GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 5
And PoP is totally a platformer --- Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy ****ing Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow |
Am I the only person who likes every genre? --- DFF |
From: KamikazePotato | #452 Yes, you are. Have some backbone and hate something, you wimp! --- |
I think the broadest genre I can say I don't like any games from is racing. Not to be confused with kart racing. I think any other genre I like at least something from, though I'd still "yuck" 3D Platformers in general despite liking Mario 64 and some others. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
There's something to like in every genre, I think, but I wouldn't say I enjoy every genre. Survival Horror probably the worst. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
KP do you play bullet hell games? Love me some Touhou --- <Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!! |
From: AppIekidjosh | #456 Whee CAVE games --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
just throwing this out there what are the chances that sotc beats the 3 metal gear solid games back to back to back? --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
From: GTM | #458 0% --- 2010 Game of the Decade Contest - 99/116 points - Today: Metal Gear Solid 4 / Metal Gear Solid 2 |
From: GTM | #458 0.001% --- "if only there were some way I could have sex" - Smartmuffin |
then that's what I hope will happen in another "sotc doesn't have a shot" match! --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
yes, I'm planning my infidel parade route --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
SotC gonna L-Block its way through this contest. --- This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Back within 100. --- Currently playing: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn |
know, I bet mgs2 wins this if there weren't two mgs games in the last
48 hours. it's like revenge voting and voting fatigue combined. --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
From: transcience | #465 I've been complaining about that since I first saw the bracket. Nobody likes seeing the same series over and over, even if it's Meatl Gear --- AKJ: I'm anticipating my inevitable blue balls already! Don't do this to me bellis. You better make me ejaculate Ed Bellis: i will make you ejaculate josh |
know, I bet mgs2 wins this if there weren't two mgs games in the last
48 hours. it's like revenge voting and voting fatigue combined. Actually, I considered that argument when looking for reasons to pick SotC. Just seemed kinda silly. --- |
Northwest Division: Round 2 - Match 93 – (1) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask vs. (8) Chrono Cross Moltar’s Analysis Majora’s Mask Round 1 - 83.40% on Wii Sports lol wii Chrono Cross Round 1 - 61.89% on Dragon Quest VIII Good showing for CC Zelda isn’t going to lose this one, as it’s far above a game like Chrono Cross. CC does look to be a low midcarder though seeing as how it managed to break 60% in its match (DQ8 is probably of respectable strength). Plus, it’s an old PS1 JRPG, and GameFAQs loves the hell out of those. Still, we’re dealing with Majora’s Mask here, and after it put up 83% in Round 1, it should do well against CC tonight. Moltar’s Bracket: Majora’s Mask wins Moltar’s Prediction: Majora’s Mask - 63% Transience’s Analysis - Majora's Mask is a good ways away from Wind Waker. game got just crushed by Pokemon last year, a game that's never seemed to overlap with anything. It's always been a board favourite but it doesn't have a single impressive performance to its name. Granted, most of those are with OOT in the poll, but still - this is a game that gets talked about on our board way more than OOT. You'd think it would have *some* support. - I think Chrono Cross is legit. We're talking about the era of PS1 RPGs when Square could do no wrong and put out hit after hit. Everyone played Chrono Cross. It's taken a bit of flak lately but it's still thought of in higher regard than Legend of Dragoon and that game's somehow decent. If Legend of Dragoon can get 42% on Uncharted 2, Chrono Cross would beat it. It would probably beat Halo as well. Fallout 3 would beat it, but that's it from division 1. Chrono Cross can't compete with the Zelda name, but I'd pick it over God of War 2 and that got 37% on a superior Zelda title. I'm gonna go pretty high for the Cross here. transience's prediction: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask with 57.45% Leon’s Analysis Ah, a match between two black sheep. I’m kinda interested to see how this one turns out. I’m not taking too much out of MM’s blowout against Wii Sports last round. It doesn’t prove the game has strength. It just proves it actually can SFF something and that Wii Sports is crap. Chrono Cross put up a pretty impressive performance against DQVIII last round. I don’t think the game is quite as hated as people think. It could put up a pretty good number against Majora’s Mask here. It doesn’t have much of a chance of winning, unfortunately, but hey, if it makes MM look bad, I’m okay with it! Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I actually played Chrono Cross before I played Chrono Trigger because I saw it was a game released by Square (but back in those days, buying a game because Square put it out was usually a pretty reliable practice!). Leonhart’s Vote: Chrono Cross. Leonhart’s Prediction: Majora’s Mask with 57.88% Kleenex’s Analysis Time for Chrono Cross to show its stuff. Majora's Mask pounded Wii Sports into the ground last round, and while that probably isn't representative of its real strength, it's definitely something to take note of. Chrono Cross had a fairly easy victory too. Unfortunately, both these games are relatively unknown, so it'll be hard to predict just how strong either one is based on their performances against each other. I do think Chrono Cross will end up coming out of this match looking pretty good for itself. I'm also obliged to have a horrendously low prediction percentage for Zelda. Kleenex's Prediction: Majora's Mask with 56.90% |
Applekidjosh’s Analysis man oh man what an upset. I hope this gives people upset fever and they start yelling for some other good ones! Unfortunately you'd have to be crazy for this to be one of those. Majora's Mask isn't going to need Twlight Princess strength to put away Chrono Cross no matter how big the BadPS1Game boost is. AKJ says Majora's Mask > Chrono Cross with 64% Guest’s Analysis - Xcarvenger Ok, since this was such an obvious match, I'm gonna be quick about this. I mean holy crap. Majora's Mask struggled with Shenmue; it couldn't even put up 54% against a fodder game, Pokemon LFF or not. Forget what the other Zelda has done, this is Majora's Mask the blackest of the black sheep of the Zelda series (look the "sheep" is even on the match pic!), it will disappoint. On the other hand, Chrono Cross looks like a world beater in the second poll there. Beating FF7 with more than 60-40 is a feat no other game has done and could have ever done in any foreseeable future. So let's see what do we have here. Let's assume an SSF'd FF8 is equal to FF9 (which is actually a bit too generous seeing FF8 almost doubling FF9 every time they appeared in a poll together!), and extrapolate from there. CC is expected to get a tripling done on that FF8, and as FF8=FF9 and FF9 has just done thrashing Majora's Mask in the first link there, I have reached a solid conclusion based on this simple observation. The result for this match is going to be Chrono Cross > Majora's Mask with 90.42% 2000. Sadly things have quickly turned around since then. People stop appreciating good games, Square sold its soul to the devil, Nintendo bought GameFAQs, Sony collapses on itself to form a huge void that's now been filled by foreigners such as Nintendo and Microsoft and the list goes on and on. All these things are detrimental to the popularity of Chrono Cross and advantageous to the Zelda game. One glimer of hope: Like literally no one likes Majora's Mask, but Zelda fans being Zelda fans, I don't think that will matter in the slightest. Just look at this poll: That's a pretty scary power of Zelda brand name there. Sure Smash beat 'em all if it's not OoT, but MM is just the perfect proxy of OoT in this contest. In fact, I had set up this equation to explain my pick rationale behind this match: MM = OoT + proxy CC = CT + proxy As they are the same, we can cross the proxy off from this simulatenous equation. And now we get this: MM = OoT CC = CT Funnily enough, using the 2009 x-stats, the results of these two match-ups are remarkably similar (around the doubling point), and both of those have the Square games in the "worst-case scenario" match-up (CC : FF9; CT : FF7). So, I'll have to resort to use the "more accurate" 2004 x-stats for CT, adjusting for year-to-year downfall of Square games, advantages of night match, and the ~5% stubborn CT fans who refuse to have anything to do with CC. And I got this: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 58.88% Yep, and that will be my final number! Crew Consensus: Zelda wins like always |
Lopen's analysis ZELDAFAQS Seriously Moltar sorry I've been remiss in getting these to you early lately. Lopen's prediction: Majora's Mask with 60.55% --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
wow, we're all really low. --- xyzzy |
wow carvy --- Porre either became an aristocratic mercantile state or a placid direct democracy depending on if the lady who ran an inn was able to serve people beef jerky. |
and MGS2 blows past SotC into the lead --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
From: th3l3fty | #473 I thought you were joking down by 20 votes with 20 minutes to go? --- The Samus Beam Cannon Corollary states that anything that looks, acts like, or is similar to light moves at the speed of light. - KamikazePotato | how 'bout that spike --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
Only the best spikes --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Majora's Mask vs Chrono Cross Whoa @ the picks for this one. I'm seeing percentages from 55 all the way to 70 in the Oracle topic- exactly what I was hoping for while playing up the "wildcard" angle and rallying MM to this #1 seed! And yes, I completely understand why everyone's having such a tough time coming to grips with this matchup, since it pits pretty much the two biggest trends of the season so far against one another. Pre-2007 Nintendo has been extremely solid, and Zelda itself has arguably had the the most impressive results of anything within the company. I mean, I've got a pretty healthy respect for Dragon Age, and TP just trashed it... using a match pic where Link was 2 pixels tall! But that's being countered by pre-2006 Square looking pretty beastly itself, and PSX/early PS2 jRPGs owning faces right and left. So despite having a healthy amount of respect for ZELDAFEAR, I've got to lower my expectations a little bit in this one, largely because I'm thinking CC does well enough outside the US to shave off a couple percentage points in the dead of night. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 64.77% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
know I hate to say this but I think I would've put Zelda higher if I
actually thought about it for more than 10 seconds. I honestly think
that Chrono Cross is really weak and I'm pretty sure I said that much
last round, too. Oh well. I don't care about accuracy points anyway. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
surprised everyone went so low. I only did that because I'm WILD AND
WACKY and love Chrono Cross. If I was going to be more realistic, I
probably would have said like 64%. I'm just going to pretend Zelda is a beast. Look out Pokemon, FFX and Melee! --- This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Hey, I can send in a revised analysis right? That upset changes things a little. |
The Guest should've stuck with his original prediction! Seriously, this is going to come down a lot, but color me impressed, Majora. --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
Something about me having the best prediction for the previous match seems wrong. --- "You see that, charon? You're not disliked by 90% of the board -- only 84%. That's a 6% UotY confidence boost you can take to the bank." -Ngamer64 |
Crew Predictions - 82/92 What Happened: Shadow. of. the. Colossus. Why it Happened: MGS3 did alright against MvC2, but still another unimpressive performance from MGS. Paper Mario did great against WoW because GameFAQs doesn't like WoW. D2 did well on MGS4 because this contest is bad for MGS. SotC, after a day long struggle, beat MGS2 because okay yeah MGS sucks this contest, and it took advantage of the weakest one. What will Happen: MGS3 shouldn't blow it against Mario, and MGS4 should be able to take care of SotC. Crew Prediction Challenge - 3 points for all Moltar - 81 Tran - 81 AKJ - 79 Kleenex - 78 Leon - 77 Lopen - 77 Guest - 72 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Tran and Kleenex get the point for MGS3 and Tran gets the point for PM. Moltar get the point for MGS4. Moltar - 15 Guest - 14.5 (GfK: 1, BT: 2, CM: 2, Kotetsu: 2, dragon: 1, NGamer: 1, Ultima: 2, TRT: 1, Greyfeld: 1, Mr3790: 1, Big Bob: 0.5) Kleenex - 13.5 Tran - 13.5 AKJ - 11.5 Leon - 11 Lopen - 9 --- Moltar Status: 102 Points - Vote: MGS4 Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Carvy vs TRE for robot of the year --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
After a long time crew curse returned.Nice. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
Funnily enough, using the 2009 x-stats, the results of these two match-ups are remarkably similar (around the doubling point) I should have stopped there >_> (also woo 4-ways stats validation and another proof that CT/FF only have minimal SFF!) --- Clannad love! |
Whoops, accidentally stayed up all night playing Rock Band! Writeup in the afternoon, but my guess is Pokemon G/S/C vs Mario Kart Wii Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - 65.93% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Quick: Chrono Cross vs. Mario Kart Wii: Who are we takin'? Oh man, PW > CC would've been pretty epic --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
I feel a bit vindicated now. Yeah, I still underestimated Diablo II
somewhat, but MGS just flat-out choked yesterday. I know, characters =/=
games, but there cannot be that much disconnect between games
and characters. Let's review: Snake? Noble Niner. Wander? Fodder! (Yes,
yes, I know; Snake wasn't the main character of MGS2. It's still
freakin' Metal Gear.) Also, characters =/= games is usually used to describe how a game can perform well and yet its characters suck--usually an ensemble piece like FFVI. Metal Gear Solid, apparently, is a game that is routinely outperformed by its characters. --- Currently playing: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn |
Northwest Division: Round 2 - Match 94 – (12) Mario Kart Wii vs. (4) Pokemon G/S/C Moltar’s Analysis Mario Kart Wii Round 1 - 53.48% on Phoenix Wright Well, at least a Wii game couldn’t blow a match this easy. Pokemon GSC Round 1 - 73.28% on Advance Wars Failing to triple Advance Wars? GSC is screwed confirmed. Mario Kart Wii struggled to be a low-tier handheld game in Phoenix Wright. Now it’s up against perhaps the strongest handheld game in the bracket, Pokemon GSC. Safe to say, Pokemon is going to win this match. Pokemon has already put up two good showing this round against Galaxy and Fire Emblem, and this shouldn’t be any different. Hell, GSC is stronger than the other Pokemon games. This is going to be ugly. Moltar’s Bracket: Pokemon GSC wins Moltar’s Prediction: Pokemon GSC - 68% Lopen’s Analysis Fact is, a lot of people don't even like Mario Kart Wii. Any doubt in this match should've been dispelled by MKWii not even hitting 55% on Phoenix Wright last round. Now, you could look to the future... what does GSC need to hang with Majora. I'm thinking like uh... 60-65% range and you've got an interesting match. Less and you've gotta lean MM, more you lean Pokemon. It's kinda all about where SFF falls there though so I'm not even sure this match matters for that. Totally useless match? Maybe! Lopen's prediction: Pokemanz GSC with 65.01% Transience’s Analysis People got up in arms about GSC's last performance and this one won't be much different. Pokemon isn't going to get away from Nintendo until it faces Metal Gear Solid. Mario Kart Wii obviously has no shot here but it might do strangely well just because of the anti-Pokemon sentiment from a contingent of this site. Of course, Mario Kart Wii is also a bad game that can barely beat Phoenix Wright, so whatever. (And that's not 'lol wii' in action -- people flat out don't like this game.) transience's prediction: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal with 65.35% Leon’s Analysis Man, what a boring match. There’s not going to be much of anything we can glean from this. We already know MKWii has no chance of winning this, and G/S/C might be able to put up some SFF on it. Still, it’s not like G/S/C will have to prove it can beat Majora’s Mask or anything. The burden of proof relies on MM, not G/S/C. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I’ve never played Mario Kart Wii because I got tired of how oriented toward items and blue shells the series was starting to get, and from what I heard, MKWii did nothing to fix that. Leonhart’s Vote: Mario Kart Wii. Leonhart’s Prediction: Pokemon G/S/C with 68.18% |
Kleenex’s Analysis Mario Kart Wii sucks. Kleenex's Prediction: Pokemon with 65.55% Applekidjosh’s Analysis OHHHH MANNN this is amazing after last night's match now we have the second match in a row where a great (by comparison) game will crush a terrible game. Both of these games went up against obscure-ish handhelds in round one, and while Mario Kart struggled Pokemon climbed over 70%. Bring on the pain! Pokemon > Mario Kart with 66.66% Guest’s Analysis - Luster Soldier This upcoming match ought to give us a good read on who wins between Majora's Mask and Pokemon GSC. Thankfully Majora's Mask has dropped a lot overnight, or else Pokemon GSC would really have to up the ante here with by putting up a 70%+ performance to show it can beat Majora's Mask. Now, a performance above 70% probably should make GSC the favorite against Majora's Mask and 68-70% would be in the range of thinking the future match is a toss-up. Pokemon GSC could go big today against Mario Kart Wii. Mario Kart Wii is fairly weak. It got 16.51% against Brawl in the 2008 Wii GotY and struggled to beat Phoenix Wright last round. Phoenix Wright is also fairly weak too, getting doubled by Final Fantasy XII in 2009. I would take GSC over FFXII quite easily. I doubt FFXII does that to Phoenix Wright again now that we are back to 1v1s. FFXII seems to be getting anti-voted in 1v1s and might only get low 60s against Phoenix Wright in a rematch. I have a hard time seeing Mario Kart Wii being almost as weak as Advance Wars, but it could happen. I am doubtful to pick GSC to score close to what it had on Advance Wars. Luster Soldier's Bracket: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Luster Soldier's Prediction: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - 67.34% Crew Consensus: Pokemon with an easy win today. |
Pretty good, Pokemon. --- This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
good performance, but not really telling me much. next round should be fun. --- xyzzy |
yeah, free accuracy point for me today since we all undershot this
thing by a decent bit. But yeah, G/S/C vs. MM is shaping up to be a good
matchup to look forward to, at least on paper. Funny thing is that PW:AA is on pace to rank lower than Advance Wars in the stats. I think PW:AA vs. Advance Wars is a match we would've jumped all over pre-contest for PW. G/S/C's probably getting a bit of SFF here though, so whatever. --- |
no Internet no write-ups no new topic all sadness -- no space all business |
Pokemon G/S/C vs Mario Kart Wii Everyone was talking about Pokemon having "disappointed" in R1, which never made much sense to me... I'd always expected these games to be 4-way juggernauts that would run into a little trouble when anti-votes came back into play in the 1v1 format, so something like Gold being able to beast up on Advance Wars for an easy 70+ was a heck of a showing in my opinion. In any case, these games have been off the charts since R2 kicked off- yet Zelda hasn't shown any sign of weakness either, so the intensity just continues to ratchet up for that Gold/Majora/Wind Waker love triangle. And now we've come to a match that's going to easily tip the scales in one direction or another, because- oh wait this won't matter in the slightest! We have no real read on G/S/C's strength since we can't tell how much of the Advance Wars win was Nintendo handheld SFF, and this one won't be any better since there's nothing impressive about a popular Nintendo game being able to SFF something with the dreaded "Wii in the title" curse. (I guess we COULD learn something if Gold struggles to reach the mid 60s, since there's a limit to how powerful a Phoenix Wright game could really be, but that doesn't seem too bloody likely!) A doubling sounds about right for this matchup, but I'll lower it a touch due to that cool Kart pic (versus a bunch of Pokemon I've barely heard of. didn't realize the characters were THAT frontloaded to the original generation!). Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - 65.93% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Wind Waker vs Assassin's Creed II Zelda obviously wins this one without any real effort, but ugh, very hard to nail down a final percentage. As someone who had a decent amount of respect for Chrono Cross after everything we saw out of established jRPGs in the first 6 weeks of this Contest, its hard to deny that ZELDAFAQs is out in full force. Under ideal circumstances I could see WW smashing past the doubling to perhaps even reach for the upper 60s against this opponent. Trouble is, I don't feel these are circumstances are "ideal" whatsoever. A newer Zelda title like Wind Waker probably suffers from a Night Match more than most, and its already been established that AC is one of the kings of that time period. I mean heck, it made MGS look like a fool as soon as North America fell asleep, and that's supposed to be one of the Night Votiest series in site history! Plus I really don't like this match pic- AC is looking all stealthy and ultraviolent and cool versus the "90% sailing!" that has sparked more fanboy wars than anything else in Zelda history. Still liking WW to put on a show here, but let's stick with the slightly conservative percentage of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 63.59% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Wait, are we supposed to let this thing die at 495 posts? --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
Or did I miss the memo? --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
FFX got dis --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |