GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew
Devil May Cry 3 vs Mother 3 I hear this one getting tossed around as having "blowout of the Contest" potential, and although I understand why someone would think that way given Mother 3's unprecedented obscurity, I'm afraid I have to disagree. The match pic is horrendous and the game was never officially released in English, sure, but it's still Earthbound, and that's a series I've learned not to bet against. ...erm, in terms of scoring enormous blowouts against, that is. Check these stats: 25% for Ness when clearly outclassed in his '07 4pack, 18% in '08 despite a bad draw (Mewtwo/Pac-Man/Travis TD), 16% as a game in '09 despite the worst draw imaginable (Chrono Trigger/Mario/Lufia), and 22% against good competition (including two FFs, a Mario Kart, a Mega Man, and CT again) in a "what SNES game needs a release on the Virtual Console" poll. The fanbase for this series isn't huge, but clearly they're among the most rabid and dedicated on the site- I can't see them allowing Earthbound/Mother anything to get completely annihilated. Additionally, I don't think the Devil May Cry series is built for dishing out Snake/Tannerish beatdowns. It's a hugely recognizable franchise, sure, but I've always gotten the sense that this site has a fairly lukewarm reaction to the games themselves, with Dante skating by on something like 75% character design appeal. I could even see a miniature version of that Sonic meltdown taking place here; people liked DMC3 well enough (as they did SA2), but it'll be dragged down by mixed to negative reviews from other releases this decade (DMC2/4). All of which is not to say that this match will be close or interesting or worthwhile whatsoever... it's just that pushing into the 80s these days is probably harder than you'd think. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening with 74.93% --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
whoa, I was damn wrong today! good to see Prime putting up a nice show. maybe it can take the division. --- xyzzy |
Yeah now I feel bad for having Half-Life 2 winning...PC games suck here anyway. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
I don't think HL2 has much to worry about there. It'd be rough for MP if it wasn't putting 70%+ on SO3. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
Crew Prediction Challenge - lol those who doubted halofaqs Tran - 6 Leon - 6 Moltar - 5 Kleenex - 5 AKJ - 5 Guest - 5 Lopen - 5 wow, I have to say this analysis crew isn't that great --- s2gaki =J "You should cool down. This website is called GameFrequentlyAskedQuestions after all!" - Ishagu 27/10/09 |
Looking forward to the future: Okami or No More Heroes. Personally (and I know I'm not the only one) I loved No More Heroes, but Okami would have a bigger fanbase because it was released on multiple platforms. What do you guys think? |
that's a story for tomorrow! --- xyzzy |
Are people seriously debating Okami/NMH? I though that was an obvious 60-40 win to Okami? --- The Gamer In Me "Oh boy, I always wanted to be a pedo." - Janus5000's response to sleeping with Misty for the night |
Yeah, that should be an easy Okami win. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
From: Ngamer64 | #400 ack! That accursed Star Ocean night vote! --- "A board where all the people try hard to be "nice" to each other would be terribly boring, don't you think?" - Vlado |
Northeast Division: Round 1 - Match 10 – (8) Mother 3 vs. (9) Devil May Cry 3 Moltar’s Analysis Mother 3 Really GameFAQs....really? Devil May Cry 3 Finally, some DMC representation in a Games Contest. About damn time. The Mother/Earthbound fans must be masochists to nominate Mother 3 for this contest. This game would probably lose to any other game in the bracket thanks to being Japan-only. It’s only saving grace here is the die-hard Nintendo fans that will vote for it. Meanwhile, DMC3 is a fairly beloved and popular game. I expect it to have decent strength, and it should do well against Metroid Prime next round. For now though, it’s going to shoot for the stars as it crushes Mother. Also just look at that match pic holy crap this is going to be ugly. Moltar’s Bracket: DMC3 > Mother 3 Moltar’s Prediction: Devil May Cry 3 - 84% Lopen’s Analysis Yeah, the other game is gonna be crying for Mother when Dante's done with it!! Best game in the bracket vs some game that hasn't even been released in the US-- if you needed any evidence to support that Earthbound fans are obnoxious and overbearing at times (I like the game, but man wayy too much love for it), here's your exhibit A right here. How this thing is even in the bracket, and a flippin 8 seed to boot, is beyond me. Maybe the Japanese nominated it en masse.. as if! “Play Earthbound” indeed. Maybe when it gets released in the US indie cred kid. Lopen's prediction: Devil May Cry 3 with 85.20% Transience’s Analysis Dear Mother fans, Why? Why? Why? Why? transience's prediction: Devil May Cry 3 with 83.81% Leon’s Analysis Man, I don’t understand the mentality of people who nominate games they know will be abysmally weak just so they can say it got in. Now that Umineko isn’t in the contest, I’d be shocked if Mother 3 didn’t end up dead last in the final stats. The game didn’t even come out in America. I don’t know how strong DMC3 really is, if it’s stronger than DMC1 or not, but it doesn’t matter. It’s going to crush Mother 3. This match doesn’t deserve any more analysis than this. Heck, I probably gave it too much! Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I don’t like Earthbound. It was way too boring, way too slow, and not funny. Leonhart’s Vote: Devil May Cry 3. Leonhart’s Prediction: Devil May Cry 3 with 85.82% Kleenex’s Analysis Now here's a fun match. Not because it'll be close, but because it might be the biggest blowout of the contest. I'm amazed that Mother 3 was able to get in with an 8 seed no less, but here it is. The problem is, nobody other than those 200-some-odd people who nominated it have ever actually played the game. This is compounded by the fact that its box art is totally lame and certainly won't help garner any pity votes. We already saw how Lucas did in the character battle, and there's no doubt that a good chunk of the few votes he did get were due to Brawl and not Mother 3. The only thing stopping this from ending in Snake/Tanner levels of lopsidedness is the fact that Devil May Cry 3 isn't likely to be particularly strong. It certainly has name recognition to some extend, but action games just aren't hip around here, and that might hinder it, even against something as weak as Mother 3. Hopefully not, because I'd love to see DMC3 rocking some 90%+, but that ain't gonna happen - I think it's more like that DMC will flop all over the place than that. Still, I think the middle ground is the right spot here (if 80% is considered middle ground). It'll still be a blowout. Just not a record-breaking blowout. Kleenex's Prediction: Devil May Cry 3 with 85.78% |
Applekidjosh’s Analysis Alrighty here, those of you keen enough to know my name has nothing to do with Apple products should know it's my duty to stand up for the Mother series. Here's a series that's been in all the Smash Bros, with Lucas being in Brawl. and its related entities give Mother so much love it's unbelievable. The Mother series, at least 1 and 2, consistently rank in the most demanded Virtual Console games in America. And, of course, Mother 3 has perhaps the most lovingly crafted fan translation in history. There are two kinds of people: People that love Mother, and people that haven't played Mother. (okay technically there's a 3rd category for people that don't get Mother) That's why this it's going to be so sad to see Devil May Cry 3 thrash Mother 3 like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure the other Crew guys are going to put this up for the biggest blowout of the contest - a true feat since DMC3 isn't even all that strong - and I don't blame them. Look at the damn picture! It's just a red blob! All logic indicates DMC3 dominates this match. But... I can't give up my faith in Mother that quickly. If every single person that has played Mother 3 shows up to vote, it'll at least hang in there! ...and if there's any series where "every single person that has played it" has a chance of showing up, it's Mother. Devil May Cry 3 > Mother 3 with 60% Guest’s Analysis - Shoenin_Kakashi Mother 3. Japan only GBA Game. Hahahahaha DMC3 with 88.93% Crew Consensus: DMC3 will destroy Mother 3 |
Josh what are you doing --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
From: th3l3fty | #413 I'm doing the best I can, man --- "oh god do not search google images for "shaved bear" without turning safesearch on first" - Dauntless Hunter |
Earthbound fanbase is too dedicated to allow Mother to get totally
wrecked. No fans are as blindly loyal to their franchise. DMC3 will win soundly but I really can't see it getting over 85%. Mother 3 will probably be last in the xstats at the end of the day though. --- Not changing this sig until the Bengals, Bills and Lions win the Super Bowl (10/10/10) Currently Playing: FFXIV, KH:BBS, GH:WoR |
well at least you're not pulling a Lopen and generating your prediction with! --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris | predicts Mother 3 with 97% I got this --- DFF |
LOL GOD OF WAR WHO'S READY FOR SOME SYMPHONIA, SON --- DFF | DMC3 is a joke. feel so much better about KOTOR now. --- xyzzy |
From: transience | #419 HEY! Maybe... this is Mother 3 strength! maybe! >_> --- Joker is sick and twisted and must be stoped at all costed what plans do you have in store for Batman anyway |
From: th3l3fty | #413 Wrecking everyone's shit apparently. --- Wylvane SantaRPG is a horrible user. |
I foresee this crew doing unanimous banking next poll. --- = Brawl FC: 1075-0411-4723 = *Rowan Midwest, KY Peach* = PSN: DrakeRowan = *Blazblue*: Bang, Litchi *Tek6: Bob, Leo, Marduk, Paul |
The crew was expecting around 85%?Now that is way off... --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
Man, it amazes me how this site shuns action games. It's crazy, not one them has hit the GameFAQs audience. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
Yikes, DMC suuuuuucks. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Man gross result right here. DMC3 should have 95% --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
What if mother 3 is really strong and dmc3 is a contest winner? Huh? Didn't think of that didja?? --- This is an alt for Applekidjosh If you're seeing this sig, I'm probably posting from my Droid |
Why that'd be the best contest ever, probably! --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
DMC3 should still have 95% DMC3 to never drop below 80% on the field what a glorious day --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Halo looking not so great after this performance! --- xyzzy |
LOL action games God of War doomed --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
more like everyone else what are you doing --- GranTurisMo - God's Tiniest Man - Great Thorn Monkeys! Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09 |
I'm the guy who spent an entire post laying out the groundwork for a
DMC underperformance, and not even *I* can believe this result. This has got to be the most embarrassing 65% victory in Contest history. --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
dammit this is why I never read these before posting my predictions --- thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris |
Northeast Division: Round 1 - Match 11 – (5) Demon’s Souls vs. (12) Mega Man 9 Moltar’s Analysis Demon’s Souls Oh hey look another overseeded western game. Wonder who is going to pull the upset on i- Mega Man 9 welp Preface: Every contest there is a match that gets blown out of proportion and way overhyped and talked about but ultimately means nothing. For this contest, this is that match. Anyway... This is a weird match. GameFAQs loves it some Mega Man, but here we’re dealing with a downloadable game that’s weak as hell. The other side of the coin is Demon’s Souls, a fairly popular casual game that GameFAQs...kind of cared for based on the GotY polls. Aside from not having ‘Mega Man’ in the title, Demon’s Souls seems to have the advantage going into this match, despite it not being very strong itself. People liked MM9, but people also liked Demon’s Souls. Demon’s Souls sold far more copies and definitely got praise and respect among the gaming community. MM games also haven’t done that well in the past, so name recognition needs to take it real far in order for it to win. Overthinking matches has not paid off so far, so here I’ll just throw caution to the wind and go with my gut. WesternFAQs believe! Moltar’s Bracket: DS > MM9 Moltar’s Prediction: Demon’s Souls - 53% Lopen’s Analysis Not sure where the Demon Souls upset (in fact it may even be the favorite at this point?) potential comes from here. I mean, yeah, Mega Man 9 did fairly poorly on GotY polls, but Demon Souls didn't do that much better at all considering its competition. And Demon souls isn't exactly mainstream either. Mega Man 9 has franchise power, and unlike things like Super Mario Sunshine and Sonic Adventure 2, people actually liked Mega Man 9. That should be enough to carry it over the weak Demon Souls. This match is debated I guess, but I dunno what else to say about it! Lopen's prediction: Mega Man 9 with 57.35% Transience’s Analysis For being a one point match where the winner is a huge underdog to Okami, this match has gotten a hell of a lot of talk. It's an interesting match, too - MM9 is a bigger 'name' while Demon's Souls is a bigger game. MM9 is a downloadable game while Demon's Souls is the once-dreaded PS3 exclusive. MM9 is an action game while Demon's Souls is the more preferred RPG. MM9 is 2d while Demon's Souls is 3d. About the only thing similar between the two is that both are hard as hell. Demon's Souls is probably more liked among its fanbase. MM9 is beloved amongst the Mega Man fanbase - it might be my favourite game in the contest - but that fanbase is shrinking by the day and it's just a downloadable game. Demon's Souls gets a lot more 'game of the ever' talk - GOTY from Gamespot, better reviews, more of a GameFAQs type of game. It's the very definition of hardcore RPG for a site that's hardcore about RPGs. But have enough people played it? Don't get me wrong, Demon's Souls ended up selling pretty well. But it's still a new IP and those take some time to gain traction, especially on a site like this where new IPs go to die and sequels always reign supreme. Demon's Souls is a mile away in popularity from the normal WRPGs that do well here, the Oblivions and the Fallouts and the Mass Effects. And yes, I know that it's developed in Japan but this game has a hell of a lot more in common with WRPGs than JRPGs. But still, that might be more than enough to beat a series that has struggled like hell as of late. People say that MM9 is a bigger name, but has anyone seen what's been happening to the MM series as of late? Yeah, people who don't know either - and this could be a lot of people - will probably vote MM9. But I don't know how one-sided that will be. |
really, this match is about two flawed games and which one is the least
flawed. I'm going with Demon's Souls because I simply trust this site
when it comes to RPGs. If you give me an RPG and an action game I'm
probably going to side with the RPG unless there's a compelling reason
not to. I don't see a compelling reason to pick Mega Man 9 so I'll
reluctantly pick the PS3 exclusive. Mega Man 9's a much better game though transience's prediction: Demon's Souls with 51.01% Leon’s Analysis This match boils down to one main point and one point only: How much stock do you put in the Mega Man name? Say what you will about Demon’s Souls, but if it were facing any downloadable game other than MM9, this match wouldn’t be in question. I don’t think Mega Man 9 will be that strong. MM2 and MM3 weren’t THAT great in the last Games Contest. I don’t care what anyone says, I will never consider “Lost handily to Tetris” to be good. MM9 will probably be a good bit weaker than either one of those, too, I think. It’s also silly to think that MM9 can’t lose this match because it’s Mega Man and it’s facing Demon’s Souls. We already saw SFIV nearly lose to Persona 4, 4-ways or not. It can be done. Plus, Demon’s Souls isn’t as unknown or as cult as people think. It’ll do pretty decently here. Mega Man 9 can win, of course, but it’ll basically be because “It’s freakin’ MEGA MAN” more than anything else, not because of any inherent strength it has. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I always use Robot Master weaknesses when I play Mega Man games. Buster-only challenges no thanks Leonhart’s Vote: Mega Man 9. Leonhart’s Prediction: Demon’s Souls with 56.36% Kleenex’s Analysis Yeesh. What an obnoxious match. I've got Mega Man 9 in my bracket for this, but based on the first handful of matches so far this year, I think I'm going to go ahead and flip-flop over to Demon's Souls. Mega Man certainly has this won in name recognition, but apparently that doesn't amount for too much this contest. Downloadable titles have never shown to be that strong, Mega Man games in general have never shown to be that strong, and there are enough people that care about Demon's Souls to get it a 5th seed. I almost hope Mega Man 9 wins anyway just because certain people have been so obnoxious about this since the brackets was released, but then again there are certain other people who are obnoxious about Mega Man 9 so whatever! Let's just get it over with already and forget about it - both these games are going to be weak. Kleenex's Prediction: Demon's Souls with 57.12% Applekidjosh’s Analysis We interrupt this broadcast to say HELL YEAH MOTHER THREE! anyway Demon's Souls vs Mega Man 9. I hate this match already. GFaqs has made it abundandtly clear over the years, Mega Man games are not as strong as Mega Man the character. Why, who knows? Maybe all of Mega Man's fans are fans of the old TV show. And with Demon's Souls, it's like there's a split between "never heard of it" and "amazing game." Well... that doesn't necessarily bode well, see: Mother 3. There's nothing to do here but pick a side and pray, in my opinion. Guess I'll go with my bracket. AKJ says Mega Man 9 > Demon's Souls with 53.33% Crew Consensus: The Crew is heavily siding with Demon’s Souls in this debatable match. Only AKJ and Lopen are backing Mega Man. |
Darn it, looks like MM9 wins. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
God damnit crew --- DFF |
aw yeah --- "You see that, charon? You're not disliked by 90% of the board- only 84%. That's a 6% UotY confidence boost you can take to the bank." -NGamer64 |
(in fact it may even be the favorite at this point?) Nah, MM9 is the overwhelming favorite in the Guru. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
There's no Crew Curse! People picked Mega Man 9! --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |
ya'll been drinking the potato koolaid a bit too much --- |
From: Master Moltar | #436 so do I except for when you have no other powers obviously --- ~ Ange |
Also, I can sum up BT's Guest writeup, if you want: "lol demon's fails Mega Man 9 with 99.99%" Put that down for the Guest, in fact. --- "Stay with me until the end. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |
From: NoDicePwn | #440 What did I have to do with this!? --- Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy fucking Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow |
Where's my guest write-up? :( --- Menji+ |
did you send it? --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Devil May Cry 3 (6/9) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
never mind I'm stupid Guest’s Analysis - Menji At first glance this may seem like an obvious pick. You have a new game from a popular series against a PS3 exclusive you?ve never heard of. You mark Mega Man 9 without a second thought and continue having just made a fatal mistake that will cost you a point in your bracket. Let?s go over the real facts that have been made numerous times by the few preaching a Demon?s Souls victory. Mega Man 9 is download-only game. Sure it sold well, but GameFAQs does not care about downloadable games at all. This is shown when the winner of ?Beat Downloadable Game? always finishes dead last in the real GotY voting. Mega Man 9 finished last... even behind Persona 4. People will then counter the voters will vote on the name not the game. Not necessarily, as we saw with Majora?s Mask in the last contest. Plus, I give the voters some credit to not vote based on name alone. Demon?s Souls actually does have some measured strength. It?s been a year since its release and it?s still in the top 10 most visited PS3 pages. Count that as you will but it shows that people are still coming back and that there is a dedicated fanbase. It?s also an RPG and GameFAQs loves their RPGs. It?s not obscure, it sold quite well and won a few awards, most notably GameSpot?s OVERALL Game of the Year. If you look into the GotY polls from 2009, Demon?s Souls did great. It finished second to Uncharted 2 and nearly doubled Ratchet and Clank, Ninja Gaiden, Killzone 2, and InFamous. This was all three months after its release too; add the extra 10 months for even more fans to join the rush and there?s a decent amount of voters ready to vote. Last but not least, you?ve probably seen it around but I?ll post it again for effect. Demon?s Souls? Match Pic: Mega Man 9?s Match Pic: Slight disadvantage if you ask me! Final Prediction: Demon?s Souls with 53.12% --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Devil May Cry 3 (6/9) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Formatting ahoy --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |