GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3
Embarrassing Confession of the Match: For a while, I thought the
Persona games were porn games, though I don%u2019t remember why I
initially thought that! Maybe Albion was talking about them, so I just
naturally assumed%u2026! Well they do let you have sex with something I can't talk about, though its offscreen. --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
Plus the new Persona spin off game is essentially as close to a porn game as a console game can be! --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
Albion, why is everything you say about any game intentionally misleading B8, why do you continue to listen to Albion about games --- DFF |
you deny that in Persona games, you can date (can't say for another
month and a half) and have sex with (can't say for another month and a
half)? Sure, its a small part of the game, but its still there. Thats
the nature of any game with a heavy dating sim element. --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
KP don't respond it's a trap. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Plus don't forget the collectible monster which is essentially a male genital riding a chariot! (I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to) Plus quite a few of the personas are topless The Persona games probably are the most heavily sex focused of any games in this contest, unless I'm forgetting something off the top of my head. --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
be honest, the whole dating sim part was a huge turnoff for me before I
played the game. I can understand where Leon is coming from there -- it
sounded like Albion's dream game. Fortunately, the real game is
anything but. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
In Crew I trust! Sticking with my Persona 3 battle pick! --- Booyah, Grandma. Booyah. {XI} dood |
Also, Civilization IV got this - or else this goes down as the worst match these contests have ever seen! --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
HeroicMario and War vs. Da World --- "SEXTON HILLBEAST" - TimJab |
the best part is that if you're one of those weirdos who don't want to
play a dating sim, that part of the game is almost completely optional,
though it does weaken your personas overall, but still completely
beatable without doing it. --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
there was way too much dungeons in my persona dating sim --- "A board where all the people try hard to be "nice" to each other would be terribly boring, don't you think?" - Vlado |
gotta give him points for persistence, I guess --- xyzzy |
ugh i took civ at first glance, didn't even consider the possibility of it losing to some obscure atlus rpg. then i saw people asking whether they were going to bank. now i see this. if i don't switch i'll be stupid for going with some crappy pc game. if i do it'll turn out my gut was right as usual i hate you guys |
Persona 3 vs Civilization 4 Hey look, it's the ultimate "this one could go either way, but there's nothing to talk about since we have zero data on these horrible entrants" match! Civ 4 is the more "legitimate" game in terms of being able to make a case for it as Game of the Decade, and also has the advantage of Civ 5 having come out a month ago or thereabouts. Trouble being, no one on this site has played either game (Civ 5 has already fallen off the Top 100 FAQs) due to their genre and PC-ness. Persona may be super weak and P3 has probably been overshadowed by P4, but the series at least has some kind of fanbase on this site, and it comes from the ideal genre to maximize GameFAQs success. So, expect Persona to get anti-voted and Civ to do decently with respect votes, but for the top option to ultimately come out of this one with the win. As seems to always happen in very bad fodder-fodder polls! Persona 3 - 50.01% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
go go go persona --- Joker is sick and twisted and must be stoped at all costed what plans do you have in store for Batman anyway |
Crew Curse avoided! --- DFF |
Good job crew! --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
gross --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
Civ4 looks pretty good to me right now! --- xyzzy |
okay, P3's got this. Crew on fire lately! --- xyzzy |
Final Fantasy 9 vs Phoenix Wright: T&T Shame that neither of the PW games were assigned easier opponents, as I think they could have made for a cool matchup against a ton of games in this bracket, including the two chumps currently in the midst of a 12 hour pillowfight. As for this one coming up, we all know that FF9 is going to win without breaking a sweat. But as to its final percentage... let's take a look at this statistically, shall we? Phoenix Wright 1 put up 67.5% on Final Fantasy 12 in their 2009 4way match. So starting from there, let's see the positives and negatives for T&T. + Twilight Princess was in the poll; PW would certainly have done better as the only Nintendo-system option - despite getting crunched by FF8, it's still a good bet that FF9 >> FF12 - PW's dedicated fanbase probably helps it look better in multiway polls- might get exposed here 1v1 + 4ways negated FF12 anti-voting. 9's not as hated, but PW can still take advantage of whatever held FFX under 78% the other day - there's no way T&T is as strong as PW1 in this GotD setting, given how GameFAQs has been voting + gets to duck FF's "prime time" during the dead hours of the night. unfortunately, PW appears to be weaker in North America than anywhere else (based on the vote-in), so this is a wash! Mash all that stuff together and it comes out the other end as Final Fantasy IX - 73.63% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Another case of the Crew deserving a congratulations, to make up for when they next make a massive shit-up <_<. --- James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User & The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism |
Surprised I'm the only one who brought seeding into this I honestly think in this ridiculous fodder match that that's the only reason P3 is winning right now. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Guest Curse never fails And I thought about mentioning "Top Option Factor," but yeah. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
From: Ngamer64 | #373 I had no idea!! --- Support Seifer Almasy (Final Fantasy VIII) for Character Battle IX! |
holy hell, PW1, too beast --- And I certainly do not agree with my words being taken out of context. - Vlado |
is this going to tran, or will a sudden morning shift give it to me...? --- shuffle fun shuffle shuffle fun shuffle fun fun shuffle fun shuffle just plane fun |
From: AppIekidjosh | #379 Hi. --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
wait is it closer to 52.5 than 54.0? I am bad at math lmao --- AKJ: I'm anticipating my inevitable blue balls already! Don't do this to me bellis. You better make me ejaculate Ed Bellis: i will make you ejaculate josh |
Gotta agree with ZFS here. This result is stupid. --- Currently Playing: StarCraft, Zelda: Ocarina of Time |
Hmmm...This is looking like one of those matches where Civ IV could've won if it was a day match instead. --- |
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 58.05% 25056 Devil May Cry 41.95% 18107 TOTAL VOTES 43163 Fire Emblem 64.51% 32812 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 35.49% 18048 TOTAL VOTES 50860 Crew Predictions - 31/38 What Happened: KOTOR performs respectably and Fire Emblem gets a good win Why it Happened: DMC isn't too weak, but as DMC3 showed earlier, the series isn't at midcard level like KOTOR. THPS2 is no No Mercy, but FE still had no problem beating it down. What will Happen: This should be a good R2 match. Golden Sun definitely showed it can take out GTA:SA is R2, especially with the new GS game coming out on the day of the match, Crew Prediction Challenge - poor lopen AKJ - 32 Moltar - 32 Tran - 32 Kleenex - 31 Lopen - 30 Leon - 30 Guest - 30 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kleenex gets the point for KOTOR and Lopen gets the point for FE. AKJ - 7 Guest - 7 (GfK: 1, BT: 1, CM: 2, Kotetsu: 1, dragon: 1, NGamer: 1) Kleenex - 6 Tran - 5 Lopen - 5 Moltar - 4 Leon - 2 --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Persona 3 (32/38) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
will Happen: This should be a good R2 match. Golden Sun definitely
showed it can take out GTA:SA is R2, especially with the new GS game
coming out on the day of the match, >_> --- A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool. - Reno, FFVII |
South Division: Round 1 - Match 40 – (2) Final Fantasy IX vs. (15) Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Moltar’s Analysis FF9 FF9 finally getting a chance to shine? Phoenix Wright: T&T Certainly will go through trials and tribulations Easy stuff here. FF9 is usually overshadowed by other FF games, and the one time it wasn’t, it was stuck with OoT. Now it will FINALLY get a chance to show off what it really has. PW is a very loved series, but as we’ve seen time and time again, the fanbase just isn’t large enough to win a match. It won’t get completely killed, but a mainline FF game isn’t going to have any problems with PW. Moltar’s Bracket: Final Fantasy IX > Pheonix Wright: T&T Moltar’s Prediction: Final Fantasy IX - 75% Lopen’s Analysis Board 8 from two years ago is currently foaming at the mouth and mating with this match. Yeah. Mating. Like rabid animals. Gross. I don't care as much. These are both decent games but ones I never loved either as much as this board. I'll be voting Trials and Tribulations but I won't be weeping when it gets stepped on. Should resist the blowout decently, though. Lopen's prediction: Final Fantasy IX with 70.85% Transience’s Analysis FF9 time. FF9 has never gotten a fair shake - Zidane always gets screwed in bracket placement while FF9 has never had a non-FF match to my knowledge. Even Vivi had to get Tidus in that one match where Pikachu squeezed through before embarrassing Leon and Dante later on in the contest. This match won't say anything though. PW3 isn't completely weak but a lot of people who like PW seem to like FF9. This is really a bad match for it -- not that it had any chance at all but I think FF9 could look like a world-beater here. I still think FF9's bracket placement is the biggest tragedy of this bracket. transience's prediction: Final Fantasy IX with 77.21% Leon’s Analysis There’s one match from the last contest that basically does all the analysis you need for this match: Final Fantasy IX is probably stronger than Final Fantasy XII, and Trials & Tribulations is equal to the original Phoenix Wright at absolute best. Either way, FFIX’s got this, and it won’t be even close. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: Even though I managed to beat Ozma, I’ve never beaten that stupid book optional boss in Alexandria at the beginning of disc 3. Leonhart’s Vote: Trials & Tribulations. Leonhart’s Prediction: Final Fantasy IX with 73.47% Kleenex’s Analysis I think FF9 is getting sold short here. Upon starting this writeup, I was shocked to find out that the two matches the game saw in the 2009 contest were the only polls it had seen in over 6 years. How strange. Looking back at some of the old polls is really weird. Anyway. FF9 had kind of a middling existence last year. Stuck with OoT in Round 1 where it passed through with a pretty easy 2nd place (even though it was being hurt a bit by Chrono Cross, I'm sure), then it runs into FF8 the next round. I think the game is stronger than those results would lead one to believe. It's one of the oldest games in the bracket this time around, and I think it'll get some nosgalgia going for it, especially because it was from a time when Square didn't suck balls. Then again, Kingdom Hearts did just fine, so maybe people just hate Final Fantasy now, so we'll see. |
hey, Phoenix Wright's here too. Yeah, it doesn't stand much of a
chance. It's most assuredly weaker than PW1, and PW1 didn't do too hot
last year. Plus the series doesn't seem to have the fad-ish tendancies
it had in years past. This should be a pretty decicive match in FF9's
favor. Kleenex's Prediction: Final Fantasy IX with 74.75% Applekidjosh’s Analysis welp time for a crappy game to slaughter a great game. Just another day in the Gamefaqs contest am I right? this poll makes me really think Phoenix is going to bomb here. Why? Take a look, where is the RPG vote going? Shadow Hearts with its 4.46%? There's not a single RPG competing here and still Phoenix Wright ended with only 6186 votes. Most of the votes there were gobbled up by action games. Now Phoenix is up against an RPG that has Final Fantasy in the name and was on a console. BAD NEWS! So now my only question is... tripling or no? I think yes. It really hurts to say it, but all these FF9 loving furries are going to push it up there. AKJ says Final Fantasy 9 > PW:TT with 77.78% Guest’s Analysis - Eeeevil Overlord Man, two of my favourite games of all time going at it in Round One. Seriously, I have more love for the games in this match than I do for any other match in the round, with the possible (albeit debatable) exception of Super Smash Bros. Melee Vs Guitar Hero II. This one should hopefully, hopefully be somewhat closer than that. These two games aren't just two of my favourites though- they're two of the games I feel most sorry for in a contest setting. FF9 has always, always been stuck in the shadow of another FF game, and it has been again this time (although at least it gets a couple of rounds to try to prove itself before being fed to FFX), and Phoenix Wright... well, as much as I love it, there's no denying noone cares about it outside of a loyal minority, which is pretty much the opposite of what you need to do well in contests here. In fact, if this contest were "GotD that James feels most sorry for", this could be a worthy final. But it isn't, no matter how many feedback tickets I send to SB. In a contest setting, one of these games is leaps and bounds ahead of the other. If you want a clue which one, one of them is a DS-only game (unless you count the GBA version it was ported from that wasn't released outside Japan) and the other is a mainline Final Fantasy game from before the series started to get seriously hated on. I do think FF9 will do worse than people might expect, because it has one of the lower play rates of the post-VII FF games plus the Phoenix Wright fanbase is very loyal (not to mention the anti-votes the FF series is starting to attract), but this will still probably be at least a doubling. In fact, the more I look at that score the more I think I'm not giving FF9 enough credit, but may blind PW fanboyism pull me through! James's Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I've actually played and enjoyed both games James's Vote: Trials and Tribulations, through gritted teeth for not being able to vote FFIX James's Prediction: Final Fantasy IX with 68.00% Crew Consensus: There are no objections to FF9 winning this match. |
PW should've been in a winnable match like vs Civ or something! --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
Come onnnn FF9 flopping to give me the accuracy point! --- James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User & The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism |
PW should've been in a winnable match like vs Civ or something! I agree! Who's in charge of pairing the games anyway? ugh, I don't think I can watch this match T_T --- Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright! (he's animated! ANIMATED!) Now I have to get a 3DS! |
all hail ZFS, battle challenge master --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
this match makes me physically ill --- <Die the death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is the death>!! |
T_T me too AKJ --- Phoenix Wright T_T |
And PW got a 5 seed but got matched with Mario Kart! If only something like Psychonauts switched places with Mario Kart so we get Batman/Mario Kart and PW/Psychonauts --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
not that psychonauts is bad, mind you >_> --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
Resident Evil 4 vs Jet Grind Radio Since the minute the bracket was released, the only thing anyone's said about RE4 has been "what a waste!" And I didn't disagree with them- an easy out to FFX with your toughest "competition" along the way being Mass Effect, Portal, or FF12? That's legitimately about the dullest path we've ever seen! But after the Contest favorite (according to the pre-poll, not in any actual way) dropped the ball big time against Viewtiful Joe, we've suddenly got a very good reason to keep a close eye on today's matchup. There are two things working in RE4's favor right now: #1 despite the name, no one expected the voters to take this whole "Game of the Decade" thing as seriously as they have- if that trend picks up steam as we get deeper into the bracket (as I originally predicted) it will be an advantage for Resident Evil 4 over the entire 128 game field. #2 sure Cloud and Seph got dumped on, but no one expected "anti-favoriteFAQs" to infect FFX as badly as it appeared to in R1... because there's no way you can convince me VJ scores 22% (in a night match) on legit strength alone! All that being said, I think people are going a little bit TOO overboard in favor of RE4 right now. Enormous 80%+ blowouts are not as easy to score these days as the SSBs have made them out to be. Yes Jet Grind Radio is very weak, yes the Dreamcast in 2010 is a shadow of its former self, yes JGR has virtually no international support, but you still need a fanbase overlap to push for the really dominating blowouts. Think FO3 > inFamous or Brawl > MKWii. (Alright so Melee didn't overlap, but the GH series is despised in some corners, something you can't say about JGR!) So give me RE4 for the... 3rd biggest win of the season. If it seriously hits 85 and pushes for #1 as some are now predicting, I give permission for all FFX champion brackets to begin sweating bullets. Resident Evil 4 with 82.85% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Southwest Division: Round 1 - Match 41 – (1) Resident Evil 4 vs. (16) Jet Grind Radio Moltar’s Analysis Resident Evil 4 Hey it’s that game Jet Grind Radio welp RE4 is one of the strongest games in this bracket. It has a shot at going far, but there’s a FFX waiting for it later. FFX didn’t impress in its debut match though, so maybe RE4 can hype itself up with a big win here. JGR seems like a good game that it can just walk all over. Moltar’s Bracket: Resident Evil 4 > Jet Grind Radio Moltar’s Prediction: Resident Evil 4 - 84% Lopen’s Analysis Resident Evil 4 is pretty much a game that's impossible to hate from a big franchise. It should do really well in a blowout situation, especially against some Jet Grind Radio-- we saw that no one gives a crap about skateboarding... that... that is the sense in which they're grinding, right? I sure hope so. Lopen's prediction: Resident Evil 4 with 85.04% Transience’s Analysis Hey, guess what. RE4 wins. transience's prediction: Resident Evil 4 with 82.66% Leon’s Analysis Resident Evil 4 needs no introduction. This game put up impressive numbers on Twilight Princess and edged out MGS3 and KHII. We know it’s strong, and we know it’s going far in this contest. Jet Grind Radio isn’t going to put up much resistance here. It barely edged out Star Ocean and Radiant Dawn in the vote-ins. Not much more to say about this one. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: Whenever somebody posts a Leon Kennedy quote, I always read it in Raiden’s voice, and I don’t know why. Maybe because they’re all so cheesy. Leonhart’s Vote: Resident Evil 4. Leonhart’s Prediction: Resident Evil 4 with 81.25% Kleenex’s Analysis It's not even worth writing anything for this match. Jet Grind Radio is going to be in the running for weakest game in the bracket, and Resident Evil 4 is one of the strongest. RE4 probably breaks 80%. Maybe 85%. Kleenex's Prediction: Resident Evil 4 with 83.61% Applekidjosh’s Analysis Alright guys sorry to wuss out here but I'm doing a takehome chinese test so here goes RE4 has a deserved one seed and it's going to obliterate Jet Grind Whatever. This is going to be ugly. RE4 with 86.00% Guest’s Analysis - Black Turtle Resident Evil 4 The one non-sucky Resident Evil game Jet Grind Radio JET GRIND RADIOOOOO! Analysis: A fairly boring match, which will probably be one of the bigger blowouts this contest. RE4 is likely a top 5, and definitely a top 10 game in this bracket, and with good reason. RE4's path is pretty much set in stone, barring anything coming out of left field in the quarterfinals against FFX, making this division fairly boring. The highlight of this division will likely be the FF12/Mass Effect match, which IMO could go either way. That said, RE4 is close to, but not as strong as FFX or the Smash games, and Jet Grind Radio is likely in the bottom 5 weakest games in the bracket, so over 80% is pretty much guarenteed. Factor in the outstanding Resident Evil night vote and we have a recipe for a monster blowout. BT's Prediction: Resident Evil 4 with 86.53% BT's Bracket: RE4, duh BT's Vote: Resident Evil 4 Crew Consensus: RE4 domination |
Man people going really high here. I just can't see 80%+... I guess we'll know in 5 minutes though --- |
I agree. I can't see 80% either. I don't think RE4 is equipped to dish out 80%+ blowouts like most people are thinking. FFX already bombed against Viewtiful Joe. While Viewtiful Joe is stronger than Jet Grind Radio, I don't think it would get more than 60% on it. Added to the fact that RE4 is going to definitely be weaker than FFX and I don't see RE4 breaking 80%, but high 70s are possible. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
I stand corrected --- |
