GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3
Enjoy your wait on one of those! --- |
Persona 3 could win that. PC games have been getting hammered. --- DFF |
Deus ex won its match and Dragon Age owned F-zero gx. I dunno how thats "getting hammered" --- |
From: whatisurnameplz | #093 Man you barely went lower than me and I said "lol battlefront" verbatim. But yeah what a daring prediction no one on the crew would've done it without you! --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Ex eked out in a win in the lowest-voted match of the contest against
what may be one of the absolute weakest games in the bracket. Dragon Age
is a console game. Meanwhile, TF2 needed an enormous rally to stave off
Fable, and Warcraft II dropped a match against Morrowind it had no
business dropping. --- DFF |
Morrowind is largely a PC game (would wager more have played it on PC than X-Box) too so that's not really relevant. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Dragon Age is a console game Why are we talking about an inferior port? Its a PC game through and through. Or is Half Life 2 now an Xbox game since it got an inferior port? --- |
don't do this, KP! --- xyzzy |
From: Lopen | #106 But it's that console precense that gave it the win. it's definitely not bigger on the PC gaming landscape, it's popular, but not Warcraft III popular. On GameFAQs it's go console or go home. --- DFF |
Persona 3 has 0 chance of winning. --- Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room! |
Sure, that was the kicker But I do think even just including this site that the PC Fanbase is probably larger for Morrowind than the XBox fanbase for it, given the XBox isn't a huge system on this site in the first place. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
yeah I don't disagree with that. I'm just saying that here, being
popular on console means a lot more than being popular on the PC.
Persona 3 could still be weak enough to lose, but I'd say that's a
tossup right now. --- DFF |
Well yeah but that argument would only apply if Persona 3 had a PC presence as well, or if Morrowind was an XBox exclusive. I mean that being said I agree with you that Persona 3 has a chance but it's not so much because I think PC Games are "flopping left and right" --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
oh man I'm psyched for this next upset --- Joker is sick and twisted and must be stoped at all costed what plans do you have in store for Batman anyway |
Southeast Division: Round 1 - Match 31 – (7) Modern Warfare 2 vs. (10) Dissidia: Final Fantasy Moltar’s Analysis Modern Warfare 2 GotY 2009 according to GameFAQs Dissidia The Final Fantasy part of the title is far more important So Modern Warfare 2 is a well-respected and popular game in the gaming community, won GotY 2009 on GameFAQs, and placed third in the Game of the Decade (so far) poll run a while back. And yet, I still feel awful about this match. Dissidia isn’t going to be strong, but it does have that Final Fantasy name. This is also a night match, so that favors Dissidia if it’s close... Maybe my worrying is all for naught though. Moltar’s Bracket: Modern Warfare 2 > Dissidia Moltar’s Prediction: Modern Warfare 2 - 60% Lopen’s Analysis That should really be all you need to know here. Final Fantasy name can only get you so far. I thought this might be debatable at first but this really should just be a slaughter. Modern Warfare 2 vs Kingdom Hearts should be a tougher match than this one. Lopen's prediction: Modern Warfare 2 with 65.09% Transience’s Analysis This is what's making everyone talk about this match. Oh my god! It's Cloud! And Squall! They're like an inch big! I guess it comes down to what you thought of the SSBM/FFX match in 2004. FFX got 49% with this lopsided picture: I don't think that picture cost FFX the match -- it still got 49% despite what was perceived as a huge deal. This picture is maybe 10% as advantageous as that one. You'd have to really look at it and go "oh my god it's Cloud!", and very few people are going to vote based on that. They'll sooner vote Dissidia based on the fact it's called Dissidia: Final Fantasy, or because Modern Warfare 2 is hyper-popular and needs to be antivoted. And really, that last point is what worries me here more than any of this picture nonsense. MW2 is a game that kinda came and went. It had massive hype, but COD4 seemed to be a more impactful game in terms of coming first, having a better campaign and having better multiplayer. COD4 didn't look especially hot against a weak game like Prince of Persia, either. You can't discount that 2009 GOTY poll though. It's a GOTY winner against a PSP game. And here's the thing about Dissidia: it's not even a good game! That game got pretty lukewarm reviews, not in terms of critics but in terms of people saying "this gameplay is just garbage." I'm actually more scared of blind franchise voting than of people who have played both games. Dissidia is not that good. MW2 takes it, but I'm worried that it won't be able to get a huge percentage since this site doesn't like pure shooters very much. transience's prediction: Modern Warfare 2 with 60.56% |
Leon’s Analysis I’ve seen some people talking about Dissidia having an upset shot here, but we’ve already seen these two share a poll together. Say what you want about GOTY polls, Dissidia isn’t turning around a quadrupling on the Final Fantasy name alone. It’s a PSP game (the least owned this-gen system) that had a very mixed reception. I’ve seen people arguing Dissidia could win because MW2 had a mixed reception, and I’m just like “what.” As mixed as MW2’s reception was, it still won GOTY easily. I don’t think it’ll manage a quadrupling here like it did in that GOTY poll, but I don’t expect this one to be close either. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: Is it bad that I’d almost rather win second place than first place in this contest so I can get that PSP bundle? Because my most wanted games right now are on the PSP. What a weird feeling. Leonhart’s Vote: Dissidia. Leonhart’s Prediction: Modern Warfare 2 with 64.52% Kleenex’s Analysis People for some reason are starting to get worried about this match, and I have no idea why. Yes, the 2009 games may not have looked so hot thus far, with maybe the exception of Dragon Age, but spoilers Dissidia was a 2009 game too, and it already got wrecked by MW2. You can throw as many Final Fantasy characters are you want in the poll - Dissidia's a PSP game, and that's a recipe for disaster. It also got a less than positive reception, which certainly doesn't help. Modern Warfare 2 probably won't impress here, but it's certainly not going to lose. Kleenex's Prediction: Modern Warfare 2 with 62.44% Applekidjosh’s Analysis It's finally time for one of my upset specials. Everyone knows I've got Dissidia over Modern Warfare here. For the record, I haven't played either so it's not fanboyism! It's just... a hunch! I won't bother trying to analyze stats, since it's a lost cause. PSP is a bottom tier system on gamefaqs. I'M STILL GOING FOR IT AKJ says Dissidia > Modern Warfare 2 with 50.25% Crew Consensus: Everyone except AKJ is going with MW2. |
Civ4 had better not lose. But it will, unfortunately. I wouldn't say that Civ4 is quite GotD material but it's up there. I'd say that Civ4 and Metroid Prime are both in about the same conversation, being "undeniable classics that are almost best game ever material but not quite". --- Why did I pick Brawl to win the contest? |
time for Dissidia to pull an Okami --- xyzzy |
also, our lowest MW2 pick is 60%. more proof that the Crew is pretty far removed from the rest of the board! --- xyzzy |
Good to see you guys didn't get sucked into bad Albion hype. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
CoD: MW2 vs Dissidia Believe it or not, this is a match that has frightened me from the moment the bracket came online- so much so in fact that I only recently switched this over from a Bank into a CoD pick. Against a PSP game? What the heck! Well, if you would permit me to demonstrate: * CoD4 > MW2 seems like an easy call, considering how much importance and influence are being factored into voting this season (see Halo 1 > others etc) * there's no way Prince of Persia is anything but SUPER weak based on everything we've seen the last two years * CoD's probably "the new Halo" in terms of being the most only-liked-in-North-America, worst-in-a-night-match series around * yet it scored only 63% on PoP in a day match. now it has to beat the most popular Night Vote force in site history without that ASV help? * OMG! I'm to the point now where I might seriously take Dissidia outright, if only it had been released for the PS3 rather than the Sony's (pretty much failed) handheld experiment. The other thing holding me back is how we're not sure if "Final Fantasy" is going to be used in the game's official title for the poll... which seems silly, but it's something I could honestly see swinging a percent or two against such a huge anti-vote candidate like MW2! In other words: MW2 should still be able to win this, but don't be surprised if it struggles mightily! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with 56.57% --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
what the failed experiment? Most of my favorite games of the generation are on PSP! --- Porre either became an aristocratic mercantile state or a placid direct democracy depending on if the lady who ran an inn was able to serve people beef jerky. |
No guest again huh? MW2 quadrupled Dissidia in a GOTY poll. If Dissidia avoids a doubling here, it won't do so by much. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with 65.1% --- "The power of accurate observation is commonly called Dr. Football Factor by those who have not got it." |
if only it had been released for the PS3 rather than the Sony's (pretty much failed) handheld experiment. How the hell is a 60 million selling system a failure in any way? Its one of the top 10 selling systems in history. --- |
I forgot this was a night match actually. I'd lower my pick based on that but lol easy point --- xyzzy |
I was getting really worried my Dissidia pick was that unpopular until AKJ. Now I have all the confidence in the world. |
I have sent my analysis. --- Why did I pick Brawl to win the contest? |
a preemptive thank you to Josh for letting us catch up! --- xyzzy |
From: transients | #130 well y'know I do what I can --- "You see that, charon? You're not disliked by 90% of the board- only 84%. That's a 6% UotY confidence boost you can take to the bank." -NGamer64 |
Josh is gonna end up being the closest to being right and yet he's the most wrong! --- xyzzy |
I almost switched to 50.01 the other way at the last second my balls were already jammed in the door though, moving around wasn't going to make the pain go away --- "Luster, you are a delight" ~NGamer "Yes, yes I am." ~ Luster Soldier |
I mean JUST WAIT TIL BRACKET VOTING ENDS AND THE KIDDIES GO TO SLEEP AND THE HARDCORE DISSIDIA PLAYERS WAKE UP --- AKJ: I'm anticipating my inevitable blue balls already! Don't do this to me bellis. You better make me ejaculate Ed Bellis: i will make you ejaculate josh |
DAMN those kids! |
AKJ curse ha HA Soon you'll just be regarded as some rambling madman like me! --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
'hardcore dissidia players' I want to see a Dissidia tournament --- xyzzy |
Moltar did you not get my email? I deserve another chance at guest for this! --- GT: TriggerTRE // PSN ID: SolidTRE GOTD SWEET 16: FO3, Halo, MP, GTA3, SSBM, SSBB, Z:TP, KH2, FFX, FFIX, RE4, CC:FF7, MSG3, MGS4, Z:MM, Z:WW |
LOL Dissidia LOL Crisis Core LOL Western games LOL AKJ LOL PSP I think that's it for now. --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
BioShock 68.91% 23488 Star Wars: Battlefront II 31.09% 10595 TOTAL VOTES 34083 Kingdom Hearts II 63.81% 37478 Halo 2 36.19% 21255 TOTAL VOTES 58733 Crew Predictions - 23/30 What Happened: More obvious stuff Why it Happened: Battlefront looked alright in the vote-in poll, but that's nothing compared to the strength Bioshock has. KH2/Halo 2 went pretty close to expected through MGS3. What will Happen: BioShock may make KH2 sweat a little, but Square is looking fine. Crew Prediction Challenge - pointz AKJ - 26 Moltar - 24 Tran - 24 Lopen - 23 Leon - 23 Kleenex - 23 Guest - 22 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Kleenex gets the point for BioShock and dragon gets the point for KH2 AKJ - 7 Guest - 5 (GfK: 1, BT: 1, CM: 1, Kotetsu: 1, dragon: 1) Tran - 4 Lopen - 4 Kleenex - 3 Moltar - 3 Leon - 2 --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Modern Warfare 2 (24/30) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
everyone calls him numbers --- AKJ: I'm anticipating my inevitable blue balls already! Don't do this to me bellis. You better make me ejaculate Ed Bellis: i will make you ejaculate josh |
Crisis Core > FFXII --- GT: TriggerTRE // PSN ID: SolidTRE GOTD SWEET 16: FO3, Halo, MP, GTA3, SSBM, SSBB, Z:TP, KH2, FFX, FFIX, RE4, CC:FF7, MSG3, MGS4, Z:MM, Z:WW |
AppIekidjosh | Posted 11/3/2010 10:37:15 PM | message detail Most of my favorite games of the generation are on PSP! Which might explain how you've played two games in this bracket... --- | | If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast! |
Ngamer got this it seems. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
From: Dilated Chemist | #142 Dissidia getting beaten easily pretty much spells the death of that one because it's basically relying on what Dissidia was supposed to be relying on to win, and it's not winning. I'd take FFXII to beat MW2 pretty easily, I think, and I'm not sure I'd take Crisis Core over Dissidia. Plus, FFXII's not as hated as people think, and "ZACK WITH A BUSTER SWORD" isn't going to make a big difference if the entire cast of Final Fantasy can't win a match here. --- Support Seifer Almasy (Final Fantasy VIII) for Character Battle IX! |
Whoa, I just looked at my RE4 prediction. Raise that one 5% for me, Moltar. --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
easily take CC over Dissidia. Dissidia's reaction is mixed and it sold
less. Crisis Core is pretty positive and it came at a time when the PSP
was still at least kind of relevant. FF12 over MW2 though, yeah. --- xyzzy |
From: LeonhartFour | #145 where does this one come from I've met one person - when you count people on the internet - that liked it. ONLY ONE! --- "oh god do not search google images for "shaved bear" without turning safesearch on first" - Dauntless Hunter |
Prepare to be upset! --- GT: TriggerTRE // PSN ID: SolidTRE GOTD SWEET 16: FO3, Halo, MP, GTA3, SSBM, SSBB, Z:TP, KH2, FFX, FFIX, RE4, CC:FF7, MSG3, MGS4, Z:MM, Z:WW |
Southeast Division: Round 1 - Match 32 – (2) Kingdom Hearts vs. (15) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Moltar’s Analysis Kingdom Hearts KINGDOM HEARTSSSSSSSSSSSS Castlevania Dawn will spell Sorrow for this game Remember KH vs. Castlevania from the Series Contest? Yeah that isn’t going to be like that. Both mainline KH games are strong, whereas we’re dealing with a Castlevania that isn’t SotN (which would also lose to KH these days). KH was hanging with FFX last Contest, so it’s definitely legit. Plus, KH2 had no issues with Halo 2, and I’d take that over this Castlevania game easy. PLUS, this is also a day match, so ‘lol’ Castlevania. Moltar’s Bracket: Kingdom Hearts > Castlevania Moltar’s Prediction: Kingdom Hearts - 70% Lopen’s Analysis Well we just saw Halo 2 get dominated by KH2, so expect more domination here, but moreso cause Dawn of Sorrow despite the whole Dawn thing it has going on probably hates sunlight. I actually think this match will be nice for shedding some light on KH2 vs KH1, possibly. Unless KH does significantly, but not too much better on DoS than KH2 did on Halo 2. Which of course means that's exactly what will happen, right? Of course! Lopen's prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 72.46% Transience’s Analysis KH2 put up 64% on Halo 2. The bar has been set - now it's time to find out how high it can go against a DS metroidvania. And it should be able to go pretty high. DOS is weak, first of all. (the most popular Castlevania game of this decade got a 15 seed? says it all, really) It's got a horrendous day vote compared to the awesome KH day vote power that we're going to see here. I'm a little worried about KH's ability to blow things out since it's got a bit of an anti-fanbase, but if KH can't get 70% here I'd be really worried for its chances against KH2. Not that that's a match where the stronger game wins.. but you know how it is. transience's prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 74.46% Leon’s Analysis Kingdom Hearts beat Castlevania in the Series Contest in a close match, but I doubt this one will be very close! Symphony of the Night would have no chance of winning this match, and none of the other games in the series are going to be as strong as that one. Kingdom Hearts got 45% on FFX, Dawn of Sorrow lost to Gears of War 2 and SoulCalibur II in the vote-in. Kingdom Hearts doesn’t blow stuff out though, for whatever the reason, so DoS should do semi-respectably here. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I have never played a Castlevania game. Leonhart’s Vote: Kingdom Hearts. Leonhart’s Prediction: Kingdom Hearts with 66.31% |