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Character Battle VI Contest Analysis Crew - Part 2

Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2007 9:02:00 PM | message detail | #451
Division 3: Round 2 - Match 37 – Sephiroth vs. Meta Knight vs. Fox vs. Wario

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 55.23% vs. Meta Knight, Peach and CATS

Way to disappoint Seph!

Meta Knight
Round 1 – 18.20% vs. Sephiroth, Peach and CATS

MK beats out the favored Peach for second. Victory!

Round 1 – 45.63% vs. Wario, Capt. Falcon and Banjo

SFF makes him look good.

Round 1 – 22.51% vs. Fox, Capt. Falcon and Banjo

Uses his farts to fly around.

Don’t you just love watching Sephiroth perform like crap? 55% against Meta Knight, Peach and CATS? Way to hold up the Clinkeroth part of your name. Fox and Wario are only stronger too, so expect another facepalm performance from one of the Big Three.

Meta Knight looked good last round, but Fox has shown that out of the Nintendo midcard/high fodder, he reigns surpreme. Fox still gets what he got from Wario, and then takes some from Meta Knight as well. No problems here.

I got nothing else…can’t believe the Sephiroth part of the write-up was longer than the battle for second.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Sephiroth > Fox

Moltar’s Prediction is: Sephiroth: 49% - Fox: 25% - Meta Knight: 15% - Wario: 11%

Ultimaterializer’s Analysis

This is Cloud vs a bunch of SFF scrubs all over again, only this time Nintendo is involved.

I have Sephiroth > Peach in my bracket for this match, but I fully admitted ages ago that it was a fanboy pick that wouldn't work. Sephiroth > Fox was the way to go here, and Meta Knight didn't do enough in round one to change my mind. I mean hell, just look at the first round and how easily Fox dominated his match.

This won't be a pure copy of Cloud's most recent match, because despite SFF among the other three characters, one should clearly separate himself from the pack independent of the first place character's strength. Sephy > Fox seems safe enough, with Meta having a slight upset chance and Wario in dire need of some Maalox.

Ulti's Prediction:
Sephiroth [48.00%]
Fox [28.00%]
Meta Knight [17.00%]
Wario [7.00%]

Heroic Mario’s Analysis

After Sephiroth’s poor showing last round -- only 55% on Peach/Meta-Knight/CATS -- I’m expecting him to perform a bit better here. You could say that it’s Nintendo SFF causing it, and that may well be right, but I’d like to think this would look better for him here as opposed to what he was pulling before.

But, anyway, this is pretty much an all Nintendo SFF show -- which is why this will end up being a pretty dull match to watch. With Fox’s domination last round over three other Nintendo characters, I think it’s safe to say that he’s going to be fine here. Meta-Knight might put up a fight, but it won’t be enough to take second.

So, uh, go Sephiroth. Woohoo.

(This match sucks.)

Sephiroth – 55%
Fox – 17%
Meta-Knight – 15%
Wario – 13%

Bracket: Sephiroth > Fox
Vote: Sephiroth

Yoblazer’s Analysis

I've missed the first four matches of Round 2, but even a down-on-his-luck bum like me really, really can't see an upset occurring here. Today's showdown is one between Square's #2 powerhouse and three Nintendo guys who are relatively low on the company ladder. The winner is crystal clear, but the second place finisher is almost as obvious.

Sephiroth should own this match pretty hard. He's far stronger than any of his three competitors, and they'll all be subject to a vote split, to boot. In the same sense, Fox McCloud should get second. He destroyed Wario in Round 1, so that's no problem, and I'd be completely baffled to learn that he's lower on the Nintendo SFF than Meta Knight. Of course, judging by my bracket, that's probably exactly what will happen. =P
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2007 9:02:27 PM | message detail | #452
Sephiroth - 52%
Fox McCloud - 25%
Meta Knight - 12%
Wario - 11%

Lopen’s Analysis

Well let me look at this match. Hmmm. I think my interest stops at "Fox looks like a dork"... but I shall do my best to try and make something of this!

Alright, I'm distracted, you know what would make a great Warioware event? It's all like VOTE and then it shows this GameFAQs poll and you vote for the right guy. No it's not Wario, it's Meta-Knight. Even Wario would admit it. Look at that little badass.

Eh, really, this match is boring, and I need to hand an analysis soon. And I don't feel funny, either. Not like anyone's gonna read the analyses on this match anyway. The awesome that Meta-Knight and Sephiroth bring to this match are watered down by Fox McDork and Dorkio. I guess the fun thing to see is if Wario outdoes Peach. I think he does, even with the competition being a bit tougher than what she had with Fox there. Meta-Knight might be able to squeak by him anyway. Hell I'm hoping he runs Fox through too, but that's just not happening. 44% on the field, even if it is a thoroughly lame field, isn't anything to scoff at.

You know... it's weird, I don't even dislike Fox or Wario... I kinda like Fox, Wario isn't bad. For some reasons these Nintenpacks just leave me with a sour taste in my mouth. Meta-Knight deserves none of the blame. Kill them suckas, Seph. Sephiroth: Killing fodderific Nintendo characters by the dozens!

... er, no, Meta-Knight is awesome! Aw no.

Lopen's prediction:
Sephiroth - 50.01% (Hawhaw Seph breaks the poll)
Fox - 18.99%
Meta-Knight - 15.51%
Wario - 15.5%

Karma Hunter’s Analysis


Easily the least impressive of Clinkeroth, Sephy would look strangely vulnerable if he were set to face anyone that looked even remotely likely to upset him (dang bias keeping Snake in the bottom half grarrgh). Today he's up against a Nintendo cluster-****, so he should look better than last time, relatively. But you never know...

Meta Knight

Destroyer of Peach, one of the biggest upsets of the first round, the as-of-yet-unreleased Brawl fan favorite MK is up against two NEWCOMERS! - one another less popular Brawl to-be, and one THE fan-favorite of SSBM. Hmm... this seems pretty predictable...

Fox McCloud

After his long hiatus Fox kicked ass in his Nintendo cluster-****, and he looks to impress in today's. He's got Star Fox and the advantage of two past SSBs here, so there's not a lot of doubt that he progresses - but hey, you could say the same thing about Peach if anyone cared about her !!


After disappointing last round and having C. Falcon give him a scare, Wario's just gonna be trying to look respectable here. And he'll fail.

Our first breather of this round *should* be an open and shut case. No one beats Sephiroth, of course. Wario lost to Fox last time, no reason anything should change. And while Meta Knight has a glimmer of a shot, he didn't shut down Peach nearly enough to give me confidence in him - Peach, who I'd expect Fox to dismantle. Fox should have this, and how. MK will have to wait for Brawl before even thinking about bringing real opposition... and even then, Fox is still probably too much to handle for just about any Brawl-centric character. Seriously, I'd take him to beat DK comfortably nowadays.

So let's get past this meh thingamajig and get to the REAL main course of tomorrow <.<

Karma Hunter's Vote: Sir ****ING Meta Knight
Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Sephiroth with 51%, Fox McCloud with 23%, Meta Knight with 17%, Wario with 9%

And that's all she wrote. Man, let's see if Sephy can disappoint even to THIS...
Master Moltar | Posted 10/8/2007 9:03:03 PM | message detail | #453
Upset Probability: 5%

MK *could* upset Fox, as unlikely as it seems. People had strange faith in Peach for some reason, and there's always the chance that Fox looked a lot stronger than he should have due to cluster-**** Nintendo SFF and his opponents just being jobbers. Not counting out MK here at least, the little guy's got his sword and everything this time!

Transience’s Analysis

Sephiroth and three Nintendo guys. Sephiroth takes first, but who gets second?

well, that's easy -- Fox. he already embarrassed Wario last round, so he's out of the question. the only question here is Meta-Knight, and while he impressed like hell against Peach, he's now going against one of the biggest fan-favourites in Smash. Fox should sap a ton of that Smash support.. not that he really needs to, since he's already stronger than Meta-Knight. but this could be one of those 40-30-20-10 matches that are utterly boring to watch. Meta-Knight could potentially make a match of it if he draws a lot of his strength from the Kirby series, but I just can't see that happening. the thing got destroyed by Metroid of all things, and we saw how Ridley performed.


no blasters. no swords.
destroys Meta-Knight.

transience's prediction: Sephiroth with 49.67%, Fox with 26.65%, Meta-Knight with 14.56%, Wario with 9.12%

Crew Consensus: Seph > Fox, how exciting.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/8/2007 9:10:54 PM | message detail | #454
If you need a guest

Round 2- Division 3 Semifinal A

Previous Matches:

Characters Involved:


Last round, Sephy performed as expected, and lwill probably do the same this round.


Last round, Meta-Knight surprised by beating out Peach. He proved his character design won over Peach apathyl. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much of a chance here, and will be battling it out with Wario for last place.


Fox impressed last round by beating up on bottom tier Nintendo characters, and looks like he'll impress this round by beating up on some bottom tier Nintendo characters. Shame Mario is going to kick the crap out of him next round.


lol wario


Boooooooooooooring. The way Fox dominated last round proves he's higher on the Nintendo hierarchy than these chumps. He should have second easily wrapped up.

TuRtLe's Prediction: Sephiroth 50%, Fox 25%, Meta-Knight 15%, Wario 10%
TuRtLe's Bracket: Sephy > Fox
TuRtLe's Vote: Meta-Knight

115/152 in the contest. Next pick: Auron > King Koopa
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
DpObliVion | Posted 10/8/2007 9:26:24 PM | message detail | #455
DpOblivion's Supposedly-Unofficial-But-Apparently-Not Quick Analysis:

Can I please get a 2nd round match correct already?! Oh wait, I already got this one wrong before it even started....

Okay, so I had Peach taking 2nd in this match. I felt pretty good about it pre-contest, but so much for that. Does that mean Meta Knight takes 2nd, if he was stronger than Peach? No, because I horribly overestimated Peach.

Sephiroth is going to absolutely dominate this as he watches three mid-tier Nintendo characters split votes amongst themselves. Which one of them takes 2nd and advances?

Super Smash Bros. has proven to be a huge boost for characters. It likely pushed Meta Knight into this match, and it made Pit respectable, and they're in an SSB game that's not even out yet. Fox has been in it since the beginning, and not only that, he's one of the most popular characters in SSBM. Big advantage there.

But what about outside of SSBM? Wario is likely the most well-known to the public, but how many people are actually going to vote for him over the other, much cooler Nintendo characters? In the first round SFF-fest, Wario was actually closer to Banjo than he was to Fox. So you can easily eliminate Wario.

This match basically comes down to Fox vs. Meta Knight then. Fox absolutely dominated that Nintendo-filled first round match, but with Meta Knight being a cool character from the popular Kirby series, plus with the SSBB hype, he should easily be stronger than Wario and Captain Falcon.

But hype can only go so far when you're up against a staple of the SSB series. And unlike Captain Falcon, another SSB staple, Fox comes from a pretty popular series. Star Fox has been a great hit, although the Kirby series as a whole is bigger.

But Fox rides quite a bit of popularity, I think moreso than Meta Knight, and he'll do a barrel roll into the 3rd round (hooray for terrible joke!).

DpOblivion's bracket says: Sephiroth > Peach

Confidence Rating: Whoops%

DpOblivion's prediction is: Sephiroth > Fox

Confidence Rating: 70%

Sephiroth - 47%
Fox - 23%
Meta Knight - 19%
Wario - 11%

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket *LETS GO GIANTS*
Lopen | Posted 10/8/2007 9:30:37 PM | message detail | #456
Heh, I guess I should've assumed people would think Peach stronger than Wario. For some reason I thought MK taking 3rd might've been an upset pick. Silly me. Wario will do better than Peach. Watch for it!
DpObliVion | Posted 10/8/2007 9:39:11 PM | message detail | #457
Lowest Sephiroth percentage, whoohoo! I swear I make my predictions without looking at others' first. I really need my percentage prediction privelages taken away....

Unless I'm right, of course. Is Sephiroth really going to take 50% against a Nintendo vote that has 3 different options? We'll see....

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket *LETS GO GIANTS*
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/8/2007 9:39:58 PM | message detail | #458
I have Sephiroth at 45. Beat that.
Kleenex - Now with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor.
CB6 - 112/152; Oracle - 22nd
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/8/2007 9:40:43 PM | message detail | #459
i have sephiroth at 2% take that
Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism.
Lugia2 | Posted 10/8/2007 9:40:48 PM | message detail | #460
So little love for the Knight? Dang; I have Fox in my bracket too, but I would LOVE to be wrong. He's one of my favorite characters!

Ah well. I'm 123rd or so in the gurus; let's see if I'm wrong AGAIN!
VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. Lugia2-1246-5250-1185
Lopen | Posted 10/8/2007 9:41:43 PM | message detail | #461
I'm actually surprised so many took him to stay above 50%. I was thinking I'd be one of the higher picks. I mean really, he got 5% more with CATS there instead of Fox.

He might come out and kick ass, I'm thinking he will. But I'm not confident about it.
trannyscience | Posted 10/8/2007 9:42:36 PM | message detail | #462
I can actually see him doing *better* this round due to the lack of varied competition. joke characters will kill a percentage.
"And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy
ZFS | Posted 10/8/2007 10:11:57 PM | message detail | #463
At the least, I'd like to think that Sephiroth could stay above 50% on these chumps. His percentage last round was pretty disappointing, but he should bounce back here, I think.

watch him get under 40%

let's mosey
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/8/2007 10:13:29 PM | message detail | #464
Fox > Mario confirmed

115/152 in the contest. Next pick: Auron > King Koopa
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
GTM | Posted 10/8/2007 11:35:03 PM | message detail | #465
Woo 10 pages

lets close this topic at 499 >.> ~ dj hypnosis
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/9/2007 2:44:32 PM | message detail | #466
Looks like HM has this one.

119/160 in the contest. Next pick: Sephiroth > Fax
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Lugia2 | Posted 10/9/2007 2:53:59 PM | message detail | #467
Wow that percentage is high. Then again, there isn't that much variety either..
VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. Lugia2-1246-5250-1185
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:39:13 PM | message detail | #468
Division 3: Round 2 - Match 38 – Mario vs. Big Boss vs. Magus vs. Phoenix Wright

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 57.91% vs. Big Boss, Pac-Man and Wander

Mario takes care of business like usual.

Big Boss
Round 1 – 23.00% vs. Mario, Pac-Man and Wander

Thanks to Pac-Man getting stomped, Big Boss easily gets through.

Round 1 – 30.87% vs. Phoenix, Bomberman and Crash

….What the hell happened to you?

Round 1 – 23.96% vs. Magus, Bomberman and Crash

Squeaks past Bomberman to get to Round 2.

Interesting how most of the tough Round 2 matches turn up to be easier than expected, while the easier ones get tougher. Of course, Mario has no problems here. He won’t benefit like he did Round 1, but he still will perform well against these weak guys.

Before, Magus was a lock to take second. I mean, 35% on Link, beat Ganondorf, this guy isn’t a joke! But then he loses to Knuckles, and now 30% against a group with Phoenix “I lost to Freeman” Wright, Bombaman and Crash “Cool 10 years ago” Bandicoot? what

Now if Magus can only pull that against crap competition, how does he do with Mario and Big Boss instead of Bomberman and Crash? Well, we better hope he holds up damn well, because right now, Big Boss and Phoenix aren’t looking that bad for the upset.

Phoenix shouldn’t fall too hard from last round, thanks to his dedicated group of voters. Big Boss should also hold up well, as we’ve already seen him perform in relation to Mario. Magus is the big question mark here. Does he lose enough support to fall below either Big Boss or Phoenix? I’m going to guess no, but they’re going to come pretty close. At least close enough to give us a scare for a while.

*looks at match pic*

oh wate i mess up

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Mario > Magus

Moltar’s Prediction is: Mario: 45% - Big Boss: 22% - Magus: 19% - Phoenix: 14%

Ultimaterializer’s Analysis

I was pretty much convinced that Mario > Magus was a lock here, but then I saw Big Boss's picture. People are going to vote for that thing based on it looking EXACTLY like Snake, and Magus is in some trouble. Remember, he didn't exactly have the best first round. He needed 30 minutes to take first place from Phoenix, then finished up with a very low vote total for a first place character in this format. If the big upset happens here, people will likely see it coming rather than the Knuckles fiasco.

All I'm convinced of now is that Mario comes in first place Phoenix comes in last place, which is no lock in and of itself. Those Phoenix fans will be ready for this.

Ulti's Prediction:
Mario [51.00%]
Big Boss [20.00%]
Magus [19.00%]
Phoenix Wright [10.00%]

Heroic Mario’s Analysis


Big Boss is looking to make a big upset here after an impressive show against Mario last round, and a pic from Portable Ops that makes him look near-identical to Snake. There’s always been some speculation thrown around that Big Boss could be a pretty big force if he would ever get a “Naked Snake” pic, and now is as golden an opportunity as any -- MGS is performing great in this format and his competition for second looked vulnerable in round 1.

Magus isn’t out of it by any means, though. As much flak he gets lately, he’s still miles stronger than either Big Boss or Phoenix, make no mistake. Despite not being the noble nine breaker he was hyped to be, he’s still got plenty of strength to handle these guys. If he wins this match with ease, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:39:52 PM | message detail | #469
As for Phoenix Wright, he’s going to have his time at the start of the poll. Depending on how many people jump onto his bandwagon after he advanced last round, he may have a shot at holding the lead for a little bit, and second place for even longer. Once we start hitting the night vote, though, I expect him to start falling apart to Big Boss and Magus, if he hasn’t already.

The hardcore fanbases for Big Boss, Magus and Phoenix to be out in full force for this match, too -- and that means Mario’s going to feel the hurt, percentage-wise. I have no idea where most people are pegging Mario for tomorrow, but it’s probably high. In all likelihood, this will turn into another Samus-esque show where Mario goes and exceeds most people’s expectations, but I’ll take my chances with something low here!

With that said, I give you an excerpt from the Chrono Trigger retranslation:
Ah, Magus-sama~
Shining eyes, windblown hair
Higher than mountains, deeper than seas
However sunny and lonely the day,
If we think of you, we’re not afraid
If you’re there, we’re fine
Ah, Magus-sama~
Our savior
(Deeep -- win magus win)

Mario – 40%
Big Boss – 23%
Magus – 22%
Phoenix Wright – 15%

Bracket: Mario > Magus
Vote: Big Boss

Yoblazer’s Analysis

What a thrill...
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill...
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!

I'd give my life
Not for honour, but for you! [Snake Eater]
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you! [Snake Eater]
I'm still in a dream,
Snake Eater!

Someday you go through the rain
And someday, you feed on a tree frog
This ordeal, the trial to survive
For the day we see new light!

I'd give my life
Not for honour, but for you! [Snake Eater]
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you! [Snake Eater]
I'm still in a dream,
Snake Eater!

I am still in a dream,

[Snake Eater]

Mario - 42%
Big Boss - 23%
Magus - 20%
Phoenix Wright - 15%

Lopen’s Analysis

Hey, I'd hate to start another match with a shout out to the picture but OH MY GAWD NAKED SNAKE.

Once again, the contest is keepin it real with messages endorsing shroom munching Seems those performance enchancing Russian glowcaps have truly taken their effect now. With this power, he is unstoppable. He'll keep going and going and going... better than any batteries! What, you don't think so? Think of a battery like a bunny.

*Big Boss CQCs the a random pink bunny*
Big Boss: Speak!
Bunny of my own design that happens to be wielding a drum: *BUMF, BUMF, BUMF, BUMF*
Big Boss: Answer me!
Totally original bunny that happens to be pink: *BUMF, BUMF, BUMF, BUMF*

Bass drums, they go bumf. Trust me! Big Boss got pissed right about here. Now I'm not gonna say he killed the bunny, that would be savage and totally mean to bunnies. Now he might've tranquilized it to eat later. Might have. We can't really say. What does all this mean? Well think of Phoenix Wright and Magus like pink bunnies with drums. One of the pink bunnies like to point dramatically and slam its drum really hard from time to time, one is too busy talking about the black wind howling to get anywhere in this match.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:40:36 PM | message detail | #470
Now, bunny related rambling aside... if I was absolutely certain that Big Boss would get to round 2, I was going to take this upset and gamble that Big Boss would get a picture like this and take him for the win here. But I didn't. But I'm well prepared to lose four points here. Do I think he'll be an absolute beast? No, not really. Crazy picture powahs or not, the name still says Big Boss. Does he need to be? No, not really. Frankly, Magus looked like crap last round, and I have my doubts that he'll even outdo Phoenix Wright. In fact, I'm going to gamble that he doesn't now that we have two people stronger than Magus here. Both their votes will be siphoned, but I think PW has the hardcore fanbase that'll keep him from losing terribly more than he did last match.

Yeap. Magus for last. Hahaha... HAHAHA.

Lopen's Prediction:
Mushroom munchin Mario - 41.55%
Glowcap munchin Big Boss - 23.45%
Phoenix Wright - 17.86% (let's see you hold first over Mario for the first update! Believe)
Magus - 17.14% (Of course there's always the chance Big Boss isn't too crazy powerful and you win anyway. We'll see!)

Karma Hunter’s Analysis

Well, today's match seems to be pretty dull (outside of the fact that it houses the most awesomeness contained in one pack so far), so there doesn't seem to be much to talk about. Mario wins, and














/run program aww yeah

Placing Last Round: 1st, 57.91% of the vote

The icon of video gaming is back on his Power Trip to his inevitable showdown with Sephiroth. After what GameFAQs' favorite bishie is pulling today, though, it's gonna take a miracle and one hell of a performance to put him back in the running. And frankly the former seems more likely than the latter, what with...

Big Boss
Placing Last Round: 2nd, 23.00% of the vote

Perhaps there are some that do not understand Big Boss, passing over him as perceived bottom-feeder fodder that only squeaked through last round due to Mario/Pac-Man SFF.

These people are Satanists. For particular... reasons, let's return to Big Boss after examining the rest of his competition.

Placing Last Round: 1st, 30.87% of the vote

what in the blue hell happened here

Chrono Trigger was supposed to be beastly in this format.
Magus, THE fan-favorite of Chrono Trigger, was supposed to be even more dominating.

Well, Crono couldn't break 50% on his pack of chumps.
Frog needed blatant cheating to overcome friggin' Axel and got blown the hell out by Scorpion.
And Magus? Magus?

Unable to break 31% against Phoenix Wright, Bomberman, and Crash Bandicoot.
Losing to Phoenix Wright for 25 minutes.
And speaking of Phoenix, when you just take their votes and compare them directly? Magus wins with just over a 56% margin. Y'know... significantly worse than Gordon Freeman, in other words.

And yet he still looked to be safe. With such a weak pack, how could he be denied his first trip to Round 3 in four years? Well...

Placing Last Round: 2nd, 23.96%

The Guru favorite to advance in his pack last round, but you'd never know it looking at the board.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:41:08 PM | message detail | #471
Phoenix Wright is a phenomenon. A hero of the board, the one man to end GFNW (heck, Gordon managed to lose to Duke Nukem this year), he who shares with L-Block the most dominant Power Hour in these contests. With all that (and a niche/cult fanbase of his adventure games), Phoenix managed to stage the impossible and... beat Bomberman.

Okay, so he's weak, and it likely took a heaping dose of shenanigans to get PW to pull through all the way. But he's here! And you've even got to give him a small shot at upsetting here - sure, he was 7% lower than Magus last round, but with freaking Mario there and Magus perhaps being disproportionately hurt by him as compared to Phoenix, his chances looked slim but possible. And he's got MY vote!

But... um... well...

Oh, yeah! Him.


Most people do not primarily know Big Boss by the name 'Big Boss'. To most, he goes by a much more recognizable name:


Naked Snake, to be specific. The protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Naked Snake is perhaps THE most important figure in all of MGS. But don't take my word for it, just look at the words from THIS brilliant spokesman's essay!:


For those not interested in loquacious awesomeness, suffice to say that Big Boss - Naked Snake - produced a few clones. One being SOLID SNAKE, star of 2k6, slayer of Sephiroth, and a part of the as of yet untouchable Noble Nine. It might also interest you that as far as physical designs go, Solid and his father are virtually identical. 'Cept Naked sports a cool eyepatch. :D

Up to now, however, Big Boss has always been stuck with pictures representing him as an old man - the form where he appeared in such juggernauts of games as Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (the latter not even being released in the United States until just recently with MGS3: Subsistence). Considering that Naked Snake is called Big Boss very few times in MGS3, where he gets most of his strength, it's hard for many casual voters to make the connection.

Until, of course.

Let's face it, MGS characters have shown to wildly fluctuate in the past based on pictures. They've got weird and almost downright unrecognizable melting official art, wacky sprites, and tend to get hit even in the most favorable circumstances. People have brought up Raiden's MGS4 picture as reasoning for his disappointing Fisher performance. Ocelot did as well on Nemesis as he did on Dr. Wily, and many believe the differences between his old man (Nemesis) and young (Wily) pictures played a huge factor in that. He looked like an unrecognizable blob against Pac-Man, and got upset. Are there people that dispute this picture factor? Of course! - and these are the same people who have constantly downplayed Snake's terrible sprite performances against Frog, Bowser, and Yoshi - who are all massively overrated in those respective years, of course. Still coincidences/flukes? WHY NOT!? - I still see people trying to justify that Yoshi performance as legit today (huzzah for this format!).

The point is that the naysayers are the ones that never give MGS any credit in the first place (it attracts almost as much hate as love, is the not-so-well-kept secret here). Me, though? I give MGS credit whenever I can. And for balance here, I'm gonna give you my strictly partisan interpretation ^_^:
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:41:38 PM | message detail | #472
Big Boss wins. The doubters are ridiculous, uncomprehending anti-fanboys who never vote for MGS in the first place, and don't have the slightest grasp of how popular Naked Snake is. Among the core fanbase, he outright challenges Solid Snake for dominance as the most popular character (as the Solid series goes he stars in as many games!). For those who haven't played MGS3/don't make the connection, he serves as a Solid Snake proxy. This is the best picture he could have ever hoped for, in the best situation he could have ever hoped for. There's no excuse for him not to win tomorrow. And he WILL win.

Book it, bank it, take it to the pawn shop and ask for a weekly advance. And pick up MGS3: Subsistence with that paycheck while you're at it.

Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Big Boss with 55%, Mario with 25%, Phoenix Wright with 20%, Magus with 0%

Pretty obvious, I think. NEXT

...okay, fine.

Karma Hunter's Much More BORING Yet Slightly More Realistic Prediction: Mario with 42.5%, Big Boss with 25%, Magus with 17%, Phoenix Wright with 15.5%

I will hurt you

Upset Probability: 0%

We give no quarter.

We offer no surrender.

Life's End... Beautiful, isn't it?

Where did you learn it? From my mentor.

That's one of the rules of being a lawyer my mentor taught me!

You're a wonderful man... Kill me...

The only time a man can cry is when it's all over.

Transience’s Analysis

this is one of my most anticipated matches of all time. has there ever been a more unpredictable match?

Big Boss

this guy's range is absolutely ludicrous right now. based on 2k5 stats, Big Boss is fodder. based on his first match, Big Boss looked like a decent midcarder, putting up almost as much against Mario, Pac Man and Wander as he did Auron. this led some people to theorize that maybe Big Boss was SFFed by Auron -- he did *that* well.

now add in Naked Snake. what happens here? god only knows. this might be the single greatest "picture advantage" we've ever seen -- I mean, there were talks of Big Boss > Auron and Ganondorf in 2005 based SOLELY on the idea of him getting a Naked Snake picture. it's very possible that he functions as a "Snake proxy" and absolutely destroys the competition. the only time this has ever happened to my knowledge was in 2003, when Shadow acted as a Sonic proxy to Mario and picked up a miraculous 45% of the vote. after seeing his performance yesterday, that has to be one of the great flukes of all time. anyway, I believe that Naked Snake is by FAR the second strongest Metal Gear Solid character. it shouldn't even be close. the question is if the name "Big Boss" will throw people off or not.

but, I mean, look at that picture. that's Solid goddamn Snake. he's even pointing at you. that has to scare you if you don't have Big Boss in your bracket, and quite honestly, the only reason you would pick Big Boss is if he got a Naked Snake picture. well, here it is.


Mario would probably win this match even if he was against Solid Snake. he's by far the most unique character here, he oozes iconicness and mainstream appeal while the other three are niche characters with different fanbases. his percentage here is utterly unpredictable though, mostly due to his competition.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:42:18 PM | message detail | #473

once touted as a Noble Nine killer thanks to him getting a higher percentage on Link than Sonic got on Cloud, Magus has been exposed time and again as maybe the most overrated character in contest history. his loss to Knuckles in 2005 is arguably the biggest board upset of all time and he couldn't even manage 30% on Bomberman, Phoenix Wright and Crash Bandicoot. from 35% on Link to 29% on two third-rate icons and the biggest cult character in contest history -- not very encouraging.

oh, and he's up against NAKED SNAKE. as if he needed more bad luck.

Phoenix Wright

the single greatest character to watch in a contest. the Phoenix Wright Power Hour last round was easily my favourite moment in this contest, if not contest history (SUCK IT MAGUS). Phoenix Wright might just have the most dedicated fans of any character in this contest. if this is true, he could very well get 20% again, and with Mario in the poll to suck up a ton of votes, who knows? maybe that'll be enough. it's highly, highly unlikely though. but still, he's the ultimate underdog and his first 60 minutes is an absolute treat to watch. can he hold the lead over friggin' Mario? only time will tell there.

so.. what happens here? hell if I know! it's tough to feel confident in Magus right now. 29% was just pathetic, one of the worst performances in round 1. I think Phoenix Wright hurts him in this format -- I bet most people who vote Phoenix would normally vote Magus. they just seem like two niche guys that would have similar fans to me. usually this would lead to Phoenix underperforming, but his fanbase is so dedicated that it's more like "rSFF". add in Naked Snake, Mario and that horrid picture and you've got a guy who could very well end up in fourth place. or he could come in second place easily, as he's the only character of the three who is definitely not fodder. who knows?

Naked Snake throws a huge monkey wrench into this whole match. I'm going to back him here, but I feel like I'm overreacting to a stupid picture. that said, you can't look at that picture without saying "holy crap, that's Solid Snake." if this were the old Magus I pick him with confidence, but as it is, I'll go against my bracket and roll the dice with the sexiest bandwagon upset pick I can remember. I want to *really* roll the dice and pick Phoenix here, but I think some of his votes will be negated due to BRACKETS and due to people believing he doesn't have much of a chance. if Mario can get 45% or so in this match, who knows? that 20% could hold up. it's really, really unlikely though.


Naked Snake? ohhh crap
Magus never gets a break
a picture beats him

transience's prediction: Mario with 37.88%, Big Boss with 24.34%, Magus with 22.51%, Phoenix Wright with 15.27%

Guest’s Analysis - Luis_Sera89

AUGH at the last two days results. Maybe I should start having Link as my favourite character or something, then I’d never be let down by those silly GameFAQs voters!
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:44:42 PM | message detail | #474
But anyway, to the present, and potentially the best match of Round 2 (HINT: Probably not) But regardless, it has Phoenix in it, which is always better than nothing. Going into this match, the big news is whether we can see an upset over Magus that would eclipse Knuckles’ win, perhaps not in shock but certainly in embarrassment, with this year’s contender being Big Boss. This coming after Big Boss joined a host of MGS characters enjoying the format with a fine second place behind Mario in Round 1, and Magus taking half an hour to take the lead from Phoenix Wright, on his way to a mighty 30% against such powerhouses as said lawyer, Crash Bandicoot and Bomberman. To put that into perspective, Big Boss managed a round 23% against Mario, Pac-Man and Wander. Admittedly, any of the 7 in these 2 four packs beats Wander, and that was a mightily SFFed Pac, but Mario remains no joke whatsoever, and surrendering 60% of the vote to those vicious beats of the Character Battle setting like Magus did, isn’t what a supposed high midcarder should be doing.

And even disregarding pretty strong evidence like that, gasoline has been poured over this raging fire with the news that Big Boss has gotten the Naked Snake picture that’s deserted him in his last 2 matches. So who wins, Magus or Snake lite?

I doubt I’m the only one going with the ‘upset’ here. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see the crew favour Big Boss over Magus here. As far as BB’s concerned “Everything’s coming up Milhouse!” for this match. An even belower-par Magus than could possibly have been expected so far this contest, no-one to leech votes, and it’s hard to see Magus gaining any more votes than he already had from Phoenix or Mario. In fact Mario might be doing his own number on Magus and do some siphoning of his own. That and the MGS fans are really out in force this year. Something tells me Magus is still going to eek one out, but the opportunitys too good to miss.

Oh yeah, and apparently there’s two other people in this match. Mario will win, and comfortably at that. He wont quite be getting 58% again, but he’ll be pushing for 50. I’d say he’ll get around 47. Phoenix will likely lose a little support this time around. He wont be so madly rallied for in this match with last place almost a certainty, and he could potentially lose a little of his DS support to Mr. Nintendo there. I’ve got him pegged in the low teens, as I still wager that the majority of people who voted for him before will no doubt do so again. And for what its worth he’ll have the lead for a few minutes again.

But this match, like so many others, is about the two duking it out for second, and silly though it may seem, I’ve got the picture swinging this one, and how. Naked Snake could be a whole different beast to Big Boss. For all I know I could be undershooting him by 10% or something! Who’d have thought that in that little period after a heavy loss to Auron?

Mario – 47.1%
Big Boss – 21.7%
Magus – 18.2%
Phoenix – 13%

Crew Consensus: So Mario takes first and Big Boss is the favorite to advance over Magus.


So Mario takes first and Big Boss is the favorite to advance over Magus.

Big Boss is the favorite to advance over Magus.

Big Boss to advance over Magus.

Big Boss over Magus.

ZFS | Posted 10/9/2007 9:46:22 PM | message detail | #475
We are going to end up getting this sooo wrong.

let's mosey
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/9/2007 9:46:36 PM | message detail | #476
The Analysis Crew sweeps Magus for free
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
trannyscience | Posted 10/9/2007 9:49:35 PM | message detail | #477
Ah, Magus-sama~
Shining eyes, windblown hair
Higher than mountains, deeper than seas
However sunny and lonely the day,
If we think of you, we’re not afraid
If you’re there, we’re fine
Ah, Magus-sama~
Our savior

oh no you didn't
"And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy
DpObliVion | Posted 10/9/2007 9:52:00 PM | message detail | #478
DpOblivion's Unofficial Quick Analysis:

Now....please....let me get full points on a Round 2 match....

Okay, so Mario > Magus should be obvious here, although Magus is prone to disappointment.

Let's see....

*quickly checks to see who the Crew has winning*


I'm not even going to try. I give up.

DpOblivion's bracket says: Mario > Magus

DpOblivion's prediction is: Mario > Magus

Confidence Rating: -20%

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket *LETS GO GIANTS*
ZFS | Posted 10/9/2007 9:52:14 PM | message detail | #479
aww yeah

let's mosey
trannyscience | Posted 10/9/2007 9:52:40 PM | message detail | #480
groupthink CONFIRMED
"And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy
Master Moltar | Posted 10/9/2007 9:53:09 PM | message detail | #481
We are going to end up getting this sooo wrong.

Squall vs. Knuckles

Part 2

Heaven of Hell

Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Mario/Big Boss/Magus/Phoenix - Bracket: Mario > Magus - Vote: Big Boss (143/168)
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 9:56:19 PM | message detail | #482
XD Dp.

Wow. Big Boss sweep, I really wanted to pick Magus because I expected this but... I have analysis integrity! It's not about the possibility for easy points!

(If I was on the crew I would've saved your cred in 2005!!)
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/9/2007 9:57:58 PM | message detail | #483
I was gonna pick Big Boss here without the picture you POSERS augh

God I hope Phoenix wins
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
ZFS | Posted 10/9/2007 9:58:45 PM | message detail | #484
THE SAVIOR clearly has this.

let's mosey
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 9:59:09 PM | message detail | #485
Without the picture I think I would've went with Mario > Phoenix Wright. Heh heh.
trannyscience | Posted 10/9/2007 10:00:16 PM | message detail | #486
if anything, I feel better about Phoenix with another guy pulling votes from Magus!
"And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 10:01:39 PM | message detail | #487
Well I do have PW in 3rd. I agree. I just think he'll be pulling too many.
DpObliVion | Posted 10/9/2007 10:07:17 PM | message detail | #488

Yeah, just checked out the picture....

WTF. Big Boss advances.

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket *LETS GO GIANTS*
Lugia2 | Posted 10/9/2007 10:11:16 PM | message detail | #489
Great. Now Magus advances- you all know of the Crew Curse! Just ask Castlevania/Kingdom Hearts ><.

...Wait, I have Magus in bracket. WOO CREW!
VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. Lugia2-1246-5250-1185
trannyscience | Posted 10/9/2007 10:12:12 PM | message detail | #490
so do we. :)
"And just to clear up any remaining confusion, tranny > icon." -Shaggy
satai_delenn | Posted 10/9/2007 10:40:26 PM | message detail | #491
Satai's Totally Random "Analysis" Just For Fun

Para-Medic: Snake, do you want to save your data?


Para-Medic: Snake, have you ever seen the movie 'Plumbers in Mushroom Land'?
Para-Medic: Oh, well, it's about this plumber who rescues a princess from a giant evil turtle, and there's this wizard with blue hair and a cape, and some lawyer. You know, I never understood why the lawyer was in that movie, he always seemed a little out of place.
Snake: there a point to all this?
Para-Medic: Fine, fine. The point is, with those rugged good looks of yours, you can take on the lawyer and probably the wizard with no problem, but unfortunately I think the plumber will still be a little beyond you.
Snake: You think so? Hmph. So about that giant turtle...
Para-Medic: Don't ask me how it tastes!

Satai's vote: Naked Snake
Satai's prediction:
Mario - 45.29%
Big Boss - 22.96%
Magus - 17.01%
Phoenix Wright - 14.74%
My Contest Hero: SHOULD have been Axel. Ugh.
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG
DpObliVion | Posted 10/9/2007 10:40:40 PM | message detail | #492
Just for the hell of it:

Mario - 41%
Big Boss - 22%
Magus - 20%
Phoenix Wright - 17%

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
See Quote for Character Battle VI Printable Bracket *LETS GO GIANTS*
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/9/2007 10:41:38 PM | message detail | #493
Beating Magus... that was Big Boss' dream!
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 10:44:45 PM | message detail | #494
Haha. Awesome, Satai.

Best day for guest analyses ever.
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/9/2007 10:46:15 PM | message detail | #495
Lopen doing two analyses is shenanigans
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
satai_delenn | Posted 10/9/2007 10:51:16 PM | message detail | #496
Psh, I don't want to be associated with his silly PW > Magus pick! know, unless it happens. >_>
My Contest Hero: SHOULD have been Axel. Ugh.
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 10:52:49 PM | message detail | #497

Until it happens, Satai, until.
satai_delenn | Posted 10/9/2007 10:53:57 PM | message detail | #498
The black wind is howling, Lopen. It says that one of our predictions will perish.

My money's on yours...!
My Contest Hero: SHOULD have been Axel. Ugh.
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG
Lopen | Posted 10/9/2007 10:58:07 PM | message detail | #499
Oh yeah, the black wind... that's never wrong.

Man, now I almost want Magus to win so both of our predictions will be wrong. Eat it, black wind!
"GUYS I JUST DRANK A MASTER CHIEF SODA, MASTER CHIEF FOR 2007!" - Swirldude I suppose that rooting for Magus and rooting against the black wind is... odd?
satai_delenn | Posted 10/9/2007 10:58:44 PM | message detail | #500
The black wind replies: To 500!
My Contest Hero: SHOULD have been Axel. Ugh.
Currently playing: Aria of Sorrow, Silent Hill 2, Super Mario RPG