer to Chell/GlaDOS than to Ness/Giygas, in fact. The newer western rivalries haven’t looked all that impressive in this contest either. I’m not saying that Frog/Magus is a lock, but Chell/GlaDOS gotta prove they belong.

Plus, if it’s close, you know that Frog Clutch will pull through in the end.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Frog vs. Magus with 54.45%

Kleenex’s Analysis

If yesterday's match had me kinda worried, this match has me really worried. I see a lot of people are pretty dead set in Frog winning this match, and I just don't buy that at all. Show me a man who still thinks Chrono Trigger characters are remotely close to where they used to be and it's probably red sox. I wasn't particularly impressed with either of their performances in the previous round, but I don't buy Raiden and Vamp being very strong, as much as that pains me to say. Even post-MGS4, Raiden performed pretty poorly in contests, and the vote-in polls are a total sham, so you can't get a good read off that either. I'm not entirely convinced that Raiden would beat Ness in a 1 v 1 match, and if that's the case, Frog and Magus are probably screwed. Vamp beats Giygas I guess, but I don't think that really matters.
#474 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
I really don't know which way to go for this match. I wish I could be as confident as others seem to be, but I don't trust either entrant. Logic would dictate that in a close match Frog always wins, but I feel like the days of a last minute Chrono Trigger rally are over. No one cares about this contest enough to rally.

I don't feel good about this, but...

Kleenex's Prediction: Chell vs. GlaDOS with 52.46%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

I am so disappointed in that last match. Okay sure the upset didn't pan out, I half expected that anyway. I'm just mad Phoenix fell apart during the day when he should've at least made it our closest match in the contest. Damn you vampires! I blame the Twilight fans!

Today is a straight up fascinating match. I'm not sure exactly where the guru or oracle are going with this, but everything I can see from trends and round 1 results makes this a toss up. Maybe the Chrono Trigger team has a slight advantage but it could easily swing either way. And since the potential is there, I have to go with the better game and hope Gamefaqs makes the smart choice.

AKJ predix Chell vs GlaDOS with 51.51%

Dante’s Analysis

man I don't know

Winner - Frog/Magus - 60.39%

Guest’s Analysis - Ultima

This match has gotten some debate after round 1, where Frog/Magus laid a colossal egg against Raiden/Vamp. I don't care if they won their vote-in poll, Raiden/Vamp can't be anything but garbage in this contest. Just look at Raiden's solo performances in these contests. He's fodder, and most of the MGS fanbase hates Vamp. But I digress. With their round 1 performance, Frog/Magus have proved that they are not going to be a thread to the Vampires in the division finals.

So, do I take Chell/GLaDOS to win this match? No! They didn't exactly blow us away in round 1 either: 59% against Ness/Giygas isn't enough for me to give them the win here. Chell/GLaDOS probably beats Raiden/Vamp though, so this should be a closer match than CT/MGS2, making this the closest match of the contest so far.

Let's go with something around 53%, that seems good.


Frog/Magus with 53.05%

Crew Consensus: AKJ and Kleenex are backing Portal, the majority is siding with CT.
#475 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
Crew Curse avoided

Thanks Kleenex and AKJ
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
#476 | th3l3fty | message detail | filter
as if the Crew Curse even cares about this contest enough to activate anyway
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
#477 | Lopen | message detail | filter
Crewmates falling on their sword to make me less look bad

Thanks guys
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#478 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
danta not even trying anymore
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#479 | The Mana Sword | message detail | filter
If Josh and I are agreeing on something, it's bound to happen.
I wish I could wear skirts and dresses :( -GMUN
#480 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter
GlaDOS vs Frog

I still don't understand how Raiden or Vamp could be popular, I still have a ton of respect for Portal 2's strength on this site (and love what it did for GlaDOS specifically), and I'm still worried that the Frog/Magus rivalry isn't as beloved or memorable with gamers in general as it is on Board 8. So why stick with the Crono Trigger duo? I'll very hesitantly respond with...

* Crono did a great job of at least partially restoring my faith in CT with that showing on Snake. how much of that was due to yo's excellent match pic I can't say, but I do feel good about that percentage being mostly fueled by fond memories of an SNES classic rather than pure SmartVoterFAQs, because "what rivalry?"

* upon closer reflection, the MGS series is story-driven enough to have produced some respectable rivalries over the years, so I probably underestimated Raiden/Vamp by a good bit, plus that was a day match which has never been kind to CT

* Ness sucks

Prediction: Frog/Magus jump out to a huge lead, everyone calls the match over, everyone's shocked when they come back tomorrow and see what a huge percentage the Portal team has chopped, we're worried for a while but ultimately Frog has a strong finish and pulls through for the win.

Frog - 52.59%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#481 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter
Ngamer64 posted...
Prediction: Frog/Magus jump out to a huge lead, everyone calls the match over, everyone's shocked when they come back tomorrow and see what a huge percentage the Portal team has chopped, we're worried for a while but ultimately Frog has a strong finish and pulls through for the win.

...and by "check back tomorrow" I meant "check back 7 minutes later"!
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#482 | crazyisgood | message detail | filter
you guys are awesome
What is your favorite Rasputina Song?
#483 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
oh this is a match
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#484 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
um glados come on
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#485 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
3 point lead for me and Moltar

#486 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter
damn you ezio/leon/raiden
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
#487 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter
(1) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth vs. (4) Kratos/Zeus

(R1) Cloud Strife/Sephiroth: 76.64% on Lloyd Irving/Kratos Aurion

(R1) Kratos/Zeus: 74.12% on Professor Layton/Don Paolo

It appears that Cloud and Sephiroth are back for more Kratos. They didn't do too well against the last one, and although a portion of that can be put down to anti-votes, when you consider that Chris Redfield, Captain Falcon, Marth and Ridley all got 28-30% on Cloud or Sephiroth in CBVIII, it seems like you only need to be a low midcard to reach 30% on elite FFVII these days. But that must be set against near-elite Ryu's 34% - it takes a considerable jump in strength to go much higher than that. Kratos should be below Ryu.

Kratos/Zeus looked strong in tripling Layton/Paolo in round one, but then again Isaac could get near 70% on Layton. How strong is Kratos normally? CBVIII doesn't help too much - 45% on Charizard is obviously evidence of some strength, but it has to be put against 61% on Tails and that Charizard bulked up as the contest wore on. God of War III hit after he was knocked out, so that should have boosted him a little in the meantime. Kratos' 4-way contest history is strange and can be used to show anything you want - he collapsed to 29.5% against a leeched (by Auron) Sephiroth in 2008, one match after getting nearly 37% against a leeched (by Tifa) Sephiroth. The only thing 2008 definitely shows he's a good distance above pre-RE5 Jill.

And all of that doesn't even mention how rivalry factor may or may not affect things, or how much an extra 12 hours will help Cloud/Sephiroth recover from the anti-votes. How this match will go is quite tough to predict. I'll go with high 60s, but wouldn't be at all surprised if this was over 70.

Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth with 69%
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#488 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
West Division: Round 2 - Match 45 – (1) Cloud/Sephiroth vs. (4) Kratos/Zeus

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 76.64% vs. Lloyd/Kratos

ToS power

Round 1 - 74.12% vs. Layton/Paolo

The only characters more anti-voted than Cloud/Seph

I think FF7 redeems itself here. I could see it underperforming against ToS because it’s kind of Nintendo and has a very dedicated fanbase here on GameFAQs. GoW and Kratos are good midcarders, but I think Sony fans on GameFAQs care way more for Cloud/Seph and FF7 than it, which is why I think Square looks good here.

Back in fourways, Seph fought Kratos and it definitely wasn’t pretty, even though there were other FF characters in the polls. Now you throw in Cloud and a rivalry that matters, and FF7 could go really big here. Their R1 performance could very well mean they underperform though due to anti-votes, but I’ll bet on big tonight.

Moltar’s Bracket: Cloud/Sephiroth

Moltar’s Prediction: Cloud/Sephiroth - 73%

Lopen’s Analysis

Well, the last two matches have rekindled my faith that upsets actually can happen in this format. Oh, sure, nothing happened, but the matches at least looked close for a while!

Oh... uh, there's a match here.

Think Cloud/Seph do relatively better against Kratos/Zeus than you'd expect cause of their PS roots and because Lloyd/Kratos seem the type to hold up better against squashes. Unfortunately Seph's length won't increase as much as usual over the course of the match cause Kratos has never been a strong starter either. Kratos is a bit of a buzzkill.

Lopen's prediction:
Cloud vs Sephiroth with 75.03%

Leon’s Analysis

The only thing I care about with this match is seeing the early vote. This thing will be a total snoozer apart from the first hour or so. If there’s one series that GameFAQs may actually enjoy anti-voting more than FFVII, it may be God of War, for whatever the reason. Kratos/Zeus rose nearly 8% from the freeze against Layton/Paolo last round, almost as much as Cloud/Sephy rose against Lloyd/Kratos. Could Cloud/Sephiroth actually win a board vote? Stay tuned!

Leonhart’s Prediction: Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth with 69.90%
#489 | Master Moltar (tc) | message detail | delete | filter
Kleenex’s Analysis

This board vote is going to be something else. I bet Cloud wins it. That'll be a sight to see. Once things have settled there, I'm thinking Cloud/Seph ending underperforming based on people's unrealistic expectations, but do about what they should based on real ones.

Kleenex's Prediction: Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 65.41%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis





akj predix cloud vs sephiroth with 69.00%

Dante’s Analysis

Here we go. A clash of the GODS. Well, one god, and two guys who might as well be gods. oh and a bald guy is in the equation somewhere. point is there will be a lot of screaming, swords being flung extremely quickly by kratos and blond haired zack, and sephiroth will probably just laugh at zeus who will promptly go home and cry. I could sit here and regurgitate old stats but really, who else besides HGR will vote for Zeus. Hell, who will vote for Kratos on the merit of being Kratos - it's all about those who hate blond zack. Anyway this will probably be 70ish percent. WHAT GREAT ANALYSIS.

Winner - Cloud/Sephiroth - 71.27%

Guest’s Analysis - GrapefruitKing

Cloud/Seph were below most our expectations in Round 1, but as the other two heavy hitters have showed so far in Round 2 (Mario & Link), it's not that hard to score a blowout on rivalries that aren't absolute fodder, and while Kratos/Zeus are definitely stronger than Ike/BK and Amaterasu/Orochi, they won't look too good against Cloud/Seph. They might even get tripled, but that's probably pushing it a little too much considering that the FF7 duo barely tripled Lloyd/Kratos.

Both of these teams having a ridiculously bad board vote probably means that nobody will vote for the first 15 minutes. Should be mildly interesting. Then we get 23 hours, 45 minutes of boredom

GrapefruitKing's surprisingly accurate prediction: Cloud vs. Sephiroth - 73.31%

Crew Consensus: Cloud/Seph win...obviously
#490 | Ngamer64 | message detail | filter
Cloud vs Kratos

Amazing what a single close match can do to restore a guy's interest in Contest season! (The fact that a GlaDOS win would have eliminated me in the Guru probably doesn't hurt either...)

Now as for this snoozefest, FF7 was pretty darn bad last time out in managing only 77 against inferior RPG opponents, while the GoW dudes finished only 3% back of that number themselves! Surely we're in for around a doubling tonight, logic would seem to dictate.

But logic is DEAD WRONG. FF7's exactly the kind of entrant who'll get anti-voted like crazy and play down to terrible competition as a result, but when push comes to shove they'll still put up great numbers against better opposition. Other factors in their favor are this match running twice as long (more time to recover from their poor start), Kratos having to share the Sony fanbase with Cloud instead of standing apart like the Tales guys did, and real/iconic/nostalgic rivalries gaining increased SmartVoterFAQs pull as we move forward.

Should be enough for Cloud and Seph to redeem themselves... sort of. (Link will still be laughing behind their backs.)

Cloud - 70.77%
I'd search B8 for The Show if I were you. *wink wink*
#491 | Safer Sephiroth 777 | message detail | filter
I believe this match is the first that the crew actually suggested lower percentages!In all other matches they either find the percentage or they suggest more!Awesome!
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#492 | GrapefruitKing | message detail | filter
damn you Lopen for going even higher than me! I wanted those delicious accuracy points
#493 | Janus5000 | message detail | filter
I believe this match is the first that the crew actually suggested lower percentages!In all other matches they either find the percentage or they suggest more!Awesome!

the crew was all under by like 10% on Trainers/Luigis
Fight like dragons, have no fear, swords are made of STEEEEEEEEL~
#494 | Safer Sephiroth 777 | message detail | filter
Yeah you are right.My mistake.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
#495 | Lopen | message detail | filter
I didn't undershoot by much this could win an accuracy point in a normal match even if everyone didn't underestimate!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
#496 | pjbasis | message detail | filter
Nevermind the crew, the oracle undershot a bunch of times Round 1 due to unexpected blowouts.
#497 | Kotetsu534 | message detail | filter
(2) Solid Snake/Liquid Snake vs. (6) Pac-Man/Blinky

(R1) Solid Snake/Liquid Snake: 58.77% on Crono/Lavos

(R1) Pac-Man/Blinky: 63.51% on Crash Bandicoot/Dr. Neo Cortex

I was entirely wrong about Pac-Man/Blinky struggling to beat Crash in round one, but that match said a lot more about their opponents than them - it was outpolled by Zidane/Meat Boy by nearly 1000 votes, which says it all. Meanwhile, the Snakes did acceptably against Crono/Lavos, if not well enough to get any upset hype going for the division final. Well, actually, it's difficult to tell how well they did since we have no idea where Crono/Lavos are - taking a literal reading of the vote-in poll gives absurd results, and there's not even been a solid read on Crono for several years. Still, they'd beat up on Pac-Man/Blinky.

Going back to CBVIII, Solid Snake doubled Fox and broke 72% against Proto-Man. Pac-Man looked awful in the vote-in, losing handsomely to a bunch of midcarders. I'd expect rivalry factor favours the Snakes here. Low-mid 70s seems where this should finish.

Solid Snake vs. Liquid Snake with 73.5% of the vote.
Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ.
(Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!)
#498 | LeonhartFour | message detail | filter
Hey Moltar, bump up my Snakes prediction 5% for my pick, if you don't mind.

#499 | AppIekidjosh | message detail | filter
if 500 is a kawaii cure marine I'll watch something
<Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!!
#500 | X_Dante_X | message detail | filter
Play the Illusion of Gaia
boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold