GameFAQs Contests
Character Battle VII Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:13:27 PM | message detail | #251 |
Division 6: Round 1 - Match 21 – Chris Redfield vs. Fox McCloud vs. Sora vs. Tim Moltar’s Analysis Chris Game/Series Known From: Resident Evil 2007 Results: 4th Place in Round 1 vs. Auron, Shadow and Pyramid Head Judging from last year’s results, I’d say Chris would reeeeeeeeally like to have RE5 soon Fox Game/Series Known From: Star Fox 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. Wario, Capt. Falcon and Banjo 2nd Place in Round 2 vs. Sephiroth, Meta Knight and Wario 4th Place in Round 3 vs. Sephiroth, Mario and Fox Brawl Character #22, now with much less Nintendo in his groups Sora Game/Series Known From: Kingdom Hearts 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. Lara, Wesker and Daxter 2nd Place in Round 2 vs. Squall, Aeris and Lara 3rd Place in Round 3 vs. Sonic, Squall and Sub-Zero No one tell Sora who’s waiting for him next round…again. Tim Game/Series Known From: Braid 2007 Results: N/A TIM got the SBF (soulja boy factor) believe First place here has Sora’s name written all over it. We all know Sora is no slouch, as he had a tough path last year, with Squall holding him back, and was still able to beat Aeris and get to Round 3 without looking bad. Hell, Sora may be heading down that same path again, though his other opponent won’t be as easy as Aeris was… Second place goes to Fox, and we should finally be able to get a decent read on him this time around. Last year, he crushed all Nintendo characters he faced not named ‘Mario’. This time, he has no other Nintendo characters to compete with here. He won’t be as strong as Sora, but he should end up looking very fine here. You know, in the “woah this match is kinda close but there’s just no way” way. As for Chris and Tim, well, someone’s gotta come in 3rd and 4th. Chris, even though he lost to Pyramid Head last year (that’s still kind of crazy) should be able to hold his own. He’ll probably look even better here thanks to no horror SFF and a better pic. Then again, if TIMFAQs is real then watch out link. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Sora > Fox Moltar’s Prediction is: Sora: 39% - Fox: 35% - Chris: 19% - Tim: 7% TIM’s Analysis hey man hm didn’t send no analysis so TIM is takin’ over and **** this nonsense my tie alone could beat these punks i went in time and saw the result here’s the numbers TIM Tells You: TIM: 45%, TIM’s tie: 30%, rewinding time: 15%, mario ripoff platformer: 10% Yoblazer’s Analysis Another easy match that doesn't require much of a write-up, which is good since I'm pressed for time. Taking center stage today are Chris Redfield (Resident Evil), Fox McCloud (Star Fox, Smash), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), and Time (Braid). Our winners are obvious. They are Sora and Fox, who have their opponents very easily outclassed. Board 8 sees Sora as the overwhelming favorite for first, but Fox has gained a bit of board buzz, especially after Ryu Hayabusa just upset Zero in what was also considered a pretty "safe" match. Can Fox burn us as Ryu did a couple days ago? It's certainly within the realm of possibility, but I feel Sora is still the "safe" (uh oh lol) favorite. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:14:06 PM | message detail | #252 |
Fox has gotten an unfair shake at these contests,
and it has led some to believe that he's concealing some very real
strength. He doubled Pikachu years ago, disappeared for a long time,
and came back last year to wipe some lesser Nintendo characters more
impressively than anyone expected. His track record, whoever small, is
pretty impressive, but it's still not convincing enough for me to take
him over Sora. Fox's best contest results have all been riddled with
SFF, and he'll find none to aid him here. Sora has been tested far
more, and he's held his own in standard matches and, just last year,
proved he had some pop in SFF matches (way to ruin my bracket further,
Aeris). He has taken out Alucard handily, he humiliated Mega Man, and
he avenged his loss against Aeris. I think that's just too much for Fox
to handle, especially since we haven't seen what Fox can do in "normal"
matches since 2002. Sora wins, Fox in (a potentially very respectable) second place. The other two guys, Chris Redfield and Tim, are pretty helpless here. Tim is the star of an incredibly niche downloadable Xbox Live title, and he needed a rally to get here. Joke characters have flourished so far, yes, but Tim is just not of that breed, and I think he's going to get killed after the board vote. Chris Redfield, male protagonist of the Resident Evil series and not one of my favorite characters, had a terribly 2007. He finished in dead last, losing to Pyramid Head of all people. Sadly, I'm expecting a much better performance this year. He's got all the non-kiddy appeal to himself, his picture looks a lot cooler, and he may have a smidgen of RE5 hype to help bolster him. The bastard. Chris Redfield - 19% Fox McCloud - 34% Sora - 39% Tim - 8% Lopen’s Analysis Ha! Oh man. N dey got this match, right, for people who smoke, or people who drink, like if you drink beer and you get drunk or if you smoke weed and you get high. And you jus... or just anythin like you just be gettin ****** up. They got this match right, this **** kinda Braid... bout this little guy in a suit, and he walk around, and it ain't got no point to the match. You just walk round jumpin on ****. It look like Mario in the future. Whooooooop! Whoooooooooooop! Yeap. If you didn't catch that... Mario in the Future wins this as noble nine mater-- Sorry, that's tranny's analysis. Uhhh... yeah. Sora is gonna probably own this pack. However, even in spite of Fox being Nintendo and Nintendo characters flopping left and right, I can't help but feel I made the wrong choice in this match. I mean, okay... Sora seems stronger by the stats and easily. But I can't help but think that Fox is going to win by merit of part of a similar argument that I used for Ryu Hayabusa the other day. Sora thrives at lower percentages, with his fanbase being more devoted.. but Fox... Fox will own the crap out of the weak ass competition here and rule the casual vote. Sora SHOULD win this... he just did so much better than Fox last year I mean he almost beat Squall with Aeris around. Nintendo has been floppin, Square impressing. Augh. Stats + results of contest + original gut vs "a bad feeling." I guess I'll just stick with my bracket, but I don't like this one at all. Fox pickers (any of you other than Soul?) should feel good, as the last time I had feelings like this Altair stabbed Lucario in the brain. But not that good as I still think Sora should win, logically! (Logic in this contest ha) Lopen's prediction: Sora – 38.01% Fox McCloud - 35% Mario in the Future – 13.24% Chris Redfield – 11.75% |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:14:28 PM | message detail | #253 |
Transience’s Analysis Chris Redfield is a horse. and a wolf. and, apparently, another wolf. he also likes to wear a tutu. and here's him getting his face sucked by Wesker: and... uh.. I don't even know what this one is. now, on the flip side, we've got Tim. we've got awesome character design. we have killer animation. and, of course, we've got tie physics. we've got Tim showing his superior musical taste: Soulja Boy is a fan: we've got a 92% on Gamerankings, awesome storytelling, atmospheric music, a beautiful setting, some fantastic plot twists and a game that everyone pretty much unanimously loves, a la Portal. Chris Redfield doesn't have any of this. we're talking about a guy whose very name redefines generic. we're talking about a guy that lost to Pyramid Head and is more notable for being in an upcoming game than any Resident Evil title he's been in so far. he's trash. not even Resident Evil fans like him. he's no Tim. he doesn't have that fanbase. he's going to watch, helpless, as Tim amasses the most fanatical 7% GameFAQs has ever seen. Chris Redfield, a horse dude gets pleasured by Wesker sunglasses at night Tim, the god of time hmm, sounds like someone else -- Link time for a beatdown tie physics vs gun how can Tim lose? generic guy won't win any votes Fox, underrated has been for years, but he's not at Sora's level all eyes are on Tim it's time to rape some horses TimFAQs starts tonight Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim transience's prediction: Sora with 47.73%, Fox with 42.57%, Tim with 9.49%, Chris Redfield with 0.21% (damn joke votes) Ngamer’s Analysis What a weird year... Remember when the Contest heavyweights used to use the first round to play a game of "how do you like me NOW!", matching blowout against even bigger blowout, constantly setting the bar higher for their next appearance? You know, like in '07. And '06. And every year before that. But this season we've seen Link, Mario, Mega Man, Vincent, Ganon, Samus, and now even Snake perform slightly below expectations. Of all of those, this Snake showing is the most surprising to me, just because he figured to have the most to gain over the past 12 months. ...actually no I take that back, Vincent allowing Falco to hang so close is still the most confusing result from a heavyweight to this point. Speaking of that awesome showing from a member of Team Fox, who's ready to see another? Me! And my bracket! Last Known Values Sora - 25.52% (2007) Fox - 23.93% (2007) Chris - 15.14% (2007) Tim - new |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:15:06 PM | message detail | #254 |
I picked against the Guru cookie cutter in a total of 16 of this year's
63 matches- a decent number of upsets, at least by my standards, and
now the one I felt least comfortable with has arrived: Fox > Sora.
I've always had a strong dislike for ol' clown shoes and Fox has become
a favorite of mine thanks to his considerable potential that always
gets hidden behind SFF, so when I saw a chance for him to finally
perform at peak strength my gut reaction was to jump at it and take Fox
for the win in my Initial Impressions topic. I took plenty of heat for
that decision, which only made me more stubborn and forced me to stick
with the silly pick right on through lockdown. But you know what,
looking at it now, I'm glad I did! Yes Brawl newcomers have
disappointed for the most part, but Fox is a mainstay of the series,
Star Fox 64 has done great on the Virtual Console this year, and if
being the only Melee/Nintendo option allowed Falcon
to snatch up that many votes against a guy with legit NN-smashing
potential like Vincent, I see no reason why Fox couldn't knocked out
someone a good deal lower on the Square totem pole. Plus, check out this picture! Not only does Fox dominate everyone and get another super-cool pose like R1 last time, Sora gets stuck with his back to the fans, puffing away on that Virginia Slim! For those who say it won't matter, have you forgotten that the victim of (arguably) the biggest pic factor underperformance in history was... Sora himself? Now some others are saying that Chris will do well with this pic, but again I'm not buying it. Sure it's an improvement on that goofy look from last year, but in my experience realistic-style pictures fail to draw the eye away from bright colorful foxes with their arms crossed in a no-nonsense expressions nearly 87% of the time. And Tim, well... he DOES look pretty good, but this is one of those cases where he'd probably have performed better if he looked more like a joke- as vocal as the Braid fanbase is, small numbers like that can only take you so far. In summary, the KH ASV figures to be as deadly as always, but if there's one thing that can stand up to it (well aside from Halo) it would have to be SSB Melee. I think Fox will be able to get a large enough lead overnight and during the school that he'll be able to limit the afternoon damage and take this one home with a close finish decided by the second night vote. Whooo Fox! Fox McCloud - 33.94% Sora - 33.83% Chris Redfield - 21.01% Tim - 11.22% Feelin' confident! Ngamer Says: Fox > Sora Guest’s Analysis - Soul Past Stats: Chris sucks. Fox lost to Clinkeroth and Mario, but beats Falcon, Wario, Meta Knight, Banjo, Pikachu. Sora lost to Squall and Sonic, Mega Man, Snake, Samus, Aeris, but beats Gordon Freeman, Tingle, Alucard, Agent 47, Ryu Hayabusa, HK-47. Tim is new. Going to make this short but sweet. Chris sucks in these things, but will finish in third. Never played Braid, but the game should be great and so should Tim. He will finish in last place though. The real match here is between Fox and Sora. We know how strong Sora is. It is pretty much agreed upon that he is in the top 20. His only bad loss was to Aeris all the way in 2003, and that was before he actually became well known. Since that time, he beat good competitors like Gordon, Alucard, and Ryu Hayabusa easily. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:15:55 PM | message detail | #255 |
The big question here is how well Fox compares to
him. Fox has a pretty big range from about Gordon Freeman (his floor)
to even higher then Yoshi. Even though he's been in three contests now,
he always gets stuck behind Nintendo or Clinkerothio. No matter where
he goes. His first contest, he lost to Cloud in the first round. In 03,
he beat Pikachu easily, but ran into Link next round. He didn't get
back in until last contest, where he went on to SFF five Nintendo
characters (Wario twice, Meta Knight, Captain Falcon, Banjo), before he
went head first into Sephiroth and Mario. My prediction is that Fox wins this match. My reasoning? Because I'm a Fox fanboy, so I'll look for any possible way for him to win. So basically, take all this with a grain of salt. - Fox was one of the few characters last year to get over 40% in his match. Yes, he was fighting three Nintendo characters, but it was still a great performance by him. - After SFFing Falcon last year, Falcon went on this year to prove how strong he actually was. - No Nintendo here so Fox should prove his worth. - Fox has always been very popular in the Smash Bros universe. Brawl characters have been performing horrible, but the strong Melee characters have been impressing. Fox, being the strongest, should perform very well as well. - Falco heavily impressed in his match with Vincent, and Fox should be much stronger then Falco. - Sora hasn't had a game for a long time, and it looks as though that big Kingdom Hearts 3 announcement won't come for a while. Yes, it's an upset, but I'm going with it. My gut is telling me to do it, and so far, when it comes to upsets, my gut has been right (Marth > Duke, Ryu > Zero, Pikachu > Arthas). So there we go. Go Fox Go! Chris - 10.00% Fox - 43.00% Sora - 41.50% Tim - 5.50% Crew Consensus: Sora > Fox, but Ngamer and Lopen are going for the Fox > Sora upset |
trannyscience | Posted 10/7/2008 10:17:09 PM | message detail | #256 |
Lopen's got Sora > Fox! excellent, I get mentions in just about every writeup. I've done good work here. --- xyzzy |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/7/2008 10:19:13 PM | message detail | #257 |
DpOblivion's Unofficial Quick Analysis: First of three [should-be] obvious results in this division. Fox gets an impressive Nintendo vote, and should get a nice Brawl boost, but Sora has proven to be one of the strongest non-NN competitors, at least in a 1-on-1 format. Neither should have to worry about SFF here, either. I wouldn't bet the house on Sora winning though, as Fox could make a match out of this, especially with all the unexpected results we've already seen. But Sora should be mainstream enough, and backed by a very powerful Kingdom Hearts vote, so the only way I would see Fox pulling off the upset is if we are greatly underestimating him. Chris Redfield will be significantly away from the pack in third. Tim will look to pull in the lowest percentage of the tournament. Dp's bracket says: Sora > Fox Dp's prediction is: Sora > Fox Confidence: 95% Sora - 40% Fox - 36% Chris - 19% Tim - 5% --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Lopen | Posted 10/7/2008 10:23:18 PM | message detail | #258 |
Hey tranny: Mario in the Future – 13.24% ... Tim with 9.49% Owned tbqh. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
Lopen | Posted 10/7/2008 10:24:06 PM | message detail | #259 |
And to be fair to Moltar and his blunder half of my write-up seemed like it was calling for Fox to win <_< --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/7/2008 10:26:17 PM | message detail | #260 |
I don't understand all the lowballing of Tim here. Sure he's turbofodder, but he's got a lot more going for him than Sackboy or any of the Fails characters. I can't see him not breaking 10%. |
Lopen | Posted 10/7/2008 10:28:20 PM | message detail | #261 |
You and me both, BT. I figured mine would be the second highest, and that everyone else would be in the 8-10 range at least. The Soulja Boy army is on the move. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/7/2008 10:30:03 PM | message detail | #262 |
and after watching that soulja boy video im really tempted to get that game. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/7/2008 10:30:39 PM | message detail | #263 |
Lopen (#259) I just associate you with upsets. In fact I originally typed Lopen instead of Ngamer but caught that so I just had you on the mind apparently --- Moltar Status: augh Chris/Fox/Sora/TIM - Bracket: Sora > Fox - Vote: TIM (61/80) |
Lopen | Posted 10/7/2008 10:33:13 PM | message detail | #264 |
Oh Moltar you flatter me too much~ --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/7/2008 10:57:48 PM | message detail | #265 |
95% confidence? 95%?! That's the most ridic thing I've heard in the last 15 minutes! --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/7/2008 11:00:48 PM | message detail | #266 |
Man, even the start is boring |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/7/2008 11:01:33 PM | message detail | #267 |
Good, everyone stay right there and my oracle is golden |
transience | Posted 10/7/2008 11:48:34 PM | message detail | #268 |
yeah, it shoulda been 100% --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
vcharon | Posted 10/7/2008 11:50:22 PM | message detail | #269 |
The ridiculous percentage some of you guys gave Chris is appalling. So admit it... this whole crew thing is a big scam isn't it? =( --- :> |
RaeSaraneth | Posted 10/8/2008 12:10:58 AM | message detail | #270 |
Yay for Lopen and his upsets and stuff. Good analyses tonight crew, very amusing :P --- ^_^ |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 9:43:04 AM | message detail | #271 |
Albert Wesker.......12.51% 16919 Sackboy...................9.93% 13439 Solid Snake.............51.6% 69800 Vivi Ornitier............25.96% 35120 TOTAL VOTES..................135278 What Happened - Expected result. Snake beats Vivi, with Wesker and Sackboy far behind. Why it Happened - Well, most expected Snake to get higher, though after looking at the rest of the Noble Nine, he fell in line with them. Vivi held up pretty well here too. lol wesker, and impressive to see Sackboy pull in nearly 10% with the Sony-savior Snake in the poll. What Will Happen - Ryu/Zero/Snake/Vivi is pretty interesting now. Last year, Snake crushed Ryu, allowing Riku to beat him when he couldn't in Round 1. Zero may do the same thing. Vivi also has a great shot now, as we've seen him hold up well with Snake. Ryu/Zero is obviously tougher than Wesker/Sackboy though. Crew Prediction Challenge - Yay everyone! Yoblazer - 14 Ngamer - 13 Guest - 12 HM - 12 Tran - 12 Moltar - 11 Lopen - 9 Crew Accuracy Challenge - satai gets the point for Snake, Lopen gets the point for Vivi, Tran gets the point for Wesker, and Yo gets the point for Sackboy Moltar - 18 Yoblazer - 17 HM - 14 Ngamer - 11 Guest (War, KP (2), Dp, Justin, greatone, Ngirl (2), gamer, satai) - 10 Tran - 10 Lopen - 10 |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 9:45:57 AM | message detail | #272 |
I don't understand all the lowballing of Tim here. Sure he's
turbofodder, but he's got a lot more going for him than Sackboy or any
of the Fails characters. I can't see him not breaking 10%. well then The ridiculous percentage some of you guys gave Chris is appalling. So admit it... this whole crew thing is a big scam isn't it? =( Chris isn't going to end THAT high, but uh..yeah half the Crew had weird Chris picks. but who cares about third we called the match right woo go us --- Moltar Status: augh Chris/Fox/Sora/TIM - Bracket: Sora > Fox - Vote: TIM (61/80) |
gamer88coool | Posted 10/8/2008 5:05:31 PM | message detail | #273 |
After this bad streak, its nice to finally have a fully correst pick. (stupid Pit/ike/DK where's the BRAWLFEAR?0 --- CB7: 51 points Sora>Fox "It's not like L-Block is going to break down your door, and steal all your FF games, or Zelda games." -Masta Crouton |
gamer88coool | Posted 10/8/2008 8:19:27 PM | message detail | #274 |
CATS will own. --- CB7: 51 points Sora>Fox "It's not like L-Block is going to break down your door, and steal all your FF games, or Zelda games." -Masta Crouton |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 10:03:24 PM | message detail | #275 |
Division 6: Round 1 - Match 22 – CATS vs. Nathan Drake vs. Squall Leonhart vs. Yoshi Moltar’s Analysis CATS Game/Series Known From: Zero Wing 2007 Results: 4th Place in Round 1 vs. Sephiroth, Meta Knight and Peach The longest-lasting joke character returns! Nathan Game/Series Known From: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 2007 Results: N/A Another PS3-exclusive character, another 4th place finish Squall Game/Series Known From: Final Fantasy VIII 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. Aeris, Akuma and Geno 1st Place in Round 2 vs. Sora, Aeris and Lara 2nd Place in Round 3 vs. Sonic, Sora and Sub-Zero 4th Place in Round 4 vs. L-Block, Solid Snake and Sonic Squall looked really good last year. Will it continue here? Yoshi Game/Series Known From: Super Mario 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. Knuckles, Rikku and Vaan 2nd Place in Round 2 vs. Mega Man, Knuckles and KOS-MOS 3rd Place in Round 3 vs. Samus, Mega Man and Scorpion Brawl Character #23, Yoshi’s proven to be strong in this format. This is where L and the Cube should have been put instead of CATS and Nathan. Anyway, CATS makes his yearly Contest appearance. Yet again, it’s in a match where he stands no chance of advancing. So he’ll get his usual 10-12% and bow out gracefully (even with jokefaqs I can’t see cats doing anything out of the ordinary). Nathan is from Uncharted, a PS3 game. It’s liked by Sony fans, but…that’s about it. Honestly, I won’t be surprised if CATS takes third here. The top two spots are going to Squall and Yoshi. Both did very well last year, even in the face of multiple-SFF matches. Squall will most likely end up on top since he’s a bit stronger than Yoshi, but I’m hoping Yoshi can get first. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Squall > Yoshi Moltar’s Prediction is: Squall: 41% - Yoshi: 38% - CATS: 12% - Nathan: 9% Heroic Mario’s Analysis Not too much to talk about in this one. This is probably the first "big" Nintendo/Square match of the contest. Although there's been plenty of instances where a so-called "Brawl de-boost" has been validated, it'll be more apparent here than in any other match. If there was a Brawl boost in effect here, you'd probably see more people backing Yoshi for the upset, or at least giving him a real shot at pulling it off. With the way this contest has gone, though, I doubt anyone's going to bite on it. I'm thinkin' Squall puts up some big numbers here. Given how these two are near equals, or close to it, a good 10% gap here will be an impressive showing. It's probably on the higher end of what will happen, but Nintendo characters have underperformed more than they have underperformed -- best to trust in it happening again. This won't matter in the long run since Squall's in the same division as Cloud, but it should put to rest some of the debate in round 2 between who wins with Sora in the picture. What happens with Nathan and CATS isn't too important, though it'll probably be more entertaining to see how comes in third than who comes in first. Nathan probably isn't going to be worth much of anything, unfortunately. I'm taking him for third here out of bias more than anything. He could be under 10% here or nearing 20% -- it just depends on much the PS3 fanbase backs him. He's probably another Jak / Ratchet kinda character. CATS will do what he always does. Prediction: Squall - 40% ; Yoshi - 29% ; Nathan Drake - 17% ; CATS - 14% Bracket: Squall > Yoshi Vote: Nathan Drake |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 10:03:41 PM | message detail | #276 |
Yoblazer’s Analysis Another painfully predictable match, but there's a silver lining (if you can call it that). We're only a few days away from Big Boss/Kirby, which should hold us over until the Hogger match and Sandbag's hotly anticipated debut. We'll get there, boys. We'll get there. Today's match won't feature any heated races for first or second place, but it will give us an opportunity to see two power players, Squall and Yoshi in action. Yoshi had an excellent 2007 contest, as he killed Knuckles in Round 1, outlasted him in Round 2, and beat Scorpion in Round 3 despite a triple fanbase split. Good as he was, however, he was still upstaged by Squall Leonhart. Squall easily won the matches he was supposed to win and twice came within striking distance of defeating Sonic and really turning the Noble 9 on its heels. They both impressed, but judging by their recent results, Squall is clearly a step ahead of the lovable dino. Couple that with the fact that Nintendo has been a tad disappointing overall this year, and I expect to see a very comfortably win for Mr. Leonhart. Our other contestants will not be gobbling up much percentage. They are CATS, beloved contest veteran and the grandfather of all joke entrants, and Nathan Drake, a who-gives-a-crap from Uncharted, a PS3 exclusive. CATS will not be in contention here. I know this because he has never beaten anyone in six years. Nathan Drake will also not contend. I know this because we had a guy named Nathan from a PS3 exclusive last year, and he bombed to hell and back. In fact, Nathan Drake will finish in last place by a sizable margin and would be lucky to wait CATS... never beaten anyone... Nathan Drake... guaranteed for last place... In A.D. 2101 War was beginning. Captain: What happen ? Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator: We get signal. Captain: What ! Operator: Main screen turn on. Captain: It's you !! CATS: How are you gentlemen !! CATS: All your base are belong to us. CATS: You are on the way to destruction. Captain: What you say !! CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time. CATS: Ha ha ha ha .... CATS - 14% Nathan Drake - 7% Squall Leonhart - 43% Yoshi - 35% Lopen’s Analysis Them being of propaganda will spread word of truly loss CATS. Words being only of salty composition, faulted in citation of the contest previous. Truly, in which CATS base sent of bewildering to enemy third, 11% merely, but factors of similar fandom were lost. What of years current analysis presently fails of reservation is in following the statement: Those of jokingly entry will bloom in AD 2008 battle. Performing of higher calibrations in the round 1, in the path of L shaped Block and Cube Weights. Nathan Drake have no chance to survive make his time. Ha ha ha ha... Of what tropical reptile conquest of ellipses? One of surviving to the fourth in prevailing battle, one to the third. Almost will lossing to Sonic the Hedgehog, the other to Scorpion. Nintendo entering the Brawl has not quartered that of Dissidia unrelease, a truth of flopping performance. Credits of less risky venture goes upon that of the ellipse. Know this being fierce conviction and lovely destruction of the green demon. Lopen's Prediction: Taking of Squall obtain and 36.50% Taking of Yoshi obtain and 33.24% Taking of CATS obtain and 21.01% Taking of Nathan Drake obtain and 11.25% Transience’s Analysis Squall and Yoshi. the other two here are pretty much garbage - CATS will get its 10% unless something weird happens, and Nathan Drake looks like he could be sub-Tim, a true accomplishment. CATS may actually beat someone for the first time in eight tries. whatever. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 10:04:25 PM | message detail | #277 |
Squall and Yoshi. Squall is the stronger
character, nearly beating Sonic despite Sora being in the poll last
year. Yoshi's a weird one, though - this is a format that he will
absolutely thrive in thanks to his fan favourite status. we've seen it
many times before, Yoshi beating Mario in those old Mario polls and
standing up to Mega Man last year despite getting doubled previously.
with absolutely nothing holding Yoshi back here, he could surprise..
but it's tough to expect him to get more than the 40%-ish that Squall's
going to push in. fan-favourite status can only go so far, and then
there's the whole BRAWL DE-BOOST thing oh god stop it everyone Yoshi's probably going to scare Squall at first thanks to having maybe the best early vote of any character that isn't an inanimate object. Squall should be able to roll over Yoshi from then on, but those first few minutes could be exciting. CATS beats Nathan Drake Square beats Nintendo again boring division transience's prediction: Squall with 43.67%, Yoshi with 38.55%, CATS with 11.11%, Nathan Drake with 6.67% Ngamer’s Analysis Hmm... well my upset didn't end up working out, but at least Fox validated himself as a legit Nintendo mid-carder with this performance. This should end any debate about him finishing behind the Donkey Kong's of the world, and it's cool that in only a couple weeks we'll be able to see how he stacks up against that higher tier that Yoshi represents. Actually this was a dang good showing for him- he put up a very strong fight during the ASV and it was actually his best time during the whole poll, which is incredible considering how easily KH has owned that timeframe ever since 2005. If only he hadn't fallen apart so badly overnight, we could have had a real match on our hands here. Darn those Europeans! Now we move on to another match where a strong Square guy ought to likewise finish 5ish points ahead of the not quite as strong Nintendo option. But far from being dull, this is actually a pretty interesting setup for a very odd reason: we might be in for a classic battle... for third place! Oh boy! Last Known Values Squall - 35.43% (2007) Yoshi - 32.27% (2007) CATS - 14.87% (2007) Nathan - new As we well know, both Squall and Yoshi are studs in general, but especially in this format. Y has got strong credentials- he owned Knuckles with ease, refused to cave to Mega Man, and even the combined N appeal of MM and Samus didn't kill him entirely. And yet, Squall's creds are even better- he smashed Aeris, beat up on Sora, and very nearly "broke the Noble Nine" by edging out Sonic in that crazy L-Block poll. If Yoshi is able to pound Fox with SFF hard enough, I give him a great shot of sneaking ahead of Squall thanks to Sora most likely putting up a better fight. But here in the first round, where both should be unhindered and performing at full strength? Nay, can't see Yoshi taking a serious run at him, although he should be able to use the Day Vote to look plenty respectable. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2008 10:07:06 PM | message detail | #278 |
The real slugfest here will be for that
meaningless Bronze Medal, as I hinted earlier. CATS is hard to peg...
clearly he's got a strong fanbase of around 10% that will support him
over anyone, and clearly you'd think that a guy like him could excel in
this format, but we heard these same arguments back in '07. Some even
were able to keep a straight face while picking him to upset both Meta
Knight and Peach... whoops! You'd think we'd have learned our lesson,
but with this being The Year of the Joke Character, can you entirely
count out the Godfather of All Jokes? I don't know, but one thing I DO
know is that I'm not going to be counting on Nathan Drake to be worth
much of anything in this format, or any format for that matter.
Uncharted reviewed well enough, and apparently it eventually sold over
1 million, but adventure characters have never struck much fear in my
heart. PS3
adventure characters, with generic names and looks from new series that
hardly anyone on the site will have played? Yeah, CATS sure seems to
have an ace up his sleeve here. And yet.. it's CATS. Yes sir, this is certainly a toughie. In the end though I think I'm going to put my faith in the joke, though in reality it's more a case of putting my lack of faith in the PS3. And when you put that in the pot and stir slightly, the result is Squall Leonhart - 38.24% Yoshi - 34.06% CATS - 13.86% Nathan Drake - 13.84% Think of it like this year's Phoenix/Bomberman. You see my drift! Delicious. Ngamer Says: Squall > Yoshi Guest’s Analysis - SFF_potential This is one of the more predictable matches of round 1. We have two strong characters, Yoshi and Squall, but one of them is noticeably stronger than the other, there is also this matches new character, Nathan Drake, and CATS. First and second are already decided, Squall, is one of the strongest characters outside of the noble nine, and he came close to Sonic last year (twice), so he should have trouble getting out of this fourpack. Yoshi is obvious for the other spot, and should be very close to Squall, he is a fan favourite from the Mario series, and is at about the same level as Dante, who made the semi-finals last year. He has also had Brawl and Mario Kart Wii come out in the last year, but i don't think he'll be strong enough to beat Squall without some help from another character. The only interesting thing from these two is to see if Yoshi is close enough to Squall to beat him in round 3 with Cloud taking away a good amount of Squalls support, or if Yoshi is far enough away that Sora can get by him for second in the next round. The other match here is to see if Nathan Drake(from Uncharted:Drakes fortune, a PS3 exclusive) is weak enough to lose to CATS. CATS is technically another joke character but will not be as strong as some of the other ones we've seen, mostly because he is an actual character. He is also one of the few characters to appear in every contest(including the villains one), so we know how strong he'll be, which is quite weak, but he should get over 12% from the people who will vote for him over anyone else. Nathan Drake reminds me of another Nathan also from a PS3 game, Nathan Hale, who got doubled by Laharl. Although the PS3 has become more popular here in the last year it is still last of all the current consoles, but the increase in ownership will put him above Nathan Hale from last year. I think he'll be weak, not Tales of the Abyss weak, but too weak to get much % against two strong characters and CATS, although he could break 10%, he won't be getting enough to beat CATS, although he could surprise and be strong enough to not be fodder, but even then he will still be closer to CATS than Yoshi. I'm taking CATS to beat him here though, and do so comfortably. Prediction: Squall > Yoshi CATS-12.45% Nathan Drake-10.07% Squall Leonhart-40.86% Yoshi-36.62% CC: Squshi |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/8/2008 10:31:13 PM | message detail | #279 |
Dp's Unofficial Quick Analysis: This match features one of the greatest characters in the whole contest. Of course, I'm talking about Nathan Drake. He deserves so much better than finishing fourth behind CATS, but unfortunately, it looks like he'll be heading down that road. The joke vote has come out in full force this year, and CATS is the king of the joke characters. CATS is gonna get at least 10% guaranteed, probably more in the 12% range, and it's going to be tough for Drake to top that. His exposure is just not good enough, and he gives no reason for people who have not played the game to vote for him. Especially with a very popular Nintendo option and a very strong Final Fantasy option. Nathan Drake will be stronger than Nathan Hale, though. Drake is a great character, and as Naughty Dog created such a great face of the Sony product on the PS1 with Crash Bandicoot, they have created a character on the PS3 in Drake that a fanbase can truly love. Here is where I give him slight hope to beat CATS, because of his likeability, but I just have a hard time seeing him pull in 10% of the vote with Squall, Yoshi, and CATS in the poll. And that was a lot of focusing on the bottom of the match, I'm not even gonna bother with the top, because Squall > Yoshi is super-obvious. Dp's bracket says: Squall > Yoshi Dp's prediction is: Squall > Yoshi Confidence: 100% Squall - 41% Yoshi - 36% CATS - 12% Nathan Drake - 11% --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Lopen | Posted 10/8/2008 11:26:40 PM | message detail | #280 |
The funny thing here: My flavor prediction of CATS with 21.01% might get the crew accuracy point today. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/8/2008 11:28:13 PM | message detail | #281 |
oops, mine doesn't even add up to 100%. --- Yoblazer: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/9/2008 1:22:03 AM | message detail | #282 |
Well played by Lopen. Dang it Nate! You were supposed to flop into 4th, yes, but couldn't you at least have made it interesting? --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/9/2008 1:23:38 AM | message detail | #283 |
DpObliVion (#279) --- Albion Hero |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 10:15:45 AM | message detail | #284 |
at least dp knows that he was the only one to vote for nathan within the first 100 votes --- Moltar Status: augh CATS/Nathan/Squall/Yoshi - Bracket: Squall > Yoshi - Vote: Yoshi (65/84) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 10:23:12 AM | message detail | #285 |
Chris Redfield...........23.84% 31133 Fox McCloud.............30.46% 39779 Sora............................39.14% 51118 Tim..................................6.57% 8577 TOTAL VOTES ....................130607 What Happened - Sora beats Fox as expected. Chris ends up looking really good here too. Why it Happened - Sora was set to look well, and Fox didn't do bad for having his first non-Nintendo riddled match. Chris looks to have improved a lot, so either he was horror-SFF'd by Pyramid Head, or RE5 hype is on the rise at GameFAQs. Oh man, just wait until the game comes out! What Will Happen - This match doesn't really change the playing field for Round 2. Good luck Sora! Crew Prediction Challenge - Yay everyone (except Ngamer and Guest)! Yoblazer - 15 Ngamer - 13 HM - 13 Tran - 13 Guest - 12 Moltar - 12 Lopen - 10 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Molt and Yo gets points for Sora, Ngamer gets the point for Fox and Chris, and Molt gets the point for TIM Moltar - 20 Yoblazer - 18 HM - 14 Ngamer - 13 Guest (War, KP (2), Dp, Justin, greatone, Ngirl (2), gamer, satai) - 10 Tran - 10 Lopen - 10 --- Moltar Status: augh CATS/Nathan/Squall/Yoshi - Bracket: Squall > Yoshi - Vote: Yoshi (65/84) |
TestIcicles | Posted 10/9/2008 10:41:35 AM | message detail | #286 |
Dibs on Squall/Sora/Yoshi/Fox. YOU HEAR ME MOLTY-NUTS? --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/9/2008 8:43:48 PM | message detail | #287 |
Sent, let me know if you don't get it. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/9/2008 8:46:22 PM | message detail | #288 |
Hey, if anyone gets to call early dibs on a Squall match, it's me! --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 1: CATS, Nathan Drake, Yoshi |
hailEC | Posted 10/9/2008 8:48:14 PM | message detail | #289 |
Your disgusting lack of faith in Squall prior to today's match has given me the edge Leon. You make Squall sick. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/9/2008 8:49:58 PM | message detail | #290 |
While they fight over that one, I want to claim the far less obvious Cloud/Squall/Yoshi/Mewtwo match. |
hailEC | Posted 10/9/2008 8:51:48 PM | message detail | #291 |
Silly BT, you don't have match calling abilities like me and Leon. We're special. Plus I call dibs on Squall/Sora/Cloud/Mewtwo. --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/9/2008 8:53:03 PM | message detail | #292 |
I call dibs on any combination of
Squall/Cloud/Yoshi/Sora/Mewtwo/Ness/Pac-Man/Travis Touchdown/Fox
McCloud/Miles Edgeworth for round 3! --- Squall Leonhart's Path to the CBVII Championship Round 1: CATS, Nathan Drake, Yoshi |
hailEC | Posted 10/9/2008 8:53:57 PM | message detail | #293 |
I call dibs on every match from Round 2 to the end of the contest. suck it --- all hail ec your lord and savior |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:39:15 PM | message detail | #294 |
what in the... (also almost time to find out why the contest has been going the way it has so far) --- Moltar Status: augh Axel/Cloud/Midna/Miles - Bracket: Cloud > Midna - Vote: Midna (69/88) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:50:27 PM | message detail | #295 |
Division 6: Round 1 - Match 23 – Axel Steel vs. Cloud Strife vs. Midna vs. Miles Edgeworth Moltar’s Analysis Axel Game/Series Known From: Guitar Hero 2007 Results: N/A A Guitar Hero character finally gets in…interesting Cloud Game/Series Known From: Final Fantasy VII 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. Ocelot, Jill and Midgar Zolom 1st Place in Round 2 vs. Marcus Fenix, Ocelot and Kefka 1st Place in Round 3 vs. Ryu, Auron and Marcus Fenix 1st Place in Round 4 vs. Samus, Mega Man and Ryu 2nd Place in Round 5 vs. Link, Samus and Sephiroth 3rd Place in Round 6 vs. L-Block, Link and Solid Snake One of the strongest characters in this Contest gets his turn Midna Game/Series Known From: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2007 Results: 2nd Place in Round 1vs. Scorpion, Kratos A. and Agent 47 4th Place in Round 2 vs. Samus, Scorpion and Frog One of the big flops of last year returns Miles Game/Series Known From: Phoenix Wright 2007 Results: 3rd Place in Round 1vs. Link, Bidoof and Agent J Had his place in Round 2 stolen by The Doof It was a normal day for man we all know as Cloud. As he traveled across the land, he came across all sorts of challenges and obstacles. Today was no different. However, what he came across today would eventually transform the way he thought…forever. 1: Gift The Setting - An empty field Cloud: I’ve come across all sorts of opponents in my travels. Some weak, some strong, but something seems different now. The annual Character Battle is approaching, and usually I’m excited for it. *Cloud looks up at the sky, reminiscing about past battles* Cloud: The thrill of fighting all kinds of opponents, I used to look forward to it. This year is different though. I feel so jaded and apathetic towards it. Even facing my biggest rival, Link, or my main enemy, Sephiroth, does not excite me in the least. *Cloud remembers some of his past battles against Link and Sephiroth* Cloud: Maybe it was the last contest…maybe that’s what made me this way. When everyone was trampled by a block. Or maybe…maybe I’ve just come to the realization that I can’t win these Contests anymore. I remember back in 2003, when I won the second Character Battle. *Cloud remembers himself beating Link, and then defeating Sephiroth in the finals* Cloud: I felt so proud, so strong, so powerful and worth something. Since then, I’ve lost every year after that to Link. Last year, I even let a block beat me…what have I become. *Just then, Cloud hears a faint sound behind him* Cloud: Huh? *He turns around and finds a black notebook on the grass* Cloud: What’s this? It wasn’t here when I arrived. *He picks it up and turns it over. It reads “Contest Note” on the front.* Cloud: Contest Note? What kind of book is this. *He opens the front cover, and reads a line inside. His eyes light up as he reads it* Cloud: ‘The name of the character written in this notebook will lose.’…this is impossible. This must be some kind of trick or something. It’s impossible to make the result of a contest match pre-determined. *Cloud continues to stare at the notebook* Cloud: But if it’s so impossible…why can’t I stop thinking about the possibilities? This notebook could put me back on top, assuming it’s real. It looks like a harmless notebook though. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to hold onto it for now. *Cloud leaves the field, taking the notebook with him* |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:50:54 PM | message detail | #296 |
*Several weeks pass, and it’s now the first day of the Contest. Cloud
walks into a local tavern, which is broadcasting the match. Several
other characters are gathered around the TV, watching.* Cloud: First match of the contest is starting, and everyone around me is excited and eager. Still, I feel so detached from everything else, including this contest. My match isn’t until much later, and I should be able to win it easily…this is all such a bore. *Cloud hears cheering over the match on screen* Cloud: The first match is between Cecil, Jade, Wario and Zack. Wario and Zack should win without too much of a problem…perhaps I can see if the Contest Note will affect anything. *Cloud pulls out the Contest Note and a pen. He opens it and hesitates. After thinking about it for a little, he writes “Cecil Harvey” and “Jade Curtiss”. He then closes the book and looks at his watch.* Cloud: There. The notebook states that it’ll take 40 seconds to produce the result. *Cloud looks at his watch and counts down* Cloud: 3…2…1… *Just then, a loud commotion is heard from the group, and Cloud peeks his head over to see what happened.* Announcer: This is a complete shock! Cecil and Jade were putting up a good fight, but then they let their guard down for a moment, allowing Zack and Wario to move on. I’ve never seen anything like this before! Cloud: *thinking* I can’t believe it! Did the Contest Note actually do that? Is this the real deal? *Cloud then casually leaves the tavern. As he leaves, someone eyes him from the back of the building.* *Cloud races back to his home, and slams the Notebook on his desk* Cloud: It all happened just as the Notebook said it would. I need to test it out more, but from now on, I should keep a low profile. This Notebook could get me in a lot of trouble if others find out about it. *Cloud then thought about the endless possibilities with the Notebook, epic music starts playing in the background* Cloud: Coming into contact with this Notebook could be the best thing that has ever happened to me. It had to have been more than just chance that I found it. It was fate…no! *Cloud stands up, his chair flying back, and a crazed look overcomes his eyes* Cloud: It was handed to me from the heavens. They saw my plight and boredom, and they rewarded me with this Notebook. They knew that the state of the Contests was dire, and they gave me this Notebook to pass righteous judgment on all those who are unworthy of competing! *Cloud then holds the notebook up as a ray of sunshine enters into the room* Cloud: With this Notebook, I will restore order to these Contests, and everyone will worship me for it. Today, a new era of contests begins in the world. Today, I have become justice! Soon, the world will see me as Character Battle champion once again, and I will become God! ~*To Be Continued*~ Anyway, we have Cloud, who’s going to dominate this group, and then two scrubs and a potential scrub. I don’t see Axel doing much, as Guitar Hero isn’t exactly a huge hit because of its characters. The Guitar gameplay vastly overshadows them, so I can’t see voters caring much. Miles scored less than 10% in his Round 1 match last year, and now he’s in a match with another member of Clinkeroth. Midna, even though she looked awful last year in comparison with the high hopes we placed on her, has the best shot of scoring second here. She’s weak, but she isn’t complete and total fodder. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Cloud > Midna Moltar’s Prediction is: Cloud: 64% - Midna: 16% - Miles: 10% - Axel: 10% |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:51:48 PM | message detail | #297 |
Heroic Mario’s Analysis Simple match -- Cloud gets the biggest blowout of the round and Midna slips by Axel Steel. There's been talk about the possibility of Axel upsetting, and it makes some sense if there's a hardcore base of Guitar Hero fans out there. With how Nintendo's been performing, and that Midna wasn't worth very much to begin with, I can see an upset happening here, but trusting in a character from a rhythm game to advance over a Zelda character -- even Midna -- isn't something I'm gonna bank on. Cloud should be aiming for the mid-60s here, which is solidly above what Link managed to do this year, albeit against much weaker competition. If he can start approaching the 70s, we'll be hearing the Cloud over Link upset train startin'. Doubt he gets that high, though. Prediction: Cloud - 65% ; Midna - 14% ; Axel - 12% ; Edgeworth - 9% Bracket: Cloud > Midna Vote: Cloud Yoblazer’s Analysis It's Cloud versus three pieces of fodder! Who wins? The not-a-piece-of-fodder, who, in this case, happens to be the second strongest legit character we've ever seen. For Cloud, it's not a question of winning (he will). It's not even a question of obliterating these three stooges (he will). No, my friends, for Cloud, it's about scoring the biggest blowout of the contest. He's never managed to do that before, and doing so now will probably ignite the Cloud > Link talks for the forty-sixth year in a row (can a contest really be considered a contest without them?). So, will he do it? Hell yes, I'm pretty confident he will. New Square has looked very strong thus far, and Cloud is their paragon of strength, so he should look downright lethal tonight. That, and his competition is all sorts of pathetic. Let's go ahead and name these chumps. They are Axel Steel (Guitar Hero), Midna (Zelda: Twilight Princess), and Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney). Miles was always expected to be bad fodder, and nearly everyone is unceremoniously lumping Axel Steel in that same category, but Midna... man, no one expected that. Most of us were expecting her to be a solid midcarder, so it shocked the entire Board (myself in particular, as I expected great contest results and adored her as a character) when she fell completely flat last year. Had Midna done what we all were expecting in 2007, this match would be the biggest no-brainer of the first round. However, her awful performance has left the door open. Can her two fellow weaklings capitalize? No, I really, really doubt it. As badly as Midna bombed last year, Edgeworth was still far behind. Guy was a complete dud, and he'll probably bow out with about 10% here. Axel Steel has proven to be a popular upset pick (popular in that the two or three people who took him are among the most vocal Board 8ers), and to his credit, he stands a better chance than Miles due to his unknown stature. However, I'm not expecting anything. The guy is the Guitar Hero avatar. Guitar Hero would bomb in a games contest, and I'm assuming the soulless, voiceless, storyless "face" of the series would bomb even harder in a character contest. Prove me wrong, bro! Axel Steel - 11% Cloud Strife - 63% Midna - 16% Miles Edgeworth - 10% Lopen’s Analysis So okay... I don't have much time here but um. I chose an upset. I don't have Midna here... and honestly, looking at how crappy Scorpion and Kratos Aurion looked this year I don't really regret it. Yeah, okay, Miles Edgeworth looked lame as hell last year, but I'm not picking him. (However, I do think he has a possibility to win this. ) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:52:18 PM | message detail | #298 |
Basically I went with Axel Steel because of the
Guitar Hero fanbase. I don't think they really like the guy, but I do
think enough of them will vote for him simply because he represents
Guitar Hero. I do think Guitar Hero has a pretty respectable following
around here... but of course he won't be as popular as his game. But
given these jokers? He doesn't really need to be. No real stats to argue here. So it's okay that it's short. Lopen's prediction: Cloud Strife – 60.03% Axel Steel – 14.94% Miles Edgeworth – 13.01% Midna – 12.02% Transience’s Analysis I've been delaying writing this all day because I've gotta argue about a dumb sidekick vs. a Guitar Hero character. every time I think about it, I crack up. first place is obviously Cloud, and we're going to be comparing his performance here to Link. every year we get a Cloud > Link bandwagon going on thanks to Cloud wrecking everyone in a round, and this might be it this year. the difference from this year and previous years: Square has looked great all around while Nintendo has looked flat out bad. (look at the Squall/Yoshi match if you want proof) Cloud > Link looks like a real possibility straight up, but we've gotta see him put up numbers first. and I think he will. anyway, second place. we know that Edgeworth's probably good for his 10%, and if he gets much more he could squeak by given his competition. it's very, very unlikely though. that leaves us with Midna and Axel. Axel Steel is.. a joke. I say that with a little bit of fear - it's not like other characters that get votes based on the game's popularity or being fun to play or whatever. Axel is quite literally an avatar, just a thing on the screen. I could see people voting for a dude like Axel just because it's so ridiculous. given that Guitar Hero seems like it has a decent fanbase on this site, it might actually be enough. it's not like Axel needs a large percentage to move on given that Cloud's going to bring in more than half the votes. it's really tough to bet on an avatar to beat a Zelda character though. did Midna disappoint last year? yeah. was she awful? not really. she beat Kratos Aurion comfortably and then got SFF'd by Samus, something you'd expect to happen to her. Kratos almost beat Diddy Kong a week ago. would I take Diddy Kong to lose to a friggin' Guitar Hero avatar? ha. I can't believe I'm even discussing this. Axel could very well win but I just can't get behind it. if he wins, cool, whatever, but he has the potential to flat-out bomb. we've only seen one rhythm game character to my knowledge, and it was Agent J -- maybe not a fair comparison given that it was up against Link and two DS characters, but... lowest. percentage. ever. and Agent J is probably more appealing to EBA/Ouendan fans than Axel is to GH peeps. argh, I can't believe I'm still talking about this. come on Cloud go for 95% Cloud Strife hype train go biggest blowout of round 1 too bad L-Block wins transience's prediction: Cloud with 62.22%, Midna with 16.65%, Axel Steel with 11.35%, Miles Edgeworth with 9.78% |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:52:52 PM | message detail | #299 |
Ngamer’s Analysis I'm still going to go on record as being a firm disbeliever in this so called "Brawl de-boost", but I've got to admit that after the past two days I can see why so many are beginning to hop aboard that wagon. To me though this doesn't look like a Yoshi underperformance... our mistake in this one was giving any credit whatsoever to Nate McFodder over there, and I think if we would have known going in that he'd only be worth 6 or 7 or whatever he's at now, it would have been pretty natural to chalk most of the missed percentage from that PS3 "star" up to the ACTUAL star of the PSX and PS2. That's an advantage Squall won't have going for him in R2, and so even though I'm glad I didn't pick the Yoshi > Squall upset after seeing these last two days, I still feel that those making Sora > Yoshi > Fox out to be a near-lock are being much too hasty in calling a result that's still very much in doubt. As for today... like I said in that Snake writeup, there's something weird going on this season that seems to be hamstringing all of our elite performers. They're not looking BAD per se, they're just all disappointing ever so slightly. But today will be the day where Cloud finally snaps the streak of "meh" with a powerhouse performance! (Of course I said the same thing about Snake, and look how that turned out!) Back in the day: Last Known Values: Cloud - 51.90% (2007) Midna - 20.42% (2007) Edgeworth - 12.84 (2007) Axel - new For a match where the winner will never be in doubt, and most likely second place won't be either, this is actually a highly intruiging poll IMO. You've got a proven stud in this format attempting to fan the flames of that Nintendo deboost bonfire and show us all that he could be a legit threat to Link this season, if given a little bit of help. As noted, I do think he's going to be the first of the NN to do something to really wow us this year, but alot of that will only happen because the rest of this group is so heavily Nintendo. Even GHIII has done over 50% of its sales on the Wii. ...I think. Don't quote me on that! Unless it's accurate! Midna on the other hand is a real oddball. She got chalked up as a bust in '07, which I don't think was fair- ZELDAFEAR aside, how far above above the fodder line could you really expect someone in the Navi mold to perform? That being said, it seems possible for her to turn into an actual bust this season, now that the TP effect will have worn off by another 13 months. If that happens, I don't think Edgey should be entirely counted out for second place. Yes, he was awful in '07, but the poor guy got the worst possible draw in that one, wedged between The King of All SFF, Jokemon personified, and an even MORE niche Nintendo handheld option (who'd have thought that was even possible?). I'd imagine the PW series distances itself from the Twilight Princess crowd far enough to give us a much more accurate representation of Edgeworth's strength this time around, and I'm excepting that to result in a pretty healthy improvement. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2008 9:53:23 PM | message detail | #300 |
Despite the other two being so up in the air, the
true "wildcard of the group" status has got to belong to Axel Steel.
I'd like to just dismiss him entirely, because who really cares about
your onscreen avatar when you're playing Guitar Hero? When you're
strumming away on GH or Rock Band you're not playing as Axel Steel, you
pretend that you're playing as yourself,
thrashing through a sick solo and melting the crowd's faces off. That's
why there's been such a big drive for player customization in the
genre, and why RB2 and GHWT give even more options in that area.
HOWEVER, there's still a small possibility that this goes down as the
most important Pic Factor of R1, because look, there he is on his
guitar; can't miss it! Thanks to that very appealing look, voters
should have no trouble recognizing him as "that guy from GH"... but
aside from that hardcore group of rhythm game lovers, could there
really be another 20% of the site who prefers it over FF7 and TP and
PW? I wouldn't think so, be we've already seen crazier things happen in
the past three weeks! With so much up in the air, it's tough to get it all back into the pot, but I've done so and here were the results: Cloud Strife - 61.11% Midna - 15.51% Miles Edgeworth - 12.35% Axel Steel - 11.03% Hmm, that actually looks... pretty reasonable! Ngamer Says: Cloud > Midna Guest’s Analysis - Black Turtle Axel Steel Finally we have a chance to gauge just how strong Guitar Hero/Rock Band will be in a contest setting. Invaluable given the upcoming Games contest. Cloud Strife With the Nintendo De-Boost, will he finally get his revenge on Link? Expect a dominant performance today. Midna The biggest disappointment from last year returns, and she will probably disappoint again today. Miles Edgeworth He's turbofodder, and it makes me angry. Analysis: Man, Cloud is going to have a field day with these chumps. His group is easily weaker than Link's. And Edgey is going to job yet again. He got absolutely wrecked last year, so it's safe to say he has no chance here. Once again, it's a two horse race for second, and Midna is the heavy favourite. Wait.... what? Oh, that's just Board 8 once again picking a match result in the first round that goes against every shred of logic out there. This is the Pac-Man/Ocelot of 2008, the Ness/CJ of 4-ways. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect Axel to be far above the fodder line in his best case scenario, but he doesn't really need it here. Why? Well, let's take a look at Midna's illustrious contest career. Here she gets killed by Scorpion, and almost loses to Kratos Aurion. This admittedly isn't too bad, but still puts her comfortably below the fodder line. And here she gets DOUBLED by Scorpion and is murdered by Frog. See what happens when you take away the franchise voting? Now most of you are probably going to say "But BT, clearly Axel is going to be completely useless. Noone cares about Guitar Hero characters!" |