GameFAQs Contests

Fall 2006 Contest Analysis Crew - Part 4
Master Moltar | Posted 10/27/2006 8:35:32 PM | message detail | #001 |
Another year, another Character Battle. And where there is a battle
featuring video game characters on GameFAQs, the Analysis Crew is there. For those new here, the Analysis Crew (led by that handsome devil, Moltar) discusses and predicts each match in the Contest. From the first match of Round 1 to the Finals, the Analysis Crew will be there to tell you who we think will win the match and why. Some analyses will make you laugh, others will make you cry, and you may even wet your pants a few times. We do this for you. And now, I present to you, this Contest's Analysis Crew! First we have the Crono of the Analysis Crew, Master Moltar! He may not be as popular as the other members, and actually pretty quiet on the board, but man does he look the best. Next is the Link of the Crew, UltimaterializerX! The fans scream "OMG ULTI!" when he enters a topic, and he also is a winner, winner of the Games Contest to be precise. Following up is the Cloud of the Analysis, Heroic Mario. He may change his opinions alot, but he stands firm on his Contest choices and...oh wait, he's in an Nintendo phase right now?...And he wants to be Ganondorf?...But..whatever! Up next is the Sonic of the Crew, Yoblazer! He's just loved by everyone. How can someone not like Yo? It's impossible! A strong, consisent Crew performer, he's looking to take the crown this Contest. Now it's the Mega Man of the Crew, Lopen! Just like Mega Man, Lopen is everywhere these days. He's known for his crazy upset picks and just not being able to stay down when he's out. Finally, it's the Solid Snake of the Crew, Karma Hunter! He's the most badass of all of us, I'll say. Like hiding in a cardboard box to avoid detection, KH thinks smart, and he should be a fun addition to the Crew. And the final spot on the Crew belongs That's right! For each match, there will be a Guest write-up. I mean, you all are claiming that you guys can do better than that Crew, so now it's time to see if you're right! Sign-ups for Rounds 1 and 2 have already passed, but keep an eye out for later Round sign-ups! Round 3 Guests Samus vs. Rikku - ShatteredElysium Tifa vs. Peach - Vlado Zelda vs. Aeris - BlAcK TuRtLe Yuna vs. Chun-Li - Lugia2 --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Kirby vs. Luigi - Bracket: Kirby - Vote: Kirby (52/58) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/27/2006 8:35:47 PM | message detail | #002 |
Time Division: Round 2 - Match 47 – (1)Crono vs. (4)Bowser Moltar’s Analysis Crono Round 1 – 74.16% vs. Capt. Falcon (25.84%) Crono does as expected on Falcon. Bowser Round 1 – 55.45% vs. Leon (44.55%) Wow, Leon sure got stronger…or Bowser just been exposed. Noble Nine Breaker #3, Bowser stepping up to duty! Well, he didn’t look like he was breaking anything last round, except a sweat against Leon. Now, I know he’s had RE4 for the PS2 since last year, but is he really over 30% on Base Link now? I mean, he came pretty close to Bowser, who is possibly the strongest non-Noble Nine character. However, Squall, Vincent, even Ganon looked better than this. Crono is looking just fine. Many expected he’d get around the tripling on Falcon, so it seems he hasn’t lost a step since last year. This is really Bowser’s true test. Was his 50% on Snake legit? Is Leon really as strong as Bowser suggests he is? Will Goku make it back in time to defeat the evil Androids? Find out next time, on DRAGONBALL ZEEEEEEEE! o wate Moltar’s Bracket Says: Crono will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Crono: 56% - Bowser: 44% Ulti’s Analysis Bowser was such wasted potential this year. Imagine him in Yoshi's spot. As it stands now, he may be lucky to even break 45% on Crono. Prediction: Crono with 58.34% HM’s Analysis Crono Previous Matches: Crono – 74.16% -- 84,090 Captain Falcon – 25.84% -- 20,306 Bowser Previous Matches: Bowser – 55.45% -- 66,925 Leon Kennedy – 44.55% -- 53,772 After Bowser’s disappointing last around, I can’t really stay on board the Bowser > Crono upset bandwagon that I was determined to see happen! The Koopa King is heading into this match with everyone wondering if he’s overrated and looking for answer’s regarding Yoshi’s and Luigi’s awesome performances here in the second round. That’s what makes the match pretty good – we get to see some percentages and some answers on Bowser and that Dream Division. In defense of Bowser, if he was overrated last year, I think NSMB releasing should have helped him at least get close to his older level. Leon Kennedy had plenty of reason to boost himself, and I was a big supporter of Leon getting a boost this year pre-contest thanks to it releasing on the PS2. His performance wasn’t as disappointing as it may seem. Crono wasn’t able to even triple Captain Falcon, but his match seemed to go about to expectations. He doesn’t look any stronger or weaker from last year, which is certainly a good thing for him considering the increased competition this year. This is one of the last opportunities for the Noble Nine to be broken this year, but it seems rather unlikely that it will happen. All I hope for here is that Bowser puts up a very respectable performance. BOWSER FOR LIFE !! Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Crono Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Crono – 53.5% ; Bowser – 46.5% Aitch Emm’s Vote: Bowser! Yoblazer’s Analysis Oh Bowser. Bowser, Bowser, Bowser. I was arguing for you for the longest time, claiming that "Bowser over Crono is as good an upset pick as Ganondorf/Vincent over Sonic." Well, you sure have your work cut out for you after that first round stink-job. Think you can top Vincent's 48%? I really doubt it. I'm not even sure if you'll even break 45% at this point, but I'll give it to you as a matter of principle. My prediction: Crono def. Bowser (55-45) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/27/2006 8:36:43 PM | message detail | #003 |
Lopen’s Analysis Bowser failing to do so well against MISTAHHH… KENNNNEDY! last round (okay, I'll stop… after this… KENNEDY!) doesn't exactly fill me with hope that he'll upset Crono. Okay, I never really had any hope, and I just wanted to say MIS… *mumph* Seriously, though. Crono gives Mario a run for his money every year (okay, last year not so much). But even with last year's decisive loss to Mario, he'd really have to be faltering a bit to be in danger of losing to Bowser. There's no reason expect such a spill, so instead, let's use this opportunity of Crono being in a match to its fullest! *ahem* "Bowser, even if given a chance, would not kidnap Marle." Monster burn, I know. Lopen's Prediction: Crono with 57.32% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history CRONO "What ARE you two doing? I thought you said something about a nice little slide show?" Summer 2002 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 7th Place [37.43%] Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 6th Place [38.14%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 5th Place [37.18%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 6th Place [36.54%] Crono certainly didn't show any weakness against Captain Falcon last round, and looks as solid as ever. And if Captain Falcon actually > Ness (like he bloody well should!), you could make the argument that he's the favorite to take the main bracket at this point. WOO CRONO BOWSER "Like the moon over the day, my genius and brawn are lost on these fools. ~ Haiku" Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 17th Place [29.97%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 18th Place [28.88%] Spring 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 3rd Place [40.45%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 10th Place [33.49%] Bowser on the other hand...struggles greatly with Leon Kennedy, and more or less puts any upset prospects he might have had against Crono to rest. The only deserving Mario character in the bracket is the only one that doesn't make the third round. *sigh* WOO BOWSER Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Crono: N/A Bowser: New Super Mario Brothers (DS) Upcoming Releases Crono: N/A Bowser: N/A ...yeah, Crono's got this one. The only thing to look for is the percentages, and whether people will interpret them as a Crono boost/drop, Bowser being overrated/legit, a combination of both, and so forth... ...I for one am expecting Crono to impress here. Maybe it's just me, but it was only two years ago that Mario got his ass kicked so hard that people thought he'd never win another match against Crono. Of course then he came back and did the same thing to Crono. Um, 53-54% isn't exactly an insurmountable margin people, but whatever. Oh, yeah. Um, uh, Crono wins. Karma Hunter's Vote: Bowser. Come on miracle! Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Bowser with 57.45%. Ryu is the only thing that gives me faith in Bowser doing well here, and I'm starting to believe either Bowser fluked that or this is all Mega Man's fault. I'm not ready to concede Leon as a near-elite and I'm hoping for a stronger Crono this year anyway...hence, this. Upset Potential: 1% Just because there's always a chance when these two are (presumably) so close. Upset Prediction: Bowser with 50.15% |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/27/2006 8:38:16 PM | message detail | #004 |
Guest’s Analysis - Cavalier Lowen The Noble Nine faces its next, and toughest (imo) test. Lets kick it up with some (lol) x-stats before I actually do some real analyzing. Bowser 45.82 Crono 54.18 That’s 2005. Some say Bowser is overrated due to his match with Snake. Possibly, although Ryu (SF) certainly doesn’t look overrated to me after his match with Mega Man. Match is on a weekend, don’t know how much of an effect that’ll have, if it even has any at all, but it’s certainly another uncertainty factor with the higher votals. Enough with the trips into the past already, let’s look at what’s going to happen right here, right now (if now=tomorrow)! Crono has beaten Mario in the past, and his game is one of the most popular games on this site. Why is there even a debate? After all, Bowser horribly underperformed against Leon Kennedy. Luigi is beating Kirby, Ryu almost lost to Kratos, it all falls into place, Bowser is overrated, the Dream Division Crono with over 56% right? NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! This is clearly a different Leon than the one we saw in 2k5. His game more than doubled in sales and it was ported to a more widely owned console. As far as I’m concerned, Jill and Claire also overperformed on their competition, though their competition was all untested, so that doesn’t exactly corroborate Leon’s boost. However, if Kratos can boost as much as he has, why can’t Leon Kennedy? As for Luigi beating Kirby, look at who is doing it. Luigi, a Mario character. If he’s gotten enough of a boost to outperform Bowser on Kirby, what’s to say Bowser can’t have boosted, even past his “overrated” 2k5 value. Yoshi’s also done very well for himself, beating Dante and doing well on a KH2 steroid induced Riku. Basically, if Luigi and Yoshi are outperforming most people’s expectations by far, why wouldn’t Bowser? They have the same things boosting them this year, NSMB, DS popularity increase, and MKDS. SMB does not even come close to Final Fantasy if a BSE is held last year, I guarantee it. Maybe it’s not a site wide Nintendo boost like last year, but I do think there’s a Mario character boost this year. As for Crono, well, by all logic he has to drop soon. I never even heard of him before these contests, and I like to think I’m fairly game savvy myself. Was the total reversal Mario pulled on him entirely based on a Mario increase, or did Crono drop, if only a little. Magus and Frog have been exposed quite well, despite looking like world-beaters after Magus/Link and Snake/Frog. Would anyone expect Frog to come anywhere close to Snake in this year or in 2k5 as he did in 2k4, Solid **** or not? That’s what I thought. Would this Crono drop continue into this year, who knows? I really, REALLY want to pull the trigger on this upset, but I just can’t. I wouldn’t be shocked to see it happen though, I’d give it a 35% shot. 35% ain’t enough to put my blessing behind it though. Crono with 50.5% Crew Consensus: Looks like Bowser won't come that close to Crono. Oh well, if he gets Vincent-like numbers, it's moral victory enough. Seems to me mid-high 50's for the Mute One. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/27/2006 8:40:44 PM | message detail | #005 |
KH has Bowser winning? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!?!?!?!? ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
trannyscience | Posted 10/27/2006 8:41:16 PM | message detail | #006 |
um i see a typo --- zizzy |
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/27/2006 8:41:40 PM | message detail | #007 |
whoopsy doodle --- This was Ed Bellis, servant to the mighty Guru Z1mZum. Congrats, buddy! - For the children. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/27/2006 8:42:26 PM | message detail | #008 |
lol kh more like kwrong --- Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/27/2006 8:42:37 PM | message detail | #009 |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/27/2006 8:42:56 PM | message detail | #010 |
I do believe that Unfinished FFP is even more screwed than it was due to todays match. ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
TheSwizzle | Posted 10/27/2006 8:43:02 PM | message detail | #011 |
*laugh track* --- "If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything." |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/27/2006 8:44:55 PM | message detail | #012 |
What the crunk is with these high predictions. I
believe as much as anyone that Bowser is overrated, and even my most
extreme prediction lands at Crono with 58% --- Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/27/2006 8:45:57 PM | message detail | #013 |
Well, I'm counting on a Crono boost. Or at least I was, now I'm counting on a MASSIVE CRONO DROP and MASSIVE BOWSER UNDERRATEDNESS --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/27/2006 8:47:36 PM | message detail | #014 |
Of course, now we need the guest tomorrow to come in first just to stay tied. =/ ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/27/2006 8:47:58 PM | message detail | #015 |
So you're counting on something that has no reason to occur? Good enough for me. --- Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/27/2006 8:48:11 PM | message detail | #016 |
I do believe that Unfinished FFP is even more screwed than it was due to todays match. CURSE YOUR RISKS, KARMA HUNTER SORA IS TOTALLY GONNA GET LIKE 75% (oh wait that was me too lol) --- This was Ed Bellis, servant to the mighty Guru Z1mZum. Congrats, buddy! - For the children. |
Garsha_III | Posted 10/27/2006 8:48:15 PM | message detail | #017 |
Didn't Vlado already appear as a guest in another match? --- The Beatles >>>> Lolicon. |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/27/2006 9:07:23 PM | message detail | #018 |
Kirby vs. Luigi +7 HM +6 Yo +5 Mo +4 Ulti +3 Guest -1 KH -2 Lo The Rankings (Through Kirby vs. Luigi) 1. Master Moltar (193) 2. Heroic Mario (184) 2. Karma Hunter (184) 4. Yoblazer (171) 5. UltimaterializerX (165) 6. Board 8 (148) 7. Lopen (105) Karma Hunter continues to fall on hard times, as the former leader is now in a tie for second with the surging Heroic Mario. The rest of the rankings remain unchanged. --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/27/2006 9:11:08 PM | message detail | #019 |
Wow. You guys went insanely high there. << --- "Let's face it: the princess Zelda has always been a symbol of sexual desire." |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/27/2006 9:11:20 PM | message detail | #020 |
And now he is going to lose another point while everyone keeps on gaining. =/ ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
chaosarcher07 | Posted 10/27/2006 9:11:53 PM | message detail | #021 |
Hit or miss KH might be falling further unless he hits this time. --- My FC2K6 Bracket: 42/46 (missed Boss, phoenix, Ganon, MC) Next match prediction: Lara |
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/27/2006 9:12:47 PM | message detail | #022 |
Is Moltar actually holding him to that typo? --- I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something starting right now... Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/27/2006 9:14:57 PM | message detail | #023 |
No --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Kirby vs. Luigi - Bracket: Kirby - Vote: Kirby (52/58) |
appestats | Posted 10/27/2006 9:25:32 PM | message detail | #024 |
tag |
Big Bob | Posted 10/27/2006 9:29:54 PM | message detail | #025 |
Big Bob's completely biased and nonsensical analysis Alright, alright, Bowser didn't look so hot against Leon last round. But just take a look at the other Resident Evil characters! Claire nearly beat Kairi, who in turn put up excellent numbers against Rikku! Jill Valentine nearly doubled the most popular Tales of Symphonia girl, and Princess Peach barely beat her when a lot figured she would be fodder. Even today Luigi is impressing everyone by beating Kirby, who held Bowser under 54%. If Luigi can boost that much from New Super Mario Bros, why couldn't Bowser? NSMB has been a blessing for this contest, and Bowser's going to prove it tomorrow by beating Crono. Speaking of Crono, what exactly has he done? He tripled Captain Falcon, but nobody would even know who Falcon is if he wasn't in Smash Bros. And that internet fad, which really shouldn't count for anyone's strength. Crono's getting old, and it's time for Bowser to prove it. Bob's Prediction: Bowser with 60% --- Gordon Freeman finally won, but somehow, the universe survived... thus allowing me to tell said universe about how I was owned by NClark128. |
SilverNightmareX7 | Posted 10/28/2006 12:10:29 AM | message detail | #026 |
Moltar, these guests are starting to get very incompetent with their
picks...... I suggest you now limit the write ups to past entrants.
Crono with 50.5% is just throwing away any shot in hell Board 8 ever
had at catching up..... --- Despite Karma Hunter's warnings, I doubted what should have been obvious to all. Only the Snake is the true hero! Commit it to memory. |
Sir Crono | Posted 10/28/2006 12:11:28 AM | message detail | #027 |
Wow. You guys went insanely high there. << Seems like a good move! --- As you wish. |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/28/2006 12:46:24 AM | message detail | #028 |
I forgot to do this, didn't I...... DpOblivion's Drunken yet Quick Analysis: YAY, 18th on the leaderboard!! So I got Luigi > Kirby, haha at you! Now we have Crono vs. Bowser, a possible NN breaker. Sorry, if Sonic beat Vincent, that just helps to prove that NO NOBLE NINE IS FALLING!! Sorry Bowser, but Crono wins. Crono is NN, Bowser is not, even if Bowser = #10. My vote: Bowser My bracket: Crono My prediction: Crono with....**** it, it's too late....yay crono is iwnning, so i'm stiill on the leaderboard..... --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 10/28/2006 1:01:31 AM | message detail | #029 |
Moltar, these guests are starting to get very incompetent with their picks I agree. I'm one of the few guests that made serious predictions, not to mention I got 6 points for the Guest in the Jill/Peach match. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/28/2006 4:04:35 AM | message detail | #030 |
I like how people are actually getting elitist toward the Guest spot,
which was a conscious movement toward dispelling the 'aura of elitism'
the Analysis Crew had in the first place. Let people write about crazy upsets and percentages if they want to. You've all got one, and besides, you benefit just as much when they happen as when they don't. I can't think of a better example than MC/Sub-Zero, where the Guest was ridiculed by his peers until everyone ended up with egg on their faces in the end. Sometimes the "crazy" upset happens. The closest thing to "impossible" that I've seen was the Lara/Alyx writeup, and that was a last minute change anyway; it was either that or no writeup at all. --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Tatl | Posted 10/28/2006 4:15:03 AM | message detail | #031 | did it again, blast it! Bowser has an upcoming game. He is going to be in Smash Brawl. --- Izzyzy "The Closet King" is my first GameFAQs idol. |
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/28/2006 4:23:42 AM | message detail | #032 |
I'm more bothered by write-ups like Tifa/Whoever she was against, and Phoenix/Gordon, to be honest. >_> ~~~ The one. The only. Lady Ashe. |
transience | Posted 10/28/2006 4:55:38 AM | message detail | #033 |
people just like to complain, I guess. *looks at guest prediction average vs. crew* ...oh. --- xyzzy |
Lugia2 | Posted 10/28/2006 5:01:53 AM | message detail | #034 |
Knew it! To be frank, I never understood Bowser>Crono. As Sephy showed, Gannon is stronger than Bowser. The Pic factor, in spite of what some say, has NOT been disproved, and Bowser almost destroyed solid s***, not Solid Snake (or the all powerful OLD Snake). Therefore, Gannon and Vincent might have a chance there, but not on the Mario/Crono/MM/Sonic group. I want to see the Noble Nine killed too, but I'm realistic about this... Now, if only Zero defeated Kirby, I'd still be in this... --- VIVA LA REVOLU-er, Wii!! Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much. |
FantasyFreak999 | Posted 10/28/2006 7:12:14 AM | message detail | #035 |
tag --- "Run, run, or you'll be well done!" ~Kefka, Final Fantasy 6~ |
shadow8021 | Posted 10/28/2006 9:27:12 AM | message detail | #036 |
Tag --- Character Battle Score: 56/60 Guru Place: 7th Today's Pick: Crono |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/28/2006 11:02:31 AM | message detail | #037 |
Wow, that was an.....interesting.....analysis I provided last night. <_< I guess I tend to uncontrollably brag my ass off when I'm drunk. Sorry bout that. --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/28/2006 1:43:57 PM | message detail | #038 |
ATTN: Lugia2, I would totally kill to do the Yuna/Chun-Li write-up, if
you want to switch with me for Auron/Subby, I would love you forever,
or if there's anything else I could do to make you change your mind.
Having sex with animals is an option. --- Cheer Up Emo Kids. |
Sir Crono | Posted 10/28/2006 3:38:53 PM | message detail | #039 |
I can't think of a better example than MC/Sub-Zero, where the Guest
was ridiculed by his peers until everyone ended up with egg on their
faces in the end. Sometimes the "crazy" upset happens Felt good to finally get one crazy upset right, and it totally redeems tranny from the whole MK > MM debacle. --- As you wish. |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/28/2006 4:58:50 PM | message detail | #040 |
Kirby.............................47.69% 50890 Luigi.............................52.31% 55812 TOTAL VOTES........................106702 41.06% of the brackets predicted this match correctly. Luigi doesn't have much trouble outdoin Bowser's percentage on Kirby. Ouch, another strike on the Dream Divison is overrated board. Horrible, horrible vote totals though (and yes, barely breaking 100K is considered horrible now!). Then again, Kirby and Bowser was very low vote-total wise as well. Today, Crono is doing slightly better than expected on Bowser. HM - 8 Moltar - 8 Lopen - 8 KH - 8 Guest (Wigs, SilverNightmareX7, EC (2), TheRye, transience, Lady Ashe, Kleenex) - 8 Ulti - 6 Yoblazer - 3 It's a 5-way tie for first! --- Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded. Crono vs. Bowser- Bracket: Crono - Vote: Bowser (52/60) |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/28/2006 5:00:26 PM | message detail | #041 |
Dammit, Crono, go up! Don't let Lopen steal this one away! --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
Lopen | Posted 10/28/2006 5:07:52 PM | message detail | #042 |
Go up? More like go down 8% M I RITE? --- Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef |
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/28/2006 5:08:32 PM | message detail | #043 |
shut up shut up shut up --- *kills self* Commit it to memory. |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/28/2006 7:18:49 PM | message detail | #044 |
grr darn you lugia I guess I'll have to do that write-up soon... even though I have no feeling on where either character stands. --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/28/2006 9:08:46 PM | message detail | #045 |
My analysis has been sent. --- Portugal. The Man Cheer Up Emo Kids |
DpObliVion | Posted 10/28/2006 9:31:39 PM | message detail | #046 |
I'll post this now, since I probably will be gone for the night before Moltar posts the others.... DpOblivion's Quick Analysis: I knew there was reason to be worried about Sub-Zero beating Master Chief. It wasn't enough to make me pick him to win though, but at least most others suffered with me. I was honestly more worried about losing that point than I was about Luigi winning his 4-pack. That aside though....Master Chief is a chump of an opponent. compared to Auron. The Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts-cameo is always a big draw. Oh yeah, and looking back, Auron beat Scorpion with 64.85% of the votes, and that was before KH2. My vote: Sub-Zero My bracket: Auron My prediction: Auron with 62% --- Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko NEW YORK METS: 2006 NL EASTERN DIVISION CHAMPS |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/28/2006 9:46:50 PM | message detail | #047 |
Time Division: Round 2 - Match 48 – (3)Auron vs. (7)Sub-Zero Moltar’s Analysis Auron Round 1 – 64.40% vs. Alucard (35.60%) Auron keeps up his string of 64-65% Round 1 victories. Sub-Zero Round 1 – 50.95% vs. Master Chief (49.05%) lol Master Chief lost to some Mortal Kombat character. Aww, I was hoping Chief would be here, seeing as how he’d probably do something crazy against Auron. However, instead we get Sub-Zero, which isn’t all that bad. Of course, while we’ll get a solid value on Subbie, we won’t know anything about Chief, since his strength depends on his opponent. Subbie should do decently if he was able to beat the Chief, but this is the new KH2-improved Auron, who got 64% against Alucard. Sub-Zero/Alucard, who ya got? Moltar’s Bracket Says: Auron will win. Moltar’s Prediction is: Auron: 64% - Sub-Zero: 36% Ulti’s Analysis All I really care about is Subby doing better than Scorpion did two years ago. hopefully it happens. Prediction: Auron with 64.65% HM’s Analysis Auron Previous Matches: Auron – 64.4% -- 74,808 Alucard – 35.6% -- 41,357 Sub-Zero Sub-Zero – 50.95% -- 65,358 Master Chief – 49.05% -- 62,932 Both of these old men (undoubtedly still looking for chess benches – good show ‘blazer) looked quite impressive last round. Auron just destroyed Alucard with absolute ease while Sub-Zero, despite having next to no bracket support, managed to pull out a close one against Master Choke himself! If that wasn’t the final nail in the coffin on MC being overrated, I don’t know what would be. This match should resemble something closer to his decimation of Alucard than the close match of Sub-Zero and the Chief. Auron is coming fresh off of a nice Kingdom Hearts II boost and Ganon ending up higher than his 2005 level suggested. This match is definitely not even going to be in question (thankfully), so it’s all a matter of seeing just how large the beat down is – and I’m calling for some epic crushing. Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Auron Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Auron – 64% ; Sub-Zero – 36% Aitch Emm’s Vote: AURON Yoblazer’s Analysis Is it any surprise that two years after the mighty Scorpion fell at the hands of Auron, his color-swapped brother would freeze his way into the bracket, hell bent on revenge? See, had I thought of things that way, there's no way I would have picked Master Chief in Round 1! Anyway, the winner of this match isn't in doubt, and I don't think there's a very wide range for the final result, either. Two years ago, Auron defeated Scorpion with just under 65%, and we're looking at an almost certainly stronger Auron this year. Sub-Zero probably has the advantage of being a bit legitimately stronger than Scorpion (Blue > yellow. Duh. Had Scorpion been red or black, it might be a different story), and is also lucky enough to have at least one (two??) new Mortal Kombat game(s) hit stores right in the middle of the contest. These factors may give Subs a bonus percentage point or two, but I wouldn't expect a performance much better than what Scorpion mustered, especially after seeing what Auron did to Alucard. If this doesn't end with Auron winning in the mid-to-low 60's, I'll be surprised. My prediction: Auron def. Sub-Zero (63-37) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/28/2006 9:47:21 PM | message detail | #048 |
Lopen’s Analysis Well, I knew Master Chief would have one close match this year, I could just feel it… and I was hoping it'd be with Auron, and that he'd get lucky. Well, guess what happened? Master Chief had his close match, and he lost… to Sub-Zero. I learned a lesson, use logic over traditions, from now on. Will I follow it? Uh… maybe? Anyway, as I was saying last round, I think Sub-Zero's a very different dude than the Scorpion we've been seeing. Now, I'm not saying he's going to win, but I think he'll do a lot better than Scorpion did. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation should help quite a bit, and there's a good case to be made that Sub-Zero is stronger than Scorpion. He had his own game (okay, it sucked… and so did Jax… shut up!) , and he did much better in the old MK favorites poll. That's about all I've got for this one. Let me go back to crying over Master Chief's tragic defeat now. Lopen's prediction: Auron with 57.89% KH’s Analysis lol x-stats history AURON "Some can't wait to die!" Summer 2003 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 20th Place [27.80%] Summer 2004 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 20th Place [27.38%] Summer 2005 Contest Extrapolated Strength --- 22nd Place [28.30%] Auron took the fight to Alucard in the first step of his utterly predictable path to Crono. Looks like KH2 really did a number for him (BECAUSE IT EXISTS HAW HAW EC). WOO AURON SUB-ZERO "I was just earning my living." N/A Sub-Zero makes his mark in contest history by having his victory over Master Chief be the lowest prediction percentage in the history of the contest's first round matches. Yes, even lower than StarCraft > Halo or Castlevania > Halo (actually more people should have seen it coming based on those two upsets... <<). We'd be able to see even better things (lowest prediction percentage EVER?) if he was in a more debatable fourpack, but the inclusion of near-elite Auron puts all that to rest. Now he just has to look good. WOO SUB-ZERO Notable Releases Since Last Appearance Auron: Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) Sub-Zero: Mortal Kombat II (ARC), Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Multi), Ultimate Mortal Kombat III (X360) Upcoming Releases Auron: N/A Sub-Zero: N/A I want Subby to do well...and that's it. Auron wins. Karma Hunter's Vote: Sub-Zero. Bandwagoning to make him look good against a character I would vote for in any other situation! lol Frog Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Auron with 64.45%. Yeah, I'm banking on Alucard not dropping off THAT much. I think he can take Subby and MC. I'm just going a little lower than I usually would thanks to the recent MK releases. Upset Potential: 0% FINISH HIM Guest’s Analysis - Explicit Content I'd like to start out by saying, I have no ****ing clue where to place either of these characters in terms of strength to predict this match, but am I going to stop that from me going 3/3 on the analysis crew? You damn well better believe I'm not, I'm getting ready to vault Board 8 back into a tie for 1st, and jumpstart another crazy-ass Guest rampage. Why? Because I'm Explicit "Mother ****ing" Content. Literally. (Shout out to HM's mom !!) |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/28/2006 9:47:56 PM | message detail | #049 |
Now, let's get down to the business. Sub-Zero, ah, it's always nice to
see a new entrant make it past the first round... well I wish I could
say that, but this is Sub-Friggin-Zero,
honestly, how the hell can anyone like something form MK? You people
disgust me. He had a nice round 1 match up with MC, the king of stats
borking, so there's not much help on figuring out where Subby lands,
but he at least gives us a general area. Sub-Zero beat MC with a
slightly higher % than Frog this past round (25% on BL in 2K5). Too add
onto that, in Scorpions two contest appearances, he netted around 24%
on BL, and since Subby is just a clever palette-swap of Scorpion
(Protect the balls EC, they're coming for you with pitchforks!), Subby
shouldn't be much off of that. The problem? I'm relying on 3 year old
stats to hold up relatively well. Oh well, that combined with Frog/MC
is good enough for me to take a rough estimate of Subby being worth 25%
on BL. It's as good of a guess as any I would imagine. And onto Auron aka "the man who didn't boost from KH2, because KHF is just silly and Karma Hunter likes unicorn porn." But he's still underrated last year, which is going to save all your asses in prediction percentage for this match, thanks to you overcompensating for KH2, and ignoring Samus' unfortunate slaying. Right for all the wrong reasons, how sad! So taking Auron's value of 30.88% last year, and adjusting him up 2% or so for Mario/Samus, we have a nice solid 33% on BL. (Dante still kicks his ass, for all of you out there wondering), and that brings us to my winning pick. Explicit Content's Sexy Pick for the Three-Peat (Go **** Yourself Pat Riley!): Auron with 62.05% Crew Consensus: Looks to be Auron in the low-to-mid 60's. |
Sir Crono | Posted 10/28/2006 9:50:38 PM | message detail | #050 |
Hit, Lopen, hit! --- As you wish. |