GameFAQs Contests
Character Battle VII Contest Analysis Crew
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Master Moltar | Posted 9/29/2008 10:01:41 PM | message detail | #451 |
Yoblazer’s Analysis And we finally reach the division from hell. Luckily for us (or unluckily if you're one of those who want to see the **** hit the fan as quickly as possible), we'll be weened into this death gauntlet by the easiest match of the bunch. After a disastrous Division 1, I'm doing much better and feeling confident enough to say that this match is very, very safe. I'd be shocked if we saw a shake-up in the results. Up today are Crono, one of our biggest veterans and protagonist of Chrono Trigger, Amaterasu from Okami, Frank West from Dead Rising, and Kaim Argonar from the new Lost Odyssey. Anyone who's been through one of these Character Battles knows Crono is a lock for first. He had a disappointing 2007, capping it with a loss to Vincent (man, were his supporters disappointed then). However, he's still a legit top 10 in strength and should maul the rest of this group. I'm a bit hesitant in giving him a 50%+ majority, seeing as how the other power hitters haven't been too impressive thus far, but Crono's competition seems truly pathetic. Let's roll the dice on him. I don't think the battle for second place will be very contested, either. Kaim Argonar is new, but we saw both Amaterasu and Frank West last year, and there's no comparison between those two. Actually, there is one, and I'll give it to you now! Frank West was beaten handily by Ada Wong and Balthier in Round 1. Ada Wong and Balthier were then beaten by Amaterasu in Round 2. Essentially, Ammy beat the guys who schooled Frank. No contest here. Kaim, as an unknown entity and star of a relatively new RPG, is not as easy to cast aside, but I'm still not expecting much competition from him. Lost Odyssey was an RPG, sure, but it hardly set the western gaming world ablaze at launch time. He may do better than Frank, but he shouldn't challenge Ammy. As if the enchanted wolf needed an ace in the hole, Okami was ported to the Wii a few months ago. It sold sparsely, but small exposure to a new audience is better than nothing. Seems like an all-around easy match here. See you guys tomorrow for the most important thing ever. Amaterasu - 20% Crono - 51% Frank West - 14% Kaim Argonar - 15% Lopen’s Analysis This match is pretty strange. Crono vs three fodders. Amaterasu is the clear bracket favorite... and why shouldn't she be? She kicked leading man Balthier's ass by a whole 3% last year, along with a Dante SFFed Ada Wong... big game huntin, there. ... ... ... yeah. Well, I dunno. That wasn't quite convincing enough for me to consider her a lock. I actually went with Kaim Argonar. I have no knowledge of the character outside of what the bracket fill out thing told me... that he's a character from Lost Odyssey. But man, Lost Odyssey: X-Box 360 + RPG + mainstream enough that I've heard of it from sources outside of B8. HOW CAN WE GO WRONG IN THE CONTEST? I guess that was my thinking. And I mean, he got in both without any board rally and without his name on the drop down list. Pretty impressive to me. Lost Odyssey wasn't exactly a flop of a game... sold ~500k so people tell me... so yeah, it's definitely got the exposure necessary for Kaim to triumph over Amaterasu. There's also a chance that ol Kaim flops hard, as RPG characters are prone to doing. I'm just saying that Amaterasu, though it's been proven that she isn't the worst kind of fodder, still never really did anything all that impressive last year. She probably loses to Ada Wong pretty easily without Dante in the match, based on his interaction with Leon in the next round... and when Ada Wong can kick your ass, you're pretty much a pushover. Assuming Kaim doesn't flop big time, it's not terribly difficult for her to be in his range. Lopen's prediction: Crono – 47.22% Kaim Argonar – 21.02% Amaterasu – 18.80% Frank West – 12.96% |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/29/2008 10:02:28 PM | message detail | #452 |
Transience’s Analysis 8 in a row! we're on a roll. not that any of these matches were especially hard, but hey, after division 1's weirdness it's nice to see. division 4 *should* be a predictable ride. the most important character is the one that's clearly going to take first, Crono. after Frog dispatched KOS-MOS pretty easily and Vincent performed a few percentage points below expectations, Crono > Vincent may become a trendy pick again after this match. Crono's fourpack is pretty pathetic -- Amaterasu may have advanced through two rounds, but she's probably still fodder. Frank West is definitely fodder, and it's tough to envision Kaim being all that strong. Crono's kind of a niche guy that I struggle to see blowing anyone out, but if he goes over 50% that Crono > Vincent train will pick up. it's not like Vincent won by a huge amount or anything last year, random fluctuation is enough to put Crono over the top if all things are equal. anyway, second place. the first thing we can do is count out Frank West - Frank got doubled by Ada Wong en route to Ada losing slimly to Amaterasu. the only way Frank competes there is if Dante significantly hurt Ada Wong, but Ada still beat Balthier in round 2 so I doubt anything significant happened there. Frank West most likely won't be topping Amaterasu unless Ammy's got a ceiling for votes and Crono bombs. not banking on that. then we've got Kaim, star of what's probably the most popular JRPG of this gen, Lost Odyssey. as the leader of the Lost Odyssey hype train over the last year-plus, let me be the first to say that Kaim's not going to do a lot here. he's fairly bland and while his game sold well for a JRPG, I can't see him topping Balthier. it just doesn't make any sense. I made the comment that he's probably slightly stronger than Neku but not much more, and I stand by that. I don't think Kaim will completely bomb but he'll be closer to Frank West than Amaterasu, and quite possibly below Frank. as for Amaterasu, she was a pleasant surprise last year, got a Wii port this year and still has a strong fanbase behind her that will support her over most anything. she's not strong, but with this crappack she doesn't have to be. bring on the Block dogs and cameramen and Kaim chick dog reigns supreme transience's prediction: Crono with 47.95%, Amaterasu with 23.24%, Frank West with 15.59%, Kaim with 13.22% Ngamer’s Analysis Man, GlaDOS alone was enough to get me nervous about WCC crashing the party... now we see that the Orange Box has turned even Gordon Freeman into a stud overnight? DK and Tidus better bring their A games if they want to advance out of that one! Which could be trouble, as I'm not sure either of them have A games anymore. Now as for today... Here's another of those where neither first or second place should be in contention at any point, but which isn't a borefest because there are still some things we ought to be able to take away from the result. The main thing we'll be doing, I'm almost sure, is getting that Crono > Vincent hype train a'rollin! I don't care what anything else says: there was no excuse for Vincent to allow Falco to stick that close to him, and unless Crono likewise drops the ball in this one, I'm going to have to give serious considering to picking against my bracket when that match comes up. Now, what kind of strength gaps are we looking at? Last Known Value Crono - 34.61% (2007) Ammy - 19.81% (2007) Frank - 11.74% (2007) Kaim - new |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/29/2008 10:02:59 PM | message detail | #453 |
Pretty big ones! Ammy impressed us several times in '07, but even so,
she shouldn't be TOO far above whatever fodder line you want to set up.
She might be looking at something of a boost for this season thanks to
Okami's pretty successful remake for the Wii a few months back, but it
shouldn't matter too much either way in this one thanks to the enormous
cushions she's got above and below her. As for Crono, his performance
here is certainly what everyone will be keeping an eye on, and with
good reason. Frog impressed a couple days back, but was that because of
legitimate CT:DS excitement? If so, could that be enough to save Magus
in his upcoming battle with the Sandman? Hopefully Crono puts on a show
for us tonight to give us another talking point in that debate. Frank West last year was just... wow. Back before we knew there was going to be 4-way matches, I had made Frank my pick for character most likely to come in last in the final x-stats, since I assumed we'd only be seeing 64 characters. Well he lived up to the billing, that's for sure! A percentage that pathetic, considering he was placed in the most pathetic 4-pack in history, leaves little doubt about his status as complete jobber. Fortunately that keeps things interesting, because now Kaim should have a real shot at beating somebody! I'm by no means a believer in Lost Odyssey, but despite the less than stellar sales, characters from 360 games have been looking pretty decent this season for whatever reason. Certainly it SEEMS like a game that ought to have a fanbase at this site- I mean the words "Final Fantasy" are right there on the box! Hmm... hard to say how those bottom two will place, but in any case I'm expecting a real powerhouse showing from Crono in this one, something to send a notice that he won't be the one letting the Noble Nine down anytime soon. With that in mind and some weird numbers in the pot, we can heat for 10 minutes and get: Crono - 46.30% Amaterasu - 26.44% Kaim Argonar - 13.83% Frank West - 13.43% Go go Crono! Ngamer Says: Crono > Ammy Crew Consensus: Crono > Ammy but Lopen, oh Lopen, going with Kaim |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/29/2008 10:03:31 PM | message detail | #454 |
Justin can just post his here I'm off to watch GL now bai --- Moltar Status: augh Balthier/Big Daddy/Gordon/Scorpion - Bracket: Scorpion > Gordon - Vote: Gordon (34/44) |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 9/29/2008 10:05:30 PM | message detail | #455 |
Okay. And I figured out how to access my sent items. OH MY GOD HOLY **** MY SCHOOL'S WEBMAIL THING BLOCKED THE EMAIL FOR PROFANITY. WHAT PROFANITY? ****ING HELL WHAT THE HELL! I SPENT 45 MINUTES! I'll try to get it back through a means I don't think will work, but I'll try. --- Justin's CB Points: 38 | Points After this Round: 42 Today: Scorpion > Gordon | Tomorrow: Crono > Amaterasu |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 10:13:29 PM | message detail | #456 |
other people will jump at taking your guest spot, so you better hurry. --- xyzzy |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 9/29/2008 10:15:05 PM | message detail | #457 |
War's prediction and analysis **** yeah, Kain! Crono: 0% Ammy: 0% West: 0% Kain: 100% --- "Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." ~Bagon's Pokedex entry |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 9/29/2008 10:18:13 PM | message detail | #458 |
Well, since my analysis was completely ruined by my school's god damn webmail, here is a condensed version. What could be better? A ninja, a Japanese Dog-Goddess, a zombie-killing photographer, and an invincible mercenary. These are Crono, Amaterasu, Frank West, and Kaim Argonar. Crono's a lock for first. He's had extremely solid standings ever since he's been in the contest, and if anything, he is always the person to SFF, as opposed to being SFFed. Chrono Trigger is one of the most successful games for the SNES and has a re-release, which will be followed by another port expect his time it's on the DS. Amaterasu's smash hit Okami was a beast of a game, with beatiful graphics, and something new to bring to the table. The release for the Wii this year will only add to Ammy's vote, but this year she's against stronger characters in general. Frank is the anything-wielding hero from Dead Rising. He did decently last year but lost to Balthier Bunansa, who failed miserably this year. Things aren't looking up for Frank. Kaim is a generic RPG character who will be SFFed by Crono. Crono - 46.32% Amaterasu - 24.75% Frank West - 17.31% Kaim - 11.62% Crono > Amaterasu I swear to god the real one was at LEAST three times this long. **** I'M ANNOYED --- Justin's CB Points: 38 | Points After this Round: 42 Today: Scorpion > Gordon | Tomorrow: Crono > Amaterasu |
vcharon | Posted 9/29/2008 10:20:04 PM | message detail | #459 |
I can't see Crono breaking 45% even on these fodder/borderliners.
Vincent didn't, granted he had a lot more competition I suppose, but
hrm. --- :> |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/29/2008 10:25:34 PM | message detail | #460 |
DpOblivion's Unofficial Quick Analysis: Whoo, back-to-back perfect divisions! So now we start Division 4, and it's a match of one super power and three fodder....oh, fun. Of the three, we've seen two before, and Amaterasu showed to be significantly more respectable than Frank West after Frank was eliminated easily in the first round against Ada and Balthier, while Amaterasu advanced into the third over Ada and Balthier. But don't be fooled by Amaterasu's third round appearance. My thumb could have advanced over Little Mac and Matt the Wii in the first round, and she barely beat a somewhat-SFFed Ada and a Balthier who is proving again today that he sucks. The wildcard in the match is Kaim, a character from a relatively new game on the 360 that I've never even heard of. And he's gotta contend with an RPG giant in Crono and a more mainstream 360 character in Frank West. Like last year, Amaterasu will not be all that strong, but with the competition, will be strong enough. Dp's bracket says: Crono > Amaterasu Dp's prediction is: Crono > Amaterasu Confidence: 80% Crono - 49% Amaterasu - 21% Frank West - 18% Kaim Argonar - 12% --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 9/29/2008 10:27:07 PM | message detail | #461 |
Well, since my analysis was completely ruined by my school's god damn webmail, here is a condensed version. I guess you should use a free email service, instead of your school's webmail. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 9/29/2008 10:31:28 PM | message detail | #462 |
-LusterSoldier- (#461) I didn't know they had a filter. Usually it doesn't censor anything. --- Justin's CB Points: 38 | Points After this Round: 42 Today: Scorpion > Gordon | Tomorrow: Crono > Amaterasu |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 10:31:56 PM | message detail | #463 |
Did Justin just call Crono a ninja. Analysis failure hardcore game
over. But seriously though even though it was short that's not a
problem... longer ain't always better. As long as you made your points
and said points aren't "I'm not even going to dignify this with a
response" just be done with it, that's what I always say. Seriously though yeah time to change webmail. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 10:32:45 PM | message detail | #464 |
And oh yeah "suck it down crew crew curse lives on" awww yeah. All aboard the Kaim traim. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 9/29/2008 10:33:39 PM | message detail | #465 |
I predict at least one unknown user will make a topic asking if Kaim is FFIV Kain. --- "Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." ~Bagon's Pokedex entry |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/29/2008 10:33:57 PM | message detail | #466 |
My Raiden > Chief analysis is going to be like 5 posts long just you wait. --- CB7 Score: 36/44 |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 9/29/2008 10:34:11 PM | message detail | #467 |
Lopen (#463) He's a magic Ninja >.> He wields a Katana and has a headband. --- Justin's CB Points: 38 | Points After this Round: 42 Today: Scorpion > Gordon | Tomorrow: Crono > Amaterasu |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 10:36:55 PM | message detail | #468 |
Yeah Kleenex you're going to need 5 pages of stat hacking to prove that one...! ... *hack*... why do I stand against the power of the cartwheel. GAME FUEL. .... no no, I am lightning, not GAME FUEL. Bel... Wh... why?! --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe It means the match pains me |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 10:38:08 PM | message detail | #469 |
crew curse? more like Lopen curse --- xyzzy |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 9/29/2008 10:38:38 PM | message detail | #470 |
What's up with that "GAME FUEL" reference in your sig? Is it referring
to "Mountain Dew Game Fuel", a flavor of Mountain Dew now discontinued? --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 10:39:04 PM | message detail | #471 |
Luster'd we need to get this to 500 before tomorrow, because the war begins tomorrow. --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 9/29/2008 10:39:14 PM | message detail | #472 |
facepalm goes here --- CB7 Score: 36/44 |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 10:40:59 PM | message detail | #473 |
No it has nothing to do with that. Like okay, the other day I went to the gas station right... and I started playing hoops. And the attendant was like "damn fuel boy you got game" And I said "you damn right" then I busted out my energy sword and cut a lamp post down and spun on my head a few times. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/29/2008 11:07:46 PM | message detail | #474 |
Figures, I get the Guest writeup for the first two matches of the
division, and I can only manage one point in the Crew Accuracy
Challenge, then in both of the next two matches I get second in the
whole Oracle, when it means nothing in the Crew! --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 11:23:08 PM | message detail | #475 |
woo Kaim --- xyzzy |
vcharon | Posted 9/29/2008 11:23:59 PM | message detail | #476 |
Hi, I'm here to apply for Lopen's job plzkthx. --- :> |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 9/29/2008 11:24:27 PM | message detail | #477 |
>.> Crono's really SFFing the hell out of kaim. It also doesn't help Kaim's pic is the least noticeable of them all. --- Justin's CB Points: 38 | Points After this Round: 42 Today: Scorpion > Gordon | Tomorrow: Crono > Amaterasu |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 11:24:58 PM | message detail | #478 |
we keep Lopen around so we actually have some dissention. plus, he makes us feel better. --- xyzzy |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 11:25:09 PM | message detail | #479 |
Hey. Hey. I won a contest. Get out! Get out! This is a conspiracy to prevent my repeat! --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 11:25:54 PM | message detail | #480 |
Crono, Amaterasu and Frank are all vote stuffing! --- xyzzy |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 11:28:00 PM | message detail | #481 |
Who rallied the purina puppy chow site son of a dammit this is outright illicit. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/29/2008 11:30:55 PM | message detail | #482 |
Purina? No idea. I had Iams. --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
RaeSaraneth | Posted 9/29/2008 11:42:45 PM | message detail | #483 |
Lopen makes my night, that's why we keep him around :D Also, I love Amaterasu and the other day I took a dog for a walk because it looked like her. Her name was Samantha, but I called her Ammy all day and people thought I was nuts. --- ^_^ |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 11:47:08 PM | message detail | #484 |
Damn right, Rae, I made this boring as hell match something special. Wait what does that mean how dare you doubt my cred I am not a sideshow !! --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe The crew will tremble.... |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 11:47:54 PM | message detail | #485 |
play dead, Lopen. --- xyzzy |
Lopen | Posted 9/29/2008 11:51:57 PM | message detail | #486 |
No one can kill me, tran man. Perhaps you've heard of my tales... tales
of avoiding elimination from dozens upon dozens of points down. Oh yes.
Ima gettin ready for my Limit Break here. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
trannyscience | Posted 9/29/2008 11:56:22 PM | message detail | #487 |
aww yeah let's do this I will never forget the 2005 Guru Contest --- xyzzy |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/30/2008 12:40:12 AM | message detail | #488 |
I Kaim, I saw, I left unimpressed night ya'll --- Moltar Status: augh Amaterasu/Crono/Frank/Kaim - Bracket: Crono > Ammy - Vote: Ammy (38/48) |
satai_delenn | Posted 9/30/2008 3:26:07 AM | message detail | #489 |
Crono's a ninja...? Ima gettin ready for my Limit Break here. It's going to be during the Master Chief/Raiden/Kirby/Big Boss match, you just watch. His head will explode from the conflicting desires and he'll just up and win the contest right there. Bam. ...or possibly his head will just explode and...he'll be dead. >_> --- Attention, all yoctograms! (It's x2) DIE! |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2008 3:59:40 AM | message detail | #490 |
Head exploding limit break, satai? Really? I'd like to think you think I can do better than that. And I think the limit break comes in the following round with Master Chief/Kirby/Dante/Riku... don't worry, I'll take tranquilizers, to make sure it takes that long and to build suspense. --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
Master Moltar | Posted 9/30/2008 9:47:57 AM | message detail | #491 |
Balthier Bunansa...22.45% 29975 Big Daddy..............18.97% 25325 Gordon Freeman...28.47% 38017 Scorpion................30.11% 40197 TOTAL VOTES..................133514 What Happened - In a match that was closer than most expected, Scorpion is able to squeeze by Gordon. Gordon and Scorpion were practically tied for half the match, but the after-school vote sealed Gordon's fate. Balthier and Big Daddy do pretty well behind them. Why it Happened - Gordon has reason to boost with Orange Box now having a full year to settle in. Scorpion looks pretty bad here, but it's too soon to say that he dropped to Freeman levels. Balthier's performance also makes this match look weird because of how badly he did last year. It's hard to believe Ada Wong can take Gordon and Scorpion, so perhaps Balthier actually did do better this year. What Will Happen - Vincent/Falco/Scorpion/Gordon just got a whole lot more difficult to call, Vincent is a lock for first, but there is a three way dance for second now. Falco looked good with Vincent already, so he has reason to win. Gordon looks good now that he came so close to beating Scorpion with the possibility of Big Daddy hurting him a little. Scorpion, who was the favorite for second going in, will need to step up big time if he wants to advance. Crew Prediction Challenge - Yay everyone (even though we all almost got burned)! Guest - 8 HM - 8 Yoblazer - 8 Tran - 8 Ngamer - 8 Moltar - 7 Lopen - 6 Crew Accuracy Challenge - Moltar had the lowest Scorpion pick and gets the point for Big Daddy, Moltar, HM and Yo all get points for Gordon, and Tran gets the point for Balthier. HM - 11 Moltar - 11 Tran - 8 Yoblazer - 8 Ngamer - 7 Lopen - 5 Guest (War, KP (2), Dp) - 4 --- Moltar Status: augh Amaterasu/Crono/Frank/Kaim - Bracket: Crono > Ammy - Vote: Ammy (38/48) |
transience | Posted 9/30/2008 1:45:12 PM | message detail | #492 |
come on midnight --- xyzzy "Man...tranny gets bored, the rest of us suffer." -satai |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/30/2008 1:46:44 PM | message detail | #493 |
*yawn* --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
DpObliVion | Posted 9/30/2008 4:03:28 PM | message detail | #494 |
So regretting my Ryu > Meta Knight pick right now.... --- NEW YORK GIANTS: SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!! Shea Stadium - My home. You will be missed. 1964-2008 |
voltch | Posted 9/30/2008 4:13:01 PM | message detail | #495 |
D-Day is close,our brackets now rest in the paws of a dog. --- Del Boy:He who dares, wins! |
trannyscience | Posted 9/30/2008 4:13:41 PM | message detail | #496 |
voltch'd --- xyzzy |
The Mana Sword | Posted 9/30/2008 4:14:21 PM | message detail | #497 |
The Dog for champ. --- Kleenex - Not on his computer. |
Lopen | Posted 9/30/2008 7:33:40 PM | message detail | #498 |
As you all know, I hate joke entrants. But I could get behind The Dog. I think this is a sign he's going to be a force. Duck Hunt represent! *gang sign* --- Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude. Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe |
trannyscience | Posted 9/30/2008 7:34:19 PM | message detail | #499 |
did I just see a gang sign for Duck Hunt --- xyzzy |
trannyscience | Posted 9/30/2008 7:34:30 PM | message detail | #500 |
L-Block for last tomorrow believe --- xyzzy |
