Summer 2005 Contest
Summer 2005 Contest Analysis Crew
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From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:11:42 PM | Message Detail | #001
Part 1 -

There are all the old analyses and stuff. Thanks to CN for archiving it. Now I'm about to re-post the Chief/DK analyses, so no 140 post argument this time please.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:12:09 PM | Message Detail | #002
Flood Division Round 2 - Match 41 – (1)Master Chief vs. (4)Donkey Kong

Master Chief - Guns and corny one-liners can get you far.
Round 1 – vs. CATS (Chief: 68.83% - CATS: 31.17%)

All our vote really belonged to CATS that time.

DK - When I walk around in public wearing only a tie, I get arrested for it.
Round 1 – vs. Sam Fisher (DK: 64.76% - Fisher: 35.24%)

Fisher continues to show that no one cares for him.

After 5 tougher and exciting matches, we finally get a break with the Flood Division. Then again, I think Kefka/Vercetti was enough for everyone.

So Chief vs. DK. Chief was actually looking pretty bad after his match with CATS. Even after Halo 2, he failed to break 69% on CATS. This might be because CATS’s mug was easy to view for all and scored him a nice boost. Then, at the start of the next match, upset flags were raised as DK destroyed Fisher. Of course, knowing DK, something bad always happens to him, and he lost his 70%+ percentage all throughout the day until he fell under 65%.

So, the upset looked good at first, but now we can all see that Chief will win. Don’t expect the ape to roll over and die though in the match.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Master Chief will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Chief: 56% - DK: 44%

Ulti’s Analysis

(Special note from Ulti: I'm either getting married or on my honeymoon as you're reading this, so know that all of my second round writeups will suck. I'm doing the same short writeups that I did for the last round, because I don't have time to be extensive.)

(Special note from Moltar: DK! Donkey Krunk!)

Though it's conceivable that DK could win, can he actually pull off the upset against post-Halo 2 Master Chief? It would be a hilarious upset, but can it actually _happen_?

...screw it, I'll predict a close match for kicks.

Prediction: Master Chief with 50.13%

Outback’s Analysis

Chief/CATS and DK/Sam proved that DK can make this close, but DK's rather lackluster performance in recent years makes me think that it's unlikely that, no matter how overrated MC is by 2k4 stats, for DK to win this, but it'll be close.

Master Chief with 54.67%

Inviso’s Analysis

Last round, Master Chief and Donkey Kong’s matches greatly saddened me. Master Chief did extremely poorly against ****ing CATS. Couldn’t beat Ansem and completely lame, overused, and dead joke CATS. Meanwhile, Donkey Kong almost doubled Sam Fisher. Donkey Kong has definitely been weakening over the years, yet he still managed to pull a great performance and make Sam look weaker than Vyse. Hopefully I’m right, or else Gamefaqs really is one of the worst sites on the net, but Master Chief, albeit looking weak, should still be able to beat Donkey Kong. If not, then Nintendrones have truly taken over the site.

My Bracket: Master Chief
My Vote: Master Chief
My Prediction: Master Chief with 55.48%

SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:12:46 PM | Message Detail | #003
Soul’s Analysis

How they got here

Master Chief defeated CATS: 68.83% - 31.17%
Donkey Kong defeated Sam Fisher: 64.76% - 35.24%

DK! Donkey Kong!
DK! Donkey Kong is *BOOM*........ Headshot. :)

Sorry, just had to do that eventually.

Ok, on with the match. Well, talk about underperforming to the fullest. Master Chief, the character that was stronger then Ryu according to the adjusted stats, gets 12% less on CATS then Ryu did in 2002. Yes, yes, 2002 results with a grain of salt, I understand that. But this was just to good to let up. Why was he ranked so high in the first place?

Oh right, he was part of that 20XX division, that basically took a dump on the stats last year. Yes, the infamous Frog/Chief/Liquid, as well as MM/Snake/Tidus bombings basically made everyone in that division screwed up. But I'm sure you all are aware of what happened there, so there's no need for me to go over it.

Donkey Kong, on the other hand, scores just as much on Fisher that Magus did in 2003. Again, we all know what happened with Magus, so there's no need to go through it again.

Now, we basically have two screwed up results on our hands here. I know that Fisher is stronger then face CATS, but I have no clue by how much. If he would win with 55%, then DK is going to give Master Chief a tough time.

The safe bet to go with here is Master Chief. I would easily choose Chief, but then you have to realize something here. Nintendo stars have been overperforming in 90% of the matches that they're in so far. Add to the fact that DK has the best picture that he will ever get, I'm starting to really doubt Master Chief is going to win. With Halo 2 out, I was as shocked as everyone else when Chief performed the way he did. If he didn't gain from that game, then DK stands a great shot at taking him down.

Oh well, I probably won't get this point anyway, so might as well risk it. Again, the safe bet here is Master Chief, but I believe the upset could happen. Of course, I'm aware of the backlash I'll receive when choosing DK, but I'll deal with it.

My prediction: Donkey Kong wins with 50.01% of the vote. *Activates flame shield, armor, bunker, and everything in between*.

Cena’s Analysis

So we've got Donkey Kong and Master Chief in round 2. Both had some pretty unimpressive wins in round 1, but Master Chief had the easier match against CATS. DK is definitely not as strong as he used to be, and with the edition of Halo 2 to all X-Box libraries, and the big hype for Halo 3 on the X-Box 360, I think it's safe to say that MC has the advantage as far as new, casual gamers. Donkey Kong might have some voters that are in the SSB: Online camp and even the nostalgia camp, but that's not really a credible case here. In previous years, both contestants seemed to be even. Master Chief has continued a streak of fairly uimpressive wins, and even lost to Frog. DK and Vercetti had a good fight, as well. Neither managed 70% on their first round opponents, so they're definitely not strong contenders. With Halo's continuous popularity, and DKs not-so-hyped up games, (Donkey Konga, anyone? Eugh), I'm sure MC will pick up the win, though it should be close. I don't think stats will make much of a difference, either.

Prediction: Master Chief with 55.3%

SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:13:21 PM | Message Detail | #004
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:13:24 PM | Message Detail | #005
Vlado’s Analysis

This match will certainly be much closer than people expected in the beginning of the contest. Hell, with the rampage Nintendo has been on the WHOLE contest, I wouldn't be surprised to see Donkey Kong win here. Thank goodness, he's a worthless ape and he is certainly the weakest Nintendo representative in the contest. The problem, however, comes from the fact that Master Chief proved that he's not strong, either. Failing to get even 69% against Cats proves that you're a joke. Sure, there are certainly plenty of Master Chief/Xbox anti-votes, but it can't be just that. Sure, Cats does much better with his cool face pic, but that's not it, either. Master Chief has dropped since last year, instead of getting stronger, despite Halo 2. Everything points at that, heck, even estimating him through the inflated Cats villain contest value proves that he has dropped by at least a percent and a half.

What do we have on Donkey Kong... His first round win was quite impressive, he almost doubled Sam Fisher, while the stats predicted a somewhat close match between the two... The question is - is his win over Fisher more impressive than Chief's over Cats? Hmm... If Cats' spring contest value is realistic, he could easily beat Fisher. Which would mean that Master Chief would win here. I'm pretty sure that Fisher has dropped since last year, while Cats has certainly gone up... In the best case scenario for Fisher, they're on the same level now. He can't possibly have over half a percent advantage over Cats.

Conclusion - Master Chief wins. Donkey Kong will make it close enough to embarrass the Xbox icon, but Chief will survive till Round 3, where he will inevitably get his ass handed by Crono. Just one more thing... If the stats fail me again and Donkey Kong actually wins this... I will probably completely disregard the bull**** that the stats are from now on.

Predicted percentage: Master Chief with 53.46%.

SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:13:57 PM | Message Detail | #006
Tnote's Slighty Late Analysis

SSB:M owns SC2k5. Every single one of its characters is overperforming, and some are pulling decent upsets to boot. DK will do the same thing tomorrow, as MC’s cushy position in the X-Stats was exposed by Frog’s complete annihilation at the hands of Samus. I am willing to bet the ranch that 53% on Felix is a better judge of his strength than the inflated 50% on Frog.

Pick: Donkey Kong with 50.69%

SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:14:07 PM | Message Detail | #007
Go DK Go!
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: Sir Bormun | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:15:07 PM | Message Detail | #008
So by slightly late, do you mean "after the match started"?
I can't think of anything to put here, but I can't just leave it blank, can I?
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:17:30 PM | Message Detail | #009
Bowser...................58.98% 53964
Ryu........................41.02% 37536
TOTAL VOTES......................91500

64.04% of the brackets called this match correctly.

No stopping Nintendo this Contest. Bowser blows past Ryu, doing better on Ryu than Snake, Sonic and even Samus did on him. Very impressive performance by the Koopa King. He's looking like a contender to take out Snake.

Today, Chief is losing to DK, but it's not over yet. Chief is in the middle of a comeback now. Let's see if he can pull it off.


Soul - 7
Tnote - 6
Vlado - 6
Inviso - 5
Outback - 5
Ulti - 4
Moltar - 4
MasterMage - 1

Inviso had the highest Bowser pick.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:18:32 PM | Message Detail | #010
Well, it might have been written before the match, but I didn't get it until after the match had started.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
M. Chief vs. DK - Bracket: Chief - Vote: Chief (42/48)
From: FantasyFreak999 | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:41:13 PM | Message Detail | #011
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"
~Kefka, Final Fantasy 6~
From: Adept_Of_Aiur | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:44:15 PM | Message Detail | #012
Why did you lock the other one??
"All pretty girls are a trap, a pretty trap, and men expect them to be."
From: Heroic Viktor | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:46:59 PM | Message Detail | #013
It was written before the match, but I emailed it to MM when I got back from birthday festivities. I assume, should DK win, that Soul still gets the point. I mean, I got it to him late, and it is only fair.

RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/2005
SC2k5 - 43/48 (Kefka, Magus, Ocelot, Tidus)
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:54:35 PM | Message Detail | #014
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:55:30 PM | Message Detail | #015
Janus, please delete that. I'm sure we all don't want another argument in this topic.
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: Dranze | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:55:43 PM | Message Detail | #016
Yeah, of course no one wants to play a game for the game not even once.
From: gonf | Posted: 8/28/2005 1:59:37 PM | Message Detail | #017
Most wanted game: Zelda: TP
From: SurfingVaporeon | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:05:01 PM | Message Detail | #018
From: Conceited Bastard | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:06:49 PM | Message Detail | #019
From: dowolf | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:28:48 PM | Message Detail | #020
"It's kind of amusing how 'love' is so much more offensive than 'hate.'" - DClown, on the GTA:SA scandal.
From: Janus5000 | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:30:22 PM | Message Detail | #021
I don't see what's wrong with arguments, I just thought that was funny <_< Meh, I'm not a big fan of arguing.
The King of all Cosmos' route to summer victory:
Round 1: (0) Voters
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:31:06 PM | Message Detail | #022
There's nothing wrong with arguments. Just this isn't a topic for them.
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: Jmast7 | Posted: 8/28/2005 2:31:50 PM | Message Detail | #023
From: Pumpinator | Posted: 8/28/2005 3:23:05 PM | Message Detail | #024
Karma post for my alt
From: shadow8021 | Posted: 8/28/2005 4:55:06 PM | Message Detail | #025
Summer Contest Score: 43/48
Today's Pick: Master Chief
From: yoshifan823 | Posted: 8/28/2005 4:56:55 PM | Message Detail | #026
When's the next one?
Yoshifan scorecard: Next Match: Bowser Vs. Chun-Li: 86.58%
Points:Contest:14/14 Oracle:609.14/9th place
From: badazzbuddy117 | Posted: 8/28/2005 5:00:12 PM | Message Detail | #027
"I'll carry you in this Snuggli. I used it to carry Rob Schneider in the movie, "My Baby is an Ugly Man."
From: SephirothG | Posted: 8/28/2005 5:21:21 PM | Message Detail | #028
Sorry to flood this, but tag
"Let's mosey"
Summer Contest Score: 44/48, Predicted Winner: Crono
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 8/28/2005 5:21:39 PM | Message Detail | #029
Summer 2005 Contest - 40/48 points
Current Match Prediction: Master Chief vs. Donkey Kong
From: underloud | Posted: 8/28/2005 5:24:13 PM | Message Detail | #030
way too much time on your hands
"I don't like the DS, and I'd rather play with my real dog than some animated one." Super Saiyan Gnome
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 7:14:10 PM | Message Detail | #031
Flood Division Round 2 - Match 42 – (6)Tommy Vercetti vs. (2)Crono

Vercetti - He should run very far away. It’s freakin’ Crono.
Round 1 – vs. Kefka (Vercetti: 51.14% - Kefka: 48.86%)

After one hectic day, the smoke cleared and the man from Vice City won.

Crono - Captain of the debate team back in high-school, lost, and never spoke again.
Round 1 – vs. Zidane (Crono: 76.72% - Zidane: 23.28%)

Crono shows no mercy to Zidane. None at all.

Well, it was either this of another Crono/Kefka SFF-fest, so I guess we didn’t get the short-end of the stick. Still doesn’t change the fact that Crono will mop the floor with his opponent. But you have to admit, Kefka’s performance was impressive, but one man could have put him over the top. One man was responsible for Vercetti’s constant stalls. One man was responsible for one of the crazy days in Board 8 history. That man is George Romero, and we have him on the line. George, are you there?

GR: Yeah, I’m here.

Moltar: Alright, it’s good to have you on Moltar’s Analysis.

GR: Good to be here, Moltar.

Moltar: Before we get to the big questions, care to tell the readers a little something about you?

GR: Well, I’m a former user at GameFAQs. I was banned after that incident with Kefka, but what you should know most about me, is that I have single-handedly effected many of the Contest polls on this site. From MGS vs. FFT, to both Mario vs. Crono matches. I’m the reason MGS and Mario won. Me, me, all me! I….am a hacking GOD!

Moltar: Yeah, yeah, calm down JBL. Anyway, the question that is burning on everybody’s mind is “Why?”

GR: Why’d I do it? Well, I wasn’t planning on getting caught. I wanted Kefka to win. But no one knows the real reason. It’s not about my bracket or the chaos it would cause.

Moltar: Then why?

GR: JACK THOMPSON! THAT’S WHY! Jack came to me the day before this match, and offered me a huge wad of cash to make Vercetti lose this match. Now I’m a man that loves wads, so I couldn’t pass this chance up. I stuffed to my hearts content, and every time Jack Thompson refreshed the poll to see Vercetti getting crushed, it made him very happy. “Violent video game characters don’t deserve to win.” He stated, then offered me his wad. I couldn’t refuse such a big wad. That’s why Moltar, I did it for Jack Thompson’s wad.

Moltar:….*RKO’s George over the phone*

Extha: Oh no you don’t! *Runs into the analysis and RKO’s Moltar*

Randy Orton: Oh no YOU don’t! *Runs into the analysis and RKO’s Extha*


Moltar’s Bracket Says: Crono will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Vercetti: 29% - Crono: 71%

Ulti’s Analysis

(Special note from Ulti: I'm either getting married or on my honeymoon as you're reading this, so know that all of my second round writeups will suck. I'm doing the same short writeups that I did for the last round, because I don't have time to be extensive.)

(Special note from Moltar: Ulti sure missed a string of exciting matches!</sarcasm>)

One of the few second round matches to be 100% sure about.

Prediction: Crono with 76.35%

Tnote’s Analysis

Tommy’s gonna ruuuuuun, gonna run so far awaaaaaaaaay… from George Romero… he just couldn’t get awaaaaaaaaay… from that vote stuffing clown! Ray Liotta is the best actor in Hollywood, and if it was not for his award-winning voice acting, Tommy would be no different than that tool Claude (fake name I believe) from GTA3. Tommy got doubled by Mega Man during his peak, and Crono is stronger than MM. And with no Hawaiian shirt, Mr. Vercetti may not break 30%. But that’s ok, because my need is greater than yours, *****es.

Pick: Crono with 70.83%
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/28/2005 7:14:40 PM | Message Detail | #032
Soul’s Analysis

How they got here

Tommy Vercetti defeated Kefka: 51.14% - 48.86%
Crono defeats Zidane: 76.72% - 23.28%

After a string of tough matches to predict, we in the crew finally get an easy match. Crono is the obvious winner here. The thing to look forward to is if Crono underperforms like others from his game (Frog, Magus).

Of course, I think otherwise. The fans of Kefka, who were "cheated" out of a win against Vercetti (why hello thar irony) will probably anti-vote Vercetti, therefore giving Crono a bigger win then what he was supposed to get.

Of course, this could prove whether or not Kefka was SFFed against Crono in 2003 or not as well. If Crono scores around 77% on Vercetti, then no SFF should have happened in the Crono/Kefka match. Again, I'm expecting Crono to get around that number against Vercetti.

Basically, this match is just here to give us a breather before we start up the tough matches once again. Crono was a lock to win this division from the start.

My prediction: Crono wins with 77.00% of the vote. Somewhat high. I hope it pays off.

Outback’s Analysis

Apparently the sword is mightier than the gun.

Crono with 73.30%

Inviso’s Analysis

Well, Tommy was part of the infamous George Romerowning last round, where he narrowly beat Kefka after a last minute stuffed vote removal by CJayC. Crono, in the first round, took on Zidane, who is in my opinion, the sexiest FF lead of all time. Crono beat him soundly, and with most characters, his victory would’ve been deemed strong. But Crono is noble nine. He’s one of the few characters with a decent chance of winning the main bracket. He barely tripled an FFIX character. FFIX is, as I said earlier, sadly weak on Gamefaqs, and Chrono Trigger is strong, yet Crono performed very weak for a match where he should’ve gotten even higher due to Square SFF. But don’t worry; he has no chance of losing to Tommy. He isn’t Kefka after all.

My Bracket: Crono
My Vote: Crono
My Prediction: Crono with 73.83%

Vlado’s Analysis

*yawns* Instead of an interesting rematch between Kefka and Crono, which would show us whether Kefka would do better than in 2003 and at least provide some entertainment, we get a match between the one who I like to think is still a favourite to win the whole contest and Tommy, who should just be happy he made it so far. This is a stupid, boring match, Crono will dominate all through it and win it with ease. The only question is by how much he will. I don't even think this match will tell us anything about Crono's strength this year, even though it should give us more information than the one against Zidane.

Tommy's obviously still the most popular character from the GTA series, he managed to beat Kefka with just over 51%, after losing up until the very end of the match. The best he can do here is avoid a doubling, and I think even that would be pushing it. There's a possibility that Crono has dropped, since Magus and Frog did really badly (though, I think Magus' 49% against Knuckles will still give him a decent position in the stats, though not as great as his 2003 and 2004 ones). I think that's true, but he won't have dropped enough to not make the finals. Basically, I think the only two characters that can stop him are Vincent and Tifa, depending on how strong they really are. However, it's getting more and more likely that Crono will once again have to live through the nightmare of losing to Mario, and this time in the finals of the regular tournament, which would be an immense pain for all of his fans.

Predicted percentage: Crono with 68.71%.
From: sidharta | Posted: 8/29/2005 12:38:43 AM | Message Detail | #033
...screw it, I'll predict a close match for kicks.

Ulti got it right again, by NOT being serious again.

I wonder if he could win the contest by making a bracket "for kicks".

Reserved for the winner of the SC2K5 Guru Challenge.
From: DaruniaTheGoron | Posted: 8/29/2005 12:49:03 AM | Message Detail | #034
I think Vlado is going to win the next one. Mid 70's against Vercetti sounds a little high to me.
The only thing O.J. is guilty of is mercilessly slashing through all defenders to score touchdowns. - ImNotYou
Proud member of the Hylian Knights--41/48 in the 2k5 SC -- XBL GT: Vance Mendoza
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/29/2005 1:18:42 AM | Message Detail | #035
DK was so close... ;_;
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/29/2005 4:10:49 PM | Message Detail | #036
Master Chief....................50.79% 50165
Donkey Kong...................49.21% 48597
TOTAL VOTES.............................98762

71.04% of the brackets called this match correctly.

What a match! DK was looking to have this by morning, but when that Xbox day vote started, Chief was on a train and wasn't stopping. He cut down the lead all day, and then finally took the lead at the 15:50 update. There, he built on it and won with over 1000 votes. From being down 2000, to winning by over 1000. That day vote sure is helpful.

Today, pretty boring. Crono is doing just what most thought, destroying Vercetti.


Soul - 7
Tnote - 6
Vlado - 6
Ulti - 5
Inviso - 5
Outback - 5
Moltar - 4
MasterMage - 1

Ulti thought it would be close, and was right.
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Crono vs. Vercetti - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Crono (44/50)
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted: 8/29/2005 8:20:34 PM | Message Detail | #037
*Eagerly awaits Dante vs Vincent to hopfully proove that Kerri is sub-fodder*
"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Micheal Flatley and Hellboy"-trancer1 Officially out of the running SC2k5(Magus..)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/29/2005 8:24:23 PM | Message Detail | #038
Devil Division Round 2 - Match 43 – (1)Dante vs. (4)Vincent

Dante - His biggest enemy = Bad camera angles
Round 1 – vs. Terra (Dante: 71.50% - Terra: 28.50%)

Dante shows us that FF6 characters, even heroes…are pretty darn weak.

Vincent - His biggest enemy = Happiness and bright colors
Round 1 – vs. Kerrigan (Vincent: 79.00% - Kerrigan: 21.00%)

Vincent crushes many SC fanboys hopes and dreams by destroying Kerrigan.

Another highly debated Round 2 matches. The BOP slightly favors Vincent on this one, but it’s anybody’s game. Let’s take an in-depth look at this one.

Before both these Round 1 matches happened, people figured that they would be somewhat close. Instead, they turned out to be massive blowouts. First it was Dante’s turn. Some people thought Terra had a chance here, while many expected Dante to win with about 60-65%. Instead, he goes a step further and beats the FF6 heroine with 71.5% of the vote. People were impressed, and Dante over Vincent/Kerrigan was being booked many times. That all stopped though when Vincent stepped up to the plate. Vincent predictions were all over the place, and a nice group of people though Kerrigan would pull the upset. No one, however, expected Vincent to get even a tripling, much less a near-quadding. The Dante fans watched in awe as the Vincent hopefuls booked him over Dante many-a-times.

So now we finally reach the match. Both looked very impressive in Round 1, but from where I stand, Vincent was the more impressive one on this day. I mean, if Kerrigan was around Gordon Freeman level in the stats; that puts Vincent right around an Un-Adjusted Mega Man in the 2004 stats. That is damn impressive. Dante fans are going to have to hope Terra was stronger than she looked and that Dante boosted. I do find it hard to believe Terra would lose to JC Denton and Earthworm Jim, so the possibility of Dante getting a boost from DMC3 is likely.

This should be a good match, and it’s pretty much up-in-the-air to call beforehand. I’d call Vincent the slight favorite going in. Kerrigan is going to have to turn out god-awful weak for Dante to have a chance, and I don’t see that happening.

Moltar’s Bracket Says: Vincent will win.

Moltar’s Prediction is: Dante: 43% - Vincent: 57%

Ulti’s Analysis

(Special note from Ulti: I'm either getting married or on my honeymoon as you're reading this, so know that all of my second round writeups will suck. I'm doing the same short writeups that I did for the last round, because I don't have time to be extensive.)

(Special note from Moltar: Ulti is back!)

*rewinds first round tapes*

If Dante wins this, I'll give Lopen my sig for a week. That's how sure I am that he has no chance in hell.

Prediction: Vincent with 55.01%

Outback’s Analysis

Despite the fact that Kerrigan would likely be MUCH stronger with a better picture (a la CATS), Vincent's performance was still extremely impressive. However, Dante's performance against Terra was also very strong. I have no doubt that this match will NOT be a blowout by any means, but from the looks of it, Vincent should be able to advance.

Vincent with 55.00%
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Crono vs. Vercetti - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Crono (44/50)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/29/2005 8:25:14 PM | Message Detail | #039
Soul’s Analysis

How they got here

Danta defeated Terra: 71.5% - 28.5%
Vincent defeated Kerrigan: 79% - 21%

Well, looks like that Crono/Vercetti match was just a little breather before even more big matches! Dante/Vincent is one of the most hyped round 2 match. Not because it's going to be a toss up. The winner is pretty obvious as of right now. But we're waiting to see if he has what it takes to win the division against the winner of Knux/Squall.

Well, let's get this thing going. In 2002, Dante performed well. He got 70% on Q-Bert before getting 33% on Crono. Vincent, well, didn't participate back then.

In 2003, again, Dante performed well. He got 77% on Ryo Hazuki before losing respectably to Ryu, with 45% of the vote. Vincent, well, didn't participate back then.

In 2004, Dante finally made his sweet sixteen debut by scoring a blow-out against Ratchet (80%) and defeated Tails with 57%. He finished with 37% on Sonic the Hedgehog. Vincent... I think you know where I'm going with this.

Now, of course, we've seen what both of these characters could do in round 1 of this years contest. Dante, riding high on a boost from DMC3 most likely, made Terra as bad as Q-Bert. And to think, people on Board 8 actually suspected that this match could go either way. Vincent, on the other hand, completely owned everyone. A match that was supposed to go 50/50, turned out to be a huge blow-out for Mr. Valentine. 79% on a blizzard character is tough to do, but Vincent managed to do it. Of course, this made people believe that Vincent has this contest won just because of this match. I'll try not to name any names...

Almost everyone believes that Dante is a stepping stone for Vincent. It's now not whether or not Vincent is going to win; it's how much Vincent is going to win by. Of course, people are saying all types of things like "No way is Vincent getting lower then 70%" or "Dante is winning with 65%+". I can not believe that any of those incomes are going to happen.

I believe that Vincent is going to win. I would have chosen Kerrigan over Terra easily, and so would other people I assume. But, since I'm going to need a point pretty soon, I'm going to stick with a relatively safe pick.

My prediction: Vincent wins with 55.50% of the vote. My favorite match is coming up next. Woo!

Inviso’s Analysis

Dante versus Vincent is a match that has been proclaimed to be a toss up for a great while now. Both characters performed strong in their respective first round matches, higher than many people expected for either. Dante broke 70% on Terra Branford, the lead character of Final Fantasy VI, while Vincent quadrupled Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft. We all expected close matches, and yet there were two blowouts in the Devil Division. But still, one seeds should be pulling blowouts like Vincent did…not like Dante did. Dante has just proven that, like Kirby and Master Chief, he definitely did not deserve his seeding. Vincent will win this match, and I think he stands a good chance at doubling Dante.

My Bracket: Sarah Kerrigan
My Vote: Vincent Valentine
My Prediction: Vincent Valentine with 67.51%

Tnote’s Analysis

Jesus, both combatants participated in bloodbaths. Terra beats Kerrigan easily, however Vincent almost freakin’ quadrupled Kerrigan. This one will be closer than most think, simply because Kerrigan is crap, and not many are willing to admit that. Vincent should be able to run the table to Crono, but it depends on whether or not Squall wins, and if he gets SFFed by those who feel any FF hero>sidekick. But for the time being, Dante should be grateful he got to be a first round star by plastering the extremely overhyped chick.

Pick: Vincent with 54.83%
SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Crono vs. Vercetti - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Crono (44/50)
From: Master Moltar | Posted: 8/29/2005 8:25:24 PM | Message Detail | #040
Vlado’s Analysis

So, many think that Dante will give Vincent a hard battle and what not... Well, other than the possible bracket votes, given Dante's seed, I simply can't see another thing that would give him any chance here. Let's get serious, Vincent is one of the best liked Final Fantasy VII characters. Even the sheer fact he's from FFVII guarantees him the win, but he's also a fan favourite, which will make this even worse for Dante. I think the best he can do is avoid a doubling.

Tough luck for Dante, really. He owned Terra really badly, but this will be the end of the road for him. We see characters weaker than him make the next round, but he had to go against Vincent, one of the favourites to win the whole tournament. In my opinion, just 4 characters can win now - Mario, Crono, Vincent and Tifa. One of them will certainly win. Mario is the huge, proven favourite, Vincent and Tifa can join him if they kick enough ass in their matches to prove that it's not just Nintendo that has been on the rise. Crono... Well, he hasn't proven anything yet, due to not having faced an opponent that doesn't suck yet. But I think that if he and Mario meet again, he'll have a much harder time than last year and he'll likely lose.

But anyway, this is about Vincent. Sure, he can't compare to Cloud or Sephiroth, but I'm pretty sure he'll be a good deal stronger than Aeris was, as will Tifa. It's very likely that we see Vince and Tifa face off against each other in the semis, and that would be a very interesting battle. I think the winner there could go on and take the tournament.

Predicted percentage: Vincent Valentine with 64.54%.

SC2K5: Samus is going all the way!
Crono vs. Vercetti - Bracket: Crono - Vote: Crono (44/50)
From: Half There | Posted: 8/29/2005 9:51:46 PM | Message Detail | #041
...he loves dancing, on the other hand. What is art if not... girls in skin-tight, translucent outfits heaving and grinding onstage? - Lava
From: Draco1214 | Posted: 8/29/2005 9:52:47 PM | Message Detail | #042
*waves Dante flag*
Summer 2005 Contest - 44/52 points
Current Match Prediction: Dante vs. Vincent Valentine
From: SubZeroUnmasked | Posted: 8/29/2005 9:55:49 PM | Message Detail | #043
TNote wins. BOOK IT!
"That's like saying Herpes is better than Broadband if more people have Herpes"-Vinnie Pain
R.I.P, Tech TV 12/31/04. T3h Yoshifan is Me!
From: Infamus | Posted: 8/29/2005 10:21:47 PM | Message Detail | #044
From: DBZFIGHTERS | Posted: 8/30/2005 1:52:00 AM | Message Detail | #045
Vincent with 62.7% of the votes >_>

Die hard Cubs, Pistons, Patriot and Maple Leaf fan
Owl Squad Member ( ēvē( ēvē )ēvē ) O RLY?
From: Heroic Viktor | Posted: 8/30/2005 7:43:27 AM | Message Detail | #046
Ooh Moltar, why oooh why did you round your Crono pick??? You coulda made me eat a 2nd place on Crono despite being only .02% off if you woulda used your oracle pick.

RIP: Tnote827 - 4/4/2005
SC2k5 - 47/52 (Kefka, Magus, Ocelot, Tidus)
From: AndroidFroggy | Posted: 8/30/2005 10:40:31 AM | Message Detail | #047
"I will take you down with my 1337 skillz!"-some guy
"... Do you even need that many?"-Wolf Warhead
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/30/2005 3:05:26 PM | Message Detail | #048
"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: XxSoulxX | Posted: 8/30/2005 7:09:46 PM | Message Detail | #049
No analysis'?

"ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'." - Topaz Kitsune
*Waiting for Guru winner's sig*
From: shadow8021 | Posted: 8/30/2005 7:29:48 PM | Message Detail | #050
*patiently waits*
Knuckles the Echidna's Road to SC2K5 Glory!
Round 2: vs. (2) Squall Leonhart
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