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Fall 2006 Contest Analysis Crew - Part 3

EvenMyROgetsB7 | Posted 10/19/2006 9:03:39 PM | message detail | #151
Wash your hands, turn the page.

I'm so hardcore.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/19/2006 10:06:26 PM | message detail | #152
Aeon Division: Round 2 - Match 39 – (1)Yuna vs. (4)Joanna Dark

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 79.30% vs. Roll (20.70%)

Yuna does very well against Roll…almost too well…

Round 1 – 60.23% vs. Cortana (39.77%)

Joanna isn’t afraid of no Halo character!

Yeesh, another boring Round 2 match in the female half. Oh well, Round 3 should turn up to be a bit more interesting.

For now though, Joanna’s Contest time looks to end here. Yuna is already projected to beat her easily, but that performance on Roll was pretty impressive. Yuna may actually be trying to make herself look like a threat to take down Chun-Li with ease.

What am I guessing though? Yuna will put up an average performance.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Yuna will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Yuna: 68% - Joanna: 32%

Ulti’s Analysis That’s Not Written by Moltar Because He Hasn’t Gotten it Yet and Needs Something Here

joanna is the hott, perfect dark rulez bang bang zip zop zoobity bop

Prediction: Magus with 87.55%

HM’s Analysis


Previous Matches:

Yuna – 79.3% -- 97,716

Roll – 20.7% -- 25,501

Joanna Dark

Previous Matches:

Joanna Dark – 60.23% -- 60,488

Cortana – 39.77% -- 39,944

After the awesome overperformance from Zelda and the underperformance from Aeris, we’re back to the boring old female matches that we have become accustomed to. Last round, Yuna came out with a very nice performance by nearly quadrupling Roll and Joanna Dark put Cortana into her place as bottom of the barrel fodder.

I’m not sure what to make of this match simply because it could range from 60% - 70%, I think. Yuna was likely underrated last year, Joanna could have been underrated and then boosted from PDZ or she could have not been underrated and not boosted and all sorts of various possibilities. There’s not much to really go over with this match because of how easy it is. The most we may get from this division is to see how Chun-Li will compare against Yuna heading into the division finals (YUNA > CHUN-LI).

Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Yuna

Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Yuna – 66.5% ; Joanna Dark – 33.5%

Aitch Emm’s Vote: Yuna

Yoblazer’s Analysis

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst match of Round 2. What we will essentially have to endure is a character who does not deserve to win two matches beating up on a character who did not deserve one match. Yuna will beat up on Joanna and, based on the extent of said beating-up, people will make predictions and set expectations regarding her upcoming match with Chun-Li or Lara Croft. And... that's really all I'm able to muster today. Sorry, but I don't really know or care about either of these ladies, and the match result is obvious.

My prediction: Yuna def. Joanna Dark (67-33)

Lopen’s Analysis

Don't let Roll fool you. Yuna's not suddenly some female bracket taking beast. No no… Roll's just fodder of the worst sort. Joanna Dark will take her off her little high horse that she summoned. (Oh ho I bet it was Ixion!) Joanna will do her best to "disturb the summoner"… "touch the summoner"… "hurt the summoner"? What's the line? I don't know!

Oh wait… it's… "Stay away from the summoner!" That's right! So Joanna Dark will do her best to… "approach the summoner"? Alright. Yeah. She'll try to approach her… in votes… but she'll fail… miserably.

Lopen's prediction: Yuna with 64.12%
Master Moltar | Posted 10/19/2006 10:07:30 PM | message detail | #153
KH’s Analysis

lol x-stats history


Summer 2003 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 34th Place [23.66%]

Summer 2005 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 31st Place [23.92%]

Yuna is looking good in her prospects to take this very boring division down after an absolute clobbering of Roll. Getting your ass beat down like that against Yuna? Roll's either one of the most worthless things we've ever seen, or -- actually, yeah, Roll = Worthless basically summarizes last round's match.

Joanna Dark

Summer 2005 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 59th Place [15.12%]

Joanna had a good expected thrashing of Cortana herself, though nothing that would give her inklings at this upset. Yuna just has too much going in her favor, Joanna's just trying to make herself respectable here.

Notable Releases Since Last Appearance

Yuna: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
Joanna Dark: Perfect Dark Zero (XB360)

Upcoming Releases

Yuna: N/A
Joanna Dark: N/A

This match sums up everything I hate about the female bracket.

Karma Hunter's Vote: Joanna Dark. May be the last time we see her in a contest at this rate...

Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Yuna with 67.5%.

Yuna has reason to be underrated and perhaps stronger this year, but Joanna has reason to be SFFed in her last appearance...with the severity of Nintendo SFF and PDZ, I'll go lower than what the stats say.

Upset Potential: 0%

lol steve illumina

Guest’s Analysis - Minipoooot

Let’s look at the previous matches in this contest with Yuna and Joanna.

Yuna: 79.3% - Roll: 20.7%
Joanna: 60.23%- Cortana: 39.77%

Though Roll had never been in a previous contest, it was expected that she would end up as fodder for Yuna. Cortana, also never having been in a contest, was expected to perform somewhat decently against Joanna, but ended up getting rolled over by Ms. Dark. Obviously, Yuna is the heavy favorite coming into this match. According to lol x-stats, 2005 Yuna will win against 2005 Joanna with 68.39%. However, with the release of Perfect Dark Zero after last year’s contest, I believe that Joanna’s percentage should rise a little.

My prediction:
Yuna- 64.5%
Joanna 35.5%

Crew Consensus: In a match that will be boring, Yuna will win with 60.xx%.
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/19/2006 10:26:41 PM | message detail | #154
Crew Consensus: In a match that will be boring, Yuna will win with 60.xx%.

I wish! Sadly, it's more like 6x.xx%...
99% of people just make up statistics on the spot. If you are part of the 1%, post this in your sig
Lopen | Posted 10/19/2006 11:17:55 PM | message detail | #155
Note to self... take all BOLD PREDICTIONS to heart, not just your own.

On a mostly unrelated note, that was Ulti's best write-up in a while!
Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef
DaruniaTheGoron | Posted 10/19/2006 11:28:38 PM | message detail | #156
Moltar's got this easy, so the guests hang on to top spot!
CB06 - Score: 40/44 Rank: Tied - 1127th Yesterday's Pick: Aeris
Today's Pick: Yuna Tomorrow's Pick: Chun Li Losses: Cortana, Ganon, Zero, MC
DpObliVion | Posted 10/19/2006 11:44:09 PM | message detail | #157
Damn it, Mets made me miss it again....well, no more of that, I suppose. And I haven't checked out the poll yet, so I'm free to make a percentage prediction, not that it wouldn't be completely off anyway.

DpOblivion's Quick Analysis:

Good for Joanna, I'm glad she got out of the first round. Too bad for her she's gotta go up against a 1 seed and a Final Fantasy female in Round 2. Will Yuna do better or worse than Aeris though? Aeris is obviously more popular, while KOS-MOS is coming off a hot new game, and Joanna, while not all that popular, is still a Nintendo character and wouldn't suffer from the slight SFF for being a fellow RPG character. Not that the percentage really matters, either way, Yuna wins and loss in this contest are pretty set in stone, no real debate in any of her past, present, or future matches in this contest.

My vote: Joanna
My bracket: Yuna
My prediction: Yuna with 59%

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
DpObliVion | Posted 10/19/2006 11:44:53 PM | message detail | #158
Wow.....looks like I went the wrong way with that one.....

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/20/2006 12:46:11 AM | message detail | #159

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Now Playing: Disgaea 2, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI, MMZX
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/20/2006 12:52:25 AM | message detail | #160
Don't let Roll fool you. Yuna's not suddenly some female bracket taking beast. No no… Roll's just fodder of the worst sort. Joanna Dark will take her off her little high horse that she summoned. (Oh ho I bet it was Ixion!) Joanna will do her best to "disturb the summoner"… "touch the summoner"… "hurt the summoner"? What's the line? I don't know!

lol cortana
lol joanna
lol female bracket

35/40 in the contest. My analysis topic here:
Lopen | Posted 10/20/2006 2:08:52 AM | message detail | #161
I stand by my statement... sans the Joanna "high-horse" segment!
Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef
Lugia2 | Posted 10/20/2006 5:53:16 AM | message detail | #162 did you guys mess up this badly? Usually it's just the Crew, DP, or Board 8...but all at the same time?

No, wait...this happened w/ Magus/Knuckles and Sub/MC matches too...though it's still a little odd.
Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much.
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/20/2006 5:58:06 AM | message detail | #163
Who said Yuna well over 70%? I'M PRETTY SURE I DID. Samus underrated, confirmed!

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 6:12:17 AM | message detail | #164
From Lugia2 Posted 10/20/2006 6:53:16 AM did you guys mess up this badly? Usually it's just the Crew, DP, or Board 8...but all at the same time?

No, wait...this happened w/ Magus/Knuckles and Sub/MC matches too...though it's still a little odd.

It's a simple explanation, really. I was not the guest.
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/20/2006 6:33:08 AM | message detail | #165
Agree'd. I totally would have took Yuna with 72%, been off by 8, and still won! *Ignores the fact that I would have completely blown the last coupel days*

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/20/2006 6:36:11 AM | message detail | #166
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/20/2006 6:36:40 AM | message detail | #167
Vincent > Sonic confirmed!

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 6:38:18 AM | message detail | #168
I would have failed on Aeris, but I have a pretty good feeling that I might have done decently with Zelda. ;o
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/20/2006 6:39:12 AM | message detail | #169
Yuna > Zelda baby!

Zelda 75.53% 80,168
Joanna Dark 24.47% 25,977

And that's without PD0 !!

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 6:42:35 AM | message detail | #170
Ah, but you forget about the MASSIVE N64 rSFF!!!
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
HoorayProxies | Posted 10/20/2006 6:59:35 AM | message detail | #171
...but Zelda and Mario were both on the 64!

Hooray Beer, Hooray Proxies!
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 7:02:51 AM | message detail | #172
Yeah, but that was a case of SFF, not rSFF.

And don't you dare bring up the gun-user rSFF in this match. D:
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
Master Moltar | Posted 10/20/2006 3:05:18 PM | message detail | #173
KOS-MOS.........................38.35% 43543
Aeris Gainsborough......61.65% 70006
TOTAL VOTES............................113549

71.68% of the brackets predicted this match correctly.

KOS-MOS actually does very well for herself, and gets 38% on Aeris. Now, these results are similiar to how a 2003 Aeris vs. 2004 KOS-MOS would have gone. Does this mean Aeris isn't any stronger, KOS-MOS was underrated, or Aeris's boost for KH2 was cancelled out by KOS-MOS is XS3?

Today, *takes off glasses* My God, Yuna...

Guest (Wigs, SilverNightmareX7, EC (2), TheRye, transience, Lady Ashe, Kleenex) - 8
KH - 7
Lopen - 7
Moltar - 6
Ulti - 5
HM - 5
Yoblazer - 2

A sad day indeed.
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Yuna vs. Joanna - Bracket: Yuna - Vote: Joanna (40/44)
Lugia2 | Posted 10/20/2006 3:13:58 PM | message detail | #174
The Guest. Is winning.

Quick! Set off a bomb in hell, cause Hell is freezing over!
Thank you Nintendo, thank you very much.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/20/2006 3:21:20 PM | message detail | #175
Guests are in first, Lopen is tied for second, and Yo is in a distant last place.

It's like this is the Soviet Russia Crew.
Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Weird Al Yankovic (#8)
Ed Bellis | Posted 10/20/2006 3:22:07 PM | message detail | #176
This was Ed Bellis, servant to the mighty Guru Z1mZum. Congrats, buddy!
The_Lady_Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 3:22:55 PM | message detail | #177
Eh? It's not their fault. Us guests are just so spectacular.
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
SilverNightmareX7 | Posted 10/20/2006 4:32:27 PM | message detail | #178
Keep in mind the guests had 1 point up until Vincent/Ganon..... then we caught fire.
Lopen | Posted 10/20/2006 7:09:13 PM | message detail | #179
In accordance with my advice...

Up my Chunners% by 7, Moltar.

Of course this time it'll end up screwing me, I bet!
Squall: "Hi, like Cloud from the last game, I am full of angst and am named after weather." - Slow Beef
Master Moltar | Posted 10/20/2006 9:39:04 PM | message detail | #180
Aeon Division: Round 2 - Match 40 – (3)Chun-Li vs. (2)Lara Croft

Moltar’s Analysis

Round 1 – 68.74% vs. Kasumi (31.26%)

Ouch, destruction.

Round 1 – 77.55% vs. Alyx (22.45%)

Ouch, destruction x2.

With both females looking good in Round 1, we might have a match on our hands here. Right? RIGHT?!? OH YEAH, IT’S GOING TO BE INTENSE!

Bleh, who am I kidding, I can’t get excited for this. I mean, look at the next two matches. Snake/Squall and Yoshi/Dante. Now THOSE I can get excited over. For now though, we just get this.

This match is only projected to be close if Lara has climbed back to her 2003 value…yeah, I don’t think so. A new game with good sales and reviews will help her up from her pitiful 2004 performance, but not to Chun-Li’s level, or even her 2003 level. If Lara can pull 40% on Chunners, it’s a moral victory.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Chun-Li will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Chun-Li: 61% - Lara: 39%

Ulti’s Analysis

*looks at Samus/Ada*

Yeah, blowing away joke fodder doesn't mean that you won't suck ass later on. I don't get how people are hyping Lara. No one gave a crap about Legends.

Prediction: Chun-Li with 65.45%

HM’s Analysis


Previous Matches:

Chun-Li – 68.74% -- 71,106

Kasumi – 31.26% -- 32,611

Lara Croft

Previous Matches:

Lara Croft – 77.55% -- 75,464

Alyx Vance – 22.45% -- 21,850

This match is pretty much a foregone conclusion. Some people like to entertain the idea of Lara Croft winning here, but after Chun-Li’s dominate performance on Kasumi, it’s safe to say that any talk of that should have been ceased then. Lara does have a chance to make it respectable, but Chun-Li isn’t going to lose this match.

Aitch Emm’s Bracket: Chun-Li

Aitch Emm’s Prediction: Chun-Li – 55% ; Lara Croft – 45%

Aitch Emm’s Vote: Chun-Li

Yoblazer’s Analysis

The round's last female match is kinda good, but not really. After Lara's phenomenal performance against Alyx Vance, some people are wondering if today's match will have a disputed winner. Personally, I'm not sold. Alyx is the weakest of the weak, so of course a stronger, infinitely more recognizable character like Lara will run all over her. To the GameFAQs visitors, I believe that Chun-Li is nearly as recognizable as Lara, but the Street Fighter pioneer is much more liked. To me, that's really all there is to it. Chun-Li wins it with ease.

My prediction: Chun-Li def. Lara Croft (57-43)

Lopen’s Analysis

Lara Croft got about 80% on her opponent last round. That was pretty hilarious. Not that it really meant anything. Well, it made me laugh, that means something.

This match will be where we get the answer to the question that's on all of our minds: "Did Lara's new release of Tomb Raider: Some Game really help her?" Me? I don't think so. I expect Lara to slightly outdo Kasumi here, and that's about it.

Oh, oh… that's not about it. What else can we get from this? We should watch out for what Chun Li gets on Lara Croft. Basically, will she do better or worse than Yuna did against Joanna Dark? I'm thinking if she does around equal or better, you've got to see Chun Li as the favorite next round. As washed up as Lara Croft is, I'd have take her to beat Joanna Dark without thinking too hard about it. Now, if Chun Li does worse, or a lot worse… Yuna's looking good. But even then, you've always got to consider Tomb Raider: Some Game. That's an X-Factor on Lara, no doubt!

Lopen's prediction: Chun Li with 71.12%
Master Moltar | Posted 10/20/2006 9:39:29 PM | message detail | #181
KH’s Analysis

lol x-stats history


Summer 2005 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 34th Place [22.84%]

Chun-Li looks on par with 2002 Cloud last round with that beating of Kasumi. Yay 2k2 Stats!

Lara Croft

Summer 2002 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 27th Place [21.80%]

Summer 2003 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 37th Place [ 22.11% ]

Summer 2004 Contest
Extrapolated Strength --- 53rd Place [13.91% ]

Lara gets the biggest blowout of her career last round, over the likes of such foes as Chop Chop Master Onion and Ryo Hazuki. Does this mean that she's any stronger, or that Alyx Vance is one of the most pathetic chumps in the history of the contest? you really need an answer to that?

Notable Releases Since Last Appearance

Chun-Li: N/A
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: Legend (Multi)

Upcoming Releases

Chun-Li: N/A
Lara Croft: N/A

This match has become *almost* semi-debatable lately! I blame the female bracket. Anywho, if Chun-Li is overrated significantly from the Dream Division and Lara is back to her old 'glory', I guess you can make a case for her. But I don't see the Street Fighter fanbase faltering her to the lack of Tomb Raider fanbase. That's all I need.

Karma Hunter's Vote: The Strongest Woman in the World! (aka Chun-Li)

Karma Hunter's Krazy Prediction: Chun-Li with 63.74%.

I'm too lazy to even change my prediction from Chun-Li/Kasumi.

Upset Potential: 10%

Lara looks pretty hot in that picture and Chun-Li could be overrated. Lara could overperform, but winning would be a BIG stretch.

Upset Prediction: Lara Croft with 53.4%%

Guest’s Analysis - Who Cares?

Aside from being disappointed that Chunny wasn’t setup to face Peach, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the Chun-Li/Lara setup when the bracket was released was “Trap match for casuals.” You may or may not seen them, but every once in a while you’d have topics like “Yuna or Lara” or “Chun-Li > Lara. Bad pick?” made by casuals & contest noobs gracing the board.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, hell that’s the very people who are being targeting for this match. Just look that the prediction percentage for Kratos/Ryu for goodness sake. In this respect, Ceej did setup a nice little match here, its just that those of us who’ve been around these contests long enough know we’re in for yet another match with an obvious winner. And that winner is Chun-Li.

The Queen of Fighting Games is coming fresh off a sound beating of the DoA star Kasumi, potentially tacking on some genre-SFF for good measure. Unfortunately because she was facing someone that was four years removed from the contest, we have no idea what that performance really means for her. And now once again Thunder Thighs is forced to play the role of measuring stick to her opponent. This time she’s dealing with a character that not only missed last year’s contest, but suffered a 9% drop in the X-stats since her last appearance. Needless to say, it wouldn’t be fair to use either of Chunny’s performances as a gauge for how well she’ll do in her big match against Yuna next round.

On the other side, yeah, Lara doesn’t have much of a shot here. Don’t let her beatdown of Alyx Vance think that she suddenly has a chance. She’s not exactly known for blowing out fodder. She let Chop-Chop Master Onion score 30% on her and let Ryo Hazuki score 40%. (Yes I know it’s from 2k2 where a lot of weird things happened, but even this is inexcusable by that contest’s standards) The fact that Alyx couldn’t avoid a tripling & the two ladies combined for the worst vote totals of this contest just goes to show how much suck Alyx is made of. I mean she’s an NPC that comes from the same game as Gordon Freeman for cryin’ out loud! Just how strong could she really be?
Master Moltar | Posted 10/20/2006 9:40:45 PM | message detail | #182
But wait; didn’t she have a new multi-platform game out called Tomb Raider Legend you say? If anything Legend may have put Lara back on the map and breathed some life back into her series, but you can forget about her helping her iconic status. (Which is something a lot of casual brackets will be banking on) She’s fallen from that pedestal long ago, and really as far as these contests go, that’s something that’s never helped her much to begin with. Fact is, GameFAQs as a whole has never really cared for Tomb Raider, and for Legend to push her up from horrible fodder in 2k4, where she couldn’t break 20% on Samus, to a solid midcarder with the likes Chun, Yuna, & Rikku two years later is pretty much ludicrous. For that to happen, Legend needed to be a huge as Resident Evil 4 in terms of praise and acclaim, and that game was no RE4. Even in her best year (2k3), she was practically equal to KOS-MOS. And by the way, Chun is projected to get over 57% on the Xenosaga star based on last year’s stats.

With that said, I’m not sure if what happened to her in 2k4 was a large fluke or not, but I’d expect Lara to get a nice boost from Legend, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see her get all the way back to a respectable KOS-MOS-ish level of strength. The higher seeding will most certainly help as well, & Chun is likely to a bit overrated as shown by Bowser’s poor showing against Leon, (and well...just about every other character in the Dream Division not having the greatest of showings) but that’s about it. Even if the Lara hate has suddenly disappeared, as some of her supporters had been suggesting after her Round 1 win, it won’t be enough. Street Fighter has always had a respectable presence on this site, and that fanbase likes Chun too much to let her drop this match.

So when all is set and done, Lara just has too much going against her to ‘shock the world’ come tomorrow. Chun-Li will advance and expect to see a lot of casual brackets get busted here, much like how they were destroyed when Ryu beat Kratos.

PREDICTION: Chun-Li with 59.41%

Crew Consensus: Chun-Li pulls out the win. The range is pretty large, but it's because we're unsure about how much Lara has changed from 2004.
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/20/2006 9:51:57 PM | message detail | #183
The one. The only. Lady Ashe.
DpObliVion | Posted 10/20/2006 9:58:30 PM | message detail | #184
DpOblivion's Quick Analysis:

This is the first time Lara Croft has seen the 2nd round since the inaugural contest back in 2002. In it, she only managed to put up 59% on the cult character Ryo Hazuki....ouch. Here, she faces Chun-Li, who is from a series that is far from cult, Street Fighter. Now, Lara's had a successful new game, and even a movie starring Angelina Jolie as her since then....but that's not going to be enough to save her here. Here's to Chun-Li scoring the upset, and those damn -1 casuals not seeing it coming.

My vote: Lara Croft
My bracket: Chun-Li
My prediction: Chun-Li with 55.55%

(Whew, not the lowest prediction! I swear I didn't look at HM's and just boost it.....)

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
DpObliVion | Posted 10/20/2006 10:01:53 PM | message detail | #185
Oh my God, I totally want Tomb Raider: Some Game, it sounds awesome.

Dp, you are one awesome, sexy bastard. I less than 3 you. -Shadow Ryoko
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 12:50:48 AM | message detail | #186
Expect another point for the guests on October 22nd!
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
SilverNightmareX7 | Posted 10/21/2006 12:53:35 AM | message detail | #187
Hopefully Leonhart shows SOME brains and puts Snake on a 50.01% win just to give the Guests some hope while keeping his own dreams of Squall winning within reach. If he puts Squall at anything above 49.99%, use DP's prediction as the guest analysis >_>;
~*~ Board 8's Champion MILF Hunter ~*~
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 12:56:07 AM | message detail | #188
Oh please, what is the fun of going with the flow like that? Risk big, win big!
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
HaRRicH | Posted 10/21/2006 12:56:08 AM | message detail | #189
Nah, Leonhart likes Solid Snake alot too. I'm sure he'll make it close -- and rightfully so -- but I'm confident he'll take Solid.
Next celebrity I hope to out-rank: Weird Al Yankovic (#8)
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/21/2006 1:15:58 AM | message detail | #190
Considering he doesn't really have much to lose on that match, I'd be pretty surprised if he didn't take Squall in a close one at least. He does like him more and he wouldn't want to be wrong if Squall actuall does win (he won't). =p

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 1:18:13 AM | message detail | #191
Wait and see, my former HM. The Squallid within is more powerful than you think.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/21/2006 1:31:04 AM | message detail | #192
But how would you feel if you didn't choose your favorite character when he broke the Noble Nine !!

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 1:34:39 AM | message detail | #193
Exactly. It will be an arduous, uphill battle, featuring a wall of text from me, as nothing less would do.

As a result, the winner of said match will have several walls of text written about them by me in the form of a character analysis/tribute/something else along those lines.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
SilverNightmareX7 | Posted 10/21/2006 1:36:52 AM | message detail | #194
The problem is the pic.

While Snake's pic is indeed pretty bad, he has won on worse, and Squall's pic is the worst pic I can ever recall him having. Squall looks far more brunette than normal and loses any edge he would have gained from Snake's pic.
~*~ Board 8's Champion MILF Hunter ~*~
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 1:38:48 AM | message detail | #195
...Squall had that exact same picture against Geno, and his gunblade is extremely prominent. Honestly, that's one of my more favored pictures of him. I dislike the one he got against Knuckles last year, and the one he got against Vincent wasn't the best either.

...And the picture he got against Bomberman is by far the worst he has received. At least his polygon against Samus had his famous face shot from the FFVIII demo in the background.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/21/2006 1:59:01 AM | message detail | #196
Yeah, Squall definitely has the edge in that picture...but I dare you to find me a single picture of Snake that he wouldn't have had the edge against. The only 'X-Factor' here is to see if Old Snake will adversely affect Snake, and while I suppose it's a possibility there's a reason why the MGS4 trailers are the absolute hottest game trailers on the net right now. I don't think it'll do much, if anything at all.

Though if Squall actually wins or even makes it interesting expect Snake fanboys to come out of the woodwork blaming the picture for the performance.

(including me, I'm not gonna lie here <_<)
*kills self*
Commit it to memory.
SilverNightmareX7 | Posted 10/21/2006 2:00:49 AM | message detail | #197
How is your sig space feeling Karma? I'm all ready to set up shop.......
~*~ Board 8's Champion MILF Hunter ~*~
SquallidSnake | Posted 10/21/2006 2:00:50 AM | message detail | #198
I really don't care what it takes for Squall to win, as long as he wins. Blame it on the picture all you want. Nothing will take that away from me.

...And watching the board react will be beyond priceless.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
October 22 - Internal war rages between the Squallid and the Snake
MyWorldIsZelda | Posted 10/21/2006 2:01:15 AM | message detail | #199
People will always blame the picture for Snake underperforming regardless of how good or bad it is. <<

The Master Sword is the most sought-after blade in Hyrule. He who wields it carries with him the hope of the kingdom.
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/21/2006 2:02:03 AM | message detail | #200
Snake would have totally got 70% on Sora without that damn biased picture. Stupid Sora pity-votes!!!
*kills self*
Commit it to memory.