GameFAQs Contests

Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2

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GTMmessage detail | filter | #251
AppIekidjosh | Posted 10/29/2010 2:58:30 AM | message detail
especially when I've got Mario Sunshine in the divisional final in my bracket...

Sweet AKJ has Sunshine to the division finals too, that means my bracket is in good shape!

GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys!
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
transiencemessage detail | filter | #252
or if you don't trust Conker... what's more popular, POP or Ninja Gaiden?

COD4 looks pretty bad here. MW2 to lose to Dissidia confirmed
WarThaNemesis2message detail | filter | #253, this uhh....

this doesn't do anything to inspire confidence in MW2 against Dissidia.
LinkMarioSamusmessage detail | filter | #254
Sands of Time > LittleBigPlanet?

Is Call of Duty now being anti-voted like Halo and Grand Theft Auto?
I have no idea how Metroid: Other M got any scores lower than 60%.
th3l3ftymessage detail | filter | #255
and all of a sudden it jumps up again
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Eeeevil Overlordmessage detail | filter | #256
Kleenex looking good for the accuracy point, here.
James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User
& The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
Mr3790message detail | filter | #257
lol 71.12%.

Not even close.
This space for rent.
transiencemessage detail | filter | #258
nah, this'll go way up once the day vote hits. probably won't break 63-64 though.
TheKoolAidShotomessage detail | filter | #259
I'd take SoT > Ninja Gaiden.
Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy fucking Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #260

From: Eeeevil Overlord | #256
Kleenex looking good for the accuracy point, here.

*finger wag*
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #261
Also...SOT > NG > Conker
Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX!
trannysciencemessage detail | filter | #262
I would take NG over Prince of Persia.

...which means Halo 1 beats COD4, which I guess isn't THAT weird
trannysciencemessage detail | filter | #263
in conclusion: Halo 3 loses
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #264
Eh, I still think NG is pretty useless.

Not that SOT is any better, but that seems like it fits this site's wheelhouse better than NG does.
Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX!
ZFSmessage detail | filter | #265
I'd take Prince of Persia over Ninja Gaiden with room to spare, I think.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Ngamer64message detail | filter | #266
Haha! This is the game that was going to have Galaxy and Goldeneye shaking in their boots in a 1v1 matchup?

Back to the drawing board with you, tranny!

--- | |
If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast!
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #267

From: Ngamer64 | #266
Haha! This is the game that was going to have Galaxy and Goldeneye shaking in their boots in a 1v1 matchup?

Back to the drawing board with you, tranny!

This just proves how much Galaxy sucks!
Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX!
trannysciencemessage detail | filter | #268
according to this, Galaxy almost loses to Prince of Persia!

contest results be damned, COD4 still beats a lot of stuff and Galaxy is stronger than it looked.
Lopenmessage detail | filter | #269
PoP > Galaxy? Well I'd vote for it.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #270
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #271
Mother 3

shuffle fun shuffle shuffle fun shuffle fun fun shuffle fun shuffle just plane fun
TsunamiXXVIIImessage detail | filter | #272
Ooh, looks like the guests are only lined up through the first half of round 1, which is over in less than a week. I guess I'm going to have to be checking in here every few hours so that I can jump in on the guest picks. After all, it's been over 6 months since I last embarrassed the hell out of myself here!

(Seriously, how did this fall this far on the topic list?)
In search of a new signature
ssjRainamessage detail | filter | #273
How do you sign up as a guest? I'm new to board 8 wiki

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright! (he's animated! ANIMATED!) Now I have to get a 3DS!
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #274

From: ssjRaina | #273
How do you sign up as a guest? I'm new to board 8 wiki

Guest sign-up topics go up occasionally. If you're lucky enough to be around for one, then you just need to put your name next to the match that you want to do a write-up for.
Moltar Status: Bracket: Call of Duty 4 (14/19)
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #275
East Division: Round 1 - Match 21 – (3) Pokemon D/P/P vs. (14) Metroid Fusion

Moltar’s Analysis

Pokemon D/P/P
They’re here...and they’re ready to dominate

Metroid Fusion
The Metroid name isn’t going to help here.

Remember when the Metroid series beat the Pokemon series years ago? Those were good times.

However, PokeFAQs has emerged in full force over the last few years, and I don’t think it’s going to die down here. D/P/P isn’t that strong, as Galaxy did beat it last year. Fusion did okay in a pretty weak vote-in poll to get in, so it doesn’t look to have must strength either.

Overall, Pokemon is no longer weaker than a Metroid, and I’d easily take a low/mid-tier Pokemon game over a low/mid-tier Metroid game.

Moltar’s Bracket: Pokemon D/P/P > Metroid Fusion

Moltar’s Prediction: Pokemon D/P/P - 61%

Lopen’s Analysis

Sure, Pokemanz Platinum is probably a third tier Pokemon game, but I'm not even sure what Metroid Fusion is. That to me is enough to call this one for Pokemanz on a site that favors it more than the Metroid series in general.

Pollmonger Steve Sez:
Hey, dude? Shut up. TIMES HAVE CHANGED, MAN.

Lopen's Prediction:
Pokemonz Platinum with 70.03%

Transience’s Analysis

Pokemon finally gets its first shot this contest. Diamond should have no problem beating Metroid Fusion. I.. actually, I have no idea what to say about this match. It's probably a clean 60/40 victory that will clue us in on how Ruby will do against GTA4. Fusion is deceptively popular - the 2002 GBA game of the year that sold really well thanks to Metroid being damn huge in 2002. But it's still not as popular as the most recent main Pokemon game.

transience's prediction: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum with 60.48%

Leon’s Analysis

Ah, Pokemon finally gets a chance to avenge its Series Contest loss to Metroid in 2006! From the general reaction I’ve seen across the board, Fusion’s one of those “Huh? How did this one manage to get in?” games this contest. Apparently, a lot of people expected to see Zero Mission before Fusion, but an old Metroid poll seems to suggest that people like Fusion a good bit better anyway. Regardless, it’s not winning this match. It lost handily to GoW2 and lost by about 500 votes to RE5.

Pokemon is a series that has proven its strength in these contests time and again over the last 3 years or so. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum doesn’t have anything close to the strength of R/B/Y or G/S/C though. It was beaten pretty easily by Galaxy in 2009. D/P lost the 2007 DS GOTY poll to Phantom Hourglass by a wide margin, and Platinum lost the 2009 DS GOTY poll to 358/2 Days, although it did beat Spirit Tracks and probably would’ve won the poll outright if not for so much Nintendo. Even so, this game’s not going to be a world beater or anything. Not that it really matters, since it doesn’t have a debatable match this entire contest. It’s got an easy opponent this round and the next, and then an opponent it cannot possibly beat in Brawl. Oh well, potential wasted with this one, I suppose.

Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: The only mainline Pokemon game I ever played was Blue, although I did enjoy Pokemon Snap!

Leonhart’s Vote: D/P/P.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Pokemon D/P/P with 61.74%
Master Moltar (tc)message detail | delete | filter | #276
Kleenex’s Analysis

POKEFEAR. Okay, maybe not from this game. But still Metroid games aren't really that strong on this site. Metroid Fusion is like...middle to lower tier in the Metroid hierarchy. Pokemon managed to hang with Mario Galaxy last year, and while that may not be anything worth bragging about, judging by how poorly Galaxy ended up looking, it's still more than I imagine Fusion could say. Not really sure how badly Pokemon will beat Metroid, though. It'll be convincing, I imagine, but not really a blowout.

Kleenex's Prediction: Pokemon Platinum with 62.31%

Applekidjosh’s Analysis

Sorry ladies and gentlemen I have my halloween plans for this friday so this writeup will consist of this sentence as well as

AKJ says whichever Pokemon game is up today is going to beat that handheld metroid game that isn't zero mission with 60.00%

Guest’s Analysis - Luster Soldier

This is a pretty easy no-brainer match coming up soon. Pokemon DPP should have no trouble handling Metroid Fusion. Metroid Fusion got third place in a vote-in poll, barely finishing behing RE5 (which had a close match with Symphonia). I have a hard time seeing DPP breaking 65% on a Symphonia-level opponent.

This match is a handheld vs. handheld match, except the Pokemon handhelds are actually strong on this site. Besides Pokemon, almost all other handheld games are weak here. DPP is a DS game while Metroid Fusion is for the GBA. The DS is a much bigger handheld system than the GBA.

Wouldn't be too surprised if DPP overperforms here, especially if Metroid Fusion proves to be weaker than the vote-in poll suggests. DPP could very well be stronger now, if you believe Pokemon in general got stronger due to the HG/SS release from earlier this year and also because the site is excited about the upcoming Black/White game.

Luster Soldier's Prediction: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - 63.54%

Luster Soldier's Bracket: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Crew Consensus: This is what you call a Pokesweep.
transientsmessage detail | filter | #277
we're pretty damn low on the prediction side. I checked the oracle and they're all up in the high 60s and 70s. we'll see.
Ngamer64message detail | filter | #278
Pokemon D/P vs Metroid Fusion

If you've been paying any attention at all you already know that I'm the weirdo with a huge amount of respect for Samus and the Metroid series in a 1v1 setting. But let's be honest here- for GameFAQs voters, the Metroid series only consists of two games. (In other words, don't be so disgusted by tonight's bloody beatdown that you take it out on Prime. Please?)

But will the beatdown really be THAT bloody? After all, Metroid did beat Pokemon 1v1 in the Series Contest not all that long ago. Ehhh, nice try, but this will still be ugly. The problems here are that #1 if you like Pokemon you're likely to support it no matter generation is on the board (with the POSSIBLE exception of R/S/E) whereas the same isn't true of Metroid whatsoever, and #2 Metroid always caves in the face of a more-loved Nintendo option. Both these games being handhelds only makes the overlap even more brutal.

Fusion's one saving grace is that while its incredibly difficult to bring anything Pokemon below 50% on the site these days, the franchise still isn't built for blowouts. Though its membership may be shrinking each year, there's still a sizable portion of this site that just doesn't "get" Pokemon, and they'll vote against the craze in any reasonable situation. (Think Shepard holding Pika to 60% last year.) I'm betting on Fusion to take enough of an advantage of that to avoid the doubling... barely.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - 66.13%

--- | |
If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast!
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #279
No, you guys got it right. Fusion has fans.

-LusterSoldier-message detail | filter | #280
Man, except for Lopen, I currently have the highest DPP prediction. This gives me a lot of room to work with in getting the Accuracy Point for the Guest.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ!
th3l3ftymessage detail | filter | #281
Fusion is my favorite Metroid

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #282
Fusion is probably my second-favorite Metroid game. It's got some vocal haters but what doesn't?

th3l3ftymessage detail | filter | #283
I understand the complaints about linearity, but that atmosphere is just something else

SA-X literally freaked me out the first few times
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #284
LOL Lopen
This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
LinkMarioSamusmessage detail | filter | #285
Fusion is the best one aside from Super Metroid and Prime IMO. The game's restrictiveness is really the only problem I had with the game, actually.
I have no idea how Metroid: Other M got any scores lower than 60%.
Ngamer64message detail | filter | #286
WHOA, this site has gone METROID-CRAZY!

--- | |
If I were you I'd search B8 for The Show, the cool Ng/yoblazer Contest podcast!
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #287
I think this is the first time I've ever seen Lopen shoot for the moon with Pokemon.

And look what happens!

pjbasismessage detail | filter | #288
The game's restrictiveness was the only downside?

Uh yeah, duh. When your only downside affects the whole game...

Zero Mission > Fusion anyday.
th3l3ftymessage detail | filter | #289
Zero Mission is better than Fusion... at being a Metroid-style game

that's only one part of many, though!
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
transciencemessage detail | filter | #290
there's a lot to take from this match.. tine to figure out what's a valid conclusion and what's not.

two matches in a row say that Galaxy is garbage!
add the c and back away
Dr_Footballmessage detail | filter | #291
AppIekidjoshmessage detail | filter | #292

From: Dr_Football | #291
Looking forward to the next batch of writeups!


AKJ: I'm anticipating my inevitable blue balls already! Don't do this to me bellis. You better make me ejaculate
Ed Bellis: i will make you ejaculate josh
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #293
Oh look, another match that proves Galaxy still sucks! That's two in a row!
Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX!
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #294
Heh, I didn't even read tranny's post before I made that!

The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #295
Not sure why Galaxy looking crappy is relevant! We knew this already and it's not like anyone has it going more than two rounds anyway!
This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
KamikazePotatomessage detail | filter | #296

From: The Mana Sword | #293
Not sure why Galaxy looking crappy is relevant! We knew this already and it's not like anyone has it going more than two rounds anyway!

Wasn't there a ridiculous amount of discussion pre-contest about how Galaxy would make some miracle comeback out of nowhere?

I mean, it doesn't matter now, but yeah.

LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #297

From: The Mana Sword | #295
Not sure why Galaxy looking crappy is relevant! We knew this already and it's not like anyone has it going more than two rounds anyway!

I know, but Ngamer was trying to spin yesterday's result like "LOL CoD4 would beat Galaxy with a performance like THIS?!"

Plus, he and yo were pretty vocal about "Super Mario Galaxy REDEMPTION!" on The Show, so yeah.

Redemption more like 60% on Metroid Fusion how do you feel about this
TheKoolAidShotomessage detail | filter | #298
We had hope GameFAQs taste in gaming would have improved. We then saw TF2 almost lose to fucking FABLE, so out the window with that theory!
Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy fucking Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow
The Mana Swordmessage detail | filter | #299
Oh. Well that's your own fault for listening to The Show.
This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists?
LeonhartFourmessage detail | filter | #300

From: The Mana Sword | #299
Oh. Well that's your own fault for listening to The Show.

I only listen to The Show to berate them!