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Character Battle VI Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3

Master Moltar | Posted 11/3/2007 9:48:50 PM | message detail | #401

Lopen's vote: Link. Believe.

Lopen's prediction:
Link - 36.04%
Cloud - 21.51%
Solid Snake - 10.45%

Transience’s Analysis

well, here we go. Link/Cloud IX, with Link leading 7-1. Cloud's looked good all contest, but he'll need a superhuman effort in order to beat Link.


after round 2, I said that the L-Block had the third-best chance of winning this contest after Link and Cloud. I was mostly saying that nobody else had a chance and it would take a joke of epic proportions to beat them out for first, but here we are. seriously, how do you analyze this? the thing has gone from 30% against Kirby, Laharl and Nathan Hale to 34% on Solid Snake, Master Chief, and Dante. at one point (yesterday), it looked like the thing was static. 28% every time. I did a little math and made this post:

trannyscience | Posted 11/2/2007 12:46:48 AM | message detail | #199
well, let's say L holds his 28%. unlikely? who knows at this point.

that leaves 72% for Link/Cloud/Snake. we've seen that match before..

Cloud Strife 35.71% 54057
Link 44.65% 67579
Solid Snake 19.64% 29733

assume the same vote total, give them 72% of this and you get:

Cloud - 38921
Link - 48657
Snake - 21407
L-Block - 42384


so, if you believe L-Block's 28% is static, it has a serious, legitimate shot at placing.

that was before today's match, where L-Block went insane. I think we've now proven that bandwagoning exists. the entire internet seems alerted to this thing. votefortheworst had a thread about it. I came across some insane L-Block ramblings in Russian. Kotaku is linking to us. L-Block is the most insane, unpredictable contest entrant we've ever had.

...most anticipated match of all time?

this final is absolutely illegitimate. I don't mind - I'm loving every second of it - but there's no way to even begin to analyze it. if Cloud beats Link tomorrow, you absolutely cannot say he's stronger than Cloud, not when there's a big old L-Block in the way. if Link crushes Cloud, the same is true. you can't draw a single conclusion about the two based on this match. it's the main flaw of the format for anyone who takes the contest "seriously" -- there's so many other factors that can be tossed in that make you say "uhhh". like, you know, GameFAQs's finest being rocked by a Tetris block.

so, um, how am I going here? with that momentum, is it even possible to pick against the Block? there was an argument, once upon a time, that voters would abandon the block when it got to the final because it's freaking Link vs. Cloud. everyone knows their history, and even if they thought the L-Block was funny and awesome, they'd get serious and vote for the one they liked more. think of it as being like supporting a political candidate in primaries, but then voting for the lesser evil when the Real Thing comes around. or something like that.

but, um, the L-Block is real. it's legitimate. seriously, the thing had a god damn 1172 vote lead on Solid goddamn Snake in the first five minutes. Link and Cloud combined couldn't manage that. I've never seen anything even remotely like this, and I refuse to believe that momentum will suddenly stop because it's up against Link and Cloud. who the hell votes it over Snake, Sonic and Master Chief and then stops for Link and Cloud? not many people, and for those that do, another bunch will protest Link vs. Cloud IX by voting for the Block. and the momentum may take it even farther.
Master Moltar | Posted 11/3/2007 9:49:25 PM | message detail | #402
the one thing that makes me doubt L? the day this is on, daylight savings time. 25 hours. I don't know how SB is going to handle this, but the longer the poll goes, the less support L will be able to muster up. put it in a six hour poll and it'd crush everything ever seen - the longer this goes, the more it's going to bleed percentage and votes. we'll see how this is taken care of, but it's something to remember.

it's crazy, but the Tetris Block seems like the safe pick right now. the main question is: who gets hurt by the thing more, Link or Cloud?

my guess would be Link. Link's always had a crazy early vote, which L-Block absolutely rocks now. seriously, he's going to be down at least 500 votes within five minutes. it might be a lot more. that's the one area where Link always destroys Cloud. if you believe in the "L-Block has Nintendo ties so it hurts Link more" idea, which is stupid, it probably hurts Link even more.

this match comes down to who's fans are more loyal, and I don't care to even hazard a guess. I'm going with the guy who has been stronger for four years now -- Link. Cloud has had a fantastic tournament and has a real shot at Link in a real format *or* in this one, but I'll just play it safe.

I know one thing: I don't care what I get up to tonight, I will make some weirdass excuse about how I have to be home by midnight. there's no way I'm missing our two contest gods get owned by a Tetris block for the world. call me a dork, I don't care. this will be epic.

six years of contests
Link, Cloud, Zelda, FF7
beaten by a Block

transience's prediction: L-Block with 31.47%, Link with 29.89%, Cloud with 27.56%, Snake with 11.08%

Guest’s Analysis - THE GREAT HOCHIMINH155

All of my life I have been persecuted because of my race. My family and I migrated from Vietnam to America when I was nine years old. I was immediately an outcast from the white Americans. However, I did not care because I thought I could hang with my fellow Asians. Much to my udder dismay, I was mistaken. Because of my Vietnamese heritage, I was barred from being friends with the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese. I had nobody. My parents were killed shortly after. I was truly alone. I was also 15 years old but still alone. I was a vagrant. I traveled back to Vietnam. This is where I started reading the teachers of esteemed leader, Ho Chi Minh. For those of you who don't know, think of Ho Chi Minh as the "George Washington" of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh's teachings of communism really resonated with me. I wouldn't be a loner any more if we could all live in Ho Chi Minh's dream world. I spent ten years at a communist monastery learning to harness the art. I exited the monastery as a badass, I knew what I had to do. To achieve my master's goals, I had to take on the single biggest communication medium – the Internet. And what better place than GameFAQs, a forum of happy, open-minded individuals? The only way to make GameFAQs grovel before me was to win the Character Contest.

I was 17 years old at the time and my mother was working two jobs to afford me to go to college. While she worked, I studied the GameFAQs contest history. I also devised secret formulas that the "gurus" of Board 8 didn't even dared to dream. Well, I DARED TO DREAM and I am great position to take first place in the contest. As of yesterday, I am the highest Cloud bracket. Cloud > Link is all I need to net first place and I'm here to tell you why it is inevitable that this particular result happens.
Master Moltar | Posted 11/3/2007 9:49:58 PM | message detail | #403
My bracket has the finals being Cloud, Link, Snake and Sonic. Let me start by saying that I knew L-Block would make it to the finals, I just didn't want to change it. This is actually good for Link because Sonic would have drained the holy hell out of him. We confirmed this is Zelda/Tails. Regardless, Cloud will still beat Link. Cloud has consistently outperformed Link very round. No exceptions. While Link was struggling to break 70% on Agent J, Edgeworth and Bidoof, Cloud was SFFing everyone into oblivion left and right. Cloud has gotten stronger and received new SFF powers this contest thanks to the site's second playthrough of Kingdom Hearts II or SPF. Conversely, Twilight Princess has weakened Link and the other Zelda characters as well as causing him to lose his SFF powers. Link failed to SFF Samus, Mario and Bidoof. How sad. I refer to the negative affects of Twilight Princess to be TPFF (Twilight Princess Flop Factor). Solid Snake is a no-factor here and he won't even get 10%. He's embarrassed himself this contest and anyone voting for him is wasting their vote.

Now onto L-Block. I for one am not amused. However, some of you think he has been getting stronger this round. Well, as Lux Luthor would put it "Wrooong!" L-Block got 30% last round against 3 stronger characters of radically different fanbases. This round, he's only doing 5% better despite facing a much weaker four-pack of characters that are somewhat similar (compared to last round anyways). Also, 35% on this four-pack is impressive, but Link and Cloud would be getting close to 45% here. L-Block is going to fold in the face of real competition. To summaries, I am a communist, I am in college, Solid Snake is a joke, Cloud is stronger this year, Link is weaker this year and L-Block is not as strong as you think he is.

Hochiminh's Krazy Prediction: Cloud with 32%, Link with 31%, L-Block with 28%, Solid Stupid with 9%

Crew Consensus: Expect the Unexpected.
Zerogreenchief | Posted 11/3/2007 9:53:40 PM | message detail | #404
Wow your not a complete failure or anything for taking this contest srsly.

This site is the cancer of the internet
Warsola | Posted 11/3/2007 9:56:51 PM | message detail | #405
....tranny is my hero.

And if we armed them all with two swords, we'd have four times the votes!
Official Head of the L-Block Belief Core!
Heroic Yuna | Posted 11/3/2007 9:57:55 PM | message detail | #406
So your dead mother worked two jobs, eh?
hochiminh155 successfully defied ZELDAfear. He is truly a greater man than I.
th3l3fty | Posted 11/3/2007 9:58:03 PM | message detail | #407
Let me start by saying that I knew L-Block would make it to the finals, I just didn't want to change it.

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Lopen | Posted 11/3/2007 10:09:34 PM | message detail | #408
Hahaha... I've been hunting for Hochiminh all day for his thoughts on this match. Almost feels like good karma for Cloud > Link that I'd first find him here.
Lugia2 | Posted 11/3/2007 10:17:58 PM | message detail | #409

You know, at first I loved the joke. But this is just insane. Even Master Hand can't top this...

Oye ve...This format was so awesome...shame the block is probably going to kill it >_<.
"If the [PSP] is such a loser... why did you buy [one]?"- Saint Waldo
"Because I am crazy. I also own three Wonderswans."- Chris Kohler
Master Moltar | Posted 11/3/2007 10:18:46 PM | message detail | #410
Karma Hunter's Analysis


Puts up impressive percentages despite being utterly unable to SFF his Ninty counterparts like he did last year. Hey, if Mario Galaxy is the game of the millennium...


Puts up a good percentage, but SFFs his villain counterpart way too much to look impressive in the process. Huh?


:( :( :(

Solid Snake

:( :( :( :( :(

Normally this would be a ho-hum writeup including the following:

1.) While it's more about the matches leading up to the final than how it ends, that doesn't stop the final from being predictable
2.) Cloud looked like he might have a sliver of a chance early on, but after last round he has about as much of a chance of winning as I would have thought L-Block would of making the finals
3.) gogogogo Snake

Of course, there is now an L-Block in the way. And while *some* could have argued his progressive increase in strength being due to the strength of his opponents going up and him getting progressively better pictures, today's match has put both theories to rest - AND HOW. L-Block currently has a higher percentage than he's garnered the entire contest. If he's got a snowball effect of bandwagoning, could it be enough to surpass even Cloud? LINK?

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, it's highly unlikely that he could do anything of the sort. *Maybe* Cloud, but Link would be doing better than this on MC/Snake/Dante in all probability, and the fact that overlap has been postulated between at least Snake/Dante many a time (though I still have trouble wrapping my head around Snake/MC, I want to see that match one-on-one), L-Block has its work cut out for it and then some. It will have no more picture advantage than it's had the last two rounds, and while the bandwagon should grow the anti-voting has also reached a peak. Call it StarCraft/SSBM 2.0 - in the end, Link's just too much for L-Block to contend, even if massive cheating decides to enter the fray.

...although cheating has much more of an impact in a four-way, and seeing as how my faith in Sailor Bacon is practically zero as far as monitoring this thing goes... L-Block has a chance. Unless he crushes Link (or even Cloud) I find it hard to see it being legit though...

Oh, and who hurts who? I'm thinking if Link's lost some of his SFF prowess Snake could hurt him a little more, but if I had to put my money on it L-Block takes a FAR bigger chunk out of Cloud than Link, "old-school/Nintendo" factor be damned. Call it an inkling that Link's fans are FAR more dedicated than logic and reason should imply...

So we end up with a pretty meh final. L-Block beating Cloud is a decent chance, but not enough for me to take it. So I'd just like to thank Moltar again for allowing me to do this, late/missing writeups abounding and all, and commend this contest for, while being "augh" inducing in terms of my preferences, extremely unpredictable and entertaining all around. I'd rather not see it again, but hey, if the masses want it, I'll be right here next year whining my ass off as we get an all Tetris Block Final Four.

And loving every second of it.

Karma Hunter's Vote: Solid Snake. Keep the faith.
Karma Hunter's FINAL Prediction: Link with 34%, Cloud with 30%, L-Block with 26%, Solid Snake with 10%
Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Link/Cloud/L-Block/Snake - Bracket: Link > Cloud - Vote: Snake (479/652)
transience | Posted 11/3/2007 10:44:36 PM | message detail | #411
...I'm alone here? in the sexiest, hugest bandwagon pick ever?

"And Snake has scaled the mountain. He is within 10% of a Tetris block." -yoblazer33
satai_delenn | Posted 11/3/2007 10:52:24 PM | message detail | #412
Unofficial Guest Analysis - Cooking with Satai

Welcome, friends, to the first ever edition of Cooking with Satai.

Here on Cooking with Satai, we determine what the finished product will be by starting off with basic ingredients and then spicing to taste! With all of the varied and unfamiliar spices available on the market today, it’s impossible to prepare a simple dish without adding some really unpredictable flavors. So you never know what you’ll end up with! Ready? Here we go!

First we begin with the raw meat: last year’s Battle Royale.

Link - 44.65%
Cloud - 35.71%
Snake - 19.64%

There, isn’t that nice? Very succulent. Now let’s throw it in the pan and add in our other main ingredient, the vegetable that will complement our dish: L-Block. With a flavor that is only enhanced with time, it should prove to have a very volatile effect on our final product. Now let’s see what we have simmering here.

Link – 32.65%
Cloud - 23.71%
Snake – 7.64%
L-Block - 36.00%

Well, now, isn’t that something! Look at that beautiful sizzling we’ve got going there, isn’t that nice. But we aren’t finished yet, not even close! There’s a whole spice rack of savory flavors here, just waiting to be thrown into the mix! First, let’s add a bit of the spice I like to call Square Fanatics. Certainly, it has a wonderful aroma, don’t you agree?

Link – 32.65%
Cloud – 30.71%
Snake – 7.64%
L-Block – 29.00%

Ah, that certainly looks different, doesn’t it. All those flavors, blending together in a lovely harmony. Don’t you just wish you could taste it right now? But no, no, there’s more delicate layering of spices to be had. For example, here we have the potent and delicious Brawl Hype leaf, an herb cultivated on the distant shores of Nintendonia. Let’s toss that into the pot!

Link – 34.65%
Cloud – 30.71%
Snake – 14.64%
L-Block – 20.00%

Ah yes, that’s looking magnificent, just magnificent. You might think that was enough, but no! No, we must continue our journey to the perfect meal! Next we have a rugged and gravelly spice from the icy depths of Alaska. It comes from a plant that survives in the harshest conditions, endures the most rigorous of trials. I call it Solid ****ing Snake. Isn’t that just fantastic? We’ll just scatter some of that in there, mix it around.

Link – 34.65%
Cloud – 30.71%
Snake – 17.64%
L-Block – 17.00%

Ooh, shaping up very nicely indeed. Now, however, it’s time to add the newest of the flavors I have collected here—an extremely wild, spicy sauce that I like to call Ridiculous Insanity. It’s a brand new sauce with origins from all over Internetland, and has recently been included in many a dish, especially those using the L-Block vegetable as we have here.

Link – 31.65%
Cloud – 24.31%
Snake – 13.64%
L-Block – 30.40%
My Contest Hero: Riku
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG
satai_delenn | Posted 11/3/2007 10:52:37 PM | message detail | #413
Yee-haw, look at how spicy that gets! I told you it was wild! But we’re not done quite yet, folks—there’s one more spice to be added, and it’s a doozy!

Are you ready for it?

Are you ready for it?

This last spice is really a mixture of several spices in one. It’s a mixture I picked up from a faraway place, very exotic, and each of its components is from a different foreign country. It’s truly an extraordinary taste and will be sure to have a strong impact on our dish here. I call it…


That’s right! FAITH! YES! FAITH IN LINK! No more will our supper be terrorized by the sharp and painful flavors of Ridiculous Insanity! We will temper it with FAITH! Faith contains many things, things such as REVERSE TRIANGLE MAN FACTOR which takes into account the fact that Triangle Man always wins and the Triforce is a triangle and therefore LINK IS INVINCIBLE; the SALVAGEABLE PRIDE FACTOR which says that no matter how much the Ridiculous Insanity sauce overpowers our taste buds, we will not allow one of the very icons of the gaming—er, cooking—world to be broken and cast aside by a simple assemblage of impudent shapes, no we will not!;
and above all, the HERO OF TIME FACTOR which says screw Crono, Link is the Hero of Time, and also of space and the universe and all parallel dimensions and he will be our savior and take all the victory and do it for the world and he will be strong and will not falter!


Link – 38.65%
Cloud – 24.31%
Snake – 13.64%
L-Block – 23.40%

Oh. Oh, it’s…it’s finished. Just a small taste…oh, it’s delicious. Delicious. Yes.

Satai’s Vote: I’m…I’m sorry, Snake. I’m so sorry. The delicate balance of the omniverse is in peril. I must vote…HERO OF TIME.
My Contest Hero: Riku
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG
Chaotic Mind | Posted 11/3/2007 11:08:49 PM | message detail | #414
Lol, i like Cooking with Satai. I hope it gets picked up for syndication for next year's CB.
Proud member of the A1 Steak Sauce Guild
Lopen | Posted 11/3/2007 11:14:22 PM | message detail | #415
Totally. Satai for Analysis Crew 2008!
Jay Solano Won | Posted 11/4/2007 2:14:10 AM | message detail | #416
L-Block haters up on my crew!
not even the great L-Block messing up the contest could stop Explicit Content, sexiest man of all time, from owning the Guru Contest. 'grats, brudda.
Phediuk | Posted 11/4/2007 8:48:36 AM | message detail | #417
Can I ask something?

Why exactly was L-Block continually underestimated by you guys, even after its strength was shown to snowball after each match?

Round 1: Half of you picked Laharl over the Block.

Round 2: You all picked Kirby over the Block.

Round 3: You undershot L-Block's performance by 10%.

Quarterfinals: You all picked Sonic over the Block.

Semifinals: You all picked Snake to beat the Block again (uhh, what?)

Finals: You all picked Link over the Block.
"Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle."
-Toad in Super Mario Bros.
Salasar Elerital | Posted 11/4/2007 12:09:32 PM | message detail | #418
Transience was superb :*
transience | Posted 11/4/2007 12:13:46 PM | message detail | #419
Round 2: You all picked Kirby over the Block.

Round 3: You undershot L-Block's performance by 10%.

Quarterfinals: You all picked Sonic over the Block.

umm, did you even read the picks? obviously not.

because, y'know, two of us picked the Block over Kirby, we took the Block unanimously in round 3, and Snake > L was the consensus pick in round 4.

so, yeah.
not even the great L-Block messing up the contest could stop Explicit Content, sexiest man of all time, from owning the Guru Contest. 'grats, brudda.
Tatl | Posted 11/4/2007 3:49:55 PM | message detail | #420
...I'm alone here? in the sexiest, hugest bandwagon pick ever?

Just means you're the only one who can claim he won this round.
"Wild L-Block appears!" What do you do?
A) Run away screaming! B) Attack it! --> C) Beg for mercy! D) Catch it!
Master Moltar | Posted 11/4/2007 5:33:16 PM | message detail | #421
Master Chief..24.04% 39515
Dante..............15.13% 24880
L-Block............34.63% 56925
Solid Snake......26.2% 43081

0.50% of the brackets predicted 1st correctly.
24.35% of the brackets predicted 2nd correctly.

1.16% of the brackets predicted 1st to come in 2nd.
16.22% of the brackets predicted 2nd to come in 1st.

Crew Predictions: Fully Correct - 42; Half Correct - 17; Barely Correct - 3

L-Block continues to rampage through the Contest.

Crew Prediction Challenge - Nope

Guest (Turtle "2", Kleenex, Who Cares?, Sensi, Luis, XII, l3fty "2", Gadds, Bob, Bio) - 12
Lopen - 9
Yoblazer - 8
HM - 8
Tran - 8
KH - 5
Moltar - 4
Ulti - 3

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Ulti gets the point for Snake, Yo gets the point for L, KH gets the point for MC, and Moltar and KH gets points for Dante.

Yoblazer - 48
Guest (Bokonon_Lives "2", Dp, Turtle "5", Ashe "2", Kleenex "3", Who Cares? "3", chocobo, Richard, Xcarvenger "2", Sensi, Darunia, satai "5", Bio "4", Luis "4", XIII "2", l3fty "4", Gadds, Bob, Ed) - 44
HM - 40
Lopen - 33
Tran - 32
Ulti - 31
Moltar - 31
KH - 27
Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Link/Cloud/L-Block/Snake - Bracket: Link > Cloud - Vote: Snake (479/652)
GTM | Posted 11/4/2007 11:41:55 PM | message detail | #422
<3 Tranny

^5 Tranny, even.
lets close this topic at 499 >.> ~ dj hypnosis
Tatl | Posted 11/5/2007 12:19:58 AM | message detail | #423
Go tranny!

Go tranny!

Go tranny!

Go tranny!
"Wild L-Block appears!" What do you do?
A) Run away screaming! B) Attack it! --> C) Beg for mercy! D) Catch it!
transience | Posted 11/5/2007 12:20:51 AM | message detail | #424

let it be known that I'm a genius when this happens!
not even the great L-Block messing up the contest could stop Explicit Content, sexiest man of all time, from owning the Guru Contest. 'grats, brudda.
Master Moltar | Posted 11/6/2007 12:57:37 AM | message detail | #425
Need to finish up with this soon...
Moltar Status: Awesome, but not as awesome as Explicit Content, BBW for life!
CB6 Score: 511 - 9th place, not bad!
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/6/2007 2:26:06 AM | message detail | #426
Will update soon. Promise!
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... Explicit Content pwn me... in the Guru Contest!
Master Moltar | Posted 11/6/2007 10:02:57 PM | message detail | #427
Another day...woo
Moltar Status: Awesome, but not as awesome as Explicit Content, BBW for life!
CB6 Score: 511 - 9th place, not bad!
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/6/2007 10:03:30 PM | message detail | #428
yoblazer more like slowblazer
CB6 - 450/768; Oracle - 30th
Extend congraturation to Applesauce Sign for win of contest GURU 2k7.
Master Moltar | Posted 11/7/2007 6:46:30 PM | message detail | #429
Link.................29.74% 58100
Cloud Strife....24.49% 47834
L-Block............33.51% 65462
Solid Snake....12.27% 23964
TOTAL VOTES............195360

0.27% of the brackets predicted 1st correctly.
9.00% of the brackets predicted 2nd correctly.

0.72% of the brackets predicted 1st to come in 2nd.
32.47% of the brackets predicted 2nd to come in 1st.

Crew Predictions: Fully Correct - 42; Half Correct - 18; Barely Correct - 3

L-Block does the impossible and beats out both Link and Cloud! Also, holy vote totals and prediction percentage!

Crew Prediction Challenge - Brave man Tran

Guest (Turtle "2", Kleenex, Who Cares?, Sensi, Luis, XII, l3fty "2", Gadds, Bob, Bio) - 12
Tran - 9
Lopen - 9
Yoblazer - 8
HM - 8
KH - 5
Moltar - 4
Ulti - 3

Crew Accuracy Challenge - Tran gets the point for Link, Lopen gets the point for L-Block, Yo gets the point for Cloud, and Moltar gets the point for Snake.

Yoblazer - 49
Guest (Bokonon_Lives "2", Dp, Turtle "5", Ashe "2", Kleenex "3", Who Cares? "3", chocobo, Richard, Xcarvenger "2", Sensi, Darunia, satai "5", Bio "4", Luis "4", XIII "2", l3fty "4", Gadds, Bob, Ed) - 44
HM - 40
Lopen - 34
Tran - 33
Moltar - 32
Ulti - 31
KH - 27
Moltar Status: Awesome, but not as awesome as Explicit Content, BBW for life!
CB6 Score: 511 - 9th place, not bad!
trannyscience | Posted 11/7/2007 6:51:18 PM | message detail | #430
ha, I was tied for last or something a couple weeks ago

damnable guest !!
immerse your soul in love
Master Moltar | Posted 11/7/2007 6:53:05 PM | message detail | #431
Well, another successful Crew if I do say so myself. Big thanks to the guys who made up this awesome Crew, and also much thanks to the Guests for filling in. Also, <3<3<3 all of the faithful Crew readers. I always enjoy doing this, so hopefully we'll be seeing more of the Crew in the future.
Moltar Status: Awesome, but not as awesome as Explicit Content, BBW for life!
CB6 Score: 511 - 9th place, not bad!
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 11/7/2007 6:55:13 PM | message detail | #432
more fanfic plz
CB6 - 450/768; Oracle - 30th
Extend congraturation to Applesauce Sign for win of contest GURU 2k7.
Master Moltar | Posted 11/8/2007 5:27:13 PM | message detail | #433
woo yo
Moltar Status: Awesome, but not as awesome as Explicit Content, BBW for life!
CB6 Score: 511 - 9th place, not bad!
th3l3fty | Posted 11/8/2007 5:35:59 PM | message detail | #434
Glad to be of service, Master Moltar!
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/8/2007 5:41:35 PM | message detail | #435
glad to service you moltar
Explicit Content.
hungry like the wolf
Mr Lasastryke | Posted 11/9/2007 5:14:27 AM | message detail | #436
So when a black kid with a single mom who works two jobs shoots a man in the street, should we blame Doug? ~ Cokes
Vlado | Posted 11/9/2007 5:42:38 AM | message detail | #437
Really cool analysis by Transience, respect for that.
Its hard being a wolf when ur surrounded by a herd of sheep. - Mozzezz