GameFAQs Contests
Game of the Decade Contest Analysis Crew
From: Greyfeld | #047 Its mandatory that all contests open with Nintendo. Naturally, Fallou3 is that Nintendo rep. --- The 3DS will be $200 or I'm closing my account - Ngamer64 |
I like the added touch of the rotating characters in the intro. --- |
I feel a lot better seeing that huge variety of percentage guesses! --- shuffle fun shuffle shuffle fun shuffle fun fun shuffle fun shuffle just plane fun |
Game Contest? Check. 1v1? Check. No Ocarina and FF7? Check. No division by eras? SUPER check! Holy smokes, SB delivered exactly the Contest we've been asking for since 2004 (well not exactly, but the "GotD" format is a clever setup that will work perfectly when we retire the 3 former champs to a ToC in 2012), plus he didn't botch the bracket itself! With this much excitement, I'm sure to produce the best set of writeups in my 4 year history with the Cre- What? Moltar fired me? Again?! Guess I have no choice but to once against destroy the competition with my own "unsanctioned" writeups. LETS DO THIS. Fallout 3 vs inFamous I have grave doubts about Fallout 3. Yes, I realize it was the GotY darling of 2008 and has always looked good in multi-way polls, including upsetting Melee in the favorites poll a couple days back. But mark my words: this game will disappoint in the 1v1 setting. ...not today, however! The hype machine has everyone excited for New Vegas, it's getting the perfect release date, and inFamous feels like an opponent specially designed to crumble in the face of FO3. Like a miniature Snake/Tanner situation, though of course not QUITE to those extremes. (I'm thinking anti-blowoutFAQs was more of a Character thing than something we'll have to worry about much in this bracket, for the record. After 8 seasons everyone is well aware of Link/Cloud/Seph not needing their support to move on, whereas voting for Melee/Brawl/FFX probably still feels pretty fresh for most casuals.) Long story short, give me the tripling! Fallout 3 - 76.41% --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
Over/Under: Ngamer gets in 1 more writeup on time --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
sorry for looking like an ass at the last minute, and abandoning it.
But I'm not suitable for doing this at the moment. Can someone take my
place instead, I'd be most obliged. --- For the McNagah Clan! |
Vlado > Inviso > Soul --- "Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
McNagah, you're doing the HL2/L4D2 match? If so, I'll take it from you. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
From: XxSoulxX | #058 Yeah, I am and go right ahead. Ask Ngamer/Moltar first though! --- For the McNagah Clan! |
Now that's just uncalled for, Leon. I'll do 3 more at least! --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
From: Ngamer64 | #054 if its goal this contest was to beat InFamous, you'd be right, but... --- "You see that, charon? You're not disliked by 90% of the board- only 84%. That's a 6% UotY confidence boost you can take to the bank." -NGamer64 |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
AppIekidjosh | Posted 10/19/2010 10:35:29 PM | message detail From: Ngamer64 | #054 it's getting the perfect release date if its goal this contest was to beat InFamous, you'd be right, but... I was saying the release date was perfect in terms of boosting its percentage FOR TODAY ONLY. Jeez, guy steals my Crew position and suddenly he thinks he can give me writeup advice as well! --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
Those whippersnappers, I tell ya --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
if its goal this contest was to beat InFamous, you'd be right, but... A game like Fallout New Vegas will benefit from being REALLY long (like 100 hours+) so people will be playing it till Christmas, easily. It might not be the same benefit gotten from an initial wave of voters we'll see now, but it'll be there. Especially since its a FAQ heavy game so people will still be coming here to check them out. --- |
here i'll go for a writeup fallout 3 vs. infamous one game i've only heard of because of this site vs. one game i've only heard of because of this contest. who the hell plays next-gen games. fallout 3 wins because it's a 1 seed |
From: Ngamer64 | #064 If you want more advice you can check out my weekly Podcast, it's available to subscribe on iTunes! --- "You see that, charon? You're not disliked by 90% of the board- only 84%. That's a 6% UotY confidence boost you can take to the bank." -NGamer64 |
at 351 votes my prediction looks real sweet stay riiiiiiight there --- " FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO ONE CAN BE THAT DUMB" - Haguile |
Typical Nintendo game, dropping off after the board vote. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
Anti-BlowoutFAQs denied Time to adjust percentages Or not because I'm lazy and I'll suffer for it --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
my 82% is still likely, just wait til the kiddies... stop playing New Vegas --- " FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO ONE CAN BE THAT DUMB" - Haguile |
So far you guys are getting Guest'd --- DFF |
Loserhart4 off to a grand start I see! --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
I will have as many points in both tallies as you after this match! --- "Stay with me until the end. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |
Not in our hearts, friend. Not in our hearts. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Or our scorecards Cause Infamous is gonna pull a massive night rally when all the Cole Miners wake up. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
Hearts are for weaklings and pigmen, Lopen. --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
Rock Band 2 vs Deus Ex Firstly I've got to admit to some bias with this pick, as I've played music games a ton the last three years, love the Rock Band series, have something like 250 DLC songs, etc etc. Secondly I don't see PC-only games making much of a splash this Contest given how down that platform was for most of this decade, and even if that wasn't true, Deus Ex is the very definition of the niche/cult entrant that might look respectable in a multiway poll but gets exposed big time in a 1v1. why do I still have a bad feeling about this one? Probably because it's impossible to bring up music games on the internet these days without a wave of people posting "ugh, I'm so sick of how they've been milked to death ever since GH3- who keeps buying these things?" (Which upsets me when it comes to Rock Band because it's been TWO FULL YEARS since RB2 came out, and The Beatles was awesome.) Plus the whole genre never struck me as something that would be particularly popular on an FAQ site like this. And so I've got no choice but to go with the Deus Ex upset. Is what I would say if this were a GH game past 2 (the RB series probably doesn't feel the same backlash), or if this were a night match, OR if RB3 wasn't coming out soon and generating so much positive buzz. As things are, RB2 should be safe in terms of winning, but anyone expecting to see it do so in a blowout will be in for an unpleasant surprise. Rock Band 2 - 55.43% --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
I really want Deus Ex to win, but it got tripled by FFT. That's just horrifically weak. --- DFF | For comparisan, FFT tripled DDR back when it was strong enough to give MGS a fight. --- DFF |
From: Lopen | #077 Damn you, Chile. Had you waited a week longer, I could've made a really distasteful joke right here! --- I'm too tired to drive anywhere anyway right now, do you care if I stay? Call me numbers. |
looks like a good start for Fallout 3! lol 67% --- xyzzy |
expected a bigger win.I am disappointed.New Vegas came out in USA
yesterday and here in Europe today and this is all?Also here it is 1st
in 360,PS3 and PC message boards.I guess Infamous has some strength.Oh
well if it reaches the Final Four I will be ultra happy. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
North Division: Round 1 - Match 2 – (8) Rock Band 2 vs. (9) Deus Ex Moltar’s Analysis Rock Band 2 Definitely one of, if not, the strongest music game we’ll see. Deus Ex Going to need some Deus Ex Machina to win Deus Ex is weak. In 2009, it was put in a stacked group, so it’s likely it underperformed against Pokmeon/MGS/FFT. However, I still can’t see it being worth much after that. RB may be untested, but from past polls, the series looks to have some strength. Music games seem to be semi-popular here (okay 2 music game series), with RB edging out Guitar Hero as king. I’ll take the untested newcomer with potential over the proven weak game here. Moltar’s Bracket: Rock Band 2 > Deus Ex Moltar’s Prediction: RB2 - 60% Lopen’s Analysis Well we've seen Deus Ex (or as some of the less educated youths will call it, 2X) before. JC Denton got crushed by Mario once, but hey, don't trust Mario's boot if you don't want to! It also got in the four way contest and couldn't break 10% against FFT, MGS, and Pokemanz GSC. Rock Band 2 on the other hand is mostly untested, but in a GotY poll it got a higher percentage against like 9 guys, including Fallout 3 and GTAIV. Looks better by my scorecard. Well, at the very least, it's more popular than Guitar Hero on the site these days. And you know it has to age well, cause ROCK never dies. Actually, not too sure about that last one... they sure have ridden music games into the ground. Speaking of the genre, it seems to put a lot of people off in general so I'm gonna lowball here. Don't be deceived by the percentage, though, strength gap is higher than this implies methinks. Lopen's prediction: Rock Band 2 with 59.30% Transience’s Analysis Rhythm Games are kind of garbage here, but Rock Band has proven to be the exception to the rule. Guitar Hero has fizzled out pretty hard but RB still gets people coming back. Plus it's got the biggest rhythm game since RB2 coming out in a week's time. It's got a day match too which should help its cause. Its opponent is Deus Ex, a loved game that just doesn't have a high enough playrate to do big things. It is much more GameFAQs's thing than something like Rock Band - story-driven, influential, an action adventure kinda game - but it probably doesn't have the juice to get past Rock Band. I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up being much closer than expected, but I won't deviate from Rock band 2. transience's prediction: Rock Band 2 with 58.21% Leon’s Analysis Neither of these games are going to be very strong. Over 1/3 of the site says that they don’t like music games. However, in that poll about your favorite music game series, Rock Band got 30% of the vote and won fairly easily. Rock Band has managed to get decent percentages in its GOTY polls. Nothing great, but nothing abysmal either. Deus Ex, on the other hand, doesn’t really have many good showings to its name. Plus, it’s a PC game from 2000, back in the day before GameFAQs cared about those games. It managed to get in the last Games Contest and got under 8%, but it was in a stacked fourpack. Still, it got tripled by FFT, more than quadrupled by G/S, and nearly quintupled by MGS1. Rock Band won’t have a hard time beating those numbers, though that doesn’t mean it couldn’t bomb horribly and lose this match. I don’t really expect that to happen though. Leonhart’s Embarrassing Confession of the Match: I have never played a music game of any kind. Leonhart’s Vote: Rock Band with another bracket vote. Leonhart’s Prediction: Rock Band with 61.10% --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Fallout 3 > inFamous (0/0) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Kleenex’s Analysis When I first filled out my bracket I went and picked Rock Band 2 without really thinking about it too much. Now that I'm writing this and actually taking some time to consder the options here, I'm not quite so sure. Deus Ex has looked pretty god-awful in any kind of poll its ever been in, but I have a really hard time trusting anything that comes out of the rhythm music genre. Unfortunately, there's not a lot to go off of here. Rock Band 2 has been in a whopping 1 previous poll on this site, where it garnered mostly unimpressive results. Rock Band as a series hasn't fared much better, though for what it's worth, Rock Band at least beats Guitar Hero these days. What it's worth is not much, though. I'm probably just overthinking this. Or rather, thinking about it at all. I'm still going to stick with Rock Band, because popularity-wise it absolutely mauls Deus Ex pretty much everywhere. But on GameFAQs, who knows! Kleenex's Prediction: Rock Band with 54.06% Applekidjosh’s Analysis This match is crazy for two reasons: how did Deus Ex get a 9 seed? And why does Rock Band 2 have to be wasted right here in the bracket? Anyway I can only assume Deus Ex has some fanatical fansite somewhere and every single person who cares about Deus Ex nominated it to get it here. Then, assuming they call come and vote for it... still gets crushed by Rock Band 2. Rock Band 2 > Deus Ex with 58.99% Bracket: Rock Band 2 Battle: Rock Band 2 Guest’s Analysis - Yoshifan823 Rock Band 2: The best music game out there. Deus Ex: A great old FPS. There's really not much in the way of useful poll data that I can use to tell you that Rock Band 2 is going to win. It's basically, in my mind, coming down to the fact that RB3 is out in a week, and it's the best in it's genre. Now, I know some people might argue the same about Deus Ex (the best thing, no one is gonna argue that a sequel is out in a week), but there's many, many more FPSes in this contest, most that look stronger than Deus Ex. Quite frankly, this is really a contest to decide who gets fed to the Fallout Monster next round. But it's gonna be Rock Band 2. It's new. And good. I'm gonna spare you my rant about why RB2 should win this contest, because no one wants to hear that, because it's really kinda long and preachy. So I'm gonna say this: Rock Band 2: 56.56% Deus Ex: 43.44% Go Rock Band, Beat Everyone! Crew Consensus: Rock Band is the unanimous pick here. --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Fallout 3 > inFamous (0/0) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Leon is such a rebel this year. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
time for the second match curse! --- xyzzy |
Dues Ex confirmed for victory --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
Not Deus Ex though, that's still gonna suck --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
I feel kinda bad about this match. --- xyzzy |
I felt the same way when I was writing that analysis. Rock Band seems like the obvious pick here, but it's tough to feel good about it because it's Rock Band. --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
I'm less worried about Rock Band and more worried about Deus Ex. dunno why. --- xyzzy |
Sounds like WRPGFPSFEAR --- This is the kind of shit that allowed the Bhopal incident to happen. 5,000 dead Indians. Want that on your damn conscience, Square apologists? |
with all these bracket votes, I don't feel safe here! --- xyzzy |
But with the children at school, I feel confident. --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
welp --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Rock Band 2 > Deus Ex (1/1) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
Hey Crew, how are those 60% preds treating you? --- You should search B8 for Dr Football, cool dude and 2010 Guru champion! | | |
ASV should give rock band a considerable boost |
nah, Deus Ex has this. at least my bad feeling was justified. oh well. --- xyzzy |
