GameFAQs Contests
Character Battle VII Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 2:03:54 AM | message detail | #151 |
Whoo, only losing 2 points on this one! --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/4/2008 2:05:48 AM | message detail | #152 |
Yeah, he could still lose to Magus, but I think if he has the strength
to beat Sonic/Auron early, he'll probably have the edge over Cube.
Being almost certainly favored by the Nintendo fanbase won't hurt,
either. --- Yoblazer: NO LIMITZ Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 2:07:43 AM | message detail | #153 |
I still can't accept the fact that we're talking seriously about Sandbag not just advancing, but going far.... I hate this contest. --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Lopen | Posted 10/4/2008 2:08:44 AM | message detail | #154 |
I'm still gonna be analyzing against the Sandbag. Cube is kinda
shocking in that it's winning so handily... but I did have this in my
bracket for a long time before lockdown. I never gave Sandbag a chance... and honestly to me it looks too much like a living thing to get the "lulz" vote. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 2:10:25 AM | message detail | #155 |
And Sonic and Magus should be a good deal tougher to get past than DK and Tidus.... Heh, I should've known WCC would win this. It's like GFNW, just gotta say screw it, DK and Tidus aren't gonna win.... --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 2:30:03 AM | message detail | #156 |
Hm... Well it appears that there's something like 40% of the site
wanting to support joke characters right now. Let's assume Cloud and
Seph get the full 60% "legit character" vote. So if Cloud gets the same
64.39% of the vote directly on Sephiroth that he did last year, that
would give him 38.64% overall, to Seph's 21.37%. Which means... I see your point, all it would take is Sandbag being a little bit stronger than WCC in order to tip the scales in his favor and push him past Seph. The bigger problem, though, is who could say that 40% would be the joke limit in that case? With only FF7 choices to pick from, I could easily see Nintendo fans boycotting the legit options in favor of Sandbag, and people sick of both FF7 and SSB jumping on the Cube bandwagon, which could easily result in an unwinnable position for Seph. What we would need is a unique and independent second legit option alongside Cloud there, someone like a Snake or a Master Chief. Oh wait, MC is in the mix for that division! Hm, but I'm not seeing any way for him to knock Seph off. Unless... how about this wild idea? Sandbag draws heavy Nintendo/SSB support in R2, allowing Auron to edge ahead of Sonic and advance alongside the bag. Then in the bottom half, Tifa holds up better against Seph than we expected to knock out Kratos. This sets up a situation where Sandy draws all the joke votes and votes of non FF fans while Sephiroth and Tifa split FF7... would it be possible for that to open the door wide enough for Auron to step though? If so, you'd have to take Master Chief to advance out of the next match, regardless of if it was Dante or Kirby alongside him. Heck of a longshot, but yeah, that would be the only way I could imagine Sephiroth not making his way to the crucial matchup. --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
transience | Posted 10/4/2008 2:31:51 AM | message detail | #157 |
when paragraphs like that are needed for a 'sane' result, you know we're all screwed. --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 2:37:28 AM | message detail | #158 |
Yes, we certainly are! Oh well, worst case scenario we're looking at a max of 2 jokes in the Final. And as long as that's the case, Block and whoever the other is will hurt each other so much that it will turn back into a pretty fair fight between Link and Cloud for the #1 posiiton. But... if the bag gets there instead of the Cube, Link would be doubly hurt by losing some of both his SSB and his old school support to L. In which case Cloud > Link once again becomes very much a viable option. Dang it, hochi could be right after all! --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 10/4/2008 2:38:28 AM | message detail | #159 |
Looks like Tidus is slowly climbing. slowly But it's a great time to start climbing either way. --- Justin's CB Points: 54 | Points After this Round: 55-56 Today: Tidus > Ike | Tomorrow: Megaman > Nero |
transience | Posted 10/4/2008 2:39:02 AM | message detail | #160 |
he's not the only one with Cloud > Link, yo! Cloud > Link gets more points when L-Block wins woo --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 2:54:34 AM | message detail | #161 |
Hm... Cloud > Link Gurus: Mega Mana transience Lopen hochimnih ExThaNemesis Heroic Mario Cecil XIX dethetc Xcarvenger Xuxon The_Ocelot Pianist 10 of the 12 took the Cloud upset figuring Mario would be there to hold Link back, and none of the 12 had L/WCC/Bag getting that far. But heck, one of these guys could easily win the whole thing for the wrong reasons. --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 10:11:17 AM | message detail | #162 |
Maybe I'm not looking so good now.... Ugh, Tidus.... --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
voltch | Posted 10/4/2008 11:10:50 AM | message detail | #163 |
why do we even call them joke character when they aren't even funny,at
least CATS is a good enough joke that has become a tradition,the other
objects areway too fake to challenge CATS when it comes don to being a
good joke. --- Del Boy:He who dares, wins! |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 11:41:31 AM | message detail | #164 |
I wouldn't necessarily say the term "joke character" is a compliment. --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2008 11:43:04 AM | message detail | #165 |
Arthas Menethil....26.69% 35479 Ike...........................25.94% 34477 Pikachu..................32.15% 42741 Spy..........................15.22% 20239 TOTAL VOTES.................132936 What Happened - Arthas takes advantage of the Pikachu/Ike split and narrowly takes second place. While Ike looked good at first, Arthas quickly caught up and took charge overnight. Once the after-school vote hit, Ike started hitting back hard, but it was already too late. Why it Happened - Most people who picked Arthas figured that Pikachu and Ike would split enough so he could get through. Looks like that was the right choice. Spy ends up doing a little better than expected, but other than that, nothing too surprising here. What Will Happen - Alucard/Falcon/Pika/Arthas is looking very interesting. The big question is if Falcon will split with Pika the same way Ike did. If so, then Alucard and Arthas look good to advance. If not, then Pikachu will be accompanied by either of the two A characters. Crew Prediction Challenge - Yay everyone (except Lopen and Guest)! Yoblazer - 11 HM - 10 Tran - 10 Ngamer - 10 Guest - 9 Moltar - 9 Lopen - 6 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Yo gets the point for Pikachu and Ike, Moltar gets the point for Arthas, and Ngamer gets the point for Spy Moltar - 15 Yoblazer - 14 HM - 13 Ngamer - 10 Tran - 8 Lopen - 6 Guest (War, KP (2), Dp, Justin, greatone) - 6 --- Moltar Status: augh DK/Tails/Tidus/Cube - Bracket: Tidus > DK - Vote: DK (50/64) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2008 9:56:12 PM | message detail | #166 |
Division 5: Round 1 - Match 18 – Banjo vs. Captain Olimar vs. Mega Man vs. Nero Moltar’s Analysis Banjo Game/Series Known From: Banjo-Kazooie 2007 Results: 4thPlace in Round 1 vs. Fox, Wario and Capt. Falcon Banjo’s back? Well that’s just a load of nuts & bolts Olimar Game/Series Known From: Pikmin 2007 Results: N/A Brawl Character #18, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Olimar Mega Man Game/Series Known From: Mega Man 2007 Results: 1st Place in Round 1vs. KOS-MOS, Arthas and Diablo 1st Place in Round 2 vs. Yoshi, Knuckles and KOS-MOS 2nd Place in Round 3vs. Samus, Yoshi and Scorpion 3rd Place in Round 4 vs. Cloud, Samus and Ryu Hey wait a minute, didn’t we already see Mega Man in action? Nero Game/Series Known From: Devil May Cry 4 2007 Results: N/A Just a white-haired Dante mixed with THROUGH THIS ARM who screams KYRIE for half the game Well, well, Division 5 starting off good with two debatable matches. I hope things keep up! (Yes I already know the second half is just two obvious matches but shhhh) Anyway, Mega Man takes first here without breaking a sweat. The real question is who takes second. First up, there’s Banjo, who got rocked in his match last year between three Nintendo characters. So yeah, Banjo, just sit this one out. The battle for second place is between Olimar and Nero. We last saw Olimar back in…*checks* 2003! Of course it was in a match against Mario, so that doesn’t say much. Still, without a good read on Olimar, and with BRAWLFEAR behind him, he has a good shot at second. Then there’s Nero, star of Devil May Cry 4 which came out earlier this year. It was released for both the PS3 and 360, and sold well on both platforms. We don’t really know how well it was received on GameFAQs poll-wise, but Nero doesn’t have to be that strong to take second here anyway. So with Mega Man dominating the Nintendo vote, as well as Banjo taking some too, Olimar isn’t looking good for Round 2. He would either have to snatch up everything else, or Nero is going to have to be extremely weak. *looks at match pic* oh hey didn’t know dante was showing up for this fight Moltar’s Bracket Says: Mega Man > Nero Moltar’s Prediction is: Mega Man: 51% - Nero: 22% - Olimar: 16% - Banjo: 11% Heroic Mario’s Analysis Time for an easy match. Mega Man has first locked up here, and Nero shouldn't have any problems coming in second. I've never had to think much about this one since I saw the bracket -- it's three Nintendo characters and then a Dante proxy. Sure, Nero isn't going to be anywhere close to Dante's strength, but he should be well above the Olimars and Banjos of the world, especially when there's a much stronger character appealing to that fanbase also in the poll. In Nero's corner, he's got main character status in the highest selling DMC game yet, DMC4. He's on both the PS3 and 360, which this site seems to be leaning more and more, and it was well received, particularly his new game mechanic. I think he'll be clearly above Vergil, but not up to Dante's level, somewhere in between sounds good for him, which is all he needs to beat fodder. Olimar has Brawl, which should help him take third here over Banjo, but that's about all he can hope for. Mega Man is going to suck up all of that Nintendo vote, leaving Olimar and Banjo left to fight for scraps. Then split that vote between those two and they're not going to look so hot here. Nero should cruise past these guys pretty easy. Prediction: Mega Man - 52% ; Nero - 23% ; Olimar - 14% ; Banjo - 11% Bracket: Mega Man > Nero Vote: Nero |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2008 9:56:31 PM | message detail | #167 |
Yoblazer’s Analysis Sorry, everyone, but I've gotta do a super speedy one today. Mega Man is a Noble 9er. Two of his opponents are known fodder, and both will almost certainly be hampered by a fanbase split with him on top of that (these are Banjo and Captain Olimar). The fourth guy, Nero, is brand new. We're not quite sure how he'll do, but he did star in a multiplatform million-seller (Devil May Cry 4), and he has an awesome picture in which he looks just like Dante. That alone should be more than enough, because Olimar and Banjo are just that pathetic. Summary: Mega Man crushes everyone and nabs about the half the votes. Nero cruises into an easy second place finish. Captain Olimar and Banjo fight it out for scraps. Banjo - 11% Captain Olimar - 15% Mega Man - 51% Nero - 23% Lopen’s Analysis Okay, now some might say this match is debatable. I've gotta say no. First of all, let's go back... way back, to 2003. *gasp, I know, right? 2003 in serious analysis? You damn right. The key here to look at is Super Mario kickin the ass of Olimar with around 90% of the vote. Now, you say that's a SFF situation against MARIO of all people But look who's here with him this time... Mega Man, master of blasting faces off of Nintendo fodder... not quite to the degree of Mario, but enough to make him look like quite sufficiently like a joke. Now, you're sayin... "BUT LOPEN, BRAWLFEAR!" Afraid not. Look at Lucario, and how he flopped, and Diddy, how he flopped. Now think to yourself... what do Lucario and Olimar have in common? That's right. No one outside of some crazy people on B8 gives a crap about either one in Brawl. A Brawl appearance alone won't get you fans... and I'd say Olimar is even less popular in Brawl. And, really, some people give a crap about Diddy and he flopped big time too. Nero might be weak... I figure he'll probably be around Vergil's level, though. He was playable in DMC4... and I mean, he's no Dante, but I'm sure he probably has some fans. Vergil would kick the crap out of Olimar... hell, half of Vergil would kick the crap out of Olimar. Nero should have no problem winning this, considering I don't even remember who the fourth competitor is. (In fact, I'm so confident Olimar is going to look like a joke here I'm putting this mystery competitor over him) Lopen's prediction: Mega Man – 56.18% Nero – 22.92% Mystery Trash – 11.34% Olimar – 9.56% Transience’s Analysis I am writing this while watching board 8 tear itself apart over a cube beating an ape with a tie. it's kinda put the contest into perspective for me, in a "why the hell do I bother?" way, and makes me wonder why I even write these things. but that's cool, I'll get over it in a few days. we're just in for six weeks of whining and a completely illegitimate contest, that's all. get ready for some truly fluky results and a whole lot more whining. (and I'm even gonna vote for the Cube. woo Portal!) tonight's match is kinda cool. we get to see Mega Man, the one we actually know how to gauge, after his biggest new release since these contests began. Mega Man 9 hasn't really shaken any ground or changed people's opinion on the series at all, but it might get more people to vote for him that had forgotten about him after all these years. I don't think it means a whole ton though. we're talking about a game that the fanbase will love and regular people will be very "meh" towards. MM9 is not a game-changer as far as contest strength goes, but it might keep him above Sonic and Crono for another year. as for the fodder-fest underneath him, we've got Nintendo, Nintendo-lite and a Capcom guy. Mega Man may be Capcom, but his fanbase will overlap a lot more with Nintendo than with Devil May Cry. as such, Olimar will probably be gimped a bit and Banjo's really got no chance. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/4/2008 9:57:16 PM | message detail | #168 |
Nero, though... I mean, he looks like
Dante, but Dante he ain't. Nero spends all of DMC4 showing how inferior
he is to Dante. he's just not as cool, not even close, and being a
ripoff design probably makes him even less likable. I don't know how
strong this guy's gonna be. I think I'd take Vergil over him, and
heads-up I might go for Olimar here. given that Mega Man's in the poll,
though, and the recent shift to Xbox thanks to the Wii sucking, not to
mention Brawl newcomers looking awful left and right, I've gotta go
with this Dante proxy over the badass in the helmet. cube vs. ape with tie sky is falling, run like hell gives me a headache transience's apathetic prediction: Mega Man with 52.22%, Nero with 22.21%, Olimar with 15.21%, Banjo with 10.46% Guest’s Analysis - gamer88coool Ironically, I have not played any of their games. It shouldn’t matter though, as this match is pretty straightforward. Or is it? Banjo Personally, I don’t think Banjo had a fair chance, being pitted against all Nintendo characters last year. Now that’s he is with a more spread-out set of battlers, he can show his inexcusable utter atrocity. This bear’s runnin scared. Olimar Ah, the big-nosed, astronaut-gardener we all know and love. Being included in brawl will help here, (since it’s the reason he’s here) but will he be strong enough? He may share a little SFF with Banjo, but that shouldn’t be a large variable. Of course, everyone will think he’s too weak to take any placing here, but I’m a bit skeptical about this underestimation. And besides, brawl characters DON’T LOSE (given they’re not opposed by other brawl/tetris characters). Mega Man The blue bomber is an easy lock for this match. He’s obviously stronger than the competition, but by how much? I’m saying he won’t be enough to rocket above the 50% margin. Perhaps not even 40%. Nero This guy’s got a good chance here, as he’s the only “non-kiddy” character. However, being a new face could hurt him some, but I doubt it will be enough to push him down to third. So here’s the pick: Mega Man 43% Nero 25% Olimar 23% Banjo 9% Mega Man starts at over 50% and decreases throughout the day. Nero begins strong, weakens mid-day, then takes the silver at night. Olimar starts a little under Nero, closes most of the gap during the day, then falls back in the evening. Banjo just lays low all day catchin some rays. Prediction Pick: Mega Man>Nero Bracket Pick: Mega Man>Olimar (lol yay4upsets) Crew Consensus: Mega Man > Nero, easy choice |
vcharon | Posted 10/4/2008 9:58:47 PM | message detail | #169 |
It is pretty sad when the only real "surprise upsets" are going to come
from non-character objects, then again after today, they aren't really
surprises anymore. Poor, poor Magus. Deserves so much better. --- :> |
transience | Posted 10/4/2008 10:05:43 PM | message detail | #170 |
this is actually a pretty even split in the Guru.. let's see if we're smarter or stupider. I really don't trust Nero. who likes Nero? --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
vcharon | Posted 10/4/2008 10:08:21 PM | message detail | #171 |
But who likes Olimar or Banjo? I trust Nero... somewhat. Vergil won, against better opponents, and wasn't a playable character. --- :> |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 10:25:19 PM | message detail | #172 |
DpOblivion's Unofficial Quick Analysis: Currently liking my DK > Tidus pick! Heh.... Anyway, we go to a match where I'd like to think the 4 points are pretty safe. Seems these matches are pretty few and far between this contest.... Anyway, I had a hard time going with Nero, a new addition into Devil May Cry and I did not think he would get much support from the new game. So I went with Captain Olimar, because Pikmin is Nintendo and seems popular enough, and of course he joined the SSBB roster. I just couldn't stick with Olimar though. Come's Olimar. He shouldn't be worth anything, even with SSBB (and pretty dumb in SSBB too, IMO). And Banjo could be taking a good bit of votes away from the Nintendo crowd. And with all the people arguing for Zack Fair's success because he's basically a copy of Cloud, why wouldn't Nero enjoy some of Dante's success? They're hardly distinguishable. So I made the switch. If this was Dante instead of Nero, this would be a no doubter. Sure, Nero won't be as strong as Dante, but he'll be strong enough. DMC fans will still vote for Nero....except for ertyu. Dp's bracket says: Mega Man > Nero Dp's prediction is: Mega Man > Nero Confidence: 90% Mega Man - 45% Nero - 24% Captain Olimar - 19% Banjo - 12% --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
transience | Posted 10/4/2008 10:27:03 PM | message detail | #173 |
hey, I like Olimar in Brawl. he pisses my friends off pretty quickly. --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 10:27:36 PM | message detail | #174 |
Ngamer Kicks It Up A Notch Hey hey, perfect picks two days in a row now! If only my bracket could say the same... But yeah, today is a perfect example of why I don't mind joke characters in the first round. Even accounting for Tails hurting him and Tidus probably have the advantage of a stronger fanbase less likely to be joke-leached, DK still majorly disappointed in this one, and I have no problem with punishing him by not allowing him into another match. The trouble is that the presence of a strong, legit character in MM will only make it easier for the Cube to again outlast Tidus next round, and suddenly the joke has outworn its welcome. The one hope for the non-jokes is that Nero pulls off something pretty incredible here tonight to make himself a favorite over the Cube. But considering he'd need more or less a Dante-like performance to do so, it's not looking too likely! Let's see what we're up against in this one: Last Known Values Mega Man - 39.02% (2007) Nero - new Olimar - 8.84% (2003) Banjo - 11.13% (2007) Like I said in the MMX match writeup, Mega Man was as solid as a Rock(man) all the way through the '07 bracket, doing pretty much what we expected of him every time and even impressing us once by giving Samus more than she bargained for in the sprite round. I see no reason for that to change here in 2008, especially not with this match taking place at the height of MM9's popularity (it hit the 360 three days ago and is now available worldwide for all three consoles... and the sales figures have been extremely impressive, at least in North America). Had MMX collapsed I might be worried, but nay, he did well for himself and so I think MM and Zero are safe from a series-wide Sonic Team-style tumble for at least one more year. The only point of concern is that with Mega Man acting increasingly Nintendo in recent times, Olimar and Banjo might hold him back a little and allow Nero a better showing than otherwise, but honestly I can't see that being much of a factor considering neither of those characters have any NES/SNES presence. Nero's something of a wildcard, except... not REALLY. We can probably count on him to perform somewhere in the general 16.71% range that Vergil set up last season. I'd probably have set his ceiling a little bit lower before I saw the match pic that was chosen for tomorrow- that's basically the perfect picture for Nero, as he looks almost identical to Dante and gets to hide his ridiculous oversized demon-grabber arm. Between standing out so well in the picture and being the lone non-Nintendo option, I'd be very surprised if he allowed either of his opponents to seriously contend for the 2nd place position. |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 10:27:46 PM | message detail | #175 |
As for Banjo, should we perhaps revise our
thoughts on his chances after seeing what happened a few days back? Fox
crushed his fourpack in '07, making the rest of that group look
somewhere in the range of pretty bad to extremely
bad fodder, and yet Captain Falcon wowed us all by putting on a great
show against Alucard, proving that Fox's SFF was even more deadly than
we expected. But, uh, nay. Banjo's GOT to be worth more than the 11% he
earned, sure, but I doubt MM's presence does him any favors in this
one, and it's going to take a major flop from Olimar for him to stay
out of last place tonight. That leaves only the good Capn't to consider. Could he be the one to shock us just like that other Captain did a few days back? Again, sorry, but I don't see it happening. Sure Olimar was one of the guys who should have received the most notable Brawl boosts, but just look where he was starting BEFORE that boost. If you replaced MM and Banjo with say Auron and Crash this might be the kind of thing where I'd take a flier on the upset of Nero, but as stands there's just too much working against him in this grouping, and I can't see the little guy having the kind of strength needed to swim upstream against odds like these for very long. Sooooo if MM is strong and Nero is meh and Olimar is ugh and Banjo is ewwww, then... Mega Man - 51.81% Nero - 19.44% Captain Olimar - 16.09% Banjo - 12.66% Oh man, no matter how I tweak this one it still keeps coming out looking just awful based on my gut reaction. All of a sudden I've lost alot of confidence in this pick. Ngamer Says: Mega Man > Nero --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 10:34:26 PM | message detail | #176 |
I knew the Crew posts seemed shorter than usual, there's NGamer's! --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 10:42:37 PM | message detail | #177 |
vcharon | Posted 10/4/2008 8:58:47 PM | message detail It is pretty sad when the only real "surprise upsets" are going to come from non-character objects. Uhhh, excuse me, but where were you for the first four days of this Contest? Or when Falcon slugged it out with Alucard instead of Kratos Aurion? Or when Lucario had to escape Isaac, not Altair, by the skin of his teeth? --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
Big Bob | Posted 10/4/2008 10:45:22 PM | message detail | #178 |
Olimar has a wider range than you'd think. Yeah, he's weak, but in his one and only match he fought Mario, and he got SFF'd to hell. I doubt he's that strong, but I wouldn't say he's completely out of it. He has a slim chance of being Nero. |
paraboxx | Posted 10/4/2008 10:46:54 PM | message detail | #179 |
Ugh, the whole crew's picking Nero? Dammit. I picked Olimar out of instinct, then never went back and changed it... ...then again, my Alucard > Falcon pick was the exact same way. Brawlfear ftw? |
paraboxx | Posted 10/4/2008 10:48:42 PM | message detail | #180 |
Oh. There we go, heh. (Hey, somebody switch the order of my post and Big Bob's!) |
transience | Posted 10/4/2008 10:49:33 PM | message detail | #181 |
Olimar vs. Diddy Kong who wins (Diddy Kong looks like he'd be about equal to Vergil) --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/4/2008 10:50:18 PM | message detail | #182 |
I would hope Diddy wins with ease.... But who knows these days. --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
Big Bob | Posted 10/4/2008 11:05:41 PM | message detail | #183 |
By "he has a slim chance of beating Nero", I meant "he's gonna lose to Banjo" WTF?! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 10/4/2008 11:18:41 PM | message detail | #184 |
FOXFEAR. Better look out, Sora! --- Check out the '08 Guru Site! Other Hot Content: | |
paraboxx | Posted 10/4/2008 11:21:28 PM | message detail | #185 |
well. so much for that. |
vcharon | Posted 10/4/2008 11:22:12 PM | message detail | #186 |
Wow, Olimar is awful. Diddy beats his ass for sure. --- :> |
RaeSaraneth | Posted 10/5/2008 2:03:18 AM | message detail | #187 |
A pikmin would probably do better than Olimar. --- ^_^ |
vcharon | Posted 10/5/2008 2:20:17 AM | message detail | #188 |
Uhhh, excuse me, but where were you for the first four days of this
Contest? Or when Falcon slugged it out with Alucard instead of Kratos
Aurion? Or when Lucario had to escape Isaac, not Altair, by the skin of
his teeth? Considered I didn't think any of these matches would go differently than they did, I was here but didn't see anything that resembled any sort of surprise. I personally have Altair winning next round before bowing out to Link and Zack. Falcon only "slugged it out" with Alucard at the beginning of the match. The Plan still won with ease. I couldn't believe the lack of people who picked Falcon at second. Isaac was the only surprising thing so far. I picked the order right, but I didn't think Isaac would do so well. Or maybe it was just Lucario flopping, but whatever. Most of my lost points are from joke characters (who I have all out in round 1) advancing and a the tough round one match where I overestimated Kefka as usual. --- :> |
Tatl | Posted 10/5/2008 2:33:23 AM | message detail | #189 |
A pikmin would probably do better than Olimar. White Pikmin for 09! --- Bracket Score as of 10/5: 46 Today's Pick: Megaman > Nero - Biggest Flop: Ryu > Metaknight |
Lopen | Posted 10/5/2008 5:29:53 AM | message detail | #190 |
Who called Olimar losing to Banjo? Yeah, that's right, me. Making the bold picks correctly when it DOESN'T EVEN MATTER yeahhh. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
__Smurf__ | Posted 10/5/2008 5:42:16 AM | message detail | #191 |
The character who finished 62nd in his last contest returning only to lose. Yes what a "bold" prediction indeed. --- Smurf. The cream of Sonic Fanboyism you're like some devious internet fiend- Majin |
Lopen | Posted 10/5/2008 5:45:58 AM | message detail | #192 |
It's freakin Banjo. I think he finished in the neighborhood of the 120s last year, not much better than Olimar. Vlado's the only other person I've seen on the board that had Olimar losing to Banjo. Hell, almost 1/4th of the Gurus had Nero losing to Olimar. Beats the tar out of some of your "bold" predictions. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
greatone10 | Posted 10/5/2008 5:49:11 AM | message detail | #193 |
Lopen (#192) To be fair, the writing on the wall was in clear focus once Diddy bombed. If I had picked Olimar, I would have regretted it too. --- Donkey Kong Country 2 for next Games contest. Brawl FC: 3050-7287-5564 Kart FC: 3738-0020-0896 |
Lopen | Posted 10/5/2008 5:52:29 AM | message detail | #194 |
Heh... I just looked at the gurus.. nearly HALF picked Olimar. Wow. ^5s crew. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
Scott_Pilgrim | Posted 10/5/2008 9:54:32 AM | message detail | #195 |
Woo Banjo > Olimar confirmed! --- Oh, sorry, I got distracted by the Internet. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/5/2008 11:04:58 AM | message detail | #196 |
Donkey Kong..............................21.25% 29086 Miles 'Tails' Prower...................14.81% 20279 Tidus............................................31.72% 43425 Weighted Companion Cube...32.21% 44096 TOTAL VOTES.....................................136886 What Happened - JokeFAQs continues as the Cube beats out Tidus and DK. Well, it didn't take much to beat out the choke of a character DK. Tidus put up a fight, but even after stalling all day, Tidus was unable to take the lead. Why it Happened - No excuse for DK's poor performance. It's weird because this makes Marth and his group look much worse. As for Tidus, he manages to look good here despite losing to a Cube. Cube also doesn't look like he'll get L-level support, but we'll see how much momentum it can pick up. What Will Happen - Cube for Round 3? oh geez Crew Prediction Challenge - Yay those upset callers! Yoblazer - 12 Ngamer - 11 Guest - 10 HM - 10 Tran - 10 Moltar - 9 Lopen - 6 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Lopen gets the point for Tidus, Ngirl gets the point for DK and Cube, and Moltar and HM get points for Tails Moltar - 16 Yoblazer - 14 HM - 14 Ngamer - 10 Guest (War, KP (2), Dp, Justin, greatone, Ngirl (2)) - 8 Tran - 8 Lopen - 7 --- Moltar Status: augh Banjo/Olimar/MM/Nero - Bracket: MM > Nero - Vote: Olimar (51/68) |
Lugia2 | Posted 10/5/2008 4:33:22 PM | message detail | #197 |
I'm more casual these days, but didn't we acknowledge that there's weird Nintendo/Sega/MM sff? I could be wrong. --- Okay, the L-block thing was insane, but not as bad as getting explicitly smashed by Explicit Content in the 2k7 Character Contest! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/5/2008 9:14:22 PM | message detail | #198 |
DaruniaTheGoron I'm going to need you're Guest write-up soon if you're reading this. --- Moltar Status: augh Banjo/Olimar/MM/Nero - Bracket: MM > Nero - Vote: Olimar (51/68) |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/5/2008 10:01:21 PM | message detail | #199 |
Next page. --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/5/2008 10:01:25 PM | message detail | #200 |
--- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
