GameFAQs Contests

Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 5

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Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #101
East Division: Round 2 - Match 73 – (1) Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. (9) Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 - 87.16% on Guitar Hero 2

blowout of the contest

Round 1 - 50.45% on Warcraft III

managed to get the upset

oh boy the division of ‘who cares about these free 2 points’ round 2 matches

Easy match, Melee destroyed GH2 in Round 1, and it’s not going to have any trouble here with a game that could barely beat Warcraft. Morrowind looks to be decent, but Melee is going to make it look bed here.

Moltar’s Bracket: Melee wins

Moltar’s Prediction: Melee - 73%

Lopen’s Analysis

First of a long string of matches where the extent of the write-up is “zzz” or “ga ga ga ga ga...” or something of the sort, and since it's Thanksgiving and so things are kinda busyish, well, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Zzz's prediction:
Zzz Bros Melee with 70.02%

Transience’s Analysis

Morrowind isn't weak, but it's not strong either. The best thing you can say in its favour is that it's a night match and Melee will probably struggle because of it. Still, Melee struggling means it might only get 70%. Melee is mega strong and is the best game in the contest for scoring blowouts.

transience's prediction: Super Smash Bros. Melee with 70.56%

Leon’s Analysis

Melee gets another chance to flex its muscles in preparation for the big showdown with Brawl. I’d be surprised if Melee managed another quadrupling here though. Morrowind at least has a decent amount of strength. It’s not THAT strong though, so the tripling’s not out of the question. I’d say it needs at least 70% to look good here though, since FFX got over 70% on it in the last Games Contest, for whatever that’s worth. Other than that, it’s hard to say. Obviously, the higher it goes, the better it’ll look. If it actually manages to break 80% here again, I’d probably start worrying about Brawl’s chances, at least until it gets a chance to do its own thing.

Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I don’t like to play Smash Bros. with items off, and yes, I do edge hog!

Leonhart’s Vote: Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Super Smash Bros. Melee with 72.74%

Kleenex’s Analysis

(Since Kleenex only gave me a prediction, I feel obligated to fill in for him here)

(Picture donated by:

Kleenex's Prediction: Super Smash Bros. Melee with 76.88%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

Nothing to see here, Smash Brothers isn't going to pull 87% again but it's not going to look like a slouch.

AKJ says SSBM > Morrowind with 75%

Guest’s Analysis - UltimaterializerX

inb4 Brawl > Valkyria has a bigger spread than this match and people start going nuts for no reason.

Also known as "Who the F cares?". We've been over this: LOL Wii. Melee is going to 60-40 Brawl. Also: Round 2 blows.

Oh and yeah, the dumb single player MMO is going to get godstomped. Moral victory for Morrowind if it stays above 25%. Shame we couldn't see Warcraft 3 (one of the worst games ever) get trashed instead, but I'll take what I can get.

PREDIX: Melee with 78%

Crew Consensus: Easy Melee win
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #102
also more guest sign-ups going up in a few minutes
Moltar Status: 70 Points - Vote: Melee
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #103
Thank you Ulti for your Melee > Brawl guest spot there

<@transience> kleenex or theo probably know
<@transience> when stupidity happens they're usually not far behind
Ngamer64message detail | filter | #104
Call of Duty 4 vs Perfect Dark

The common thinking for this match pre-lockdown was "people who like these games probably went Goldeneye --> Perfect Dark --> Halo --> Sequels/Halo Clones --> Call of Duty 4/MW2. and since CoD is the current king of the FPS jungle, this is going to be SFF city!" The problem is that there's actually a ton of us from the "old school" GE camp who never found much to like in the next generation's console FPSes, and we'll all be voting PD. There's also a huge chunk of the site that is sick and tired of having CoD shoved down their throats for the last two years, and will be anti-voting it in droves.

...which has actually taken alot of the fun out of this matchup, to be honest! A month ago I was so excited to be the only one in the topic to call for a CoD4 underperformance, was going to make a big splash in the Oracle, etc. But after only 63 on Prince of Persia and 57 on Dissidia, the bar has been set so low that it's going to be nearly impossible for the CoD franchise to disappoint us again!

The other thing that's "not a bit fun" is how CoD gets to save its bacon with a Day Match. We're talking about a game that managed 65% in North America vs 51% in Europe- PD would have eaten it alive during the dead of the night. Instead it's survive with 55+, but to PD's credit I don't think it lets the percentage slip TOO MUCH higher than that.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 56.66%

--- | |
If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast!
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #105
Tales of Symphonia 48.54% 19489
God of War 51.46% 20659

Grand Theft Auto III 43.83% 20549
Half-Life 2 56.17% 26337

Crew Predictions - 64/72

What Happened: GoW struggled with ToS for a while, but pulled away in the latter part of the match. Meanwhile, HL2 beat GTA3, but doesn't look so great in the process. Meanwhile

Why it Happened: The 2009 match between GoW/ToS suggested this would be close, and it was. GoW also had the edge with it being a night match. As for HL2...hoping that was just a case of GTA3 being stronger than we thought!

What will Happen: HL2 should still be considered the favorite against GoW.

Crew Prediction Challenge - points

Moltar - 63
Tran - 63
Kleenex - 61
AKJ - 60
Lopen - 60
Leon - 60
Guest - 55

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kleenex gets the point for GoW and Lopen gets the point for HL2.

Moltar - 11.5
Guest - 11 (GfK: 1, BT: 2, CM: 2, Kotetsu: 1, dragon: 1, NGamer: 1, Ultima: 1, TRT: 1, Greyfeld: 1)
Kleenex - 10
AKJ - 9.5
Leon - 9
Tran - 9
Lopen - 9
Moltar Status: 70 Points - Vote: Melee
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #106
Whoo, finally caught up on accuracy points a bit!
"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #107
hey if Kleenex gets a point for picking Symphonia I should get a point for one of my dumb picks!

shuffle fun shuffle shuffle fun shuffle fun fun shuffle fun shuffle just plane fun
transciencemessage detail | filter | #108
lol Melee getting a tripling or more

gh2 made people think it was crazy strong
add the c and back away
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #109
FFX victory confirmed
"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
transciencemessage detail | filter | #110
nah, still a tossup

guitar hero or morrowind or viewtiful Joe won't change that
add the c and back away
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #111
Pffft, FFX got more than this against Morrowind last year.

Pathetic, Melee. Just pathetic. Lose to Brawl with dignity, at least.
"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
charmander6000message detail | filter | #112
Not only did it perform better, it did with two other PS2 games in the match.
BOP Results:
GotD Bracket: 72/80 Today's Matches: SSBM & CoD4
pjbasismessage detail | filter | #113
lol 4-ways right?

At least FFX can keep it debatable I guess.
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #114
East Division: Round 2 - Match 74 – (5) Perfect Dark vs. (4) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Moltar’s Analysis

Perfect Dark
Round 1 - 63.93% on Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Not bad, but not great

Call of Duty 4
Round 1 - 62.92% on Prince of Persia

Not great....kinda bad actually

Two umimpressive performances by these games in Round 1. CoD4 was always the favorite in this match, and PD did nothing to make me change my mind in its match with Conker’s BFD. I’d also take Prince of Persia over Conker with ease.

It’ll be kind of interesting to see how the old-school FPS vs. new-school FPS dynamic plays out, but CoD4 is just flat out the stronger game.

Moltar’s Bracket: CoD4 wins

Moltar’s Prediction: Call of Duty 4 - 57%

Lopen’s Analysis
Ga ga ga ga... ga ga ga ga... ga ga ga ga...

Okay maybe this match deserves a bit more. I mean Perfect Dark isn't total garbage, but I mean unless you think Conker is on the level of PoP, this match is gonna be easy. Personally I'm saying it's more likely that PoP is on the level of Perfect Dark.

Lopen's prediction:
Call of Duty 4 with 63.93%

Transience’s Analysis

This match has inexplicably worried me since before the contest started. It's the ultimate "NintendoFAQs" setup -- on one side you've got this hyper popular FPS with a crapload of backlash due to said popularity, and on the other side you've got this nostalgic n64 shooter that's practically a Nintendo game. Perfect Dark has no reason to stay in this match but just being Nintendo and not COD might be enough to convince people to vote for it. In a match of FPS games, I don't trust the voters to go for the obviously superior COD.

Sorry, N.

I'll still take Call of Duty but... I dunno. 61% on Prince of Persia, a series that should be considerably worse than Devil May Cry, isn't really impressive. It's probably not that much stronger than Conker and that game got the same percentage on PD as POP did on COD4. I'll lowball COD4 here.

transience's prediction: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare with 55.13%

Leon’s Analysis

I heard some rumblings about people saying CoD4 looking really bad last round and even a little murmuring about Perfect Dark having an upset shot here, but I don’t see it. Yeah, CoD4 beat Galaxy pretty easily last year, but all that shows is that Galaxy isn’t that strong. CoD4 still got rocked pretty hard when you threw it into a poll with Brawl, MGS4, and Fallout 3. It’s not in THAT league.

At the same time, Perfect Dark isn’t in the same league with CoD4 either. They had pretty similar percentages last round, and I’d take Sands of Time over Bad Fur Day every time. Heck, I’m not sure Perfect Dark would win by THAT much. I don’t see CoD4 losing this one.

Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: You know what my favorite non-GoldenEye N64 FPS was? Shadows of the Empire. Probably because it’s the only other one I ever played (well, I did play Turok…).

Leonhart’s Vote: Call of Duty 4.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Call of Duty 4 with 59.75%
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #115
Kleenex’s Analysis

(Since Kleenex only gave me a prediction, I feel obligated to fill in for him here)

(Picture donated by:

Kleenex's Prediction: Call of Duty 4 with 53.14%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

Let's get some FPS SFF up in here! Coincidentally it will side with the better game, since the only people to like Perfect Dark were the kids who couldn't beat their friends at Goldeneye. So Perfect Dark looked pretty good against Conker, but CoD4 whomping Prince of Persia is way more relevant.

Oh, but what about The Thanksgiving Factor? Will we have significantly less Americans voting in this day match? Europe absolutely hates Call of Duty, they made it a 51-48 affair. CoD is still strong in Asia. Perfect Dark is as strong or stronger in every other region, at least compared to Conker. This may make the match closer than it should be.

AKJ says Call of Duty > Perfect Dark with 54%

Guest’s Analysis - Sir Chris

So Perfect Dark versus Call of Duty, a lot of people are going to be looking at this and thinking that Call of Duty is going to win this easily, but I am honestly not so sure. I think this contest has proven a lot in terms of what the voters seem to favor, and the newer, prettier games have been going down more and more to to the old guard. Halo one won decisively over Halo 3, and I don't think that has too much to do directly with this match, but it fuels my paranoia a bit. Every kind of statistical analysis points to call of duty winning this, and my gut says call of duty 4 is going to win this comfortably, so I don't know what I should do here. On the one hand, Perfect Dark is very respected, and if there exists a shooter from the old guard that could possibly knock off Call of Duty 4, perhaps the poster boy for this generation of shooters in the eyes of GameFAQs, this would be it. But ignoring my massive paranoia I think Sands of Time would 60-40 conker's bad fur day and I am not going to bother to look this up, so this should be pretty bad for perfect dark.

I think Call of Duty is not going to fall prey to the seeming backlash of shooters as a whole on this sight. It was well done, the game was genuinely beloved, and it was made with a precision and caring that this site appreciates. I think we call gamefaqs fickle too much, they know what they like, and they vote for it. Unless it is Link, then that's probably just the hivemind.

Call of Duty IV with 56.42%

Crew Consensus: CoD4 is the unanimous choice.
AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #116

From: AppIekidjosh | #107
hey if Kleenex gets a point for picking Symphonia I should get a point for one of my dumb picks!

The Samus Beam Cannon Corollary states that anything that looks, acts like, or is similar to light moves at the speed of light. - KamikazePotato
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #117
I'll fix it later!
Moltar Status: 72 Points - Vote: Perfect Dark
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
transiencemessage detail | filter | #118
see this, Leonhart? I told you there was a reason to be worried about this match!

Prime gonna wreck HL2
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #119
That's an interesting train of thought. If anything this match means bad things for MP because CoD4 already smashed Mario Galaxy, and MP and Mario Galaxy aren't gonna be too far off!

transiencemessage detail | filter | #120
Galaxy would smash COD4 now.
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #121
I'll believe that when I see it! Galaxy still needs to prove itself and show that it isn't crap like all its results say it is.

AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #122

From: AppIekidjosh | #116

fine fine but any second Kleenex is above me on the leaderboard is a second I feel dirty

Porre either became an aristocratic mercantile state or a placid direct democracy depending on if the lady who ran an inn was able to serve people beef jerky.
The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #123
Hey, if Kleenex gets a point for Tales of Symphonia he also should have gotten a point for Rock Band 2 back in round 1.
This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
red sox 777message detail | filter | #124
Wow, a lot of low predictions from the Crew today- good calls!
Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest.
Achromaticmessage detail | filter | #125
come on COD4, push that % up a little bit more.
Sir Chris
Chaotic Mindmessage detail | filter | #126

From: Master Moltar | #114
Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: You know what my favorite non-GoldenEye N64 FPS was? Shadows of the Empire. Probably because it’s the only other one I ever played (well, I did play Turok…).

^5 Shadows of the Empire is a great game
"I just want to see more young black holes" ~ A (lady) from NASA, November 15, 2010
LinkMarioSamusmessage detail | filter | #127
Guys, Prime would obviously beat Galaxy now, especially with older, more influential games overperforming in this contest.

And I dunno about Sands of Time, but that's probably another case of voters going for the older, more influential game in droves. Lots of popular games (e.g. God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Braid) borrow from Sands of Time.
Currently Playing - Zelda: Majora's Mask
Next Games Up - StarCraft, Resident Evil 4, Okami
MasterMoltarmessage detail | filter | #128
East Division: Round 2 - Match 75 – (3) Pokemon D/P/P vs. (11) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Moltar’s Analysis

Pokemon DPP
Round 1 - 55.04% on Metroid Fusion

Pokemon not looking too hot against Metroid.

Fire Emblem: PoR
Round 1 - 71.73% on WWF No Mercy

No Mercy No Chance in Hell

Fire Emblem got lucky and beat up on one of the weakest games in the bracket. Even Fusion would beat in here. DPP should look better than it did last round (not that it matters much because it’s done next round).

Moltar’s Bracket: Pokemon DPP wins

Moltar’s Prediction: Pokemon DPP - 62%

Lopen’s Analysis

Pokemanz kinda underwhelmed last round against Metroid fusion, but I figure the name alone is enough to make it worth more than what probably isn't even the strongest Fire Emblem game out there. I mean, night match hurts Pokemon, but it did last match too so that shouldn't matter much.

Lopen's prediction:
Pokemanz with 61.03%

Transience’s Analysis

Would Fire Emblem 9 beat Metroid Fusion? I say no. It's easy to get carried away with FE since it got to beat up on the worst game in the contest. FE's decent but it's not going to beat a superior handheld game. This is probably a bad matchup for Pokemon.

Pokemon DPP isn't close to GSC so it won't kill FE, but it'll handle it without having any trouble.

transience's prediction: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum with 60.84%

Leon’s Analysis

Another match, another opportunity for D/P/P to disappoint against a lesser Nintendo game and get people freaking out about G/S/C’s chances of beating Majora’s Mask for no reason whatsoever. I’m not really sure what to think about this one, in terms of percentages. I’m almost positive Metroid Fusion is stronger than Path of Radiance, and I don’t really expect much SFF here since Pokemon doesn’t really seem to do that, for
whatever the reason.

But how strong is Path of Radiance, really? Round 1 told us nothing, despite it getting 70%+ there, because No Mercy is a bottom tier game (because GameFAQs is full of girly men, Tingle > Solid Snake next Character Battle confirmed abandon all hope). The game seems to be decently popular, and Fire Emblem is seemingly a rising series, so I’ll give it SOME credit here.

Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: Final Fantasy Tactics is the only SRPG I’ve ever played.

Leonhart’s Vote: Uhhh…D/P/P, I guess.

Leonhart’s Prediction: D/P/P with 61.07%
MasterMoltarmessage detail | filter | #129
Kleenex’s Analysis

Fire Emblem hype. Pokemon looked less than great last round, though to be fair, we really don't know where Metroid Fusion stands in the grand scheme of things. Mean while, Path of Radiance looked like a world-beater, but that was against No Mercy, which may very well be the weakest game in the entire bracket. So where does that leave us? Well, most likely with a Pokemon win. No doubt Metroid Fusion was smash No Mercy if given the chance, but I do feel like PoR does have an outside chance tonight. It's not a very good one and I'm certainly not going to take it, but I wouldn't consider the upset outside the realm of possibility. Not likely, though.

Kleenex's Prediction: Pokemon Platinum with 59.86%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

Pikachu vs Ike on Spear Pillar, 12 hour match...

Pikachu wins with 60% of the stock remaining!

(Happy thanksgiving everyone don't read these writeups go party with friends and family!)

Guest’s Analysis - KamikazePotato

I think this match has way more potential to be a barnburner than people are giving it credit for. Nintendo RPGs have been kicking butt all over the place - Golden Sun and both Paper Mario games smashed their competition. Tales of Symphonia held up better than expected against God of War. Path of Radience itself scored one of the blowouts of the round. This is a double-edged argument in that Diamond is also a Nintendo RPG, but unfortunately for it it was the only one of the bunch to disappoint, underperforming a good bit against Fusion. CoD4 sucking today makes it look kind of bad, too.

Do I think Path of Radience is the favorite? No, but it's definitely being underrated. Ike was nearly beating Gordon and Duke before Brawl even came out - that strength has to come from somewhere. I also have this niggling feeling that DPP is going to end up being the weakest Pokemon generation thanks to RSE being old enough to get nostalgia votes. I think this might end up very close, so I will take the lowest possible win for Path of Radiance possible. That way the Guest will (hopefully) get the Accuracy point while not getting a Prediction Challenge point. Just like it should be.

Pokemon D/P/P - 49.99%
Fire Emblem: PoR - 50.01%

Crew Consensus: Everyone except the Guest is going with Pokemon here
The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #130
That's our KP.
This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
transiencemessage detail | filter | #131
another Guest sabotaging their chances
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #132
Lopen is a shell of his former self. Someone's got to pick up the slack.

th3l3ftymessage detail | filter | #133
dangit KP

you can't win the accuracy point if you get the match wrong
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
WarThaNemesis2message detail | filter | #134
Welp, time to take FFXII to get 70% on Portal to balance out the Guest crazy.
Lopenmessage detail | filter | #135
Man I only hype upsets if I believe in them.

Not my fault basically every upset I've had lined up for round 2 had their chances shot in round 1!
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
WarThaNemesis2message detail | filter | #136
I want to believe Lopen had a No Mercy > DPP upset write-up prepared pre-contest.

Even if you didn't, don't say so. Let me dream.
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #137

From: th3l3fty | #132
dangit KP

you can't win the accuracy point if you get the match wrong

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kleenex gets the point for GoW

I have been cheated and lied to

Lopenmessage detail | filter | #138
Well after Pokemon's FLOP in round 1 who wouldn't take No Mercy to beat it I mean really.

Wait a minute...
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #139
Yeah that was all a ploy by Moltar to sabotage the guest, I don't really get that point.
This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
-LusterSoldier-message detail | filter | #140
Feels weird that almost everyone went above 60% with DPP. Feels weird seeing DPP get a higher percentage in round 2 compared to round 1. That rarely happens with most characters/games and usually only when the higher percentage in round 2 compared to round 1 is due to SFF. And I don't see DPP SFFing Fire Emblem here.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ!
WarThaNemesis2message detail | filter | #141
Clearly thanks to Radiant Dawn and it giving Ike a stupid monster neck Path of Radiance Reverse Steroid Fanbase Factor'd No Mercy.
transiencemessage detail | filter | #142
I'm kind of feeling a doubling here. that's far more likely than a FE win.
Lopenmessage detail | filter | #143
Just to show I'm not joking, though, I want you guys to know my last division went down like this:

Every round 1 prediction: Green
Every round 2 prediction: Red

(Every analysis crew prediction: green)
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
WarThaNemesis2message detail | filter | #144
Did you have like Mega Man 9 winning the division or something?
Ngamer64message detail | filter | #145
Pokemon D/P vs Fire Emblem: PoR

Pokemania is runnin' wild! OR IS IT? Underwhelming performances across the board in R1 have my confidence in the series a little bit diminished... and of course its always been too anti-voted to make for a good blowout machine. That combined with two strong showings from Fire Emblem (who knew this series had a fanbase?) has me doubting my formerly sky-high Pokemon pred for this one.

Well, that combined with this AWESOME DRAGON and HUGE SWORD pic! Talk about nailing that weeaboo voting block right on the nose. Oh yeah and D/P is probably hurt worse than anything else in the series by a lack of ASV. So yeah, Pokemon for a win that's never in doubt, but I don't think it climbs TOO far above 60.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - 60.03%

--- | |
If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast!
Lopenmessage detail | filter | #146
Division panned out as follows:

Mega Man 9
Tales of Symphonia

DMC3 > Tales of Symphonia
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
transiencemessage detail | filter | #147
no mercy lol
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #148
Holy crap No Mercy is weak

The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #149
WWF No Mercy, what a beast.
This is the kind of **** that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
Lopenmessage detail | filter | #150
See I may have called my share of bad upsets but I've only called a 70-30 the wrong way once or twice!

Damn you DMC and damn you Kaim Argghhhhonar
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!