GameFAQs Contests

Character Battle VIII Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3

Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/3/2010 1:31:22 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #101
Roxas 56.96% 31010
Heavy 43.04% 23427

Tidus 46.14% 35717
Sub-Zero 53.86% 41693

Crew Predictions - 30/36

What Happened: Roxas beats Heavy (who had some rallied help) and Sub beats Tidus cleanly.

Why it Happened: Roxas/Heavy wasn't unexpected. Tidus and Subbie went into the match seemingly as equals, but it looks like Sub-Zero is just a bit stronger.

What will Happen: Sub's got Round 2 easy.

Crew Prediction Challenge - lol guest, also Kleenex on top how could this happen to us

Kleenex - 32
Moltar - 31
Tran - 31
Lopen - 30
Red Sox - 30
Ngamer - 29
Guest - 26

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar gets the point for Roxas, Tran gets the point for Sub-Zero

Moltar - 8.5
Lopen - 6
Tran - 5
Red Sox - 4.5
Ngamer - 4
Kleenex - 4
Guest - 3 (Bio: 1, CM: 1, Marsman: 1)
Moltar Status: Bracket: Jecht > Phoenix (31/36)
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/3/2010 3:14:23 AM | message detail | filter | #102
Ngamer's Fantastical Writeup

Ugh, stupid Tidus. I can let him off the hook for Steroid Kirby, Steroid Pikachu, and Steroid Block, but this was pretty inexcusable- neither Subby nor Scorpion were sporting any roid rage in those vote in polls, and I doubt he's had an opportunity to juice in the meantime. Partially though I have to blame myself- we all know how crazy Europe and Asia are about FFX, yet I failed to take into account how little those voting blocks matter in a Day Match, which ought to have tipped me back in Sub-Zero's favor. IN FACT *does some quick calcs* hey I was right! Tidus straight up won the match outside of the US... but since America made up almost 70% of the total votes, there was little the rest of the world could do.

Looking at the bigger picture though, I'd argue that yesterday's result was healthy for the Contest as a whole. Things would be pretty dull if filling a bracket was as easy as saying "well, Character X appeared in the 10th most popular game on this site, so it doesn't matter if he isn't even well-liked within his own fanbase and looks dopey in the match pic, he'll still easily win over this cool-looking, beloved character from a lower profile series".

...uh oh, I think I accidentally just made a heck of a case for Phoenix Wright! That wasn't my intention at all, but I've got to admit that the guy's got some things going for him; in addition to the above, only 15 minutes ago I said to myself "why the heck do I keep picking against Dr. Football? the guy's got the magic touch, while I'm doing maybe my worst job ever at calling coin flips this season. I'll just agree with him next time" before remembering that he had PW for today. Whoops! But nay, I'm sticking with my Jecht-backing bracket for a few reasons:

* Night Match Fever. sure Phoenix is going to get out to a great start, but after those opening hours Europe and Asia are going to be throwing a little party called All Jecht All Night. and considering how even Magus (a guy who's HORRIBLE beyond the opening hours) managed a 7% swing after PW's early vote, I have confidence in Jecht turning things around in a big way

* Not-Meg Ryan Factor. Jecht's obviously not to that Vincent/Zack level of fan-favoriteness, but he's at least not actively disliked as Tidus still appears to be, plus at the very least he scored a pic that's sure to appeal to those giant sword-loving casual voters

* DISSIDIA POWWWWA. yeah yeah, it didn't work for Tidus, but he was already the face of the most recent FF blockbuster- it couldn't do much for him in terms of exposure or changing people's minds on his cruddy character. I'd argue a lower profile guy like Jecht has much more to benefit (though admittedly not as much as an old schooler like Kefka)

Summary: too many people drinking the PW Kool Aid here! Sure he's stronger than his games and yes he's probably climbing every year thanks to good word of mouth, but that still leaves him a good ways back from challenging the Rikkus of the world, so as long as Jecht is in that general range he should be fine.

Ngamer Says: Jecht > Phoenix, 56.09%

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/3/2010 9:33:10 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #103
Varia Division: Round 1 - Match 38 – (6) Ratchet vs. (11) Eddie Riggs

Moltar’s Analysis

Not Clank

Not a character with strength

What the hell is this? Ratchet in a winnable match? Now I’ve seen it all. Ratchet may be weak as trash, but I doubt GameFAQs cared at all for Brutal Legend, and they probably care even less for Eddie Riggs.

Moltar’s Bracket: Ratchet > Eddie

Moltar’s Prediction: Ratchet: 63% - Eddie: 37%

Lopen’s Analysis

Two fodder games are what we've got here. Pretty sure Ratchet has never broken 20% in a poll. And I don't mean on BL. I mean "at all." Brutal Legend I think did pretty brutal on the polls if I remember right... however, I do think Brutal Legend will win out against any Ratchet game here. If for no other reason than being recent. But Ratchet has a series, which might weigh a bit more.

But the kicker her is the outside factors, I think. Yeah, that's right, the swarms of Jack Black fans will put Eddie Riggs over here. Tenacious D for life baby. Anti-votes? As if.

Ratchet tried to kill the Metal

Lopen's prediction:
Eddie Riggs with 53.35%

Transience’s Analysis

Eddie Riggs is the kind of guy that GameFAQs would like. he's a cool character from a story-driven game that's well-written and fun. he's got a good character design.

the problem is that Brutal Legend is not the kind of game that GameFAQs will flock to. it's part 3d action game, part RTS. it's a new IP. Tim Schafer's name helps sell it to the hardcore, but we've already seen what Tim Schafer's name means with Raz. Brutal Legend is not as obscure as something like Psychonauts, but it still kinda bombed sales-wise and got only lukewarm reviews. if Brutal Legend was widely accepted as a good game, Eddie Riggs could have a shot here. as it is, though? Ratchet is far safer. at least he's a known quantity. Eddie Riggs could really suck here.

transience's prediction: Ratchet with 68.13%

Ngamer’s Analysis

Fantastical writeup coming soon!

Ngamer Says: Ratchet > Jack Black, 57.71%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Oh hey look, another one of those matches where neither character deserves to advance to round 2. Ratchet's been around for a while and has never been that good. Then there's Eddie Riggs. Main character from one of the most over-hyped games of 2009. Main character of a game that apparently wasn't even worthy of an appearance in the best Multi-platform game of the year poll. He doesn't even have an appealing character design. No one talks about Brutal Legend in consideration for best game of 2009. No one cares about it, at all. Eddie Riggs is going to get reamed. By Ratchet. What a disaster.

Eddie Riggs for worst x-stat value of 2010 (Cloud > Samus >>> Zelda > Phoenix/Jecht > Ratchet >> Eddie). It's going to be bad.

Bracket: Ratchet
Favorites: Ratchet
Prediction: Ratchet with 65.73%

Red Sox’s Analysis

After 2 exciting matches involving FFX characters, we have a match that will probably be pretty boring. It’s probably a sign that I’m very out of touch with gaming nowadays that I had to look up who Eddie Riggs was. On the other hand, if I didn’t know who he was, it seems unlikely that he’d have any strength. Ratchet is weak, too, but probably not that weak.

Prediction: Ratchet with 57.00%
Upset Potential: 25%
Upper Bound: Ratchet with 69%
Lower Bound: Eddie Riggs with 55%
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/3/2010 9:33:20 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #104
Guest’s Analysis - cf is best

Another fodder match!

Ratchet has completely bombed in every setting he’s put in, letting even Dante put over 80% on him, but this time he’s put in a match he can actually win in. Eddie Riggs is Jack Black, who I don’t like at all, and from a game that as far as I can tell didn’t sell well. I guess he could surprise me and pull off an upset, but I doubt it. Ratchet is just better known in the gaming world and I don’t think he will have a problem. The newcomers save for Charizard and Price have all bombed and I don’t expect Eddie to be any different, even if he has absolute fodder for a match.

Ratchet with 60.01

Crew Consensus: Eddie has a supporter, but everyone else has Ratchet.
FantasyFreak999 | Posted 2/3/2010 9:40:01 AM | message detail | filter | #105
I'm with Lopen on this one... moreso because of how weak I think Ratchet is rather than how strong Eddie may/may not be.
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"
~Kefka, Final Fantasy 6~
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/3/2010 10:31:01 AM | message detail | filter | #106
Pretty sure Ratchet has never broken 20% in a poll. And I don't mean on BL. I mean "at all."

Contest debut, son!
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/3/2010 11:05:58 AM | message detail | filter | #107
LOL Eddie Riggs
"Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/3/2010 11:06:37 AM | message detail | filter | #108

KrahenProphet lived up to his name.
FantasyFreak999 | Posted 2/3/2010 11:16:24 AM | message detail | filter | #109
Wow, Eddie completely stunk up this contest. lol
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"
~Kefka, Final Fantasy 6~
TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 2/3/2010 11:28:06 AM | message detail | filter | #110
Yeah, Eddie ought to be a contender for worst X-stat value...but unless Vincent manages to avoid SFF in round 2 against Sephiroth, I'm still going with Guybrush Threepwood for that.

Wait...actually, that's not totally unreasonable. I took another look at the 2004 contest (the go-to source for the effects of SFF in 1v1, due to the rigged bracket), and Auron was able to get 32.3% on Sephiroth, and Vincent's definitely stronger than Auron. Then again, characters from different Final Fantasy games probably aren't as prone to SFFing each other as characters from the same Final Fantasy game would be...but on the other hand, Vincent is a bit more independent of the rest of the FFVII characters. So yeah, let's use that as a, no, you're absolutely right; Riggs should be the leading contender for bottom of the barrel.
CB8 record through 37 matches: 32-7
Incorrect picks: Ocelot, Wesker, Fawful, Tidus (2 rounds), Phoenix (2 rounds)
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/3/2010 11:29:37 AM | message detail | filter | #111
Damnit Lopen! You guys could have reversed the crew curse with such a stupidly easy match, but nooooo. You just had to fail :/
Yeah, you lost your virginity. Just like a homeless guy staring into the window of an office building means he got a job.- Colonel Alloy
GTM | Posted 2/3/2010 11:33:38 AM | message detail | filter | #112
Im more surprised about the seeding than Ratchets performance.
GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys!
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/3/2010 11:34:52 AM | message detail | filter | #113
Ratchet fans! I think I might have nominated him actually ^_^
Yeah, you lost your virginity. Just like a homeless guy staring into the window of an office building means he got a job.- Colonel Alloy
marsman57 | Posted 2/3/2010 11:48:51 AM | message detail | filter | #114

From: LeonhartFour | #106
Pretty sure Ratchet has never broken 20% in a poll. And I don't mean on BL. I mean "at all."

Contest debut, son!

It's hard to believe that Tidus used to be able to roll with Ganondorf
Maybe PICS NAO later, WTF do you think this is, Neopets or something! No ****ing maybe no ****ing later, PICS NAO or DAIIIIII!! -- LeighDaMan
FantasyFreak999 | Posted 2/3/2010 11:59:14 AM | message detail | filter | #115
So, I'm guessing Jecht is making it to round 3?
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"
~Kefka, Final Fantasy 6~
marsman57 | Posted 2/3/2010 12:07:05 PM | message detail | filter | #116

From: FantasyFreak999 | #115
So, I'm guessing Jecht is making it to round 3?

Almost certainly which is why my pick of PW is especially bad since I had him to R3
Maybe PICS NAO later, WTF do you think this is, Neopets or something! No ****ing maybe no ****ing later, PICS NAO or DAIIIIII!! -- LeighDaMan
Draco1214 | Posted 2/3/2010 12:24:02 PM | message detail | filter | #117
Lowest x-stat value has gotta be Sandal after Luigi gets fodderized by Link. It'll be even funnier if the Cube manages to somehow blow it against The Boss.
No match for KrahenProphet's extreme Guru skills.
transience | Posted 2/3/2010 1:28:16 PM | message detail | filter | #118
wow, the board went pretty low with their predictions here.
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/3/2010 1:32:21 PM | message detail | filter | #119
Ngamer's Fantasical Writeup

Well now, THAT was unexpected. Phoenix got out to a hot start and managed to lead Jecht for the first half hour, which didn't surprise me considering he did the same thing against Magus. But then unlike Magus, Jecht slowly took back the lead and proceeded to... do nothing with it. The entire night! How in the WORLD do you not make any hay during the dead of the night as a FFX character, I just don't get it. So after such a poor showing during what was supposed to be his prime time, I was actually a bit worried for the guy- he hadn't even managed a lead of 1000 before the sun rose on the East Coast! If the US woke up and supported him like they had before heading to bed, within hours things could be back in that "B8 clutch" territory that guys like Frog have made good use of. But then in the blink of an eye Jecht was up to almost 53%! I guess I was wrong- PW lucked out big time in drawing a Night Match, otherwise Jecht would probably have ended up around that 56 area I was calling for.

After two hyped matchups in a row we're badly in need of a dull poll to catch our breaths. Luckily two of the weakest characters in history have arrived to provide just that! Looking through the Oracle topic I saw plenty of picks in the 53/54 range for Ratchet, which I thought was a bit odd considering the Tanner-like possibilities that Eddie Riggs presents. I mean, didn't only like 27 people buy Brutal Legend? And of those, didn't only like 13 actually enjoy it? But then I went back and actually reviewed Ratchet's performances- the 75% Luigi nailed him with I remembered, but I'd forgotten that Dante crunched him with 80%. (DANTE. Not Link, not Cloud, but Dante.) Gracious!

That being said, nah, I still like Ratchet to post a fairly sizable win. He's reasserted himself as a go-to Playstation mascot with a new game every year, many of which have heavily promoted and some of which have drawn pretty favorable reviews, and being viewed as a "PS3 character" these days isn't nearly the drawback it was back in '07. Also, even though common sense tells you that when you take bad fodder and mix it with bad fodder the end result should be a low scoring 52/53% win, for some reason that never seems to work out in reality. Just look at the Villains Contest for example- terrible characters no one cared about, and yet one of them kept pounding the other with terribly dull 57-64% victories. I'm expecting a very Villains-like result out of this one, so let's stick with

Ngamer Says: Ratchet > Jack Black, 57.71%

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 2/3/2010 2:59:33 PM | message detail | filter | #120
If you're seeing this sig, I'm not on my computer!
transients | Posted 2/3/2010 4:32:40 PM | message detail | filter | #121
hey, my prediction is perfect right now.

Lopen | Posted 2/3/2010 5:27:34 PM | message detail | filter | #122
Youch this division is not a kind one to me!

As a consolation prize I guess I had Jecht in my bracket, though.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
GTM | Posted 2/3/2010 8:56:05 PM | message detail | filter | #123
Woah Ngamer, did not notice you changed it to Fantasical, went back a page and it looks like you've been doing this for a while now, did not notice the change.
GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys!
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/3/2010 9:44:43 PM | message detail | delete | filter | #124
Varia Division: Round 1 - Match 39 – (7) Travis Touchdown vs. (10) Zelda

Moltar’s Analysis

The power of moe will give him the strength he needs!

So when are we going to see Sheik?

Alright! Travis is back! No More Heroes is great, and the sequel is just awesome. Sure, Travis may not be the strongest guy around. Hell, he got tripled by Mewtwo! But surely, if he gets put against the right opponent, he has a chance! I mean, if Laharl and Ratchet can go to Round 2, then surely, Travis can too! NMH2 just came out, Travis has a great shot! Who is he facing?


Moltar’s Bracket: Zelda > Travis

Moltar’s Prediction: Travis: 25% - Zelda: 75%

Lopen’s Analysis

Only interesting thing here is to see how much hate the Zelda series is gettin right now. QB Eagles would do better than Travis Touchdown here. I mean I guess Travis Touchdown just had a new game so that might help him not look like total crap. But yeah I still see a pretty big beatdown.

Lopen's Prediction:
Zelda with 70.03%

Transience’s Analysis

Well, this one seems pretty straightforward. Travis has a group of fans that will happily vote for him, and NMH2 is new and fresh. Zelda will get everyone else's vote. That's the formula for a boring tripling that no one will pay attention to after the first few minutes.

I think Travis will hold up a little bit better than he should and I'm not sure why.

transience's prediction: Zelda with 72.67%

Ngamer’s Analysis

Fantastical writeup coming soon!

Ngamer Says: Zelda > Travis TD, 72.91%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Huh, this is the first time I realized that Travis has the higher seed in this match. Well, regardless, after a few debated matches, the division ends with a whimper. Travis did alright last year (about as well as you can do when you're losing to Pac-Man and Ness), but it's Zelda. I dunno if I'd take Zelda over Ganondorf, but she's definitely in the upper parts of the tier-two Nintendo guys, which is more than plenty to lay a beatdown on Travis here. Dude might end up doing better than expected, but he ain't gonna come close to winning.

Bracket: Zelda
Favorites: Zelda
Prediction: Zelda with 67.12%

Red Sox’s Analysis

Zelda tries for the blowout of the round tonight. The mark to beat right now is Mario’s 81% on Falco, and Zelda will also want to achieve a percentage that Cloud and Vincent cannot match later. Can she do it? The stats from last year say probably not- Travis got 37% on Pac-Man, so he isn’t bottom of the barrel fodder, and should be able to break 20% on Zelda.

On the other hand, we’ve seen secondary characters in very strong series/games overperform on fodder or weak characters before- look at Tifa and Luigi, and how they looked like Cloud and Mario when facing Vyse and KOS-MOS. Zelda herself looked stronger than Mario when facing fodder in the Female Bracket. So, she will probably do very well tonight, and might topple Mario’s record.

Prediction: Zelda with 81.05%
Upset Potential: 0%
Upper Bound: Zelda with 85%
Lower Bound: Zelda with 76%
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/3/2010 9:44:54 PM | message detail | delete | filter | #125
Guest’s Analysis - bloodhawks return

This is a certain win for Zelda, but I think it will be interesting to see by how much. I mean Zelda is some elegant princess and Travis Touchdown is a beam katana wielding super badass! Sure Zelda is awesome when she is Sheik, but for the most part, I find Zelda pretty plain. Both No More Heroes games have received decent critic reviews. And when I say both, I should point out that No More Heroes 2 came out just one week ago, which will give Travis a boost. Last year, Travis made his debut in a four-pack where Mewtwo was the strongest character, and he was awful, getting just 14.77%. Sure Ness and Pac-Man aren't obscure, but you would hope any character in the contest can put up at least 18% or so against such weak competition. Meanwhile, Zelda is one of the better characters outside of the noble nine. Lastly, we have the picture factor. Travis looks AWESOME in that picture. with his beam katana the focus, I'd vote for that.. But Zelda has a decent pic, so it shouldn't have too big of an efect. In the end...just-released sequel boost and bad-assery boost along with awesome pic and we get...maybe just breaking 30%? And I feel like thats overestimating him, but I'll stick with it.

Zelda: 69.42%
Travis Touchdown: 30.58%

Crew Consensus: Zelda will lay down a legendary beatdown on Travis
irriadin | Posted 2/3/2010 10:01:12 PM | message detail | filter | #126
"I do read sometimes." Mat Cauthon, The Wheel of Time.
GTM | Posted 2/3/2010 10:34:34 PM | message detail | filter | #127
and now I noticed it says fantastical up there on this very page

carry on then
GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys!
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/3/2010 10:35:53 PM | message detail | filter | #128
I dunno if you guys are underselling Zelda or overselling Travis, but red sox is probably closer to spot on. Zelda should quadruple this loser.
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
GTM | Posted 2/3/2010 10:37:16 PM | message detail | filter | #129
I hope red sox is dead wrong >_>
GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys!
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
Chaotic Mind | Posted 2/3/2010 10:47:51 PM | message detail | filter | #130
Travis has LSF (Lightsaber Factor).
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw
bloodhawks return | Posted 2/3/2010 10:57:10 PM | message detail | filter | #131
Aww man, I wanted to be the lowest on Zelda. >_>
Keeping this until Casey Mears wins his 2nd Nascar Cup race. 7/7/07
Yay!!!...Ancient Go Yankees!!!
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/3/2010 10:57:49 PM | message detail | filter | #132

From: bloodhawks return | #131
Aww man, I wanted to be the lowest on Zelda. >_>

*shakes fist at Guest Clan*
"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/3/2010 10:58:14 PM | message detail | filter | #133
Ngamer's Fantastical Writeup

Whoa Nelly! Eddie, buddy, when I brought up the term "Neo-Tanner" this morning I was just using it as an expression- you weren't supposed to actually shoot for it! Although... well, let's crunch the numbers here. Even based on Ratchet's terrible '04 showing, Eddie's percentage today would "only" push him down to about a 6.8; if it holds that would make him the 4th weakest entrant we've ever seen in a 1v1 setting, but statistically he'd still be expected to put up 72% on Tanner in a direct matchup. Sorry Riggs, it was a darn fine effort but looks like you'll have to try harder next year!

Even though tonight's battle figures to be an even larger blowout, it's still got me intrigued. I say that simply because today is literally the strongest Travis Touchdown will ever be in his lifetime- as in, the timing couldn't possibly have worked out any better. Years of good word of mouth have propelled No More Heroes to cult classic status and the sequel was just released two weeks ago and is currently one of the hottest games on the site (16 pages of topics in the last 5 days, Top 25 for FAQs). ...unfortunately the matchup is literally the worst Travis Touchdown could have asked for- as in, he couldn't possibly have drawn a worst opponent than Zelda.

(Alright, so Mario or Link would have been worse, but you get the point.) What a shame that we've had to suffer though junk like Laharl/Neku and Ratchet/Jack Black while cool, awesome-looking new characters with reason to improve like Travis were placed in such dead end situations. Ah well, at least he's got the opportunity to show us what he's made of percentage-wise, as between the new game, a night match, and having a big time picture advantage, I'm liking him to look respectable. Under normal circumstances I'd take Zelda in the very high 70s, but I've talked myself into lower that on down to

Ngamer Says: Zelda > Travis TD, 72.91%

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/3/2010 11:09:19 PM | message detail | filter | #134
Well now, that's what I call an excellent start. Rise just a little bit more the rest of the day, percentage- tranny doesn't need another win!

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
transience | Posted 2/4/2010 6:09:17 AM | message detail | filter | #135
this might be the most boring match of the contest.

Lopen's probably got this one unless Zelda goes wild with the morning vote.
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/4/2010 8:24:32 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #136
Phoenix Wright 47.3% 23592
Jecht 52.7% 26287

Ratchet 68.39% 42066
Eddie Riggs 31.61% 19441

Crew Predictions - 32/38

What Happened: Jecht squeezes by Phoenix and Ratchet kills Eddie with no problem.

Why it Happened: Phoenix is pretty legit these days and Jecht looks to be on the weaker side of the FF characters. At least he's not as weak as Eddie Riggs, who has to be just awful to get blown out by Ratchet of all characters.

What will Happen: Jecht should have a pretty easy match in Round 2.

Crew Prediction Challenge - poor Lopen

Kleenex - 34
Moltar - 33
Tran - 32
Red Sox - 32
Ngamer - 31
Lopen - 30
Guest - 27

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Red Sox gets the point for Jecht and Tran gets the point for Ratchet

Moltar - 8.5
Lopen - 6
Tran - 6
Red Sox - 5.5
Ngamer - 4
Kleenex - 4
Guest - 3 (Bio: 1, CM: 1, Marsman: 1)
Moltar Status: Bracket: Zelda > Travis (33/38)
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/4/2010 8:40:02 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #137
Varia Division: Round 1 - Match 40 – (2) Ezio Auditore da Firenze vs. (15) Simon Belmont

Moltar’s Analysis

Ezio Aujjdsiochvnvjk di Ffkrgojreoigjraoignr di dedede Altair di

Not the digger

Before the Contest, you could make a decent case for Simon to win here. AC isn’t strong on GameFAQs. Altair was weak and Ezio was likely to be weaker. Simon did fairly well in the vote-in poll, and while he himself isn’t that strong, surely he could beat some dude named Ezio.

But then…

AC2 got third in the Multi-platform GotY poll

Altair embarrassed Liquid Snake

Vote-in characters bombed almost everywhere

And then…I…knew…

Moltar’s Bracket: Ezio > Simon

Moltar’s Prediction: Ezio: 67% - Simon: 33%

Lopen’s Analysis

I originally had Belmont winning here. I've always thought Simon Belmont has been underrated in the years, Crono takin away his old school cred in every match he's been in. Also just look at the opponent and his pretentious sounding name, Ezio de Audtiorium de Frenzy. Who's going to vote for that outside of Assassin's Creed fans? So for me this was old school Castlevania vs Assassin's Creed, which to me said decisive victory for old school Castlevania.

After seeing Altair do so well earlier this round though I'm having my doubts. Doubts enough to change my mind. Sorry, Belmont, still rootin for ya though!

At least, that's what I would've said had tails not done so well against Kratos. Now I pseudo called that, but I figured Tails would be lower given the Sonic Team Deboost™. So there's a chance that Tails is legit too, given the evidence there and the evidence in the vote in. Now once again I'm torn, since Belmont went even with Tails, who in turn went even with Cid and Aeris (fanbase split, I realize, but hey) in the vote ins.

Suck it down Ezio de la Ratatouille de Aroma.

Lopen's Prediction
Belmont with 52.15%

Transience’s Analysis

After Altair tore into Liquid Snake, Ezio became the confirmed winner of this match instead of the likely one. I still hold to the opinion that Altair > Ezio, but it's not going to matter since Ezio has crap competition. Simon gets doubled here.

transience's prediction: Ezio with 65.59%

Ngamer’s Analysis

Fantastical writeup coming soon!

Ngamer Says: Ezio Auditore di Firenze > Simon, 64.18%

Kleenex’s Analysis

Ezio Auditore di Firenze looks like Altair. Ezio Auditore di Firenze just had a new, critically acclaimed game released in the past couple of months. Ezio Auditore di Firenze has a pretty neat character design. Ezio Auditore di Firenze is up against proven fodder who has no reason to get stronger. Ezio Auditore di Firenze may not end up being that strong, but Ezio Auditore di Firenze is not going to lose to Simon. Ezio Auditore di Firenze wins this match with ease, and if Ezio Auditore di Firenze ends up doing really well, Ezio Auditore di Firenze might have some people thinking twice about Zelda. Ezio Auditore di Firenze will probably not end up doing that, though. Sorry, Ezio Auditore di Firenze.

Bracket: Ezio Auditore di Firenze
Favorites: Simon
Prediction: Ezio Auditore di Firenze with 64.89%
Master Moltar (tc) | Posted 2/4/2010 8:40:22 AM | message detail | delete | filter | #138
Red Sox’s Analysis

This was a somewhat debated match before the contest. Then Altair dismantled Liquid, and the upset talk for Simon collapsed, while the Ezio/Zelda discussion started. Simon Belmont is, well, weak. He’s only had 2 contest matches, and he faced Crono in both of them, the latter of which was a 4-way. From 2002 to 2007, he fell from 23% to 19% against Crono. I think Ezio and Altair are pretty strong, and the Ezio > Zelda upset isn’t completely impossible, so I think Ezio can break 70% without a problem here, especially with a day match.

Prediction: Ezio with 72.25%
Upset Potential: 3%
Upper Bound: Ezio with 77%
Lower Bound: Ezio with 63%

Guest’s Analysis - TsunamiXXVIII

The general consensus around here seems to be that this is just a warmup for Ezio’s upcoming battle with Zelda, based largely on the way Altair easily handled Liquid earlier. The way I see it, there are flaws in that logic. Assuming that Ezio is roughly equal to Altair is a fallacy; yeah, they’re from the same series, but Altair’s been around longer and therefore has had more time to gain a fanbase. Now, for this match: both characters got a good match pic, although it might favor Ezio just a little. On the other hand, Simon’s picture has his surname shown, and the Belmont name should get some of the casual votes. This is a match that could go either way, and when that happens, the edge goes to the character with the more established fanbase. Ezio could become a solid competitor in the future, but he’s too new to be ready for the big time just yet.

Prediction: Simon with 50.27% of the vote

Crew Consensus: Simon has two backers, but everyone else is backing Ezio.
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/4/2010 8:47:50 AM | message detail | filter | #139
If it was just one Simon backer, the Crew Curse would have been invoked.

Now it just means that Ezio is going to triple Simon!

KrahenProphet lived up to his name.
TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 2/4/2010 8:59:10 AM | message detail | filter | #140
Wow, I honestly didn't expect that someone else would pick Simon as well. I kept playing around with the percentages, but thought it probably wouldn't matter because any sort of win for Simon would do.

Oh well. We could use another close one, anyway.
CB8 record through 38 matches: 33-7
Incorrect picks: Ocelot, Wesker, Fawful, Tidus (2 rounds), Phoenix (2 rounds)
MetricTrout | Posted 2/4/2010 9:28:08 AM | message detail | filter | #141
Serious Ezio overestimation here.

Who the hell is this guy, anyway? I had no idea what game he was from until I read this thread. And I believe a good 25% of the site never heard of the guy either. And a lot more have not played Assassin's Creed II. This is a serious hole to come back from, especially when your opponent, while not particularly popular, at least has iconic status.

Furthermore, Simon Belmont is not as weak as you think he is. Both of his losses were against Crono. And yes, I am going to argue that they share a fanbase. I have always been a proponent of the idea that all old-school, 2D games share a fanbase, and any 2D-only character without mid-card strength is going to look bad against another, way stronger 2D-only character. SFF tends to work that way.

Did you guys not notice Tails' great performance against Kratos? Maybe we underestimated Tails or overestimated Kratos, but I think there is another factor in play, and I am going to use myself as an example. See, to me, Kratos and his games represent everything that is wrong with modern gaming. A reliance on cinematic cutscenes, voice acting gratuitous violence, "epic" stories, and basically, style over substance.

Yes, I am aware that not everyone, or even a majority of the site's visitors agree with me. But I do know for a fact that there do exist others like me. These are the people who voted for Tails over Kratos, not because they like Tails or Sonic games, but because they are genuinely disgusted over the direction that modern games like God of War, or Assassin's Creed represent. Add that to the fact that Simon is recognizable, and not really anti-voted. Simon will become the default choice for anyone who either does not recognize Ezio, or dislikes modern gaming.

Realistically, Simon should break 40% on Ezio, and I think he can even break 45%. I actually have Simon winning this match in my bracket and while I will readily admit it seems unlikely, I think it is very much possible. If Simon does win, I see it as a Pac-Man/Ocelot type match; a match everyone got wrong because we underestimated the ability of a gaming icon to draw apathy votes. In this case, though, it is worse, because at least Ocelot was a known entity; Ezio has nothing.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/4/2010 9:35:30 AM | message detail | filter | #142

From: MetricTrout | #141
Furthermore, Simon Belmont is not as weak as you think he is.

he got nearly doubled by Sam Fisher. I'd take Ezio to put at least 60% on Sam Fisher.
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
Kotetsu534 | Posted 2/4/2010 9:40:14 AM | message detail | filter | #143
What you said might be true, Trout, but Altair broke 59% against Liquid Snake. If Ezio is anywhere close to as strong as Altair (and he should be, given that he's (imo) a better character and he stars in the more respected game), he should be blowing past Simon Belmont.

Currently Playing: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Ocarina of Time, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/4/2010 9:41:30 AM | message detail | filter | #144
And seriously, I read that Trout post as a "Get off my lawn you damn kids!" kinda feeling. People don't anti vote new games -.-
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/4/2010 10:04:14 AM | message detail | filter | #145
It's almost like Lopen and the Guest Clan are having a contest to see who can commit the most gruesome Crew suicide!
"Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!"
"Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!"
MetricTrout | Posted 2/4/2010 10:24:34 AM | message detail | filter | #146
I have nothing against new games. My issue is with new games that have cinematic presentations and narratives. To me, such games are trying to impress me with the presentation rather than their content, which is usually sparse and repetitive without the cinematics. Any game that tries to be a movie fails at both.

About Altair. I thought this would get brought up, and I have a response. First of all, Altair is a known entity; he has been in the contest before, and can build up momentum from last year's performance. Ezio is an newcomer; therefore, you have to have played his game to know who he is.

Secondly, and more importantly, Liquid Snake and Simon Belmont are different entities. Metal Gear Solid and Assassin's Creed are cut from the same cloth; both are mature series which rely heavily on their cinematic content. Hell, Assassin's Creed is probably a stealth game as well, though do not quote me on that since I have never played the game nor do I care enough about it to find out. And rarely does a side character from one game outperform a main character from another game of the same fanbase. In fact, the side character usually gets SFFed pretty bad.

Simon Belmont is completely different; he come from old NES and SNES games. This is pretty much the polar opposite of what Assassin's Creed is. This is a clash of two different gaming philosophies, and when that happens, like with Kratos/Tails, the match usually ends up closer than expected.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/4/2010 10:26:08 AM | message detail | filter | #147

From: MetricTrout | #146
I have never played the game nor do I care enough about it to find out.

so you have a grudge against new games yet haven't even played them to formulate an opinion on them
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
MetricTrout | Posted 2/4/2010 10:41:22 AM | message detail | filter | #148
Albion, what is your opinion on Wii Fit? Do you have a grudge against Wii Fit, even though you have not played it enough to formulate an opinion on it? If not, I know plenty of people on the Internet who absolutely despise that game despite not knowing it.

Same thing with Assassin's Creed. I have better things to do than to play a game that I know full I am not going to enjoy before I even open the box.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/4/2010 10:58:10 AM | message detail | filter | #149
Wii Fit and Assassins Creed are different things.

Wii fit is an exercise program.

Assassins Creed (2 especially) is a very well received action adventure game.
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
MetricTrout | Posted 2/4/2010 10:59:55 AM | message detail | filter | #150
Well, time for me to get proved horribly wrong.