GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3
Ha, whoops I hedged everyone out again. I swear I didn't look before posting that! --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Golden Sun vs Ratchet & Clank: UYA I don't want to blow this match off entirely, because I do think Ratchet has a few indicators pointing in his favor. The PS3 ownership is way up and PS3 hate way down from the day two years ago when he couldn't even beat Nana convincingly, he put up an extremely impressive 44% on Jecht earlier this year, and putting those two showings together seems to indicate that this series will perform more respectably in head to head situations. As in these games are well known and relatively well liked, but since they're 3D platformers not named Mario 64 no one feels all THAT strongly about them, resulting in bad showing when there are too many other options available. Unfortunately the good still outweighs the bad. "The bad" in this case being the latest entry in your series getting nearly doubled by Demon's Souls in the last GotY combined with how even though Ratchet might have improved as a character or series, voters are consistently turning their backs on games that aren't regarded as the high watermarks of their franchise. See Castlevania, Sunshine, SA2, etc etc etc. Golden Sun IS that standout, well-reviewed, fondly remembered game IMO, which combined with excitement over the new installment in the series ought to be enough to secure a fairly easy win here- despite the site's general hesitation when it comes to supporting non-Pokemon handhelds. Golden Sun - 58.73% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Kleenex'd --- DFF |
Called it! --- |
wow Kleenex wow --- " FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO ONE CAN BE THAT DUMB" - Haguile |
Applekidjosh your time has come. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Alright I sent in my writeup. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
San Andreas best watch out --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
Crew Predictions - 27/34 What Happened: Nothing surprising Why it Happened: MW2 sux. It let Dissidia look too good in that match. KH looks fine. FFX didn't look hot in its match, and Borderlands did good against Vesperia. What will Happen: Square games got this in Round 2 Crew Prediction Challenge - poor akj AKJ - 28 Moltar - 28 Tran - 28 Lopen - 27 Leon - 27 Kleenex - 27 Guest - 26 Crew Accuracy Challenge - NGamer gets the point for MW2 and tran gets the point for KH. Kleenex gets the point for FFX and CM gets the point for Borderlands. AKJ - 7 Guest - 7 (GfK: 1, BT: 1, CM: 2, Kotetsu: 1, dragon: 1, NGamer: 1) Tran - 5 Lopen - 4 Kleenex - 4 Moltar - 3 Leon - 2 --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Golden Sun (28/34) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
San Andreas has nothing to be worried about. --- "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~ Winston Churchill |
I forgot to add to my writeup that it's a night match. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
GTA: San Andreas vs Dead Space Alright, so Dead Space has never wowed us in a poll, and if anything the Wii prequel hurt the franchise brand name, and no one (except ExTha) knows or cares that the sequel comes out in two months. But what you don't realize is that we're talking about a game whose main character once DEFEATED the winner of Gamespot's last Character Battle in a multiway poll! Now there's a mark of overwhelming popularity you can take to the bank! Seriously though folks, I do believe San Andreas will find a way to underperform in this one. Yes, I'm aware that I said the same thing about GTA3 before LBP made a fool of me, but remember that GTA4 did live up to my "this series is quite anti-voted!" hype. I see SA tilting more in 4's direction, where people were already starting to tire of the series within a few months of its release. But even though I've gone on record as saying 3 > the other GTAs in this GotD setting, SA should still be able to improve a bit on the 62% showing we saw last week, partly because that photogenic Sackboy has been replaced with a boring black blob. Dang it SB, lighten that pic up a bit, or help the letters in "Dead Space" stand out a little more, or something! Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 63.39% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Sent the analysis in. --- James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User & The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism |
appears to be a direct correlation between this match and POR/No Mercy.
Girly men vote for FE/GS, real men vote for No Mercy and UYA! Also, UYA doing better in the UK because the title is a dirty pun!®ion=GB --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
East Division: Round 1 - Match 36 – (4) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas vs. (13) Dead Space Moltar’s Analysis San Andreas GTA will once again probably embarrass itself Dead Space Hey it’s not Resident Evil! GTA hasn’t looked hot this contest, but Dead Space isn’t going to make the miracle happen here. Even though it was well-received, it’s just not popular enough to tackle a game that was also well-received and many, many times bigger than it. San Andreas should win big here as we’re talking about the 2004 GotY vs a game that didn’t do squat in its 2008 GotY poll. However, I’ll predict another disappointment from GTA relative to expectations. I mean, San Andreas did manage to blow it last year in its fourpack. Hard to put faith in it to do well after that stinker. Moltar’s Bracket: GTA:SA > Dead Space Moltar’s Prediction: GTA:SA - 64% Lopen’s Analysis Say what you will about GTA games choking, it's up against some Wang Merc special and unlike the other match I can't even make jokes about the guy's name because I've forgotten what his damn name even is. Course blowout we will not have cause it's GTA, So I say we use GTA3 vs Little Sack Planet as a basis, then increase for San Andreas > GTA3 and increase again for Sackboy > Dead Space. Yeah, I bet the casual reader thought I knew what Infamous was back in the day. As if. Lopen's prediction: GTA: San Andreas with 68.56% Transience’s Analysis Dead Space making the bracket is pretty cool. People really like that game. Not enough people have played it though. It sold well and all but yeah, new IP blah blah blah. If you call this Resident Evil: Dead Space we might have an argument here. Alas. San Andreas really sucked last year, but really, losing to GOW and Tales of Symphonia isn't THAT bad. Sure, I'm spinning its poor result, but when your opponent is Dead Space? Yeah, it doesn't matter. SA looks to be about equal to RE5 and RE5 would kill Dead Space. RE anything would probably beat it. transience's prediction: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with 67.45% Leon’s Analysis San Andreas was one of the biggest flops of the last Games Contest. Despite our already low expectations for GTA, virtually nobody thought it would somehow finish fourth in a poll with God of War, Oblivion, and Tales of Symphonia. In reality, San Andreas was less than 2000 votes away from advancing, but still, most people think it should’ve never been in that position to begin with. Regardless, I think that was more Oblivion and Symphonia being better than we thought than San Andreas flopping. I think San Andreas should be able to handle Dead Space pretty easily, GTA’s contest history notwithstanding. Honestly, I can’t say too much about it one way or the other because I don’t know much about Dead Space. It was one of those games Bacon admitted he was surprised got into the contest, so that seems to tell me that either it’s not widely popular or Bacon isn’t in touch with video game popularity! Dead Space’s poll data is very limited, but what little there is shows it getting curbstomped. I think San Andreas should have this. I’ve yet to hear any reason why it’ll lose this other than “It’s GTA,” and we’ve already seen that this doesn’t mean auto-lose. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I keep getting Dead Rising and Dead Space confused in this contest. Leonhart’s Vote: San Andreas with the bracket vote. Leonhart’s Prediction: San Andreas with 60.35% |
Kleenex’s Analysis After seeing what Golden Sun managed to pull last night, San Andreas is going to need one heck of a performance today in order to turn things back around in its favor for next round. And it's probably not going to be able to do that. Granted, Dead Space should be pretty weak. Okay, really weak. Losing to a Guitar Hero game yikes. San Andreas is probably...well, it could be strongest, second strongest or third strongest of the GTA games (bold statement). I imagine at best it'll probably double Dead Space. Significantly higher than that and Golden Sun needs to watch out. The lower it gets, though, the worse and worse its chances are next round (more bold statements). Despide how bad Dead Space looked in that poll, I think GTA is going to flop, so I'll go low here. Kleenex's Prediction: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with 59.44% Applekidjosh’s Analysis GTA:San Andreas is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I didn't care for any other game in the series, but San Andreas is the perfect combination of good characters, good story, and good controls. On the other hand, I've never even heard of Dead Space. Sounds like something a 13 year old would title his fanfiction crossover of Sonic the Hedgehog and Star Wars. Quick polls help me understand what this game is! oh... wow... lmao okay so even though San Andreas is going to be held back by RACISTFAQS it's not going to have trouble dispatching this turd. AKJ says GTA:San Andreas over the Sonic x Star Wars fanfiction with 56.66% Guest’s Analysis - TsunamiXXVIII Well, when I said it had been far too long since I embarrassed myself on Board 8, I certainly found a way to deliver, utterly failing to notice the arrival of the sign-up topic until there was only one match open. Worse yet, I'd never even heard of one of the two games competing. I do know that GTA usually does poorly in contests, but that hasn't really been the case this year--III already advanced, and IV nearly managed to beat out a Pokémon game on PokeFAQs. GTA III was a 10-seed, GTA IV was a 9, and even Vice City, which I'd been led to believe was the best in the series, is only an 8. San Andreas got a 4. As far as I can tell, Dead Space is going to be looking like Dead Weight once this is over. GTA: San Andreas with 67.67% of the vote Crew Consensus: San Andreas sweep. |
Whoops, forgot to raise my prediction for this one! Oh well. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
And it's still not the lowest! Kleenex hedged you guys out again! --- DFF |
I guess I just have to root for the SA bomb then! --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
that's some low SA picks. --- xyzzy |
Not playing every R&C game isn't embarassing, cause that implies you might've played all but one! but we still have to fix that. --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
I took Dead Space in my bracket here for reasons unknown to me. Curses. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
From: GTM | #271 Well, I'm considered to be THE R&C fanboy around here, so not playing them all feels kinda embarrassing! --- |
no idea what I was on with that percentage --- "not my nips nooo" ~ Shadow Ryoko |
Argh, second time I'd have an accuracy point if I'd remembered to up my prediction. --- |
East Division: Round 1 - Match 37 – (3) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic vs. (14) Devil May Cry Moltar’s Analysis KOTOR Very good game Devil May Cry Another very good game Good match between good games. Action games usually don’t do well, but the DMC series is probably one of the best we’ll see in the contest. DMC3 didn’t look hot in its match, but I blame those crazy Mother fanboys. Too bad the original game is up against a very solid midcarder in KOTOR. I’d take DMC over Ninja Gaiden, but that’s a pretty big gap to make up. DMC will look respectable, but KOTOR shouldn’t have any major issues here. Moltar’s Bracket: KOTOR > DMC Moltar’s Prediction: KOTOR - 57% Lopen’s Analysis I dunno. I know a lot of people are saying this is an easy win for KOTOR especially after that Mother 3 fiasco, but I'm in the other camp, here. I (shock!) had Devil May Cry winning here, and it's only with the aforementioned fiasco that my confidence in the game is wavering. I mean yeah it looked bad in the series contest, but you gotta figure Dante's strength comes from somewhere and KOTOR has never really established itself as a juggernaut. Devil May Cry looked pretty damn solid in the vote-in, too. Not to mention I'm skeptical a 1v1 arena is a good one for KOTOR. Being a PC/XBox representative vs a PS2 game, this is just screaming out for an upset by console power alone. Despite beating GTA3 and nearly edging out Halo in the four way contest, in 1v1s its record is not nearly as good. KOTOR decisively lost to Vice City in 2004, and its characters have always done terribly in character battles. Revan lost to Terra for crissakes. So my point is, this lack of 1v1 strength to me indicates a game that's well loved by its fanbase, but just doesn't have the fanbase on this site to overcome a game with a strong brand name. Devil May Cry is just strong enough to exploit this, and so it should squeak out a win here. And well... I admittedly don't feel good about this one either way, but if nothing else... when in doubt, play favorites! Lopen's prediction: Devil May Cry with 51.05% Transience’s Analysis This match bothered me a lot more than everyone else before lockdown. Yes, DMC is weak compared to Dante. Yes, it lost to Assassin's Creed 2 in the vote-in. But when did KOTOR become such a sure thing? We're talking about a game that was impressive last contest but still lost to Halo. If this were DMC vs. Halo, a lot of people would be jumping to pick against Halo. This is also a night match which is advantage DMC. KOTOR, while popular, didn't seem to ever permeate the mainstream in the way that later Bioware games did. DMC has a lot more name recognition than KOTOR does and pretty much invented character action games. KOTOR is a mid-tier Bioware RPG. Fortunately, DMC3 came and absolutely bombed against Mother 3, showing that the series sucks. This match is kind of like Halo vs. Ninja Gaiden - KOTOR's about as strong as Halo and DMC is stronger than NG, but not enough to do anything about it. I think. I still feel weird being so confident in KOTOR but it could just be my reluctance to completely embrace WRPGs. transience's prediction: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic with 56.11% |
Leon’s Analysis Despite how popular Dante is, it’s hard to get a read on how popular Devil May Cry is. The series as a whole hasn’t done well in any of the polls it’s been in, and for whatever reason, the only DMC game to make a GOTY poll was the original, which was stuck in the PS2 2001 GOTY poll with FFX, so good luck getting a high percentage there. We did just see it in the vote-ins, where it won second place handily, although finishing well behind Assassin’s Creed. I’m not sure how good or bad that is, really. The rest of that poll was weaksauce, as evidenced by the fact that Trials & Tribulations came in third. DMC3 already embarrassed itself by getting only 65% on Mother 3, but there’s still a chance that DMC1 could be the strongest one in the series. KOTOR is a bit easier to judge in terms of strength. It did well for itself in both of its Games Contest appearances. In the last Games Contest, it went neck and neck with Halo until the ASV put the match away (and yet despite this, some people thought Master Chief could LOL XBOX SFF Hayabusa in the last Character Battle, go figure). It got 47.33% on Diablo 2 as well, which is pretty good. I’m not sure Devil May Cry could equal that. I doubt it could, honestly. Action games just don’t do well here, despite how well action game stars like Dante may do, so I’m very hesitant to pick them to win matches unless it’s a lock. This is far from a lock, so I’m siding with KOTOR here. DMC may surprise some people here, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I stopped playing DMC1 because it was too hard for me, and I get frustrated playing games where I die a lot and have to start over. Leonhart’s Vote: Knights of the Old Republic. Leonhart’s Prediction: Knights of the Old Republic with 55.22% Kleenex’s Analysis Poor Devil May Cry. We all know the series is pretty awful strength-wise. Nothing showcased this more than DMC3 struggling to double a game that was never even released here. DMC should be weaker than 3, though I think there are probably a number of people who disagree with that. Still, we already saw that KOTOR is not a game to be dismissed in the last contest, and we've already seen WRPGs do fairly well thus far. KOTOR should be in for an easy win tonight. Kleenex's Prediction: Knights of the Old Republic with 58.12% Applekidjosh’s Analysis I am REALLY SUCKING lately. Did my beginner's luck wear off? Do I need to use actual skill now instead of guessing? well damn. That poll says everything you need to know about how strong DMC is. When SOnic the Hedgehog gets over a doubling on you... why is Dante so much stronger than his games anyway? Anyway Kotor has the critical acclaim out the wazoo, even though it came out at a time when nobody liked the Xobox. Its much higher seed here is testament to how much more respect it gets. Plus it's an RPG (western, but still) vs an action game in this contest? AKJ says Star Wars > DMC with 55.55% |
Guest’s Analysis - The Real Truth I'm not sure how to start this off and from memory, I've done maybe 2 or 3 of these in the past. I'll start off by saying if this match isn't close, I will be surprised. What bothers me most about this match is that people are discrediting DMC as having a chance because of the performance that DMC3 had against Mother 3. I have two answers without getting too in depth. 1. Mother 3 is more popular than people thought, and with such low vote totals overall, being on a dedicated game site, where the demographic floats to games like Mother 3, that's not hard to do. 2. The first Devil May Cry will be more popular than the third game, regardless on opinions on the quality of either game. Devil May Cry revolutionized the action genre. We would not have games like God of War and Ninja Gaiden. If you want to look further into that, we wouldn't have games like Okami, Arkham Asylum, the new Castlevania, and really, pretty much any kind of newer action/adventure titles that are heavily reliant on hand to hand combat, or some variant of it. My love for Devil May Cry aside, I guess we can talk about past showings in contests. Knights of the Old Republic never looked to be really strong. Simply being a Star Wars game isn't going to help. Look at how badly Battlefront 2 lost to BioShock. Knights of the Old Republic is undoubtebly the strongest Star Wars game that would ever appear in these contests, but that doesn't say much. It's a a low midcarder at best. It's still a PC game that was also on the Xbox (yeah, we remember how well those games do). Then with Devil May Cry 3, we have the seriest contest, where it went against the Sonic series, you know, which people love. The series contest would also include the 2nd and 4th game, and while everyone despised the second game, many people weren't fans of the 4th game as well. Older series mostly rocked newer stuff, and Castlevania almost beat Kingdom Hearts, despite Dawn of Sorrow getting demolished by one of the Kingdom Hearts games. I'm not even going to pull up past results, actually. I'm just going to say that if Old Republic wins, it's because of the seeding. Unless of course the match isn't close, which would baffle me. My prediction Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repblic - 50.67% The only reason I expect Knights to win is because of seeding. My bracket has Devil May Cry winning this match, so I want to be wrong. Crew Consensus: Lopen believes in DMC, but everyone else is going with KOTOR. |
oh gosh lopen good luck --- "not my nips nooo" ~ Shadow Ryoko |
lol it seems the DMC fanboys couldn't pull the trigger on picking KOTOR for the solid win. Well, we'll see how the match pans out. All I can say is I hope my battle pick is right, because I don't feel like losing 9100 points. |
KOTOR's gonna rock DMC so hard, people will say it will have a chance against FFIX. Which they should, because it will! --- |
wouldn't have games like Okami, Arkham Asylum, the new Castlevania, and
really, pretty much any kind of newer action/adventure titles that are
heavily reliant on hand to hand combat, or some variant of it. Whoa, this is some serious stretching. None of these games have anything in common with Devil May Cry. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
KOTOR's gonna rock DMC so hard, people will say it will have a chance against FFIX. Which they should, because it will! I've got that in my bracket, and that would really be one of the best resutls that could come out of this contest. I'd gain a lot of respect for Gamefaqs if it were to really happen. --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
Caught up in a tight game of Mafia, will post some thoughts later! Star Wars: KotOR vs Devil May Cry Whoooo Star Wars! Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 60.69% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Kleenex'd --- DFF |
Wow, some very suspect Crew percentages in this one! --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
man, action games. --- add the c and back away iphonesience |
From: transcience | #287 this x100 --- "A board where all the people try hard to be "nice" to each other would be terribly boring, don't you think?" - Vlado |
Danteeeee :( Well at least I picked KotoR for the battle challenge. Little bet hedging, there. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Well, DMC's night vote is going to make this look a little better. But we'll kinda have a direct FFIX/KOTOR comparison since T&T was in the same vote-in as DMC. Based on vote-in stats and the current percentage (41.8% for DMC), KOTOR would be expected to get a little more than 70% on T&T. And speaking of FFIX/T&T, raise my percentage there 6%, Moltar. --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
Yikes. That was quite a drop. Now this just looks normal. --- DFF |
KOTOR is a joke game confirmed. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Call of Duty 4 vs. Knights of the Old Republic, who do you pick? I'd actually likely pick KOTOR now. Feels a little odd, too. --- Currently Playing: StarCraft, Zelda: Ocarina of Time |
Golden Sun 68.24% 24185 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal 31.76% 11254 TOTAL VOTES 35439 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 65.45% 28952 Dead Space 34.55% 15286 TOTAL VOTES 44238 Crew Predictions - 29/36 What Happened: Golden Sun beasts over Ratchet in a big blow-out, and SA performs decently on Dead Space Why it Happened: Ratchet and Clank is weak, but maybe GS does have some strength if it was able to do those kind of numbers. Nothing too crazy about the second match. What will Happen: This should be a good R2 match. Golden Sun definitely showed it can take out GTA:SA is R2, especially with the new GS game coming out on the day of the match, Crew Prediction Challenge - poor leon AKJ - 30 Moltar - 30 Tran - 30 Lopen - 29 Kleenex - 29 Leon - 28 Guest - 28 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kleenex gets the point for GS and Moltar gets the point for SA. AKJ - 7 Guest - 7 (GfK: 1, BT: 1, CM: 2, Kotetsu: 1, dragon: 1, NGamer: 1) Tran - 5 Kleenex - 5 Lopen - 4 Moltar - 4 Leon - 2 --- Moltar Status: Bracket: San Andreas (29/35) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
East Division: Round 1 - Match 38 – (6) Fire Emblem vs. (11) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Moltar’s Analysis Fire Emblem Didn’t we already see... THPS2 dat soundtrack Remember when FE:PoR destroyed No Mercy? Forget about that. Well, don’t completely forget about it, but I wouldn’t take too much from that result and apply it here. I think Tony Hawk has a good shot at being stronger than No Mercy seeing as how that series was fairly big and well-respected back in the day. However, like WWE, Tony Hawk games are just no longer cool to the general public. Meanwhile, you have FE, a JRPG that GameFAQs eats up and definitely prefers over sports games. After Path of Radiance and Golden Sun both did very well against non-Nintendo opponents, I can’t see FE flopping here. Moltar’s Bracket: Fire Emblem > THPS2 Moltar’s Prediction: Fire Emblem - 65% Lopen’s Analysis Tony Hawk was actually kinda popular back in the day. But at this point they've run the damn franchise so far into the ground that I don't think anyone's going to remember how much they liked THPS2 10 years ago. Not just that, but extreme sports haven't exactly been in vogue for years, either. The fad has fizzled, and now we're gonna see that more than ever. Throw in Fire Emblem's previously displayed ability to slaughter No Mercy, and I think we've got a beatdown where you'd expect a close match normally. In fact, I'd say No Mercy has a lot in common with Tony Hawk. Both games are actually pretty solid. Wrestling and skateboarding were both way more popular 10 years ago. Both are things you wouldn't expect LameFAQs to take much interest in, because let's face it, they'd damage their retainers and their pocket protectors enjoying anything resembling a sport or physical activity. Now that's some quality cheap heat! Lopen's prediction: Fire Emblem with 64.35% Transience’s Analysis People are using the No Mercy match to infer that Fire Emblem has this one. What a huge mistake. No Mercy is trash. You have to be miserably awful to let a FE game do that to you. THPS2 is one of the highest rated games of all time and a legit action/sports game as opposed to something like No Mercy, a damn wrestling game. You can't compare the two at all. I'll be leaning Fire Emblem because it's a Nintendo RPG vs. a casual action game, but I don't feel great about it. If this were Path of Radiance I might go the other way but the GBA Fire Emblem seems to be the big one. Besides, Golden Sun has shown us what being a breakthrough GBA RPG can mean. FE has sucked in recent polls but probably not enough to drop this. transience's prediction: Fire Emblem with 59.45% Leon’s Analysis I swear, Bacon had to do this on purpose, setting up the Fire Emblem games with a wrestling game and a skateboarding game. I would’ve never guessed that Fire Emblem would get TWO winnable matches in this thing. Fire Emblem’s contest history is well known. It got doubled by FFTA in the original Games Contest, which led to much whining about what a travesty it was and so forth. Then people apparently thought it was a good idea to remove Golden Sun and add Fire Emblem into a match featuring Melee and Wind Waker. Fire Emblem’s fans aren’t the brightest bunch, are they? Regardless, Tony Hawk games haven’t been relevant in years. They don’t seem to be very popular here to begin with. As I was searching for polls with Tony Hawk in them, I came across this one: |
match seems pretty obvious to me, but I don’t want to count out Fire
Emblem’s chances of blowing this because it’s not strong. Still, I’d be
pretty surprised if it did lose. The series has been gaining popularity
in recent years, for whatever it’s worth. Plus, after the way Path of
Radiance slaughtered No Mercy, I’d be surprised if this one was very
close at all. Tony Hawk 2 could end up doing a decent bit better here
because it’s definitely more renowned and more widely played than No
Mercy ever was though. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: One of my favorite PS1 games is actually ESPN’s XTreme Games, one of the first games sold for the console. I even still have it in those huge cases they originally sold PS1 games in! Great fun, and I’m probably the only person here who’s played it. Leonhart’s Vote: Fire Emblem. Leonhart’s Prediction: Fire Emblem with 58.38% Kleenex’s Analysis This is No Mercy vs. Path of Radiance part 2. However, I'm going to be WILD AND WACKY and say that it's not as big of a blowout as that first match. First reason being that I think Tony Hawk would beat No Mercy without too much trouble. Second reason being that I think Path of Radiance is stronger than Fire Emblem. Yeah that's right. Anyway, regardless of whether either of those are true, Fire Emblem is going to win here, and will win without breaking a sweat. How well it does should be a decent judge to see if it can beat KOTOR next round. Kleenex's Prediction: Fire Emblem with 64.01% Applekidjosh’s Analysis I have been waiting for this match for awhile! It's a shame this is coming after No Mercy vs Fire Emblem, so we already know how this is gonna go... Tony Hawk is definitely the better game here! Let's see, Path or Radiance got 71.73? This won't do THAT well but it still shouldn't be close. I wonder if it'll score the doubling though. Let's try it! AKJ says Fire Emblem > Tony Hawk with 66.67% Guest’s Analysis - PaulG235 Hmm... A Fire Emblem game facing off against a sports game. Sounds very familiar to me. Sounds TOO familiar, if you ask me. Where could I have possibly seen this beforeohyeahEIGHT DAYS AGO! Geez, Bacon, couldn't you have given the Fire Emblem games a different variety in (R1) opponents? That said, the result for FE/THPS should be very similar to PoR/NM. Preditcion: Fire Emblem - 69.54% Crew Consensus: Fire Emblem is the unanimous choice. |
por > 7 huh | >_> <_< --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
Woah at these prediction percentages. Tony Hawk 2 isn't No Mercy guys! --- Epona > any Western character in CB9! |
Star Wars: KotOR vs Devil May Cry Now here's a match that I went back and forth on a couple of times during bracketmaking. What ultimately made up my mind was KotOR having a respectable showing in the 4ways versus DMC managing only 29% on Sonic back in the series Contest. Because while it's true that Sonic wasn't nearly as pathetic in '06 as today and it's also true that people were favoring the older more established series in that Contest... 29% is still pretty gross. What I REALLY don't understand is how anyone could still expect DMC to keep this close after what we saw in that Mother 3 match. I hear Dante-lovers trying to blow that off with "maybe GameFAQs is filled with Earthbound experts who are well-versed in the history of Mother!" (whaaaaaa?) or "it had such a stupid name and awful picture, no wonder it got joke votes!" (okay that I kind of believe). But the bottom line is, users had the option of "something Devil May Cry" or "something else", and they went for that second choice in overwhelming numbers. After something like that I'd be shocked if Star Wars doesn't run away with this one, especially considering how good wRPGs have looked so far this year. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 60.69% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |