GameFAQs Contests

Fall 2006 Contest Analysis Crew - Part 4
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/31/2006 9:05:46 PM | message detail | #151 |
It’s time! Up next is the most important match of the entire contest,
Zelda vs. Aerith! Zelda is the lovable princess from the aptly named
video game series, The Legend of Zelda. Over in the other corner of the
arena is Aerith, some *spoilers* dead chick from Final Fantasy VII.
These game names are really quite fitting, as you would have to be
living in some sort of fantasy world in order to believe that this
match will be anything but a legendary blowout in favour of our beloved
princess. If Aerith fans actually existed, they most certainly would
find themselves quite disappointed in the abysmal showing she will give
in what will turn out to be her final GameFAQs Character Battle. But
enough about how big of a blowout this match will be, let’s take a look
at why exactly it will be such a blowout. First off we have the clear favourite to win this match (and the whole contest), Zelda. In the first round of this contest, Zelda destroyed Carmen Sandiego with nearly 90% of the vote, a feat that she is aiming to repeat here on Aerith. Now, Carmen is one of the most recognizable characters in gaming, and I can see her easily breaking the fodder level at 20% on Base Link, so we’re clearly dealing with a Zelda far more powerful than we saw back in 2005. In round two, Zelda defeated a character from the undisputed best game of all time with relative ease. If Zelda can do so well against someone from the undisputed best game of all time, what is to stop her from dominating someone from the absolute worst game ever, Final Fantasy VII? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. If Zelda’s spectacular performance in the first two rounds is any judge, it shouldn’t take any thought at all to predict the outcome of this match. On the other hand, Aerith had a pathetic first two rounds, letting Marle and KOS-MOS put up a good showing against her when she should have been able to RPG SFF them to the moon. There isn’t really anything more to say about it. They are both uber-fodder and Aerith disappointed against them to an incredible degree. Once again, if her earlier performances can be trusted, I would have to think twice before putting her over even Tanner. Even ignoring the previous rounds, Zelda still has a huge advantage in she has undeniably received a massive boost from Twilight Princess Hype. In addition to this, Final Fantasy XII has just been released. This will increase the number of people coming to GameFAQs and voting while they are here. Aerith is easily one of the most hated characters of all time, and so Zelda should get a nice bonus from all of the Aerith anti-votes. Due to the various factors listed above, I am confident in Zelda’s ability to get 99.99% of the vote against Aerith. However, I left one important factor out: The jp. The jp will vote for Aerith to oppose the hivemind, and his excessive gravitation pull will pull a large amount of Zelda votes towards Aerith, causing her to overperform to a ridiculous degree. As much as I know that this should be the greatest blowout ever, I can’t possibly ignore this crucial factor, which leads me to my calculated guess for this match. My prediction? Zelda with 54.64% ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/31/2006 10:06:37 PM | message detail | #152 |
Well, apparently I got the guest writeup for Sora/MM. --- Do you really need me to bring out the Ovaltine?-Stripey12isback on why hes a war hero. |
LordLockeRA | Posted 11/1/2006 4:08:37 AM | message detail | #153 |
Zelda detonates fodder just to struggle with someone with a face and a personality people actually know and possably care about. Go figure. Then again, I think Aeris is looking weaker then she should thanks to an underrated KOS-MOS, considering she got thumped last year by what may be a horribly-misread Luigi. Speaking of Luigi... I don't know WHAT to say about him anymore, because apparently he and Bowser were hitting the same stash of shrooms as Luigi is currently wiping his hands clean of the BLOOD of a fourpack he had no business breaking through and looking at Sonic with an uneasy glint. Luigi, ninebreaker? ... probably not, but at this point, I'd give him more of a shot then I'd have given Vincent. --- Meeh. Whatever. |
Lugia2 | Posted 11/1/2006 5:54:44 AM | message detail | #154 |
...Lord? You do realize that "not underperforming or overperforming"
doesn't mean "with someone with a face and a personality people
actually know and possably care about", right? If the match gets between 2000 votes, THEN I'll worry. --- VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/1/2006 8:09:38 AM | message detail | #155 |
Hmmm, if Aeris can impress until the after-school vote, and bring
things down a little bit with the second night vote, I might have a
good shot at this point !! TuRtLe ~~~ 55/62 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/1/2006 8:11:09 AM | message detail | #156 |
And how is Zelda struggling here? Were this match to take place in
2003, Aeris would probably have the results reversed now. Zelda is
kicking ass! TuRtLe ~~~ 55/62 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/1/2006 9:13:51 AM | message detail | #157 |
Tifa Lockheart vs. Princess Peach +7 Yo +6 HM +5 KH +4 Ulti +3 Mo +2 Guest +1 Lo The Rankings (Through Tifa vs. Peach) 1. Master Moltar (211) 2. Heroic Mario (201) 3. Karma Hunter (200) 4. Yoblazer (190) 5. UltimaterializerX (181) 6. Board 8 (158) 7. Lopen (122) --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 3:41:01 PM | message detail | #158 |
Tifa Lockhart.....................66.05% 79830 Princess Peach ...............33.95% 41033 TOTAL VOTES...........................120863 61.21% of the brackets predicted this match correctly. Peach may have started well, but Tifa took off from there. Tifa ends with just under a doubling on the Princess. Today, Zelda is beating Aeris pretty bad, especially for a match that was deemed close. Moltar - 9 Lopen - 9 KH - 9 HM - 8 Guest (Wigs, SilverNightmareX7, EC (2), TheRye, transience, Lady Ashe, Kleenex) - 8 Ulti - 6 Yoblazer - 4 Yo finally gets a point of his own! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Zelda vs. Aeris - Bracket: Zelda - Vote: Zelda (64/72) |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 9:03:55 PM | message detail | #159 |
So Lugia2 hasn't sent me Yuna/Chun-Li, and I think it's late enough for anyone to take care of it. --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Zelda vs. Aeris - Bracket: Zelda - Vote: Zelda (64/72) |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 9:05:36 PM | message detail | #160 |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/1/2006 9:07:31 PM | message detail | #161 |
Alright, working on it now. ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Lugia2 | Posted 11/1/2006 9:11:55 PM | message detail | #162 |
WHAT? Grr...I thought I emailed it. I guess I'm banned or something- my e-mail isn't gmail or anything like that. I'll post it here. Oye... Anyway, this is from the original message. "Here's the thing! Sorry if it's a little short. Yuna She's been doing well this contest. She wiped out two competitors while above 70% of the vote. She was in FFX, and in...FFXII...but she's still loved by FF freaks and normal gamers a like. Chun-Li Chunners...doesn't look so hot. She hasn't reached that 70% destroying mark. So...uh... Well, doesn't seem hard to pick. BUT WAIT! What about the X-Stat Calculator? ...shows up 52% for Yuna in 2005. That was the only contest they shared. Anything before 2004 is probably invalid Course, Yuna is behind the weird Gannon/Samus thing...But Samus got destroyed Mario by SFF... Chun-Li, on the other hand, is completely safe as far as SFF. She got chomped by Bowser, who got Weirded out by Kirby (what happened? I dunno), and, well, the rest isn't SFF. So, it isn't that clear. Chunners has only a couple of points to maneuver. She could still win this... ...If she were from FF or Nintendo. Let's be frank. I somehow have Thunder thighs winning this match in my (now dead) bracket. But Yuna might have a FFXII boost ("Might" because people say Aeris has one. O-K...). She is from the FF part of SquareTendo. Her game is pretty well remembered. And Chun-Li?..nah. Her game is legendary, but games/=characters, and her game isn't being overexposed like Pokemon is, and the SF releases don't seem to be that huge anymore. She also hasn't impressed that much, except for those who had Lara here. I've got Chunners in my bracket. That was a mistake. My vote: Chunners. I don't see why to vote for the sl-summoner from FFX-2 My Bracket: Chun-Li My Prediction: Yuna with 51% Low? Well, I have to take in account whatever was happening elsewhere... " --- VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/1/2006 9:23:28 PM | message detail | #163 |
51% *shudders* --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 9:41:41 PM | message detail | #164 |
Aeon Division: Round 3 - Match 52 – (1)Yuna vs. (3)Chun-Li Moltar’s Analysis Yuna Round 1 – 79.30% vs. Roll (20.70%) Round 2 – 78.05% vs. Joanna (21.95%) Yuna’s looking like Zelda-lite here. Another impressive performance from her. Chun-Li Round 1 – 68.74% vs. Kasumi (31.26%) Round 2 – 55.54% vs. Lara (44.46%) So…I guess Lara isn’t as weak now as she was in 2004! While this match isn’t as hyped up as Zelda/Aeris, it still deserves to get some talk over it. I mean, last year, these two weren’t far away from each other. Yuna got what, 39% on Ganondorf, and Chun-Li got 34% on Bowser. But that was a Bowser on some obvious roids. They’re close, darn it! Well, they were, until Yuna decided to spit in the face of her 2005 value and lay a nice pile of sweet-smelling flowers over it. Ok, yeah, Roll is garbage, but then to fave Joanna, who Mario got 81% on, and get 78% on that? Can’t say we saw that coming! The fodder in the female bracket was worse than we thought! Chun-Li looked like a contender in Round 1, putting up amazing numbers on Kasumi…well, amazing if this was 2002, but still! However, her Round 2 match was a lot less impressive. Lara has never looked good here, except kinda in 2002 and maybe 2003. However, Lara looked a bit too good against Chun-Li. Yeah, I know Lara wasn’t herself in 2004, and she has had Legend since then, but to bring her pretty much up to her 2003 value? Yeah…no. So let’s see…looking at all the characters Bowser faced, he really messed them up. Chun-Li may be overrated, and Yuna is looking beastly for being behind potential double-SFF last year. I’m going to say Yuna with the easy win. Moltar’s Bracket Says: Yuna will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Yuna: 57% - Chun-Li: 43% Ulti’s Analysis Like the last match, this was mildly debatable until the last round happened, when Bowser underperformed. Now the upset almost seems impossible for ol' Chunners, though she still may do well. Prediction: Yuna with 53.53% HM’s Analysis Yuna Previous Matches: Yuna – 79.3% -- 97,716 Roll – 20.7% -- 25,501 Yuna – 78.05% -- 89,711 Joanna Dark – 21.95% -- 25,229 Chun-Li Previous Matches: Chun-Li – 68.74% -- 71,106 Kasumi – 31.26% -- 32,611 Chun-Li – 55.54% -- 64,126 Lara Croft – 44.46% -- 51,338 After Chun-Li’s rather unimpressive performance against Lara Croft, this once potentially close match has sort of sunk into the “Oh crap, another boring female match” mix that the female bracket has. Yuna came out looking extremely impressive against Joanna Dark, blowing her out nearly as bad as she had done to Roll one round prior. The most interesting thing about this match will be to see where Yuna and Chun-Li stand. There are some question marks surrounding their placement last year, with one being underrated and the other being overrated, but we should get some idea of that here. Fortunately, after Zelda’s domination in yesterday’s match, we’ll actually get to see Yuna perform against another Zelda character to compare! Woo! …Yeah. This should be another pretty dull match, unless Yuna really surprises or disappoints. The winner shouldn’t be in question. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Yuna Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Yuna – 55% ; Chun-Li – 45% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Yuna |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 9:42:22 PM | message detail | #165 |
Yoblazer’s Analysis It can be argued that Yuna is unproven after two rounds of beating up on pitiful fodder. The same could have been argued against Zelda, and look what she's doing now (Jesus Christ). Fodder or no fodder, Yuna has looked terrific, and there's no way I'm taking someone who barely managed 55% against Lara Croft to beat a Final Fantasy midcarder. Sorry, Chun-Li. You have my vote, but you don't have this match. My prediction: Yuna def. Chun-Li (57-43) Lopen’s Analysis One could say that Yuna's got a huge edge going into this thing. Getting only ~2% less on Joanna Dark than freaking Mario did isn't something to scoff at. Now I'd say Joanna and Roll are both fodder, and it's more looking bad for them than good for Yuna. However, that's not all Yuna has… I'd say the main reason people are condemning Chun Li at this point would be what she did in round 2. Now, in round 2, Chun Li did pretty poorly against Lara Croft by most of our standards. But Lara Croft is very much an x-factor. I know you've heard me bring it up time and time again, but Tomb Raider: Some Game could have brought her back into the limelight at least somewhat. 2003 levels? Maybe. Maybe even higher… I mean heck, she could've just had something weird happen against Samus. Lara Croft may have never been mega fodder in the first place. People say "no one cares about Lara Croft anymore". But honestly, did anyone care about her in 2002 and 2003 either? Both years were also far beyond her prime, and she wasn't mega fodder then, was she? And let's not forget Chun Li's first round. ~70% on Kasumi might very well be the most impressive victory amongst the two to me. Heck, using 2002 X-Stats Kasumi was expected to even make that match somewhat close. Okay, 2002 stats suck, so we'll ignore them.. but I'd say Kasumi's not a totally incompetent opponent, she's probably about on the level of say.. Jin Kasama. However, the biggest selling point for Chun Li for me right now is Ryu. Ryu did much better on Mega Man than he was expected to. Now I always believed that Some Fishy Factor may have occurred in Ryu/Bowser, and this match helps to validate that a bit. Now, if you'll recall, our only read on Chun Li from last year was a beating from Bowser. A Bowser that can potentially pull Fishy things out of his hat when he faces Ryu. You think Chun Li's immune if Ryu isn't? Hell naw. Chun Li's got every reason to be better than she looks in 2005 here. So with all that considered, I think Chun Li is looking good to take this match. No fanboyish rants from me here though... believe it or not, I like Yuna more! Lopen's prediction: Chun Li with 51.99% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history Yuna Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 34th Place [23.66%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 31st Place [23.92%] Yuna decimated Joanna almost as badly as Mario last round. And with no SFF to blame? Wow. Chun-Li Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 34th Place [22.84%] Chun-Li beats Lara Croft last perhaps the most unimpressive way possible. Wow. Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Yuna: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) Chun-Li: N/A Upcoming Releases Yuna: N/A Chun-Li: N/A |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/1/2006 9:43:34 PM | message detail | #166 |
And now for the other match in which I somehow picked the character
that I didn't think was going to win. However, unlike last match (which
didn't exactly pay off ;_;), I'm jumping ship. Chun-Li winning this at
this point is a real stretch for me. She's weaker in the stats. She was
in the Dream Division. Yuna was behind a possibly underrated Ganon.
Yuna has looked like a beast (albeit against fodder, but so did Zelda),
Chun-Li barely beat Lara Croft. The only thing Chunners really has on
her side is the match picture, and we've already seen today that won't
change a blowout. Karma Hunter's Vote: Chun-LI, out of nostalgia. This is a bit of a tough vote. Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Yuna with 56.32%. So, yeah. Another win for my bracket (somehow), a loss for the excuse I call logic. Upset Potential: 29% UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT Ryu is the one thing that makes Chun-Li look good. Assuming a constant Mega Man and a Bowser that overperformed on Chun-Li to the same extent he did on Ryu, she has a real shot at this. Rikku sort of tells us otherwise, but we have no idea if we're dealing with a stronger Samus or not (plus she might be underrated in 2k5). She can win, but unlike last time I'm not banking on the upset. Upset Prediction: Chun-Li with 53.4%% Guest’s Analysis - Lugia2 It’s posted above silly! Apparently, he’s too good for us, so yeah! Scroll up and read it if you want. Crew Consensus: Other that Lopen, everyone else has Yuna winning here. It could range from pretty close to Ulti-style blowout. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/1/2006 9:45:54 PM | message detail | #167 |
Bleh. This next match is completely insignificant when compared to the
beautiful scene that we are viewing right now. It is between the
leading lady of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, Yuna, and the
woman with the thunder thighs, Chun-Li. This match is just as
predictable as Zelda > Aerith, except it lacks the importance for
future rounds (Zelda > Samus, anyone). Yuna will win this match
easily, but let’s take a look at just how easily. First off we’ll examine the star of Final Fantasy X/X-2, Yuna. In the first round of this tournament, she decided to take a page out of Zelda’s book and completely destroyed Roll, getting nearly 100,000 votes. Her second round performance was also similar to Zelda’s showing, with a second blowout against tested fodder. Yuna’s performance against Joanna is nearly as well as the one given from Mario, of all characters. Now, I’m not saying that Yuna is able to break the noble nine, but she certainly seems strong enough to beat Chun-Li. Sure, Yuna may be looking like a goddess right now, but what has Chun-Li been up to so far? Well, not much. In round one she completely failed to break 70% on Kasumi, a character that I’m willing to bet a fair amount of people have never even heard of. In round two, she bombed even harder, barely managing to pass 55% on an extremely weak Lara Croft. Lara isn’t the icon she once was, and I’m certain that she generates a fair number of anti-votes. Chunner’s performance so far has been less than spectacular, and she will need to step up her game a fair amount to have a chance of even making this match a close one. This match is basically a more extreme version of Zelda vs. Aerith, with a Final Fantasy character going up against someone that casual gamers won’t have even heard of. Yuna seems to have randomly boosted like Zelda, and I’m expecting a result similar to that of today’s match. Zelda is around 57% at the time of writing, so I’ll take that and bump it up a bit over 1% for Yuna. My prediction? Yuna with 58.34% ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/1/2006 9:49:01 PM | message detail | #168 |
DpOblivion's Quick Analysis: Time for me to get a point again, whooo! Well anyway, Chun-Li had a nice run, but now she faces Final Fantasy, which means she's doomed. Yuna's got this one in the bag, and after seeing Tifa get 66% on Princess Peach, this could be ugly. My vote: Chun-Li My bracket: Yuna, though I probably accidentally picked Chun-Li My prediction: Yuna with 64% --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/1/2006 9:51:57 PM | message detail | #169 |
By the way, I demand the right to poke Lugia in the eye for seeing this
topic when my prediction turns out to be the closest one. ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/1/2006 11:00:56 PM | message detail | #170 |
Nice point for Ulti. --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 11/2/2006 12:02:17 AM | message detail | #171 |
darn u ulti! TuRtLe ~~~ 55/62 in the contest. My analysis topic here: |
Lugia2 | Posted 11/2/2006 5:59:50 AM | message detail | #172 |
...Considering my talk about Bowser and Gannon, you'd think I wouldn't be SO stupid as to look to close to the X-Stat Calc. I DID e-mail it. I didn't realize that it didn't go through until last night. Don't understand how it failed to get in though... At least I won't be last. Yay Lopen! Oh, and Ashe? I think poking might not be sufficient. >_> --- VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/2/2006 6:35:54 AM | message detail | #173 |
Oh, no. A poke will be just fine. It will just be a very hard poke, and it may use a knife instead of a finger. -_- ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Luis_Sera89 | Posted 11/2/2006 1:24:14 PM | message detail | #174 |
I've finished my analysis of Crono/Auron. Could I just double check what Moltar's e-mail is? --- Terrible demon. Ouch... |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 3:07:28 PM | message detail | #175 | --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Yuna vs. Chun-Li - Bracket: Yuna - Vote: Yuna (68/76) |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 3:48:37 PM | message detail | #176 |
Zelda..................................56.87% 71597 Aeris Gainsborough.............43.13% 54300 TOTAL VOTES..............................125897 65.58% of the brackets predicted this match correctly. Zelda once again looks impressive while Aeris disappoints. In a match that was projected to be close, Zelda wins by a good margin. Has Aeris dropped, or Zelda boosted? I think it's a combination of the two. Today, Yuna is doing very well against Chun-Li. Moltar - 9 Lopen - 9 KH - 9 HM - 8 Guest (Wigs, SilverNightmareX7, EC (2), TheRye, transience, Lady Ashe, Kleenex) - 8 Ulti - 7 Yoblazer - 4 Ulti takes the point in a close one. --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Yuna vs. Chun-Li - Bracket: Yuna - Vote: Yuna (68/76) |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 11/2/2006 4:02:26 PM | message detail | #177 |
Snake/Yoshi Analysis sent. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 6: Han Solo (5-0) |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/2/2006 6:40:42 PM | message detail | #178 |
You better not have gone stupid biased Leon, the guest spot desperately needs a point! --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
trannyscience | Posted 11/2/2006 6:41:22 PM | message detail | #179 |
it's Leon! --- zizzy |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/2/2006 6:41:52 PM | message detail | #180 |
Good point. :( --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 11/2/2006 6:43:37 PM | message detail | #181 |
Let's just say...Snake > Mega Man confirmed! SFF in Mega Man/Yoshi? PSHAW! --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 6: Han Solo (5-0) |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/2/2006 8:22:00 PM | message detail | #182 |
-_- --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 8:28:29 PM | message detail | #183 |
Round 3 male half peeps are... Snake vs. Yoshi - Leonhart4eva Sora vs. Mega Man - KamikazePotato Sonic vs. Luigi - Big Bob Crono vs. Auron - Luis_Sera89 --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Yuna vs. Chun-Li - Bracket: Yuna - Vote: Yuna (68/76) |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/2/2006 8:29:10 PM | message detail | #184 |
If I don't get Samus/Zelda there will be hell to pay Moltar. --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/2/2006 8:29:57 PM | message detail | #185 |
I think guest should get the point today because Lugia's prediction
wasn't in the right spot. Mine went right after KH's, so it is clearly
the true guest prediction. =o ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
Lady Ashe | Posted 11/2/2006 8:30:28 PM | message detail | #186 |
From PortugalTheMann If I don't get Samus/Zelda there will be hell to pay Moltar. Better get ready to pay up then, Moltar! Zelda/Samus is mine! ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 11/2/2006 8:32:10 PM | message detail | #187 |
You think Zelda is going to win, that should automatically disqualify you. >_> I'm filled with the truth of Samus' bloody beating of Zelda! --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/2/2006 10:07:52 PM | message detail | #188 |
Ummm.......Snake/Yoshi? --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 11/2/2006 10:14:59 PM | message detail | #189 |
From PortugalTheMann I'm filled with the truth of Samus' bloody beating at the hands of Zelda! You forgot a few words, but it has been fixed now! ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/2/2006 10:45:30 PM | message detail | #190 |
<_< DpOblivion's Quick Analysis: And so we start a string of 5 straight matches featuring Noble 9 characters facing non-Noble 9 characters. Yawn. If Vincent couldn't beat Sonic, none of these should be even considered. But hey, good job for Yoshi even getting to this point! My vote: Yoshi My bracket: Snake over Yoshi My prediction: Snake with 59% --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
Gaddswell | Posted 11/2/2006 10:49:48 PM | message detail | #191 |
O_O Analysis' not posted yet? --- By the time we localize the programs, kids don’t even know they’re from Japan any more. - 4Kids CEO Al Kahn |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 10:49:48 PM | message detail | #192 |
Patriot Division: Round 3 - Match 53 – (1)Solid Snake vs. (3)Yoshi Moltar’s Analysis Snake Round 1 – 82.15% vs. Soma (17.85%) Round 2 – 57.59% vs. Squall (42.51%) Snake does almost too well on Squall…some people even are calling for that crazy MGS/FF SFF thing. Yoshi Round 1 – 55.20% vs. Riku (44.80%) Round 2 – 50.55% vs. Dante (49.45%) I guess only 55% on Riku can put you above Dante. Yep, I just have to except it now. Riku has become a near-elite. I mean, I seriously thought that performance spelled doom for Yoshi, but KH2 has boosted Riku up from mid-carder to near-elite. That’s crazy, but that win Yoshi pulled over Dante proves it. See, the Devil Divison has been looking good this Contest, save Terra and Kerrigan, but they suck anyway. Vincent looked legit, and may have even boosted more. Squall…actually looks overrated, unless you believe that what Snake scored on Squall last round was legit. Then again, a lot of factors could lead to Snake overperforming by 5%. Most likely a Snake boost, but Squall has also had his KH2 performance, and that should have boosted him too. Squall could have overperformed on Vincent last year…but still, I’d rather just call something fishy here, as MGS vs. FF matches always look fishy. Dante also looked legit it Round 1, and looking at Luigi, and with the thought that Yoshi > Luigi, Yoshi might have been always above Dante, so his 2005 value looks about right (though it may still put both Riku and Yoshi too high up…). Ok, stats rambling aside (hey, it’s good to finally get answers!), now we have Snake/Yoshi. As we saw with Frog in 2005, and now Bowser in 2006, characters who face Sprite Snake tend to overperform. Now Bowser overperformed to a much smaller extent than Frog did (but come on, CT sprite Frog versus a barely visible Solid ****? I’m not surprised.), so I’m not expecting Yoshi to go wild. Also, with Snake’s regular picture in the background, that should help Solid as well. Ok, so Snake wins, now it’s time to figure out the percentage. Using Luigi 2005 (because I can!), Snake gets around 42% on him. Now I just have to factor in a slight Yoshi overperformance…and success! Man, I hope Yoshi breaks 45% here, that’d be awesome! Also, I guess we should be happy Dante didn’t have to face Snake, because if Squall was any indication, Dante would have been rocked!! Moltar’s Bracket Says: Snake will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Snake: 55% - Yoshi: 45% Ulti’s Analysis Snake is yet again in the sprite round against a cute green animal. You know what this means... Prediction: Snake with 53.19% HM’s Analysis Solid Snake Previous Matches: Solid Snake – 82.15% -- 86,697 Soma Cruz – 17.85% -- 19,487 Solid Snake – 57.59% -- 78,314 Squall Leonhart – 42.41% -- 57,666 Yoshi Previous Matches: Yoshi – 55.2% -- 69,394 Riku – 44.8% -- 56,325 Yoshi – 50.55% -- 65,497 Dante – 49.45% -- 64,027 Now this certainly is an interesting match-up. Snake seems to have a thing for going up against Mario characters in recent years. Last year, he took out Bowser and Mario and now he’s set for a confrontation with Yoshi, who is coming off of a very impressive win against Dante. Snake, too, is coming off of a good win on Squall, who many thought had a chance to break the Noble Nine before the match. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 10:50:40 PM | message detail | #193 |
As nice as it is to kick off the male bracket once
again, this match isn’t going to be one that will be very interesting,
I don’t think. Snake should pretty much dominate right out of the gate
and never look back. Some think there’s a chance for Yoshi to
overperform here thanks to the ugly Snake sprite (everyone wanted Ghost
Babel, remember !!),
but I think Snake’s artwork in the background will help him out
considerably. It looked to help in 2003 against Ryu at least! So yeah, this match should go pretty easily in Snake’s favor. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Solid Snake Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Solid Snake – 56% ; Yoshi – 44% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Solid Snake Yoblazer’s Analysis Ah, the men are finally back action, and who better to kick things off than the manliest man of them all? Box hiding, chain smoking, tranq shooting, Codec instructions not understanding (Colonel... what do you mean?), ass kicking Solid Snake is here, and this time, he ain't fearin' no puny ass sprite picture. That's right, folks. It may look as terrible as usual, but Snake could care less, and he'll prove that with an awesome performance against Yoshi tonight. He's destroyed fodder in Round 1 and surpassed almost everyone's expectations on Squall in Round 2, so I don't think the lovable green dino, Yoshi, is going to put a damper on Snake's fantastic run so far in the contest. As an aside, I'd like to thank CJayC for getting the sprite round over and done with this early, as now Snake will probably get a decent picture against Mega Man (please, though, none of that 2004 putridocity). My prediction: Solid Snake def. Yoshi (58-42) Lopen’s Analysis Bout time we whack some of these damned Nintendo sideshow characters! Oh yes… I can feel the hatred for Nintendo welling up within me. How dare you slay my two favorite characters, you miserable Mario vermin! DRONES THAT VOTE FOR MARIO CHARACTERS MUST BE ERADICATED! … oh… I'm sorry. Whatever has happened to me? … *ahem* Well, it isn't Solid ****, it's purple. How badly will this sprite hurt Snake? We've all seen Snake get put in trouble because of it before. Frog and Bowser come to mind. Although against Ryu in 2003 he seemed to hold up against the sprite pretty well. I blame it on Ryu's sprite not being much better, and it being the best sprite he's had. Seriously, SF1? Ryu deserved to make the match with Snake 51-49 too! Anyway, that's really the main debatable factor in this matchup. Snake would've taken Yoshi pretty easily without it, and he may even take Yoshi easily with it. I don't Snake will lose, despite this close % I'm calling for. Yoshi's fairly strong, but even with the sprite handicap I don't think he's got enough. And even with the picture disadvantage, maybe that scruffy thing on Snake's side in the background can help him out a bit. Lopen's prediction: Solid Snake with 51.04% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history SOLID SNAKE "You want eternal rest? I've got it right here." Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 9th Place [35.23%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 8th Place [34.74%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 12th Place [30.82%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 9th Place [33.88%] Snake turns a possible upset bid by Squall into an absolute crushing. Thanks, MGS/FF SFF! YOSHI "Now, let's go play, together. Together under the clearest of blue skies." Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 23rd Place [26.17%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 26th Place [ 25.22%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 27th Place [26.59%] |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 10:51:16 PM | message detail | #194 |
Yoshi shocks my current expecations and confirms my pre-contest ones by
dispatching of Dante in a close one. Whatever works, I guess! Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Solid Snake: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2), Super Smash Brothers Brawl Trailer (Internet) Yoshi: N/A Upcoming Releases Solid Snake: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3), Super Smash Brothers Brawl (WII) Yoshi: N/A Sprites? Sprites?! SPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTESSSSSS!!!! Yes, it's the sprite round, and once again Solid Snake takes his position as a temporary laughingstock as he reminds us that, yes, he had games back then too. In any other case this is an easy match to call obviously, but Bowser and Frog say this could be very interesting indeed. We'll get to that in a second. However, I really don't think this will be all that interesting, if only due to the background picture. Oh, and my percentage for Snake? Yeah, that's counting in a Yoshi overperformance. Karma Hunter's Vote: VOTE SNAKE Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Solid Snake with 57.04%. Once again overestimating Snake blah blah don't care blah blah Mega Man is so screwed blah blah Upset Potential: 0% UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT UPSET ALERT While I like the Ghost Babel sprite, I've come to terms that I'm in the minority with that opinion (this probably stems from the fact that I'm the only person who's ever played that game). With this being arguably his worst picture yet (though the background kinda disputes that), and assuming Yoshi = Bowser with the only thing separating them being SFF, Yoshi has a very real shot here. He just has to hope Snake hasn't boosted. Oh, and that Snake isn't INVINCIBLE. Upset Prediction: Yoshi with 140.85% Guest’s Analysis - LeonhartForever All right, here’s Solid Snake’s final chance to prove he deserves the status of “Favorite” against Mega Man. With the Blue Bomber’s oddly unimpressive numbers in contrast to Snake’s dominant performances, he’s lookin’ good so far heading into part 3 of the thus far one-sided rivalry. Can he pull a Crono and turn things around to get a win? It’s rather interesting to see that Solid Snake and Mega Man both face the other’s Sweet Sixteen opponents from last year. In most cases, you’d expect that to be a perfect gauge of their upcoming match, but…Not so fast, my friend!! </Corso> Both of them had strange overperformances against their opponents last year, with Snake nearly matching what Samus did against Sora, and Mega Man pulling in 68% on Yoshi. Suffice it to say that Snake is not getting that much against the green dino (though it’d be awesome if he did!!), so he’ll have to prove his worth some other way. Of course, also working against Solid Snake in this match is his worst foe of all: The Sprite Round! This time, he is represented as a little blue…splotch of pixels against Yoshi. I used to think that Ghost Babel would actually have decent sprites for Snake, but it turns out I was wrong. Somebody needs to inform Hideo Kojima about the Character Battles so he can work on a Metal Gear game for Game Boy Advance, pronto! Fortunately for Snake, CJayC did him a favor by sticking a giant mugshot in the background of the pictures this round, and behind him is the unmistakable Metal Gear Solid 2 Melting Snake picture. That should help him out in terms of lessening the negative effects the picture might have. |
Master Moltar | Posted 11/2/2006 10:51:53 PM | message detail | #195 |
As you remember, Solid Snake was on the verge of
collapsing the Noble Nine last year when he got stuck with a sprite
against Bowser in the Elite Eight. This could be a cause for concern,
especially after Crono exposed the Koopa King last round. But Bowser’s
always been stronger than Yoshi, right? Before the contest (heck, and
even as late as just a week ago), this appeared to be the case, but one
can’t help but wonder now. While Yoshi struggled to keep Riku below 45%
in his first round match, Bowser did the same against Leon Kennedy. Who
you would take in a match between Riku and Leon Kennedy should probably
give you an idea of where the two are in relation to another. Going into round 2, it didn’t even look like Yoshi would make it this far. Dante was the favorite, and for good reason. He had just flatout looked better in nearly every contest appearance, but the stars were aligned just right as the day of that match was apparently the 3 year anniversary of the first posting of LUEshi, as well as some other stuff that’s best not mentioned at this point. Either way, the important thing is that he won against a guy who got 46% on Vincent last year, who nearly managed 48% on Sonic this year. It was a very impressive win for Yoshi, and after Crono owned Bowser, it brought into question just how close those two were. Of course, we have to factor Luigi into the equation as well. Wait, Luigi? What does he have to do with anything? Glad you asked! Well, you see, Luigi beat Zero far more easily than even the minority of Board 8 brackets that picked him expected, and then he went and outdid Bowser’s performance against Kirby. Sure, that might mean that the pink puffball’s performance last year was a fluke or something, but it makes you think. Could Yoshi and Luigi have caught up to Bowser? But this is SFF, right? Stuff like that shouldn’t happen! Actually, Solid Snake might have something to say about that. I personally believe both of his matches against Squall Leonhart have been “SFF” matches (for lack of a better term), but yet there was an 7-8% differential in those performances. In other words, Squall gained a lot of ground on him in those four years. What’s to say that Yoshi and Luigi couldn’t have done the same? Sure, being from the same franchise might affect that, but the possibility remains. Now, why even mention this? Considering the fact that Bowser had a shot at beating Snake last year, if Yoshi is on equal footing with him this year, the slight possibility is out there of the dino coming close in his own right. Of course, Snake’s face shot in the background should neutralize that to an extent. Plus, we might be dealing with an even stronger Snake than last year. After all, he was essentially the star of this year’s E3, with a Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer being release and then shocking everybody by Nintendo revealing his inclusion in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Plus, he did have an actual release in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence for those who disagree with the notion of a mere trailer (or “trailor” as EC would say) doing anything of note. In any event, if Solid Snake wants to look like he can defeat Mega Man next round, he can’t have any of those struggles he had against Bowser last year. He’s got to win comfortably and hope for the Blue Bomber to struggle against Sora. Expect Snake to start off with a high percentage despite the Nintendo Power Hour and then watch him drop with the day vote, as usual. Hopefully, he can do what Crono did to Bowser and soar over 60% with that strong night vote of his! Leonhart’s Prediction: Solid Snake with 54.38% Crew Consensus: Thank you Internet connection for crapping out for nearly 3 hours! Oh, and uh...Snake wins. |
HaRRicH | Posted 11/2/2006 10:54:25 PM | message detail | #196 |
Methinks it's yo's point to lose. --- Diddy did it. Diddy did it. DAMMIT! What didn't Diddy do?! |
YoAriel33 | Posted 11/3/2006 12:50:55 AM | message detail | #197 |
Zelda vs. Aeris Gainsborough +7 Ulti +6 Guest +5 HM +4 Mo (tie) +4 Yo (tie) +2 Lo -1 KH Yuna vs. Chun-Li +7 Mo (tie) +7 Yo (tie) +5 KH +4 HM +3 Ulti +2 Guest -1 Lo The Rankings (Through Yuna vs. Chun-Li) 1. Master Moltar (222) 2. Heroic Mario (210) 3. Karma Hunter (204) 4. Yoblazer (201) 5. UltimaterializerX (191) 6. Board 8 (166) 7. Lopen (123) --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 11/3/2006 7:31:14 AM | message detail | #198 |
Bah, I knew I should've shot higher! --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 6: Han Solo (5-0) |
DpObliVion | Posted 11/3/2006 11:48:38 AM | message detail | #199 |
Yeah, too much overrating of Yoshi. Snake beat Squall by 57.59%, surely one should expect Squall to do better than Yoshi. --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
THEJackSparrow | Posted 11/3/2006 12:07:27 PM | message detail | #200 |
Well, if I thought Snake/Squall was entirely legitimate, I would have picked Snake to go higher, and I almost did. --- Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship: Week 6: Han Solo (5-0) |