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Spring 2006 Contest Analysis Crew

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SurfingVaporeon | Posted 7/2/2006 7:36:38 AM | message detail | #101
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 7:38:13 AM | message detail | #102
Zelda not quite being able to hit 90% looks great for my writeup. Looks like only Lopen's pick can challenge mine, unless Zelda explodes in the rest of the match.

Aitch Emm’s Prediction : The Legend of Zelda 84% -- Civilization 12%

That only adds up to 96% >_>

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 10:42:09 AM | message detail | #103
Hey, Ulti, take your math out of here!

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 10:47:10 AM | message detail | #104
Suikoden/MMX write-ups a bit later

And Civ's awesome day vote will DEFINITELY push Zelda down to 86%. <.<
Moltar Status: Excited, the Contest is here at last!
LoZ vs. Civilization - Bracket: LoZ - Vote: LoZ (0/0)
XxSoulxX | Posted 7/2/2006 12:49:14 PM | message detail | #105
Nice prediction Ulti.
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
^5 SOWL IMHO - Explicit Content
LeonhartForever | Posted 7/2/2006 3:31:49 PM | message detail | #106
That only adds up to 96% >_>

You just proved you haven't read this topic, heh.
SC2K6 Nominations: Squall, Roxas, Serge, Seifer, Laguna, The Prince of Persia, Nightmare, Sub-Zero, Captain Falcon, Raiden
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 4:21:45 PM | message detail | #107
From XxSoulxX Posted 7/2/2006 1:49:14 PM #105
Nice prediction Ulti.

Eh, you win this one if Zelda breaks 90, which it's on track to do.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 4:50:52 PM | message detail | #108
You know, with the match pics being character based, I may have to change a few of my prediction percentages.... Combined with the high vote totals, I think X may beat Suikoden worse than I thought.
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6
Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 7/2/2006 4:58:46 PM | message detail | #109
I wonder if the night vote will favour the more cult, mature Civ series.

Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:12:52 PM | message detail | #110
man, this looks to be quite an interesting contest...

...boy did I choose an awesome time to return from my 2 year hiatus!
If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:13:56 PM | message detail | #111
oh yeah, just for a little two cents value...i think tomm. will be MMX with 63.73%
If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
SephirothG | Posted 7/2/2006 5:35:43 PM | message detail | #112
Damn this topic is flying this year!
[Something clever was here before the sig wipe]
jonthomson | Posted 7/2/2006 5:37:36 PM | message detail | #113
Will be interesting to see tomorrow's numbers...
Jon Thomson - CATS, Jay Solano, Ridley, Scorpion, Alien Hominid, Duke Nukem, The Prince, Johnny Rocketfingers, two TBA
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 5:38:23 PM | message detail | #114
From BlAcK TuRtLe Posted 7/2/2006 5:58:46 PM #109
I wonder if the night vote will favour the more cult, mature Civ series.


What would you know about gauging the maturity of anything?

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne
TransgenderLove | Posted 7/2/2006 5:39:52 PM | message detail | #115

Explicit Content
Cheer Up Trannys.
DBZFIGHTERS | Posted 7/2/2006 5:41:10 PM | message detail | #116

Die hard Cubs, Pistons, Patriot and Maple Leafs fan
Owl Squad Member ( ēvē( ēvē )ēvē ) O RLY?
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:42:06 PM | message detail | #117
From BlAcK TuRtLe Posted 7/2/2006 5:58:46 PM #109
I wonder if the night vote will favour the more cult, mature Civ series.


i dont think any kind of favoring matters at this point...just saying...

If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/2/2006 5:42:29 PM | message detail | #118
Say my name, Leon! Say my name!

Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 5:44:02 PM | message detail | #119
Hyrule Division: Round 1 - Match 2 – (4)Suikoden vs. (5)Mega Man X

Moltar’s Analysis

Hey, Suikoden, interesting to see you appear here again. And with a 4 seed to boot too! Impressive. The latest in the series is Suikoden V.

Mega Man X
Ahh, the long-neglected X series. Many find it better than Classic Mega Man, so good to see it finally getting its time in the light. MMX8 is the most recent.

On one hand, we have a pretty much cult-RPG series, and on the other, Mega Man X. Yeah, this isn’t a very good seeding trap. Casuals aren’t going to fall for this. How did Suikoden get such a high seed anyway? Look at the other 4 seeds, Fire Emblem, Mega Man, GTA. Even Fire Emblem would probably beat Suikoden, as would all the 5 seeds, Silent Hill, Mario Kart, and Warcraft.

Oh well, it should please all 4 of the Suikoden fans to see it seeded so high, but MMX is going to destroy it. MMX is arguably more popular than the Classic series. We’ve seen how Mega Man does in these Contests, and unlike a lot of other characters, Mega Man only has his games to draw his strength from. What does that mean? Well, Mega Man the series and Mega Man the character shouldn’t be that far from each other in strength. Now, MMX will probably end up looking a lot weaker because of what it faces next round, but eh. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Mega Man X will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Suikoden: 25% - MMX: 75%

Ulti’s Analysis

MMX is an oddball. A recent "favorite Mega Man series" poll asked what the best MM series was. MMX surprisingly beat the original with ease, yet few people will try saying that MMX will have more contest strength than Mega Man. I think.

Anyway, the second match of this contest is another no-brainer. MMX might perform below the rather high expectations, but it doesn't exactly matter given how easy MMX's path is to predict in this. Zelda > MMX SFF, here we come. As for Suikoden, I doubt even the recent release of 5 will stop the series from getting its ass whipped. It's simply too cult.

Prediction: Mega Man X with 74.24%

Soul’s Analysis

Another predictable winner in this one. MMX is the clear cut favorite here. I'm predicting somewhere around low 70s/high 60s simply because Suikoden is a very obscure series.

Hmm... what to do now. I could talk about this match some more, but what else needs to be said? MMX has a chance to be strong, Suikoden does not. Simple?

My Prediction: MMX wins with 68.93% of the vote. Sadly, that's as far as MM is going to go this year)

Lopen’s Analysis

Man, I don't want to sound overconfident here, but the way I see it, this is a 1v8 match in a sneaky 4v5 costume. I have to admit, though, it's a pretty convincing costume. Some people even took Suikoden to win this one! Now, rather than just say they're wrong, as satisfying as that is, I'd rather explain why they're wrong. Three reasons (don't worry, they're good!):

1. How many games has the Suikoden series sold total? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they cracked their sixth dozen with the recent Suikoden 5.

2. How well has Suikoden done in this contest so far? Not so good… really not so good. Alright, how not so good, you ask? Well I'm sure one of my coanalyzers will no doubt be bringing up Luca's and Suikoden 2's beautiful polls, so I'll just say this: This could be Suikoden vs. X, and you know what? I'd be putting X in my bracket, because those X-Treme sports fans would surely propel X to victory!

3. Whoa whoa whoa… it's Mega Man X?!

Riiight. I love you, Suikoden… you've got my pity vote, but you haven't really got a chance. I'm... sorry.

Lopen's Prediction: Mega Man X with 81.56%.
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 5:44:57 PM | message detail | #120
Leon’s Analysis

Suikoden actually got the higher seed, eh? Well, it makes sense. The last time we saw a Suikoden representative, Luca Blight was the 4 seed facing off against Albert Wesker in last year’s Villains Contest. I mean, we already know the series is weak, but let’s review its contest history, shall we?

Spring Contest 2004, Suikoden II is the first sacrificial lamb for Final Fantasy VII. It fails to break even 15% in the match, but we’ll cut it some slack. It only faced the most popular game on GameFAQs. I mean, it ranked 47th out of 64 games in the stats (above even Metal Gear?!), so that’s not TOO shabby. Still fodder, but not a bottom feeder, at least.

Suikoden keeps rolling along and sends Luca Blight into Summer Contest 2004 as an 11 seed against Magus. He only gets around 19%, but come on…Magus is practically on the level of the Noble Nine, right? That’s forgivable. He makes a repeat appearance in the 2005 Villains Contest, facing off against the main villain of the very popular Resident Evil series, Albert Wesker. Luca surprises nearly everyone by breaking 40% in that match. Wow! Pretty impressive, right? But then Wesker fails to get even 30% against Kefka, a very low tier character. So much for that…And then, to top it all off, Magus gets exposed as a fraud against Knuckles, making Luca Blight look even weaker than he already did. Basically, just when it seemed it couldn’t get any worse…it did.

Now here is the entire Suikoden series rolled into one facing off against the Mega Man X series. I spent all that time reviewing its contest history to say this…It doesn’t stand a chance. In fact, its odds of victory are the equivalent to the name of its opponent’s most popular character: Zero. If there is a dictionary ANYWHERE with the word “Cult RPG” in it, I’d bet good money that there’s a picture of a Suikoden game (or at least it would be mentioned as an example) somewhere nearby. There are some people who even believe Mega Man X can be stronger than Mega Man Classic (there’s a favorite Mega Man series poll that MMX won as evidence of this). Heck, it doesn’t really matter what incarnation of Mega Man you throw Suikoden against, it wouldn’t win. The series has a hardcore (and I mean hardcore) following, but it’s just not big enough to matter against virtually ANYTHING, much less a big name like Mega Man. However, I’ll give it enough credit to manage to avoid getting completely destroyed here.

Leonhart’s Prediction: Mega Man X with 71.90%

HaRRich’s Analysis

Predicted winner: Mega Man X
Top 100 List comparison:
---N/A (neither series had games on the drop-down list)
Best Game Ever x-stat comparison:
---Suikoden 2 - 14.37% (may have been SFF'd by FF7)
---MMX - N/A (no rep)

You know what's great about this match? MMX wins. You know what's horrible about this match? It's another blow-out. You know what justifies that though? MMX wins.

Seriously though, we have another not-so-entertaining match, though it could prove interesting when we can compare MMX to Mega Man later in the contest. Until then...I mean, we've seen Mega Man be a Final Four character three times, Zero get 47+% on Sonic in 2003 whereas Luca Blight almost got 19% on Magus in 2004, and Sigma is expected to get 64.04% on Luca Blight according to the Villain Contest's stats. It also doesn't hurt that Dr. Wily was in the top quarter of villains in the Villain Contest, nor does it hurt that Protoman is right at the fodder-line despite being potentially SFF'd. I'm still surprised that Suikoden is "seeded" higher though -- I know we don't see the numbers this time, but think about the way they should go (1/8, 4/5, 3/6, 2/7) for every division, and it fits decently for the most part. This though...bah. A sign, perhaps? Not at all, watch.

Mega Man X wins with 73.12%
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 5:45:30 PM | message detail | #121
HM’s Analysis

Finally, we get to see Mega Man X in some form in one of these contests. CJayC always grouped “Mega Man” and “X” together in the character contests, but it looks like there was enough of a backing to get both Mega Man and Mega Man X into this series contest. It is kind of unfortunate it got put into a position where it is one and out though. I think Mega Man X could have done some real damage in other places, but I suppose one can’t expect a perfect bracket.

Anyway, we have Suikoden perform in the contest before, and it was incredibly weak to say the least. Granted, it was against Final Fantasy VII, the strongest game on this site, but it still doesn’t look like it has much of a fanbase at this site, despite being an RPG. One could probably blame Konami for some shipping issues and not enough advertising because you would figure a company as big as them would be able to get an RPG series like that to catch on. In any case, it’s clear that fanbase here, while dedicated, it incredibly small and isn’t going to be saving it from suffering a massive blowout at the hands of Mega Man X – something the Blue Bomber loves to do to fodder.

It’s a bit disappointing considering the quality of the Suikoden series, but that’s just how things go. Interestingly, I think this match will have a blowout similar to that of The Legend of Zelda, which may seem a bit weird at first, but I think Civilization would be able to handle Suikoden without too much trouble. Of course, even with a comparable blowout, Mega Man X stands no real shot at a powerhouse like Zelda, though its performance should be respectable.

So yeah, Mega Man X wins this one without any trouble at all.

Aitch Emm’s Bracket Says : Mega Man X will win.

Aitch Emm’s Prediction : Mega Man X 85% -- Suikoden 18%

Aitch Emm’s Vote : Mega Man X

Yoblazer’s Analysis

You know, 4/5 matches aren't supposed to be like this. They're supposed to be competitive. They're supposed to be filled to the brim with uncertainty. They're supposed to have us clawing at each other's throats, looking for something, anything, that distinguishes itself as proof good enough from which to base our decisions. We should get good matches. We should NOT get 80/20 bloodbaths.

Unfortunately, that's what we're going to get. Suikoden is a very cult series with a small, highly devoted fanbase. There are a very concentrated group of fans who will vote Suikoden over their own mothers, and they seem to show up in every poll which features the series. Sadly, that's about all it has. Mega Man X is a very respected series spanning two of the most popular consoles in history. It carries the Mega Man name, which might not be as big a deal for the other MM in the contest, but should help immensely against fodder of this craptitude. Voters who don't care about either series will probably vote for the one they've heard of, and EVERYONE has heard of Mega Man. It's an open and shut case. Mega Man X gets the honor of being Zelda's second sacrificial lamb, while Suikoden battles Star Ocean for last place on the Extrapolated Standings.

+ Actually got a decent seed
+ Incredibly devoted fanbase
- That fanbase is very, very small
- It's going to get killed

Mega Man X
+ Situated on arguably the two most popular consoles of all time
+ Large number of games
+ Mega Man name
+ Known for blowing up fodder
- Zelda will SFF it in Round 2; such a shame

My prediction: Mega Man X def. Suikoden (83-17)
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 5:46:51 PM | message detail | #122
Mnm’s Analysis

Battle Music: Double (MMX4)

FINALLY!!! After years and years of fans of the X series demanding that Mega Man be represented by X pictures in the character contest, Ceej finally sticks Mega Man X in a contest as a stand alone series! Unfortunately, the X series was placed in a lackluster bracket position, having its path already set. It goes through a snorefest against Suikoden before being sacrificed to Zelda. Nonetheless, at least X will look good in blowing out cult favorite Suikoden!

The X series has proven to be the most popular Mega Man series, as shown by the Mega Man favorites poll. However, the poll also shows that there is a huge split between the Classic Mega Man series and the Mega Man X series. What’s even more surprising is that before MMXC was released, I noticed there were many people who hadn’t even played a Mega Man X game. It’s surprising to me because the X series was basically the SNES extension of the Mega Man series. There was Super Mario World for Mario, A Link to the Past for Zelda, Super Metroid for Metroid, and Mega Man X for Mega Man. You would think that every fan of the NES Mega Man games would go grab MMX, especially seeing that MM7 wasn’t even released until 2 years after MMX. Still, MMX is still a pretty popular franchise on this site, as is evident by Zero’s popularity in the character contest. Of course, this doesn’t mean that MMX will equal Zero’s character strength. Games are a whole different ballgame than characters, and even though the X games have some popularity, I wouldn’t even put them near the popularity level of a Mario, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, etc. And since the SNES days, the popularity of the series has declined.

It won’t matter though because it’s up against Suikoden, the very definition of cult RPGs. We’ve seen Suikoden represented in these contests in a couple of instances. Luca Blight has been in 2 character contests, where he’s shown to be supreme fodder. Suikoden 2 went up against the FFVII juggernaut and nabbed 14%. Pretty decent given that Suikoden 2 fans are probably FFVII fans as well. It shows there’s at least a dedicated Suikoden fanbase, although that fanbase is still ultimately small. Look for it to avoid a complete blowout to MMX, although it probably still won’t avoid a tripling.

Bracket: Mega Man X
Vote: Mega Man X
Prediction: MMX with 76.24%

Comments: The whole Crew is going with MMX in this match. Our predictions are all over though. From low 70's to mid 80's.
XxSoulxX | Posted 7/2/2006 5:47:35 PM | message detail | #123
I'll take the low road...
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
^5 SOWL IMHO - Explicit Content
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 5:47:40 PM | message detail | #124
Aitch Emm’s Prediction : Mega Man X 85% -- Suikoden 18%

... Bless it. That should be 82% for Mega Man X. <<

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake
DBZFIGHTERS | Posted 7/2/2006 5:47:42 PM | message detail | #125
All the Analysis could be sum up in one sentence:

Mega Man X will win.

Interesting to see how many ways you guys can repeat it >_>

Die hard Cubs, Pistons, Patriot and Maple Leafs fan
Owl Squad Member ( ēvē( ēvē )ēvē ) O RLY?
SephirothG | Posted 7/2/2006 5:48:08 PM | message detail | #126
You did that with the last prediction too HM. >_>
[Something clever was here before the sig wipe]
yoblazer33 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:48:40 PM | message detail | #127
Aitch Emm’s Prediction : Mega Man X 85% -- Suikoden 18%

Is this a long-running joke or something? =P
Board 8: Where Wii treat each other right.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 5:49:24 PM | message detail | #128
Damn, I thought I'd be the only one around the 75% range.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne
Dilated Chemist | Posted 7/2/2006 5:49:43 PM | message detail | #129
I can see MMX getting close to 80% against Suikoden.

Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:50:17 PM | message detail | #130
Aitch Emm’s Prediction : Mega Man X 85% -- Suikoden 18%

heheh, HM's not even trying anymore. I guess i'm the only one who belives MMX will only be in the 60's.

If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
Tatsumaki Senpuu | Posted 7/2/2006 5:50:34 PM | message detail | #131
Silence! Math never was one of my strong points.

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing." -- Solid Snake
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 5:52:26 PM | message detail | #132
Should have just stuck to giving the winner's percentage then. =P
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6
Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 5:52:52 PM | message detail | #133
I was going to change it HM, until I realized I didn't know which side to add/subtract from.

At least the Pokemon/SO one adds up to 100!
Moltar Status: Excited, the Contest is here at last!
LoZ vs. Civilization - Bracket: LoZ - Vote: LoZ (0/0)
TransgenderLove | Posted 7/2/2006 5:53:03 PM | message detail | #134
XMFD. I love you Aitch Emm.

Explicit Content
Cheer Up Trannys.
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 5:55:26 PM | message detail | #135
Aitch Emm ='s My new Hero

i love him...
If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 7/2/2006 6:04:31 PM | message detail | #136
I have 71.82 I believe. I fear it might be a little on the low side. Let's just hope that Suikoden can pull random votes out of it's ass.

Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
Dawodieiam75 | Posted 7/2/2006 8:34:56 PM | message detail | #137
oooh wheee, LoZ is sooooo close to 90....
If you fail to answer all of the questions correctly, you will be referred to as "BumBumDoodleDum the 00ber n00b" and will be treated accordingly.
fortybelowsummer | Posted 7/2/2006 8:43:20 PM | message detail | #138
During universal times of deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell
HaRRicH | Posted 7/2/2006 9:14:18 PM | message detail | #139
I believe HM should not be allowed to continue posting on Board 8 until he agrees to keep ****ing up his math. Not that he'd HAVE to agree to it to do it anyway, but I love seeing it, heh.
Miss my Four-Pack Of Fun? Go here:
XxSoulxX | Posted 7/2/2006 10:41:57 PM | message detail | #140

I can't believe I changed my 90% prediction.
--- -
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
^5 SOWL IMHO - Explicit Content
SquallidSnake | Posted 7/2/2006 10:42:58 PM | message detail | #141
Odd, I don't have the lowest prediction this time. I'm surprised somebody went under 70% for this one.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
Knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory.
Janus5000 | Posted 7/2/2006 10:48:40 PM | message detail | #142
and unlike a lot of other characters, Mega Man only has his games to draw his strength from.

Didn't he have an old cartoon?
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
SquallidSnake | Posted 7/2/2006 10:49:22 PM | message detail | #143


Yes, and the show was awesome.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
Knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 7/2/2006 10:51:55 PM | message detail | #144
85.02% was my Oracle pick. Seems as though that beats out HM, mnm, Leon and yo

Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
SquallidSnake | Posted 7/2/2006 11:19:10 PM | message detail | #145
Looks like Ulti got the first point.
Some stories can't be told by words. Some legends are meant to die.
Knowing your enemy is the quickest path to victory.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 7/2/2006 11:26:14 PM | message detail | #146
And I'm on track for another if this keeps up.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4, KH:COM (Sora), Larussa 92 (NYY), FE8, WC3: Frozen Throne
therealmnm | Posted 7/2/2006 11:27:14 PM | message detail | #147
Nominate Carmen Sandiego for SC2k6
Currently playing: Fable, MGS3:S, GTA:SA, MMAC
Lopen | Posted 7/2/2006 11:28:31 PM | message detail | #148
I'd say Moltar, mnm, and yes, even myself are more likely to get the point on this one than you, Ulti. Mega Man X is only gonna speed up come daytime.
Raiden is still [!!] nominations short!
Master Moltar | Posted 7/2/2006 11:28:59 PM | message detail | #149
I think you mean, I'm on track for a point!!
Moltar Status: Excited, the Contest is here at last!
MMX vs. Suikoden - Bracket: MMX - Vote: MMX (1/1)
Saiyan Pezhead | Posted 7/2/2006 11:29:14 PM | message detail | #150
Can I be Over? I prefer Dengakuman, but Over is about the coolest person not allready used thar.
Nominating: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Captain Falcon, Prince of Persia, Rain, Vivi, Fox McCloud, Mewtwo, Axel